22 research outputs found

    Fusion of Physiological and Behavioural Signals on SPD Manifolds with Application to Stress and Pain Detection

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    Existing multimodal stress/pain recognition approaches generally extract features from different modalities independently and thus ignore cross-modality correlations. This paper proposes a novel geometric framework for multimodal stress/pain detection utilizing Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices as a representation that incorporates the correlation relationship of physiological and behavioural signals from covariance and cross-covariance. Considering the non-linearity of the Riemannian manifold of SPD matrices, well-known machine learning techniques are not suited to classify these matrices. Therefore, a tangent space mapping method is adopted to map the derived SPD matrix sequences to the vector sequences in the tangent space where the LSTM-based network can be applied for classification. The proposed framework has been evaluated on two public multimodal datasets, achieving both the state-of-the-art results for stress and pain detection tasks.Comment: International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, IEEE SMC 2022, October 9-12, 202

    Signals in the Soil: An Introduction to Wireless Underground Communications

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    In this chapter, wireless underground (UG) communications are introduced. A detailed overview of WUC is given. A comprehensive review of research challenges in WUC is presented. The evolution of underground wireless is also discussed. Moreover, different component of UG communications is wireless. The WUC system architecture is explained with a detailed discussion of the anatomy of an underground mote. The examples of UG wireless communication systems are explored. Furthermore, the differences of UG wireless and over-the-air wireless are debated. Different types of wireless underground channel (e.g., In-Soil, Soil-to-Air, and Air-to-Soil) are reported as well

    Broadcasting in an Unreliable SINR Model

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    Multiple target tracking with RF sensor networks

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    pre-printRF sensor networks are wireless networks that can localize and track people (or targets) without needing them to carry or wear any electronic device. They use the change in the received signal strength (RSS) of the links due to the movements of people to infer their locations. In this paper, we consider real-time multiple target tracking with RF sensor networks. We apply radio tomographic imaging (RTI), which generates images of the change in the propagation field, as if they were frames of a video. Our RTI method uses RSS measurements on multiple frequency channels on each link, combining them with a fade level-based weighted average. We introduce methods, inspired by machine vision and adapted to the peculiarities of RTI, that enable accurate and real-time multiple target tracking. Several tests are performed in an open environment, a one-bedroom apartment, and a cluttered office environment. The results demonstrate that the system is capable of accurately tracking in real-time up to four targets in cluttered indoor environments, even when their trajectories intersect multiple times, without mis-estimating the number of targets found in the monitored area. The highest average tracking error measured in the tests is 0.45 m with two targets, 0.46 m with three targets, and 0.55 m with four targets

    Current Advances in Internet of Underground Things

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    The latest developments in Internet of Underground Things are covered in this chapter. First, the IOUT Architecture is discussed followed by the explanation of the challenges being faced in this paradigm. Moreover, a comprehensive coverage of the different IOUT components is presented that includes communications, sensing, and system integration with the cloud. An in-depth coverage of the applications of the IOUT in various disciplines is also surveyed. These applications include areas such as decision agriculture, pipeline monitoring, border control, and oil wells

    Decision Agriculture

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    In this chapter, the latest developments in the field of decision agriculture are discussed. The practice of management zones in digital agriculture is described for efficient and smart faming. Accordingly, the methodology for delineating management zones is presented. Modeling of decision support systems is explained along with discussion of the issues and challenges in this area. Moreover, the precision agriculture technology is also considered. Moreover, the chapter surveys the state of the decision agriculture technologies in the countries such as Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Israel, Malaysia, Pakistan, United Kingdom, Ukraine, and Sweden. Finally, different field factors such as GPS accuracy and crop growth are also analyzed

    A Survey on Subsurface Signal Propagation

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    Wireless Underground Communication (WUC) is an emerging field that is being developed continuously. It provides secure mechanism of deploying nodes underground which shields them from any outside temperament or harsh weather conditions. This paper works towards introducing WUC and give a detail overview of WUC. It discusses system architecture of WUC along with the anatomy of the underground sensor motes deployed in WUC systems. It also compares Over-the-Air and Underground and highlights the major differences between the both type of channels. Since, UG communication is an evolving field, this paper also presents the evolution of the field along with the components and example UG wireless communication systems. Finally, the current research challenges of the system are presented for further improvement of the WUCs

    Modélisation et évaluation des délais de bout-en-bout dans les réseaux de capteurs

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    In this thesis, we propose an approach that combines both measurements and analytical approaches for infering a Markov chain model from the MAC protocol execution traces in order to be able to estimate the end to end delay in multi-hop transmission scenarios. This approach allows capturing the main features of WSN. Hence, a suitable Markov chain for modellingthe WSN is infered. By means of an approach based on frequency domain analysis, end to end delay distribution for multi-hop scenarios is found.This is an important contribution of our approach with regard to existing analytical approaches where the extension of these models for considering multi-hop scenarios is not possible due to the fact that the arrival distribution to intermediate nodes is not known. Since local delay distribution for each node is obtained by analysing the MAC protocol execution traces for a given traffic scenario, the obtained model (and therefore, the whole end to end delay distribution) is traffic-dependant. In order to overcome this problem, we have proposed an approach based on non-linear regression techniques for generalising our approach in terms of the traffic rate. Results were validated for different MAC protocols (X-MAC, ContikiMAC, IEEE 802.15.4) as well as a well-known routing protocol (RPL) over real test-beds (IOT-LAB).Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une novelle approche pour modéliser et estimer les délais de bout-en-bout dans les réseaux de capteurs sans-fil (WSN). Notre approche combine les approches analytiqueet expérimentale pour inférer un modèle Markovien modélisant le comportement d'un protocole de contrôle d'accès au médium (MAC) exécuté sur les noeuds d'un réseau de capteurs.A partir de ce modèle Markovien, le délai de bout en bout est ensuite obtenu par une approche analytique basée sur une analyse dans le domaine fréquentiel pour calculer la probabilité de distribution de délais pour un taux d'arrivée spécifique. Afin d’obtenir une estimation du délai de bout en bout, indépendamment du trafic en entrée, la technique de régression non-linéaire est utilisée à un ensembled’échantillons limités. Cette approche nous a permis de contourner deux problèmes: 1) la difficulté d'obtenir un modèle Markovien du comportement d’un protocole MAC en tenant compte son implémentation réelle, 2) l'estimation du délai de bout-en-bout d’un WSN multi-sauts. L'approche a été validée sur un testbed réel (IOT-LAB) et pour plusieurs protocoles (X-MAC, ContikiMAC, IEEE 802.15.4) ainsi que pour un protocole de routage (RPL)

    Collaborative Unmanned Vehicles for Inspection, Maintenance, and Repairs of Offshore Wind Turbines

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    Operations and maintenance of Offshore Wind Turbines (OWTs) are challenging, with manual operators constantly exposed to hazardous environments. Due to the high task complexity associated with the OWT, the transition to unmanned solutions remains stagnant. Efforts toward unmanned operations have been observed using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) but are limited mostly to visual inspections only. Collaboration strategies between unmanned vehicles have introduced several opportunities that would enable unmanned operations for the OWT maintenance and repair activities. There have been many papers and reviews on collaborative UVs. However, most of the past papers reviewed collaborative UVs for surveillance purposes, search and rescue missions, and agricultural activities. This review aims to present the current capabilities of Unmanned Vehicles (UVs) used in OWT for Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair (IMR) operations. Strategies to implement collaborative UVs for complex tasks and their associated challenges are discussed together with the strategies to solve localization and navigation issues, prolong operation time, and establish effective communication within the OWT IMR operations. This paper also briefly discusses the potential failure modes for collaborative approaches and possible redundancy strategies to manage them. The collaborative strategies discussed herein will be of use to researchers and technology providers in identifying significant gaps that have hindered the implementation of full unmanned systems which have significant impacts towards the net zero strategy.</jats:p

    Building a green connected future: smart (Internet of) Things for smart networks

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    The vision of Internet of Things (IoT) promises to reshape society by creating a future where we will be surrounded by a smart environment that is constantly aware of the users and has the ability to adapt to any changes. In the IoT, a huge variety of smart devices is interconnected to form a network of distributed agents that continuously share and process information. This communication paradigm has been recognized as one of the key enablers of the rapidly emerging applications that make up the fabric of the IoT. These networks, often called wireless sensor networks (WSNs), are characterized by the low cost of their components, their pervasive connectivity, and their self-organization features, which allow them to cooperate with other IoT elements to create large-scale heterogeneous information systems. However, a number of considerable challenges is arising when considering the design of large-scale WSNs. In particular, these networks are made up by embedded devices that suffer from severe power constraints and limited resources. The advent of low-power sensor nodes coupled with intelligent software and hardware technologies has led to the era of green wireless networks. From the hardware perspective, green sensor nodes are endowed with energy scavenging capabilities to overcome energy-related limitations. They are also endowed with low-power triggering techniques, i.e., wake-up radios, to eliminate idle listening-induced communication costs. Green wireless networks are considered a fundamental vehicle for enabling all those critical IoT applications where devices, for different reasons, do not carry batteries, and that therefore only harvest energy and store it for future use. These networks are considered to have the potential of infinite lifetime since they do not depend on batteries, or on any other limited power sources. Wake-up radios, coupled with energy provisioning techniques, further assist on overcoming the physical constraints of traditional WSNs. In addition, they are particularly important in green WSNs scenarios in which it is difficult to achieve energy neutrality due to limited harvesting rates. In this PhD thesis we set to investigate how different data forwarding mechanisms can make the most of these green wireless networks-enabling technologies, namely, energy harvesting and wake-up radios. Specifically, we present a number of cross-layer routing approaches with different forwarding design choices and study their consequences on network performance. Among the most promising protocol design techniques, the past decade has shown the increasingly intensive adoption of techniques based on various forms of machine learning to increase and optimize the performance of WSNs. However, learning techniques can suffer from high computational costs as nodes drain a considerable percentage of their energy budget to run sophisticated software procedures, predict accurate information and determine optimal decision. This thesis addresses also the problem of local computational requirements of learning-based data forwarding strategies by investigating their impact on the performance of the network. Results indicate that local computation can be a major source of energy consumption; it’s impact on network performance should not be neglected