376 research outputs found

    The Empirical Study on the Positive-Feedback Trading of Security Funds and its Impact on Stock Return Momentum in China Stock Market

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    证券投资基金作为我国证券市场最大的机构投资者,其正反馈交易行为一直是学界研究的热点。目前对我国证券投资基金正反馈交易行为的研究主要集中在基金正反馈交易行为的存在性、正反馈交易行为对基金业绩的影响、以及基金正反馈交易行为对市场的影响三个方面。这些研究主要从两个角度展开,一是单只基金对所持股票的正反馈交易;二是整体基金对所有持股的正反馈交易。这些研究在分析基金的正反馈交易行为时,没有充分考虑股票受到正反馈交易程度的异质性。事实上,基金很可能对股票区别对待,采取不同强度的正反馈交易行为,因此本文从整体基金对单只股票的正反馈交易的新角度进行研究。利用Shu(2007)提出的正反馈交易行为衡量指标和研究...Security funds are the largest institutional investors in China stock market. The positive-feedback trading of security funds has always been a heated topic in academic research. Up to now, the studies on China security funds’ positive-feedback trading are concentrated on three main fields, the existence of positive-feedback trading, the impact of security funds’ positive-feedback trading on funds...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_金融学(含保险学)学号:2005130103


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    Simulation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Radiation Damping Regnerative Feedback Enhancement Effect

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    如何增强成像对比度是磁共振成像领域的研究热点之一,辐射阻尼(rd)对样品微小差异有较强的敏感性,通过正反馈增强辐射阻尼可提供全新的对比度机理。通过建立正反馈增强模拟算法,模拟分析了不同参数下的对比度机理,并结合新的磁共振方法(IMQC),探究了共同作用下的磁共振成像特性。这将有助于探索辐射阻尼在磁共振成像领域的应用。Enhancing imaging contrast is one of the research issues in the field of magnetic resonance imaging(MRI).Radiation damping(RD) is more sensitive to small differences among samples.A new imaging contrast principle is provided through regenerative feedback enhancement radiation damping.By establishing regenerative feedback enhancement simulation algorithm,the imaging contrast principle is simulated and analyzed at the condition of different parameters.Incorporating with a new magnetic resonance image method(iMQC),MRI characteristics under synactic effect are discussed.It is helpful to explore the applications of radiation damping in the area of MRI.福建省重点科技项目(2012H0039

    Simulation of positive feedback radiation damping in MRI

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    如何增强成像对比度是磁共振成像(MagneticResonanceImaging,MRI)领域的研究热点之一,传统成像中利用磁共振性质的差异性来获得成像对比度,然而当这些性质的差异性小时,即使经过时间演化,还是难以得到可视的对比度。之前的研究显示,辐射阻尼(RadiationDampingRD)对样品微小差异有较强的敏感性,因此辐射阻尼是能够成为获得样品性质微小差异间成像对比度的方法之一。然而辐射阻尼的产生需要高敏感度的射频线圈,而MRI仪器的射频线圈通常Q值较低,故通过外部电路正反馈增强辐射阻尼,其成像对比度包含独特的成像参数,能够得到比常规成像高的对比度和分辨率,并提供新的成像信息和机理。...How to increase the image contrast has been of crucial importance in the field of MRI, traditionally, imaging contrast is generated by the differences in the magnetic resonance preperty between the diffferent position. However, when these differences are small, the desired contrast may not be achievable even if a long evolution time is used. Previous published results indicate that radiation dampi...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_电磁场与微波技术学号:1982010115279


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    在现有研究基础上,将套利者的售卖压力内生化,探讨套利者一致售卖和股市崩溃的关系。结果显示,反馈交易者影响套利者骑乘泡沫的时间,但并不影响崩溃的时间。对topview投资者日持股数据进行的分析表明,机构投资者不仅骑在泡沫上,而且其提前售卖与2007年上海股市崩溃密切相关。这对正确认识机构投资者作用和市场监管具有重要启示。Investors distraction will cause the inadequate response to the earningsan nouncements.Taking earningspre- announcements inChina's listed companies from year 2003-2009 as our sample,we found that compared with other week calendar and lownews days,investors pay less attention to the earningspre-announcements disclosed on Friday Saturday and inhigh newsdays separately,which verifies the hypothesis that competitive information and information released at weekend can distract the investors'attention.Moreover,Companies are more likely to disclose badnews in weekend and high newsdays when investor are less attention than do that inother week calendar and lownewsdays,so as to reduce the downward volatility of stockprices,which cause the phenomenon of centralized disclosing of negative information.Therefore,our study provides an alternative explanation for the badnews "clustering"phenomenon from the perspective of investors'distraction theory.国家自然科学基金(71071132);南京审计学院人才引进项目(NSRC11014

    Simulation and Empirical Research of the Bubbles in the Stock Market: Analysis Based on Noise Trader Theory

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    一国的证券市场是资本流动的主要场所,证券的定价问题就是一国证券市场成熟度和流通性的主要指标。证券的交易价格很可能会背离证券的内在价值,从而导致泡沫的存在。证券市场的泡沫是产生金融危机的主要根源,泡沫破灭会给一国的经济带来的沉重的打击,因此,了解泡沫产生和存在的机理,对如何及时消除泡沫、抑制过度投机、防范金融风险和保持证券市场的健康发展都是十分重要的。 基于对我国股市安全性的思考,全文围绕着四个问题,并希望通过对这四个问题的解答对我国证券市场的稳定性做出合理的分析和对策建议。第一,在包括了众多噪音交易者的证券市场上,噪音交易者的存在是否会导致泡沫?第二,噪音交易者的比例与泡沫的大小成什么样一种...The security market of one country is the main place for circulation of the capital. And the correctness of the pricing of the securities is the index of the maturity of the financial market. Of course, the prices of the securities may not equal to the internal value of those securities, and such error will lead to generate the bubble of the securities. It is well known that the bubble of security...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_金融工程学号:20044205

    Industrial Upgrade Effects of Product Space Dynamic Evolution——in Case of China

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    保持一国经济持续发展,提高国民收入水平,是经济学界所关注的重要课题。现有的比较优势理论认为,发展中国家可以通过充分发挥其比较优势,实现专业化生产,依靠产业分工和专业化经济,推动要素禀赋的内生转换,从而实现国家生产技术结构的升级和调整,内生地达到产业结构升级、高级化、合理化,推动经济的持续增长。但是“中等收入陷阱”现象对该理论的合理性和科学性提出了挑战,为什么光靠比较优势实现的专业化生产,无法实现内生的产业结构升级和持续的经济发展?显而易见,在解释和回答这个现实经济问题方面,现有的比较优势理论存在着明显的不足或缺陷。 哈佛大学教授Hausmann和Klinger(2006)创立的产品空间和比较...Maintaining a country's sustained economic development and improving the level of national income is an important issue has been the study of the economics profession.According to the comparative advantage theory, country should follow comparative advantage to achieve specialized product. Rely on the industrial division and specialized economy, country could promote and adjust product structure, p...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济研究所_产业经济学学号:1602013115222

    Study on Fair Value、Investor Behavior and Chinese Stock Market Bubble

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    资产价格泡沫是当代金融学的研究前沿领域,由于其对社会经济影响重大,在实务上也是广受社会各界关注的争议热点。本文从理论和实证两个角度对股票市场的价格泡沫进行研究。在借鉴国内外相关研究成果的基础上,梳理形成较为完整的关于泡沫研究的学科逻辑框架体系,提出以复杂系统科学理论为背景的关于泡沫发展规律设想,同时对投资者行为和公允价值计量方式与股市泡沫的关系进行深入论证。 理论分析与实证检验表明: 1、理论上以公允价值作为计量属性在公司交叉持股股权结构下将导致其生成的资产价格信息传递自动出现正反馈效应,该信息在投资者的正反馈交易策略下将放大效应。这一过程显示了公允价值、投资者行为和股市泡沫之间存在的传导...Asset price bubbles are a forefront field in contemporary finance. Due to their tremendous socio-economic impact, asset price bubbles are a hotly contended practical topic among all segments of society. This paper aims to study price bubbles in the stock market from two perspectives – theoretical and empirical. By drawing upon the findings of related research in China and abroad, a complete discip...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院企业管理系_企业管理(含财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)学号:1762007015377

    Research of Bubbles in Chinese A-share Market & Feedback Trading

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    股票市场泡沫问题一直是理论界和实务界关注的重点之一,历史的经验告诉我们,泡沫的破灭不仅可能酿成金融危机,而且可能给一国的经济带来沉重的打击。因此了解泡沫产生和破灭的机理,监测泡沫形成的程度,以及如何防范和抑制泡沫,对于维护金融稳定和促进经济发展都是具有重要的意义。本文的研究主要围绕着三个问题展开,并希望通过对这三个问题的解答,得到对稳定、发展我国A股市场做出合理的分析与政策建议。第一、关于资产泡沫的研究方法和研究领域种类繁多,本文将选择什么方法,采用什么研究领域来解释泡沫的生成和破灭的过程;第二、导致我国A股市场泡沫的产生和破灭的原因是什么;第三、实证检验是否支持该原因存在;第四、我国A股市场...Stock market bubbles are momentous financial events that are fascinating to academics and practitioners alike. Historical experiences teach us the break of bubble could be the disaster of economy of one country and lead to financial crisis. So it is of great significance to maintain financial stability and promote economic development that we know how the bubbles generate, how they exist, how to t...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院金融系_投资学学号:1562006115107


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