3,838 research outputs found


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    Application of Pre-tracing Technology in Building of RCS Calculation Platform

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    介绍综合不同RCS贡献机理的计算平台的搭建方法。针对射线追踪法的计算量是这类RCS计算平台计算效率的瓶颈这一现状,提出仅对多次散射区采用射线追踪计算来减小计算量的方法。给出一种通过粗略的射线追踪来确定多次散射区的方法,并用该方法获得任意目标的散射分布图。对预追踪法在RCS平台的搭建中的应用方式进行探讨,并预测效果。通过具体的计算实例验证预追踪法的效果,并给出几类典型目标的多次散射区比例系数,可供采用预追踪法时参考。计算结果表明,在不改变计算精度的条件下,预追踪法可以将RCS计算平台中射线追踪部分的计算量减少到原来的1/3以下。对散射分布的可能应用做出展望,可以作为后续工作的指导。The building of RCS calculation platform which includes many different RCS mechanisms is introduced.Considering that the huge computation of ray tracing is the bottleneck of the efficiency of the RCS calculation platform, a method for reducing the computation of ray tracing is given, which suggestsed the calculation of the coupling scattering areas only.The authors conduct a rough ray tracing before really tracing to identify the coupling scattering areas, and obtain some scattering distribution maps of arbitrary targets using this method.The ways to use the pre-tracing method efficiently in the RCS calculation platform are discussed, and the effects are predicted.The typical effect is improved through some calculation examples, and the coupling scattering area ratio of some typical targets is concluded, which is useful for the application of pre-tracing method.The results show that this pre-tracing method can reduce the computational cost of RT part to less than 1/3 of the original.The possible application of pre-tracing method in other way is mentioned also, which can be the direction of future

    Evaluating left atrial function and predicting the efficacy of radiofrequency catheter ablation with persistent atrial fibrillation by speckle tracking imaging

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    目的:探讨应用斑点追踪技术(STI)评价持续性房颤患者经导管射频消融(RFCA)术前、术后左心房结构功能变化,并预测房颤患者经导管射频消融术后随访至术后6个月维持窦性心律的可能性。方法:对45例经皮导管射频消融术的持续性房颤患者分别于术前1周、术后24小时、术后3个月、术后6个月和25例对照组(健康志愿者)进行左房结构功能及应变率分析,测量和计算左房前后径指数(LADI)、左房面积指数(LAAI)、左房最大容积指数(LAVImax)、左房射血分数(LAEF)、E/E’;应用斑点追踪技术获得左室收缩期左房各壁纵向应变率(SRs)、左室舒张早期左房各壁纵向应变率(SRe)、左房收缩期左房各壁纵向应...Objective:To evaluate left atrial function dynamic changes before and after radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) with persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) and predict the maintain sinus rhythm of postoperative atrial fibrillation by applying speckle tracking imaging (STI). Methods:The study was including 45 cases underwent RFCA with persistent AF which underwent RFCA(preoperative 1week, postoper...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_影像医学与核医学学号:2452012115322

    Practical Research on Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Group Counseling on Undergraduates ' Resilience

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    Research on Broadband Mobile Wireless Channel Modeling at Sea Surface

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    宽带移动无线网络几乎覆盖了地球上大多数的陆地,而海上宽带移动通信极大地落后于陆地无线通信,更多只能依靠昂贵的卫星进行通信。随着技术的发展,海上宽带无线通信系统的搭建有望实现。海上无线宽带信道建模是搭建海上宽带无线通信系统的基础。目前已有大量的针对海上无线信道测量工作展开。无线信道的测量工作耗时漫长,测量环境受限,无法准确地描述多变的海上无线信道。而通过仿真建模,可以快速模拟各种移动场景,得到较为精确的信道模型,修正经验模型的误差,因此对海上无线信道的仿真建模同样具有重要的意义。 借助于升空平台,可实现对海上无线网络的覆盖。本文模拟海上升空平台与船只通信的场景,对此场景下的海上无线信道特性进行...With the mobile wireless network has covered most of the land on the earth, there are still lack of network coverage in the important channels and ocean operating areas. The broadband mobile communications are still relatively backward at seas. In most marine cases, only expensive satellite communications can be used. Thanks to the progress technology, it is expected to achieve wireless network co...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:2332014115324

    A Research on Fuyao Glass Company Production Data Real-time Tracking

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    中国作为“世界工厂”已是制造大国,但随着人工成本的不断攀升,劳动力成本的优势正在不断削弱。如何提升劳动效率、降低生产成本是各制造企业努力的方向。论文研究的课题来源于福耀玻璃公司生产数据采集的实际问题,针对福耀玻璃公司汽车玻璃生产过程中多品种、易破损、小批量且产品质量要求高的特点,对生产过程中的生产数据采集流程进行了系统的研究。分析生产数据采集模式来改变现有的生产数据采集的滞后性,通过生产数据采集的流程再造,借助云ERP技术、条形码、标签扫描、WIFI传输技术等,将大量生产数量快速有效地输入数据采集系统,替换现有的纸质报表,实现数据传递的及时性、准确性、优化排产,达到高效追踪产品数据的目的。利用...China, as a “world factory”, has been a great manufacturing power, with rising labor cost, that advantage is eroding, effort is needed to improve labor efficiency and reduce production costs for each aspect of manufacturing enterprises. The subject of this study is based upon the practical problems of Fuyao Glass Company, according to the automotive glass production characteristics, which include:...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115092

    Evolutionary algorithms in dynamic environments

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version.Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are widely and often used for solving stationary optimization problems where the fitness landscape or objective function does not change during the course of computation. However, the environments of real world optimization problems may fluctuate or change sharply. If the optimization problem is dynamic, the goal is no longer to find the extrema, but to track their progression through the search space as closely as possible. All kinds of approaches that have been proposed to make EAs suitable for the dynamic environments are surveyed, such as increasing diversity, maintaining diversity, memory based approaches, multi-population approaches and so on

    Numerical Simulation and Performance Analysis of a Scramjet Based on Three Dimensional Design

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    本文以超燃冲压发动机为研究对象,将其中的各部件置于整个发动机的大环境下进行了设计与性能分析。 以流线追踪三维Busemann型面作为进气道,研究了其不启动时的流场特征以及非设计点下的性能。随后将该进气道与隔离段模型相结合进行了数值模拟,结果表明增加隔离段长度可提升极限反压,但长度越长,反压比提升的幅度越小;进气道来流的影响使隔离段在反压作用下的流场呈现不均匀性,反压越高,不均匀性越强,进气道所受的压阻也越大。 在燃烧室设计过程中,以均匀来流为条件分别考察了边界层厚度、狭缝抽吸、凹腔以及喷氢口布置方案对基础燃烧室构型的性能影响,结果表明边界层抽吸可抑制激波串前推;凹腔结构能有助于提升燃烧效率...A scramjet was investigated with all its parts being designed and analyzed in the environment of the whole engine. A streamline traced Busemann inlet was designed, its started and unstarted flowfields as long as off design performance were studied. It was then simulated in combination with the isolator, the results indicated that increasing the length of the isolator could help to raise the maxim...学位:工程硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:3312012115265