4,816 research outputs found

    A Study on Chinese Syntactic Characteristic of British Sinology Works in Nineteenth Century——Taking A Grammar of Chinese Colloquial Language and A Handbook of the Chinese Language as Examples

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    “欧洲汉学论著”指的是将中国介绍给欧洲人的专著,包括杂志、报纸、语法专著等。其中,语法专著是西方传教士或者汉学家所撰写的介绍汉语的专著,一般包括语音、词汇、语法部分。本文出现的“汉学论著”指的就是专门研究汉语的专著。 19世纪中后期的英国处于专业汉学时期,其汉学著作如雨后春笋般不断地涌现出来,具有代表性的汉学论著有艾约瑟的《汉语官话口语语法》及萨默斯的《汉语手册》。目前学术界的西方汉学论著对汉语的研究大多集中在语音,词法或者历史功绩评判等方面,虽然在个案研究中也会体现汉语句法分析,但是对于西方汉学论著中的句法认识及特征的研究不够深入,目前很多研究只是局限于两部汉学论著的句法对比或者与国内《马..."European Sinology Works" refers to the monographs that introduce China to european, including magazines, newspapers, grammar monograph and so on. Among them, the grammar monograph wrote by western missionary or the Chinese scholar is dedicated to study Chinese, generally including pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar part.The"Sinology works"on this paper refer to the monographs that dedicated to st...学位:汉语国际教育硕士院系专业:海外教育学院_汉语国际教育硕士学号:2652014115125


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    本研究以系统功能语言学理论为路向,以评价理论之"态度系统"子理论为框架,借助SPSS 22.0对60篇英汉语篇态度资源的分布特征及实现手段进行对比。结果显示:在宏观层面,中英态度资源的分布无显著性差异,而实现手段达到显著性差异;在微观层面,中英情感资源的分布及实现手段均无显著性差异;中英判定资源的分布存在显著性差异,而实现手段未达到显著性差异;中英鉴赏资源的分布及实现手段均有显著性差异。本文结合语篇特点及语言特性等对以上结果做了解释。The study employs 30 Chinese and 30 English forewords of academic monographs as its data and makes a contrastive analysis of these treatises based upon the Attitude of Appraisal system ( Martin & Rose 2003 ) within SFL by using SPSS 22.0, investigating the resource types and realizations of Attitude. The major findings are as follows: ( 1 ) At the macro level, there is no significant difference in resource types; instead, a significant difference in realizations is found between the two groups; ( 2 ) At the micro level, there is no significant difference in resource types and realizations of Affect; there is significant differ- ence in resource types, but no significant difference in realizations of Judgment; there is significant difference in both the re- source types and the realizations of Appreciation. The results are explained multi-dimensionally by taking account of the genre- based knowledge and linguistic features within the two academic discourse communities.2015年国家社科基金项目“非言语情绪交互与外语课堂教学有效性研究”(项目编号:15BYY082)的部分研究成

    Research on Lao Zi's scientific thought

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    老子科学思想对中国传统文化影响至深。老子的《道德经》是中国历史上较早论及科学思想的历史文献。《道德经》之中蕴涵了丰富的科学思想,在先秦时期的典籍之中能如此全面而又细致地探讨宇宙、自然等科学问题实属难得。在科学技术比较落后的春秋战国时期,这部经典之作具有重要的研究价值。 只可惜,海内外学者对《道德经》中所蕴涵的科学思想一直未给予应有的重视。研究视角主要集中在老子的政治学、美学、管理学、医学等领域。虽然很多学者已经从自然观、科学观等角度研究老子的思想,已然踏及老子科学思想这片肥沃的土地,但是在研究深度、广度方面都还可以有所作为。 本文紧紧抓住了“老子热”的研究契机,以老子“道法自然”的自然思想...Lao Zi's scientific thoughts are deeply influenced by Chinese traditional culture.Lao Zi's“Tao Te Ching”is an earlier historical document in the history of China which involved in scientific thoughts. In the pre Qin period, it is difficult to explore the universe, nature and other scientific issues in such a comprehensive and detailed way. “Tao Te Ching”is of great significance in this special age...学位:哲学硕士院系专业:人文学院_科学技术哲学学号:1042013115238

    An Analysis of the Time View of Don Delillo's Novels from the Perspective of Narratology - A Case Study of The Body Artist and Point Omega

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    个体的时间感关系到个体的生存状态。在后现代社会中,个体的时间观受到社会经济、科技文化、消费社会以及大众传媒的影响,呈现出时间感淡化、碎片化、瞬间化等特征。德里罗的《人体艺术家》和《欧米伽点》通过讲述居于社会边缘的艺术家在社会边缘空间的生活状态,表达对时间观的一种警惕与反思。 本文以德里罗的《人体艺术家》和《欧米伽点》为研究对象,从叙述者、情节、叙事空间三个角度解析《人体艺术家》和《欧米伽点》的叙事特征,以叙述学的角度分析的两部小说对时间的呈现。 绪论部分首先简述了唐·德里罗的小说创作之路,随后分析并概况了唐·德里罗在美国与国内的研究状况,最后阐明本文的选题思路以及研究方法。 论文的第一章...The individual's sense of time is related to the individual's living condition. In postmodern society, the individual's view of time is influenced by social economy, science and technology culture, consumer society and mass media, showing the characteristics of time desalination, fragmentation and instantaneousization. Don Delillo’s The Body Artist and Point Omega express a sense of vigilance and ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院_比较文学与世界文学学号:1022014115238

    Breaking the illusion of social justice——A research of Hayek’s justice thought

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    作为西方自由主义最具有代表性的人物之一,英国经济学家、政治学家弗里德里希·奥古斯特·冯·哈耶克在其毕生的著述中运用了政治学、经济学、法学、哲学等多领域的知识对古典自由主义进行了详细且深入的阐述。他坚定地捍卫个人自由,告诫人们要警惕极权主义所带来的危害,提倡以自发秩序作为社会运作的基础,极力反对国家、政府对于市场行为的强制性干预,因而断然否定了“社会正义”的诉求。哈耶克以“有限理性”、“方法论个人主义”和“自发秩序”理论为基础,阐明了一种与肯定性规则截然不同的、以否定性正当行为规则为理论核心的正义观,并对“社会正义”进行了严厉的批判。尽管哈耶克的正义思想并不是完美无缺的,存在着部分无法令人信服的...As one of the most important representatives of Western liberalism, British economist and political scientists——Friedrich·A·Von·Hayek used political science, economics, law, philosophy and other multi-fields of knowledge to elaborate the classical liberalism in detail and deeply in his whole life of writings. He defended individual liberty firmly, Warning people alert to the harmfulness of totalit...学位:法学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_政治学理论学号:1382014115053

    From Political Dominance to Multiple Interaction: The Changes of Singapore Associations ——a Case Study on People's Association

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    新加坡社团组织在其产生和发展的过程中在组织结构、规模、经费来源、活动内容,以及社团组织与政党之间的关系等方面发生了许多变迁,这种变迁伴随着新加坡政治发展以及世界政治的发展一直在进行,这种变迁有着它多层次的原因,也有其深远的影响。 本文选取了其中规模最庞大、结构最完善、覆盖范围最广的社团组织——人民协会作为研究案例,以四个章节的篇幅,综合运用亨廷顿的政治稳定理论、政治发展理论,文献研究以及层次分析法等多种理论与研究方法对新加坡社团组织的变迁进行了探讨,文章的结论:新加坡社团组织在总体发展趋势上经历了从单一的政治功能到以社会服务为主的与政党之间的多向互动的功能性变迁;就人民协会这一案例而言,这种...Changes about the social associations in Singapore have been happening all the time, these changes vary from the organizational structure, size, source of funds, the content of the event, the function of the organization, and the relationship between the communities and the political party, which are accompanied by the development of Singapore's politics and the development of world politics.The c...学位:法学硕士院系专业:南洋研究院_国际关系学号:2552014115221

    In Search of Civic Virtue—— Hannah Arendt’s Reflection on the Dilemma of Modernity and Totalitarianism

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    极权主义理论和现代性批判理论是阿伦特政治思想中的重要内容,极权主义的灾难是阿伦特思想的起点,但阿伦特关切的终点始终是现代社会,通过相关资料和文献的分析,我们发现阿伦特直指的现代性困境其实质就是公民德性的缺失,现代社会对公民公共性以及德性展现空间的剥夺所导致的公民德性的缺失,使得现代性中始终暗藏着被极权与暴力统治的危险。现代性的危机根本上是人的危机,人与人之间没有伦理性的交往就没有真正将人们联系起来的纽带。阿伦特的现代性批判理论、极权主义理论以及公民德性之间有一定的逻辑联系。 由于阿伦特的思想理论体系十分分散,她也从未对公民德性思想作过系统论述,因此,学界对其公民德性思想缺乏系统的研究。本文将...The theory of totalitarianism theory and critical theory of Modernity is an important part of political thought of Arendt.Totalitarian disaster is the starting point of Arendt , but the concern of Arendt is always the modern society.Through data analysis and relevant literature, we find Arendt directed modernity predicament and its essence is the lack of civic virtue, lack of modern society on civ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_政治学理论学号:1382013115053

    The Importance and Potential of Westerners studying the Chinese language within Works on mandarin

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    A Report on E-C Translation of European Welfare Futures (Excerpts) ——Based on the Translation of Nominalization in Academic Texts

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    本论文为社会学专著《欧洲福利未来》介绍部分和第一章的英译汉翻译报告。《欧洲福利未来》于2000年出版,是一本研究欧洲社会福利发展的学术著作,其对于社会科学领域的研究者和决策者具有一定的学术意义和参考价值。论文首先交代了项目背景,介绍了译前准备工作,包括阅读和分析语篇,查阅有关福利政策的专业知识以及建立术语库。之后,论文确立以语篇为单位进行翻译,遵循忠实性和可读性的翻译原则,以传递原文意义和功能为目标。 在翻译解析中,笔者重点对翻译过程中遇到的翻译难点——名词化进行了探讨。首先,笔者对英语学术语篇原文中出现的名词化现象进行了分析,然后通过实例探究了学术语篇中名词化的翻译方法,包括信息重组、衔接...This thesis is a report on the E-C translation of chapters from European Welfare Futures. European Welfare Futures is a sociological monograph which was first published in 2000 and is about the development of welfare policies in EU countries. It is of great value both to sociological researchers and policy makers. This thesis first introduces the context of the project and the preparations done be...学位:翻译硕士院系专业:外文学院_翻译硕士学号:1202013115275