396 research outputs found

    Estimation of the Degree of Polarization for Hybrid/Compact and Linear Dual-Pol SAR Intensity Images: Principles and Applications

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    Analysis and comparison of linear and hybrid/compact dual-polarization (dual-pol) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery have gained a wholly new importance in the last few years, in particular, with the advent of new spaceborne SARs such as the Japanese ALOS PALSAR, the Canadian RADARSAT-2, and the German TerraSAR-X. Compact polarimetry, hybrid dual-pol, and quad-pol modes are newly promoted in the literature for future SAR missions. In this paper, we investigate and compare different hybrid/compact and linear dual-pol modes in terms of the estimation of the degree of polarization (DoP). The DoP has long been recognized as one of the most important parameters characterizing a partially polarized electromagnetic wave. It can be effectively used to characterize the information content of SAR data. We study and compare the information content of the intensity data provided by different hybrid/compact and linear dual-pol SAR modes. For this purpose, we derive the joint distribution of multilook SAR intensity images. We use this distribution to derive the maximum likelihood and moment-based estimators of the DoP in hybrid/compact and linear dual-pol modes.We evaluate and compare the performance of these estimators for different modes on both synthetic and real data, which are acquired by RADARSAT-2 spaceborne and NASA/JPL airborne SAR systems, over various terrain types such as urban, vegetation, and ocean

    On the use of the l(2)-norm for texture analysis of polarimetric SAR data

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    In this paper, the use of the l2-norm, or Span, of the scattering vectors is suggested for texture analysis of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data, with the benefits that we need neither an analysis of the polarimetric channels separately nor a filtering of the data to analyze the statistics. Based on the product model, the distribution of the l2-norm is studied. Closed expressions of the probability density functions under the assumptions of several texture distributions are provided. To utilize the statistical properties of the l2-norm, quantities including normalized moments and log-cumulants are derived, along with corresponding estimators and estimation variances. Results on both simulated and real SAR data show that the use of statistics based on the l2-norm brings advantages in several aspects with respect to the normalized intensity moments and matrix variate log-cumulants.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A test statistic in the complex Wishart distribution and its application to change detection in polarimetric SAR data

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    Abstract—When working with multilook fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data, an appropriate way of representing the backscattered signal consists of the so-called covariance matrix. For each pixel, this is a 3 3 Hermitian positive definite matrix that follows a complex Wishart distribution. Based on this distribution, a test statistic for equality of two such matrices and an associated asymptotic probability for obtaining a smaller value of the test statistic are derived and applied successfully to change detection in polarimetric SAR data. In a case study, EMISAR L-band data from April 17, 1998 and May 20, 1998 covering agricultural fields near Foulum, Denmark are used. Multilook full covariance matrix data, azimuthal symmetric data, covariance matrix diagonal-only data, and horizontal–horizontal (HH), vertical–vertical (VV), or horizontal–vertical (HV) data alone can be used. If applied to HH, VV, or HV data alone, the derived test statistic reduces to the well-known gamma likelihood-ratio test statistic. The derived test statistic and the associated significance value can be applied as a line or edge detector in fully polarimetric SAR data also. Index Terms—Covariance matrix test statistic, EMISAR, radar applications, radar polarimetry, remote sensing change detection. I

    Analytic Expressions for Stochastic Distances Between Relaxed Complex Wishart Distributions

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    The scaled complex Wishart distribution is a widely used model for multilook full polarimetric SAR data whose adequacy has been attested in the literature. Classification, segmentation, and image analysis techniques which depend on this model have been devised, and many of them employ some type of dissimilarity measure. In this paper we derive analytic expressions for four stochastic distances between relaxed scaled complex Wishart distributions in their most general form and in important particular cases. Using these distances, inequalities are obtained which lead to new ways of deriving the Bartlett and revised Wishart distances. The expressiveness of the four analytic distances is assessed with respect to the variation of parameters. Such distances are then used for deriving new tests statistics, which are proved to have asymptotic chi-square distribution. Adopting the test size as a comparison criterion, a sensitivity study is performed by means of Monte Carlo experiments suggesting that the Bhattacharyya statistic outperforms all the others. The power of the tests is also assessed. Applications to actual data illustrate the discrimination and homogeneity identification capabilities of these distances.Comment: Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing journa

    Polarimetric SAR Change Detection with the Complex Hotelling-Lawley Trace Statistic

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    Accepted manuscript version. Published version at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2016.2532320.In this paper, we propose a new test statistic for unsupervised change detection in polarimetric radar images. We work with multilook complex covariance matrix data, whose underlying model is assumed to be the scaled complex Wishart distribution. We use the complex-kind Hotelling-Lawley trace statistic for measuring the similarity of two covariance matrices. The distribution of the Hotelling-Lawley trace statistic is ap- proximated by a Fisher-Snedecor distribution, which is used to define the significance level of a false alarm rate regulated change detector. Experiments on simulated and real PolSAR data sets demonstrate that the proposed change detection method gives detections rates and error rates that are comparable with the generalized likelihood ratio test

    Statistical modeling of polarimetric SAR data: a survey and challenges

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    Knowledge of the exact statistical properties of the signal plays an important role in the applications of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) data. In the last three decades, a considerable research effort has been devoted to finding accurate statistical models for PolSAR data, and a number of distributions have been proposed. In order to see the differences of various models and to make a comparison among them, a survey is provided in this paper. Texture models, which could capture the non-Gaussian behavior observed in high resolution data, and yet keep a compact mathematical form, are mainly explained. Probability density functions for the single look data and the multilook data are reviewed, as well as the advantages and applicable context of those models. As a summary, challenges in the area of statistical analysis of PolSAR data are also discussed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
