31 research outputs found

    Improving Facial Emotion Recognition with Image processing and Deep Learning

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    Humans often use facial expressions along with words in order to communicate effectively. There has been extensive study of how we can classify facial emotion with computer vision methodologies. These have had varying levels of success given challenges and the limitations of databases, such as static data or facial capture in non-real environments. Given this, we believe that new preprocessing techniques are required to improve the accuracy of facial detection models. In this paper, we propose a new yet simple method for facial expression recognition that enhances accuracy. We conducted our experiments on the FER-2013 dataset that contains static facial images. We utilized Unsharp Mask and Histogram equalization to emphasize texture and details of the images. We implemented Convolution Neural Networks [CNNs] to classify the images into 7 different facial expressions, yielding an accuracy of 69.46% on the test set. We also employed pre-trained models such as Resnet-50, Senet-50, VGG16, and FaceNet, and applied transfer learning to achieve an accuracy of 76.01% using an ensemble of seven models

    A Sentiment Analysis Visualization System for the Property Industry

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    The usage of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, either by the public or by organizations, has been rapidly increasing. The decision-makers in the organizations use social media to engage with their customers since public users tend to express their opinions about certain products and services through this popular mechanism. Hence, this valuable data can be useful for marketing and business decisions. However, the main obstacle is obtaining meaningful information from these platforms due to the unstructured data they present. Sentiment analysis is seen as the best tool to analyze insights or opinions in this huge amount of data. In this article, we extract data on public opinion about property in order to understand the reason behind the imbalances of supply and demand currently faced by the property industry in Malaysia. In addition, we visualized the sentiment results in the form of a dashboard so that it may help property players to understand the public sentiments toward their housing or construction projects

    Magnetic Angular Rate and Gravity Sensor Based Supervised Learning for Positioning Tasks

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    This paper deals with sensor fusion of magnetic, angular rate and gravity sensor (MARG). The main contribution of this paper is the sensor fusion performed by supervised learning, which means parallel processing of the different kinds of measured data and estimating the position in periodic and non-periodic cases. During the learning phase, the position estimated by sensor fusion is compared with position data of a motion capture system. The main challenge is avoiding the error caused by the implicit integral calculation of MARG. There are several filter based signal processing methods for disturbance and noise estimation, which are calculated for each sensor separately. These classical methods can be used for disturbance and noise reduction and extracting hidden information from it as well. This paper examines the different types of noises and proposes a machine learning-based method for calculation of position and orientation directly from nine separate sensors. This method includes the disturbance and noise reduction in addition to sensor fusion. The proposed method was validated by experiments which provided promising results on periodic and translational motion as well

    A Study on Human Face Expressions using Convolutional Neural Networks and Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Human beings express themselves via words, signs, gestures, and facial emotions. Previous research using pre-trained convolutional models had been done by freezing the entire network and running the models without the use of any image processing techniques. In this research, we attempt to enhance the accuracy of many deep CNN architectures like ResNet and Senet, using a variety of different image processing techniques like Image Data Generator, Histogram Equalization, and UnSharpMask. We used FER 2013, which is a dataset containing multiple classes of images. While working on these models, we decided to take things to the next level, and we attempted to make changes to the models themselves to improve their accuracy. While working on this research, we were introduced to another concept in Deep Learning known as Generative Adversarial Networks, which are also known as GANs. They are generative deep learning models which are based on deep CNN models, and they comprise two CNN models - a Generator and a Discriminator. The primary task of the former is to generate random noises in the form of images and passes them to the latter. The Discriminator compares the noise with the input image and accepts/rejects it, based on the similarity. Over the years, there have been various distinguished architectures of GANs namely CycleGAN, StyleGAN, etc. which have allowed us to create sophisticated architectures to not only generate the same image as the original input but also to make changes to them and generate different images. For example, CycleGAN allows us to change the season of scenery from Summer to Winter or change the emotion in the face of a person from happy to sad. Though these sophisticated models are good, we are working with an architecture that has two deep neural networks, which essentially creates problems with hyperparameter tuning and overfitting

    Smart learning environment: Teacher’s role in assessing classroom attention

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    The main purpose of this article is to investigate the impact of teacher’s position on students’ performance in higher education. A new pedagogical approach based on collaborative learning is used due to the design of a smart learning environment (SLE). This workspace uses, respectively, information and communication technologies (ICT) and radio frequency identification (RFID)-based indoor positioning system in order to examine students’ perceptions and the involvement of groups into this smart classroom. The merge of interactive multimedia system, ubiquitous computing and several handheld devices should lead to a successful active learning process. Firstly, we provide a detailed description of the proposed collaborative environment using mainly new technologies and indoor location system serving as a platform for evaluating attention. The research provides an obvious consensus on the teacher’s role in assessing classroom attention. We discuss our preliminary results on how teacher’s position influences essentially students’ participation. Our first experiments show that the integration of novel technologies in the area of higher education is extremely promoting the traditional way of teaching. The smart classroom model has been recommended to support this evolution. As a result, the found results indicate that the teacher’s position increases the learner’s motivation, engagement and effective learning

    Colossal Trajectory Mining: A unifying approach to mine behavioral mobility patterns

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    Spatio-temporal mobility patterns are at the core of strategic applications such as urban planning and monitoring. Depending on the strength of spatio-temporal constraints, different mobility patterns can be defined. While existing approaches work well in the extraction of groups of objects sharing fine-grained paths, the huge volume of large-scale data asks for coarse-grained solutions. In this paper, we introduce Colossal Trajectory Mining (CTM) to efficiently extract heterogeneous mobility patterns out of a multidimensional space that, along with space and time dimensions, can consider additional trajectory features (e.g., means of transport or activity) to characterize behavioral mobility patterns. The algorithm is natively designed in a distributed fashion, and the experimental evaluation shows its scalability with respect to the involved features and the cardinality of the trajectory dataset