1,393 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional laser Doppler anemometer measurements of a jet in a crossflow

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    A three-dimensional laser Doppler anemometer (3D-LDA) was used in a wind tunnel to measure a jet in a crossflow. Measurements were made in the vicinity of a 5-cm-diam jet which issued normally into a 10.65 m/sec wind tunnel crossflow; the velocity ratio Vjet/Vinf was 8. Detailed lateral surveys were made at two elevations (z = cm and 2 cm); both elevations were within the region affected by the boundary layer on the plate. The results are believed to provide reliable velocity field information in the boundary layer of the jet in a crossflow. Turbulence information also is available and believed to be roughly correct, although it may be subject to broadening effects for the lower values of turbulence. A weak vortex pair was observed in the wake at the plate surface. This structure existed in the boundary layer and built confidence because the 3D-LDA was, indeed, able to resolve fine detail in the wake. The capabilities of the 3D-LDA not only allow the making of the velocity surveys, but can be utilized to follow mean streamlines in the flow

    Catalog of Lunar Craters I

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    This catalog gives the selenographic coordinates of all craters observable on a selected portion of the moon's surface. The diameter of the crater together with comments on shape are also given. Approximately 25 per cent of the craters have been measured previously by other observers. The catalog gives the position found in the present series of measurements and the name adopted by the International Astronomical Union

    Міжнародна наукова конференція "Архівознавство як наука"

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    В інформації подаються відомості про засідання розширеної Вченої ради УнДіаСД з нагоди 15-річчя інституту та роботу міжнародної наукової конференції “архівознавство як наука”, що проходила 14–15 травня і була приурочена до відзначення 15-ї річниці УНДІАСД.В информации подаются сведения о расширенном заседании Ученого совета УНИИАДД по случаю 15-летия института и работу международной научной “архивоведение как наука”, проходившей в 14–15 мая и приуроченной к празднованию 15-летия УНИИДАС.The information includes data on session of expanded Academic council URIAARK on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the institute and work of the international scientific conference “Science on Archives as a science” which was held on May, 14–15th and was dedicated to the celebration of the 15th anniversary URIAARK

    Risk factors for death in hospitalized dysentery patients in Rwanda.

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    To evaluate the management of severe dysentery cases in in-patient facilities during an epidemic of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 (Sd1), and to identify the factors associated with the risk of death, we conducted a prospective cohort study in 10 Rwandese hospitals between September and December 1994. Data were obtained from 849 cases admitted to hospitals with diarrhoea and visible blood in stools. The proportion of patients with persistent bloody diarrhoea was 51.0% at treatment day 3 and 27.9% at treatment day 5. At discharge, 79.9% had improved or were cured. The case fatality ratio was 13.2%, higher for patients treated with nalidixic acid than for those treated with ciprofloxacin (12.2% vs. 2.2%, RR = 5.80, 95% CI = 0.83-40.72). In a logistic regression model three risk factors were significantly associated with an increased risk of death during hospitalization: severe dehydration on admission (adjusted OR = 2.79, 95% CI = 1.46-5.33), age over 50 (adjusted OR vs. 5-49 age group = 3.22, 95% CI = 1.70-6.11) and prescription of nalidixic acid (adjusted OR vs. ciprofloxacin = 8.66, 95% CI = 1.08-69.67). Those results were consistent with reported high levels of resistance of Sd1 to the commonest antibiotics, including nalidixic acid. Patients belonging to groups with a higher risk of dying should be given special medical attention and supportive care. In areas of high resistance to nalidixic acid, severe cases of dysentery should be treated with fluoroquinolones in order to reduce the mortality associated with these epidemics

    Psycholinguistics in the technology of the psychological portrait of the person

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    Стаття аналізує можливості застосування психолінгвістики в діяльності практичного психолога в процесі вивчення особистості.В статье анализируются возможности использования психолингвистики в практической деятельности психолога в процессе изучения личностиThe article analyzes the possibilities of using psycholinguistics in the practical activities of a psychologist in the process of studying personality

    Anthropogenous origin technical system

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    Антропогенное происхождение технической системы является причиной поиска решения проблемы совместимости активности человека в технической системе и его фундаментальных ценностей.The anthropogenous origin of technical system is the reason for search of the decision of a problem of compatibility person’s activity in technical system and his fundamental values


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    Мета емпіричного дослідження полягала у вивченні стану сформованості конструктивного праксису у дітей старшого дошкільного віку із загальним недорозвитком мовлення.-