175 research outputs found


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    [[abstract]]本研究依據教育現場人員的訪談內容,分析受訪者對幼兒園品牌的見解以及理想品牌管理的主要內涵。研究中以自編的訪談大綱針對南部地區私立幼兒園的14 位受訪者進行半結構性訪談,包含6 所不同背景條件之幼兒園經營者與園所長及8 位家長代表。研究發現受訪者認為園所運用品牌概念有其重要性與功能性,理想的幼兒園品牌內涵經由逐字稿內容梳理得十個項目,經由歸納整併為品牌建立、品牌行銷與品牌成效評估三步驟


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    Letting Music Achievement Realize Brand Dream

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    品牌音乐是重要的品牌认知符号,音乐的包容性和隐蔽性等特点可以帮助品牌更好的触动消费者,影响其对品牌的态度。Brand music is an important cognitive sign of brand.The inclusive and hidden features of music can help the brand touching with the consumer well,and affect their attitude towards the brand

    Theme - Fungi Stakes a Claim in the Luxury Market

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    When your company\u27s first alternative leather product is released in partnership with iconic leatherware brand Hermès, it is an indication that fungi has serious credentials in the luxury fashion industry. Success has been decades in the making, but the people at MycoWorks are convinced they have developed a technology that will push the envelope of sustainable fashion

    Xiamen Branch of CCB Service Brand Construction Research

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    服务是商业银行的生命,是立行之本、发展之基。面对激烈的市场竞争,商业银行越来越将服务品牌的建设视为长远发展的核心竞争力。本文拟通过对服务品牌内涵以及服务品牌建设路径、层次的研究,提出商业银行服务品牌建设的具体措施。 本文先从厦门建行服务文化建设的历程入手,阐明了服务品牌建设的意义。接着建立了服务品牌建设的基本概念,介绍了服务品牌建设的内涵和管理层次。在此基础上,本文通过对近三年来厦门建行营业网点服务质量调查结果分析、客户投诉情况分析、客户满意度调查结果分析、95533客户之声分析等数据的分析,总结概括出厦门建行服务品牌建设现状。厦门建行服务品牌建设存在主要问题是,在规范服务方面虽然具有优势,...For commercial banks, service is the base of survival and development. In the face of the fierce market competition, commercial banks serve brand-building as the core competitiveness of the long-term development. Based on the research of service brand connotation and the path of service brand management, this article puts forward some measures for commercial banks service brand building. It expou...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X200815500

    Vedan Brand Operation Development Strategy

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    随着社会经济的发展,市场竞争已经步入了品牌竞争的时代。品牌,正成为企业竞争必不可少的利器,而品牌营运也成为企业可持续发展的最好保障。近几年中国调味品行业迅猛发展,同时市场竞争也日益激烈。台湾味丹集团于上个世纪90年代进入中国大陆,味丹调味品在早期经历了较快的成长阶段。但随着市场环境的变化,味丹公司没有及时做出经营调整来以品牌为核心经营运作,导致目前面临着发展的瓶颈。本文通过对味丹公司所面临的内部和外部环境进行了较为全面的分析,并根据分析的结果提出了味丹公司未来应采用的品牌营运策略。详细论述了味丹公司产品品牌策略、整合营销传播策略以及品牌管理策略。本文共分为四部分:绪论部分介绍本篇文章的研究缘起...AbstractVedan company is a Taiwan company mainly manufacturing condiment product. Though Chinese condiment industry develops quickly in resent years, this company develops relatively slowly for the reason of its products, management and corporate culture. This article makes a complete analysis of the outside and inside environment that Vedan company is facing, and suggests the future strategy that...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院新闻传播系_新闻学学号:20023203

    Create a completed Brand Identity system

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    The comparative study of brand personality at home and abroad

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    品牌个性被视为品牌资产管理的重要来源之一,是企业创造品牌差异性的最佳利器,了解国内与国外品牌个性的差距,对我国品牌建设具有重要意义。本研究从消费者感知的视角,选择3个产品种类的20个国内外知名品牌,运用问卷调查法对251名厦大在读硕士研究生进行调查,旨在了解受访者对国内外品牌个性的感知及其差异,并试图找出影响国内外品牌个性感知的关键因素。 研究结果揭示:①国外品牌比国内品牌在个性上更加鲜明突出,主要表现在“智”、“勇”、“乐”、“雅”四个维度,在不同产品种类下的结果也基本与总体相似;②受访者对国内外品牌个性的感知程度属中等水平,但国外品牌个性的独特性比国内品牌更高,具有一定程度的显著差异;③...Brand personality is one of the important parts of brand asset management, which also a means to make difference with another brand. So it’s meanful to understand the distance on brand personality between Chinese and aboard for Chinese brand construction. In view of consumers’ perceived, we choiced 20 brands in 3 kinds of product category, and used questionnaire method to research 251 current mast...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院广告学系_传播学学号:3062007115245

    Measurement of Celebrity Endorsement Value:Based on Big Data of Network News

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    对明星代言价值的评估一直受到学界与业界的广泛关注。黄合水(2011)学者曾基于网页数据构建了一个衡量明星代言价值的理论模型。但该模型在测量与计算上面还存在一些弊端。为了修正该模型的不足,本研究对536名明星2015年的1106806条新闻标题进行了内容分析,旨在构建出一套稳定有效的用以评估明星代言价值的方法。为了达到这一目的,本研究从编码分类、关键词检索到数据计算,拆分为三个子研究进行,具体研究结果如下: (1)研究一对黄合水(2011)模型的测量维度进行了优化。在原模型基础上,增加了明星丑闻这一测量维度。明星丑闻包含违情行为、违法行为2个核心类目及其下10个细分指标。研究对原模型中吸引形象...It has already received universal attention from academics and industry to measure celebrity endorsement value. The scholar Huang heshui(2011) has proposed a measure model to evaluate celebrity endorsement value based on network. But this model also has some disadvantages on the measurement and calculation. In order to correct the shortcomings of the model, 1106806 pieces of news of 536 celebritie...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院_新闻与传播硕士学号:3062014115304