16 research outputs found

    利用多模式最优集成方法预报上海PM2.5 (Application of OCF on PM2.5 forecast in Shanghai)

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    In this study, the OCF method was applied to conduct the daily PM2.5 ensemble forecasts in Shanghai during June 2016 to May 2017 based on the outputs from 7 PANDA air quality models. The results showed that the PM2.5 forecast performance in Shanghai was significantly increased by OCF compared with any of the PANDA models. The RMSE of daily averaged PM2.5 mass concentration decreased by 1.9 μg•m-3, the correlation coefficient increased by 0.04, and the false detection rate for pollution days reduced by 20. Furthermore, both TS and TI marks which were used to evaluate the forecast accuracy for PM2.5 pollution day and the PM2.5 mean daily mass concentration were both advanced by 0.28 and 2.4 respectively. Similar positive results were achieved by OCF experiments for other 5 cities in YRD region. Thus it could be concluded that OCF can be regarded as an efficient ensemble method for current urban air quality forecast operations. Nevertheless the advantage of OCF was less effective in winter than in summer, and less skillful under rain day conditions. © 2018, Science Press. All right reserved


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    Waterfront Analysis and Design:

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    Waterfront Analysis and Design Comparative Report of Beijing, Suzhou and Yinchuan systematically summarizes the research and planning cases. Conventional concepts and strategies concerning urban planning implemented in Beijing, Suzhou and Yinchuan have long been established, and the construction of many areas in these cities have been widely finished. Under such circumstances, based on analyses of the three cities and several typical cases of waterfront planning, this book breaks through the established conceptual constraints and delves into the commonalities and differences among the cases through systematic scientific approaches. On top of conducting the intensive research into urban waterfronts planning at levels of both basic theory and methodology, this book also presents specific practices of urban waterfront planning and design customized to the urban water system, as well as the layout and space of waterfront areas. By displaying how research findings can be applied into urban design, this book is of unique significance on value transmission. The book is broken down into four chapters, namely Comparison, Beijing, Suzhou and Yinchuan. Comparing and researching the water-city relations of the three cities. Chapter Comparison makes clear of the development characteristics of urban spatial structure based on changes of water systems in these cities with different geographical environments, and researches the patterns of urban spatial organization. Finally, the chapter summarizes the creating mode and focus of urban waterfronts under the effects of different natural environments, water networks and city landscapes. Chapter Beijing is compiled jointly by Harbin Institute of Technology and China Architecture Design and Research Group. Led by Professor Suning Xu, the study is structured as the combination of “research”, “judgment” and “design”. Studying the historical changes of water-city relation in Beijing and comparing the water-city relation of world typical capitals with that of prominent Chinese ancient capitals. This chapter sets the overall goal for Beijing’s waterfront development; The value system of the waterfront area is evaluated in 6 dimensions, including ecology, space, demand, history, economy and aesthetics, based on which the urban design strategy is crafted and verified with the design of typical nodes. Chapter Suzhou is put together by Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Iuav University of Venice, Tianjin University, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in Suzhou and China Architecture Design and Research Group. At the macro level, the joint research team analyzed the spatial structure of Suzhou urban area, selected important urban waterfronts based on the comprehensive considerations of urban functions, different water network structures, ecological protection and urban landscapes, and proposed practical urban design strategy and guidance at various grades and of different types; At the micro level, dedicated to the objectives of “properly clustered water networks, water conservation, living along the water, open and sharing, and reflection of historical culture”, the team offered key points for different urban waterfront designs. Chapter Yinchuan is collectively compiled by Delft University of Technology, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Ningxia University and China Architecture Design and Research Group. Adopting the RTD (research through design) method, in other words, further defining research questions through designing and exploring various possibilities and solutions, the joint research team attempted to identify comprehensive solutions at multiple levels: Yinchuan city as a whole, the urban areas where the waterfronts are located, and the waterfronts themselves; Jointly led by landscape architects and urban designers, the research of waterfront design in Yinchuan highlights the ecology-based analysis method and design strategy


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    近年来,中国的重大环境问题越来越密切地与政策执行相关。因此,本书的视角确定为环境政策执行,探究环境政策执行不力的症结所在,为政策制定者和执行者提 供理论借鉴。在理性"经济人"假设、机会主义假设和资源稀缺性假设的前提下,本书以制度分析、行为分析和利益分析为主线,运用博弈论、委托-代理理论、公 共选择理论,结合案例分析和问卷调查,分析了环境政策质量、政策执行资源、正式制度、政策执行主体和政策对象的行为、社会力量的监督等诸因素对环境政策执 行效果的影响。最后,得出六项利于环境政策有效执行的建议


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    [[abstract]]主要針對物流中心作業流程中的監控與揀貨二部份進行探討。本研究將以現有與未來預期的RFID通訊技術為基礎,利用相關文獻的蒐集,獲得相關資料與數據。再利用數學規劃方法與系統最佳化概念,在相關區位理論限制下,如最大讀取範圍等,以最小佈設成本為目標,發展RFID佈設於物流中心的數學模式。本模式預期為區位設施服務範圍問題(LSCP)與P中位問題(P-median problem),為有效求解實務上所面臨大規模問題,本研究擬應用容易執行且兼具解題速度與精度的巨集式啟發解法,以期建立一套可快速解決即時及大量不確定的資訊下RFID於物流中心監控系統。[[sponsorship]]遼寧省科學技術協會、上海市科學技術協會、台北市交通安全促進會[[conferencetype]]兩岸[[conferencedate]]20100711~20100712[[booktype]]電子版[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]瀋陽市, 中

    Corporate social responsibility in China

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    Contains table of contents and abstracts of book chapters in English对外经济贸易大学国际经济伦理研究中心( C I B E ) 致力于 企业社会责任的研究、教育与推广。自2 0 0 7 年C I B E 发起首届大学 生“ 企业社会责任” 征文大赛以来, 全国累计有超过一万组同 学参赛, 有多名获奖选手获得国外硕士项目奖学金、国内外期 刊杂志发表、实习等机会, 在高校和社会中引起了强烈反响。 此次从第五届及第六届获奖论文中挑选出15篇优秀论文,整理成 集,由CIBE的瑞士合作伙伴全球伦理网(Globethics.net)在瑞士正式 出版发行。入选的论文题目涉及:环境保护、行政伦理、供应链管理、 保险信用、消费者权益、劳工保障、慈善创新等诸多相关话题。希望能 够引发更多机构和个人对“企业社会责任”理论和实践的探索,吸引更 多年轻人参与,为构建可持续发展的经济和社会环境贡献力量


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    自我保護與 另類 實踐 : 雙向運動 視野下的中國鄉村建設

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    本論文希望把中國鄉村建設運動放置在更為複雜與動態的脈絡下,嘗試以一種有別于“成王敗寇”邏輯的敍述與視野,通過參與者獨特的視角,結合起微觀與宏觀層面,將具體實踐扣聯(articulate)到近代中國轉型的“百年激進”、“百年鄉村破壞”、“百年鄉建”這一主線中。以理解鄉村建設的生命力、深層意義與內在困境,並在此基礎上對已有各種“類型化”評價認識、“刻板化”參照座標及背後的“意義系統”進行梳理與反思。 為更好實現以上目的,筆者借助卡爾•波蘭尼“雙向運動”視野,但努力避免因生搬硬套而“削足適履”式的尋找或對應本土及“三農”領域的“雙向運動”,而是更多借鑒其“視野”上的啟示。希望通過該“視野”的幫助,讓筆者可以更好的探討那些被遮蔽與忽略的面向,進而解決困擾筆者的理論思考與現實實踐問題。同時,本論文結合了歷史與當代鄉村建設的各組案例,實踐所蘊含的複雜性與豐富性也希望可以推進筆者對“雙向運動”發生及運作機制所展開的討論。 正如標題所示,本論文希望從“自我保護”和“另類實踐”結合起來的角度重新理解鄉村建設的定位與特點及其與“主流”社會的複雜關係及互動。它們既是鄉村建設的主要意義,同時也決定其將一直面對著各種困境與矛盾張力。 本論文借鑒文化研究的思想資源及其對脈絡與扣聯的強調,希望以此打破“研究者-行動者”、“理論-實踐”的習慣性分割。同時希望能跳出一般分析所隱含“樂觀-悲觀”、“積極-消極”的二元框架,也挑戰將鄉村建設納入“效果論”、“好人好事說”和“效果論”這三種常見的類型化處理。故本文儘量避免事實羅列、簡單代言與一般辯護,而是呼應以個人參與鄉村建設的生命史,反觀其中的興奮、困惑、不甘、無奈等複雜情感與認識,除以此帶出對所存在社會基礎與宏觀環境的討論外,希望再次說明鄉村建設的動力與張力

    Research on Chinese Business Ethics

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