
Comparasion study on the effects of mangrove wetland sediments on the sequestration of typical sulfonamides from the estuarine water


作为陆地污染物进入海洋的屏障,红树林已然成为众多典型污染物汇聚的场所之一。近年来,海产养殖业的大肆兴起更是加重了抗生素在红树林区的直接污染。锁定态是控制土壤抗生素归宿的主要因素,具有环境存在时间长,危害大等特点,可通过再释放重回到环境中,对环境造成长期危害。对典型磺胺类在红树林群落沉积物中锁定能力的研究对于探索抗生素在红树林区的环境行为和红树林湿地抗生素污染控制及修复功能评估具有现实意义。本文选取了12种水产、禽畜及人用较为频繁的典型磺胺类药物,分别为磺胺甲噻二唑(sulfamethizole,SMT)、磺胺二甲基异嘧啶(sulfaisodimidine,SIM)、磺胺噻唑(sulfathia...Mangroves had been the pools of pollutants from land, for the functions of marine protective screen. Nowadays, with the aquaculture developing soon, mangroves were directly polluted by the aquaculture wastewater around them. Sequestration is the main control factor for the fate of antibiotics in soil, and have the characters of long-term exist and more harm, can be released into soil causing heavi...学位:工学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境工程学号:3312012115163

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