75 research outputs found

    Coordinating multicore computing

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    Extending a system with verified components

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    The verification of component-based systems can be extremely complicated because it is usually not possible for system developers to pre-check the compatibility of the individual parts before the actual integration takes place. A system cannot be considered correct if its components do not work properly. Unfortunately, all the information on the correctness of the individual components become irrelevant and out-of-date from the moment they are used anywhere but the original environment. The solution to this problem can be based on the idea of building correct programs in which reliability is built-in. In this paper open incremental model checking - addressing the changes to a system rather than re-checking the entire system model including the new extensions - is discussed and compared to traditional modular model checking methods. In our paper we study the practical aspects and the efficiency of using Open Incremental Model Checking by working out a sample system consisting of verified components

    On refinement of software architectures

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    Although increasingly popular, software component techniques still lack suitable formal foundations on top of which rigorous methodologies for the description and analysis of software architectures could be built. This paper aims to contribute in this direction: building on previous work by the authors on coalgebraic semantics, it discusses component refinement at three different but interrelated levels: behavioural, syntactic, i.e., relative to component interfaces, and architectural. Software architectures are defined through component aggregation. On the other hand, such aggregations, no matter how large and complex they are, can also be dealt with as components themselves, which paves the way to a discipline of hierarchical design. In this context, a major contribution of this paper is the introduction of a set of rules for architectural refinement. Keywords: Software component, software architecture, refinement, coalgebra.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Specification, simulation, and verification of component connectors in Reo

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    Coordination and composition of components is an essential concern in component-based software engineering. In this paper, we present an operational semantics for a component composition language called Reo. Reo connectors exogenously compose and coordinate the interactions among individual components, that unawarely comprise a complex system, into a coherent collaboration. The formal semantics we present here paves the way for studying the behavior of component composition mechanisms rigorously. To demonstrate the feasibility of such a rigorous approach, we give a faithful translation of Reo semantics into the Maude term rewriting language. This translation allows us to exploit the rewriting engine and the modelchecking module in the Maude tool-set to symbolically run and model-check the behavior of Reo connectors

    A model of context-dependent component connectors

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    Recent approaches to component-based software engineering employ coordinat- ing connectors to compose components into software systems. For maximum flexibility and reuse, such connectors can themselves be composed, resulting in an expressive calculus of connectors whose semantics encompasses complex combinations of synchronisation, mutual exclusion, non-deterministic choice and state-dependent behaviour. A more expressive notion of connector includes also context-dependent behaviour, namely, whenever the choices a connector can take change non-monotonically as the context, given by the pending activity on its ports, changes. Context dependency can express notions of priority and inhi- bition. Capturing context-dependent behaviour in formal models is non-trivial, as it is unclear how to propagate context information through composition. In this paper we present an intuitive automata-based formal model of context- dependent connectors, and argue that it is superior to previous attempts at such a model for the coordination language Reo

    Pattern Componentization: The Factory Example

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    Can Design Patterns be turned into reusable components? To help answer this question, we have performed a systematic study of the standard design patterns. One of the most interesting is Abstract Factory, for which we were indeed able to build a reusable component fulfilling the same needs as the original pattern. This article presents the component's design and its lessons for the general issue of pattern componentizatio

    Data optimizations for constraint automata

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    Constraint automata (CA) constitute a coordination model based on finite automata on infinite words. Originally introduced for modeling of coordinators, an interesting new application of CAs is implementing coordinators (i.e., compiling CAs into executable code). Such an approach guarantees correctness-by-construction and can even yield code that outperforms hand-crafted code. The extent to which these two potential advantages materialize depends on the smartness of CA-compilers and the existence of proofs of their correctness. Every transition in a CA is labeled by a "data constraint" that specifies an atomic data-flow between coordinated processes as a first-order formula. At run-time, compiler-generated code must handle data constraints as efficiently as possible. In this paper, we present, and prove the correctness of two optimization techniques for CA-compilers related to handling of data constraints: a reduction to eliminate redundant variables and a translation from (declarative) data constraints to (imperative) data commands expressed in a small sequential language. Through experiments, we show that these optimization techniques can have a positive impact on performance of generated executable code