1,763 research outputs found

    Comparasion study on the effects of mangrove wetland sediments on the sequestration of typical sulfonamides from the estuarine water

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    作为陆地污染物进入海洋的屏障,红树林已然成为众多典型污染物汇聚的场所之一。近年来,海产养殖业的大肆兴起更是加重了抗生素在红树林区的直接污染。锁定态是控制土壤抗生素归宿的主要因素,具有环境存在时间长,危害大等特点,可通过再释放重回到环境中,对环境造成长期危害。对典型磺胺类在红树林群落沉积物中锁定能力的研究对于探索抗生素在红树林区的环境行为和红树林湿地抗生素污染控制及修复功能评估具有现实意义。本文选取了12种水产、禽畜及人用较为频繁的典型磺胺类药物,分别为磺胺甲噻二唑(sulfamethizole,SMT)、磺胺二甲基异嘧啶(sulfaisodimidine,SIM)、磺胺噻唑(sulfathia...Mangroves had been the pools of pollutants from land, for the functions of marine protective screen. Nowadays, with the aquaculture developing soon, mangroves were directly polluted by the aquaculture wastewater around them. Sequestration is the main control factor for the fate of antibiotics in soil, and have the characters of long-term exist and more harm, can be released into soil causing heavi...学位:工学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境工程学号:3312012115163

    There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes.——research of the different market reaction about director turnover in cross-listings companies in A and H share market

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    有效市场中,众多投资者面对“新的信息”,可以“仁者见仁,智者见智”,作出不同的判断。通过专业投资者的理性套利交易,股票价格会进一步调整到位,进而反映出“新的信息”对整个市场的影响。沿着这个思路进一步思考,处于不同资本市场的投资者,共同面对一个“新的信息”时,会产生怎样的判断?“新的信息”对不同资本市场的影响是否能够保持相同?如果不同资本市场对同一个“新的信息”作出了不同的反应,又是由哪些原因造成的?将此疑问进一步细化,本文研究的核心问题是——大陆、香港资本市场对于高管变动产生的市场反应是否一致,受哪些因素影响。通过事件研究的方法计算出A股、H股各自的市场反应及市场反应差异,通过分组检验找出市场...In efficient market, faced with the “new information”, investors can hold divergent opinions towards the shock and make distinguished reactions. With the existence of professional investor, “New information” could finally reflect on stock price via numerous arbitrage transactions. However, when we consider investors in different market, things might not be the case. Their reaction to a certain eve...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计学学号:1752013115116


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    The impacts of different atmospheric modules and horizontal resolutions on the modeling of El Niño-Southern Oscillation and Indian Ocean Dipole modes

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    厄尔尼诺—南方涛动(ElNiño-SouthernOscillation,ENSO)与印度洋偶极子(IndianOceanDipole,IOD)分别是热带太平洋和印度洋的主要气候模态。对两个模态的模拟是气候模式发展重点关心的问题之一。特别地,评估物理模块的改进以及分辨率的提高能在多大程度上改进ENSO和IOD的模拟效果会为气候模式的发展提供重要的科学指导。本文利用当今主流的气候模式CESM(CommunityEarthSystemModel,version1.2.0),并结合观测与再分析资料,从空间特征、周期、位相锁定和强度等方面系统地研究了不同大气模块和水平分辨率对ENSO和IOD...The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) are two major climatic patterns in the tropical Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean, respectively. The simulations for these two patterns are one of the key issues of climate model development. In particular, how much of the improvement of physical modules and the increase of resolution can improve the simulation results of ...学位:理学博士院系专业:海洋与地球学院_物理海洋学学号:2242011015363

    Anterior two fusion cage for treatment of thoracolumbar burst fracture with Finite Element analysis of the early

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    目的:(1)建立正常脊柱胸腰椎(T12-L2)、伤椎次全切除圆形融合器重建及伤椎后1/3切除矩形闸门式融合器重建三种三维有限元模型。(2)对比既往胸腰椎三维有限元及体外生物力学研究验证本实验有限元模型的有效性。(3)使用三维有限元分析方法对比分析前路传统次全切除圆形融合器重建及伤椎后1/3切除矩形融合器重建治疗胸腰椎爆裂骨折术后早期的稳定性、终板界面应力及内植物应力分布情况。 方法:(1)选取健康成年男性志愿者1名,通过体检排除脊柱相关疾病。使用螺旋CT扫描胸腰椎T12-L2节段,获得DICOM格式文件;通过Mimics17.0及逆向工程软件GeomagicStudio13.0进行三维重建,...Objective: (1) To establish three kinds of three-dimensional finite element models of normal spinal thoracic and lumbar vertebrae (T12-L2), subtotal corpectomy cylinder mesh cage reconstruction, and posterior 1/3 corpectomy rectangle cage reconstruction. (2) The validity of the finite element model was verified by comparing the past three dimensional finite element analysis and in vitro biomechani...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_外科学学号:2452014115353

    A Study on the Process of Organizational Change in the Perspective of Path Dependence ——Case Study of Yunnan L Group

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    组织变革是新时代下组织日常管理的常态,是组织管理者能够践行管理风格和方式的基本行为单元。 本研究站在路径依赖的长期视角对组织变革的短期行为过程进行重新梳理,突出路径创造与路径依赖的差别并将其综合体现在一次短期过程当中。不同于以往过程性变革研究对特征与构念的强调,本研究采用案例研究与过程性研究结合的方法,对单案例中的变革过程进行研究,将时间与空间因素列入考虑,试图揭示变革推进过程得以成型的内在逻辑,为实务企业提供行为指导,也为现有的组织变革研究增加一个切入角度。 路径依赖视角下的组织变革过程可以划分为两个基本阶段:前期侧重于路径创造——变革代理人发挥主观能动性进行行为刺激,使得组织当中充斥着...Organizational change is the norm of the daily management of the organization in the new era, and it is the basic unit of action that the organization managers can practice to give full play to their superiority. This study focuses on the process of organizational change from the perspective of path dependence, highlighting the difference between path creation and path dependence and integrating ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_企业管理学号:1762014115122


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    目的:许多研究观察到, 有机体对负性情绪刺激的反应比对中性或正性刺激快, 本研究应用事件相关电位中的单侧化准备电位将反应时划分为刺激加工阶段和反应准备阶段, 从而得以直接观察负性刺激的反应启动效应。方法:本研究选取国际情感图片系统的正、中、负性图片作为刺激材料, 以正常大学生为被试, 令其按键表示对图片情绪属性的判断, 同时记录脑电。结果:正、负性情绪刺激引起的刺激锁定单侧化准备电位的潜伏期比中性条件下的潜伏期缩短, 观察反应锁定单侧化准备电位的潜伏期可见, 负性刺激引起的潜伏期显著短于中性和正性条件。结论:对情绪性刺激的心理加工评价过程较短, 观察反应锁定单侧化准备电位的潜伏期可见, 负性刺激引起的潜伏期显著短 于中性和正性条件, 表明负性刺激具有反应启动效

    Employee Stock Ownership Plans and Corporate Innovation

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    员工持股计划是一种让员工成为公司股票所有者的受益计划。2014年6月,证监会颁布《关于上市公司实施员工持股计划试点的指导意见》,截至2016年末,共有388家上市公司的员工持股计划实施完成。员工是企业创新的最直接来源,合理的团队激励机制,是激励员工创新的原动力。但作为一项团队激励方案,员工持股计划对企业创新的作用却存在争议。EdererandManso(2013)基于实验证明,容忍期初失败并对长期成功进行回报的激励方案能激励员工从事创新活动。员工持股计划满足这些特征,应该能激励员工创新;然而,Bovaetal.(2014)对1999-2009年美国9677家上市公司的研究表明,员工持股会降低企...Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) is an employee benefit plan which makes the employees of a company owners of stock in that company. In June 2014, China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the "Guidelines on Listed Companies ESOPs". By the end of 2016, 388 companies have established ESOPs. Employees are the most direct source of corporate innovation, and optimal incentive scheme can motiva...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融学学号:1562014115202

    The study of the Influence of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect Program on the Shanghai Stock Market

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    为了改善股票市场环境、完善市场制度,近年来国家不断深化资本市场的开放,陆续推出了QFII、QDII、RQFII等制度,推进资本的双向流动。在这个开放的过程中,2014年11月17日开通的沪港通,第一次实现了境内外股票市场的互通互联,实现了在境内外资本在个股层面的双向流动,加快了境内市场对外开放的步伐,是我国资本市场开放进程中的一个里程碑事件。 本文采用自下而上的思路,从三个层面来对沪港通展开研究。首先从标的股票交易层面,分析沪港通开通对标的股票价格和波动性的影响;其次,从股票市场指数层面,分析沪港通资金流向与股指涨跌之间的关系;最后,从股票市场联动性方面,分析沪港通开通前后中国股票市场与世界...In order to improve the stock market environment, improve the market system, in recent years we launched the QFII, QDII, RQFII and other systems, to promote the two-way flow of capital. In this open process, November 17, 2014 through the opening of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program, the first to achieve the domestic and overseas stock market interconnection to achieve a two-way flow in ...学位:金融硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融学学号:1562012115194

    Design and Implementation of Positioning System for Fireman Based on ZigBee

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    近年来火灾的次数呈几何倍数增长,很多消防员都在救火中失去生命。房屋的倒塌、烟雾引起的窒息、烧伤等都是严重威胁生命安全的因素。很多火灾场面十分凄惨,房屋倒塌的瞬间,消防员根本无力自救,如果没人帮助他们,只能看着一个个鲜活的生命瞬间离去。当前消防员只是依靠呼救器来实现救助,在实际的火灾中,呼救器存在很多弊端,无法判断消防员的位置。很多科学家都在研究,怎样才能在浓烟滚滚和烟火中锁定消防员的位置,并能够实现全程监控,这就能够及时的进行援助和救助,这对保障消防员生命安全有着重要的意义。 本文通过介绍ZigBee技术的相关内容,利用其组网能力实现无线定位设想。并通过运算方法的介绍和改进,形成最为完善的定...In recent years, the number of fires grow exponentially, many firefighters have lost their lives in the fire. Houses collapsed, choking smog caused by burns are a serious threat to life safety factors. Many fire scene is very sad, instant houses collapsed and firefighters can not afford to help themselves, if nobody to help them, can only look at a fresh life moment to leave. Current firefighters ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323048