20 research outputs found

    Влияние металлического экрана на резонансную длину проволочной антенны

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    На основании метода наведенных электродвижущих сил и равномерной геометрической теории дифракции разработан алгоритм расчета входного импеданса симметричного электрического вибратора, расположенного над металлическим бесконечно тонким экраном прямоугольной формы. Определена резонансная длина плеча полуволнового вибратора, при которой реактивная часть его входного импеданса равна нулю, в зависимости от толщины вибратора, размеров и формы экрана при различных расстояниях между вибратором и экраном и их взаимной ориентации. Показано, что присутствие экрана приводит к большему укорочению резонансной длины вибратора, чем в случае вибратора в свободном пространстве.На основі методу наведених електрорушійних сил та рівномірної геометричної теорії дифракції розроблено алгоритм розрахунку вхідного імпедансу симетричного електричного вібратора, розташованого над металевим нескінченно тонким екраном прямокутної форми. Визначено резонансну довжину плеча напівхвильового вібратора, за якої реактивна частка його вхідного імпедансу дорівнює нулеві, залежно від товщини вібратора, розмірів і форми екрана за різних відстаней між вібратором та екраном та їх взаємоорієнтації. Показано, що наявність екрана призводить до більшого укорочення резонансної довжини вібратора, ніж у випадку вібратора у вільному просторі.With the method of induced electromotive forces and the uniform geometric diffraction theory the algorithm for calculating the input impedance of the symmetric electric dipole placed above the metal infinitely thin rectangular screen is developed. The half-wave dipole resonance arm at which the jet part of its input impedance is equal to zero is determined vs. dipole thickness, sizes and form of the screen for different dipole-to-screen distances and dipole orientations towards the screen. It is shown that presence of the screen results in greater shortening of the dipole resonant length than in the case of the dipole in free space

    Роль бaнковcкой cиcтемы в рaзвитии экономики областей Республики Беларусь

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    Goreglyad, Yu. A. The role of the banking system in the economic development of regions of the Republic of Belaru


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    The article is devoted to problems of women's participation in the political process of modern Egypt. The author explores the roots of gender inequality in power relations and the phenomenon of female political leadership. The article discusses the dynamics of women's political participation in Egypt in the second half of XX – beginning of XXI centuries identifies the causes of low representation of women in politics of Egypt. The role of women in politics. According to the Egyptian Constitution, men and women have equal rights and equal opportunities for their implementation, but in practice, in political life, continues to exist a significant difference between de jure and de facto in the field of equal participation of women in the highest power structures and decision-making. Women of Egypt are outsiders in the political sphere, they have been traditionally weak in the legislative bodies occupy few leading positions in the government. The policy is traditionally considered a male domain. The representation of women in bodies of political power is characterized by gender asymmetry. The dominance of men in political structures, women's low level of self-consciousness, lack of support from parties and mass media, the lack of appropriate linkages with various community organizations – all this serves as a serious barrier to increasing the representation of women in politics. In masculine-orientirovana society's political system contains in itself a tendency to block the entrance of women to preserve the Patriarchal status quo. The dominance of men in political structures, women's low level of self-consciousness, lack of support from parties and mass media, the lack of appropriate linkages with various community organizations – all this serves as a serious barrier to increasing the representation of women in politics. In masculine-orientirovana society's political system contains in itself a tendency to block the entrance of women to preserve the Patriarchal status quo. Very often it is declared to be a concern of society about women who need to protect against “dirty politics” and save for the family as the primary place of their activities.The article is devoted to problems of women's participation in the political process of modern Egypt. The author explores the roots of gender inequality in power relations and the phenomenon of female political leadership. The article discusses the dynamics of women's political participation in Egypt in the second half of XX – beginning of XXI centuries identifies the causes of low representation of women in politics of Egypt. The role of women in politics. According to the Egyptian Constitution, men and women have equal rights and equal opportunities for their implementation, but in practice, in political life, continues to exist a significant difference between de jure and de facto in the field of equal participation of women in the highest power structures and decision-making. Women of Egypt are outsiders in the political sphere, they have been traditionally weak in the legislative bodies occupy few leading positions in the government. The policy is traditionally considered a male domain. The representation of women in bodies of political power is characterized by gender asymmetry. The dominance of men in political structures, women's low level of self-consciousness, lack of support from parties and mass media, the lack of appropriate linkages with various community organizations – all this serves as a serious barrier to increasing the representation of women in politics. In masculine-orientirovana society's political system contains in itself a tendency to block the entrance of women to preserve the Patriarchal status quo. The dominance of men in political structures, women's low level of self-consciousness, lack of support from parties and mass media, the lack of appropriate linkages with various community organizations – all this serves as a serious barrier to increasing the representation of women in politics. In masculine-orientirovana society's political system contains in itself a tendency to block the entrance of women to preserve the Patriarchal status quo. Very often it is declared to be a concern of society about women who need to protect against “dirty politics” and save for the family as the primary place of their activities

    “Showy”, “Music-hall” America: To the Centenary of Sergey Esenin’s Essay Iron Mirgorod

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    The article analyzes the image of America created by S.A. Esenin after his trip to the West with I. Duncan in the essay “Iron Mirgorod” (1923) and offers a comprehensive analysis of the poetics and the main sources of his text. Esenin was the first Soviet poet to visit America and create an essay about it, taking into account the rich literary tradition and his own vivid impressions. During his four month stay in America the poet lived in the New York City and visited 14 cities, in 11 states: Baltimore, Boston, Detroit, Indianapolis, Kansas City, St. Louis, Cleveland, Toledo, Toronto, Louisville, Memphis, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Chicago. In connection with the history of the creation and publication of the essay, the article pays attention to the ambiguous semantics of its title, its connection with reality and literary sources — the cycle of essays by M. Gorky’s In America (1906) and N.V. Gogol’s works, including the collection of novellas Mirgorod (1835). The researcher analyzes the multilevel content, the correlation between the external and internal dialogue and the creation of a complex and contradictory image, in which the showy, festive, carrying the “banner of industrial culture” is contrasted with the “music hall” America. The article reveals Esenin’s polemics with the poem 150 000 000 writen by Mayakovsky “on the basis of pictures” taken from old magazines, “translating Whitman” (most of Esenin‘s attacks against Mayakovsky were not published) and his controversy with Russian urbanists (those from “Kuznitsa,” “LEF”). Esenin’s deep concern for the problems of modern spirituality and culture was expressed in categorical and sometimes shocking tone of his assessments and judgments, oddity of style and the pecularity of genre — the essay is written in an ironic manner balancing between satire and grotesque. Carrying on a dialogue with Gogol, Esenin extremely sharpens the contradictions of real America and warns against choosing the American path of development with its exceptionalism, false pride of being “cultured”, “immersion in business” and “the power of dollar.

    Повышение эффективности процесса алкилирования бензола этиленом с использованием компьютерной моделирующей системы

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    Объектом исследования является процесс алкилирования бензола этиленом на цеолитном катализаторе. Цель работы – повышение эффективности работы промышленной установки получения этилбензола на цеолитном катализаторе с использованием математической модели. В работе выполнен термодинамический и кинетический анализ реакций, протекающих в реакторе алкилирования бензола этиленом, детально изучены механизмы этих реакций, определены энергии активации и предэкспоненциальные множители в уравнении Аррениуса для целевых и побочных реакций. Основной метод, применяемый в работе – метод математического моделирования. Модель объекта строились с учетом физико-химических закономерностей протекания процесса.The object of the study is the process of alkylation of benzene with ethylene on a zeolite catalyst. The aim of the work is to increase the efficiency of the industrial plant for the production of ethylbenzene on a zeolite catalyst using a mathematical model. The thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of the reactions taking place in the alkylation reactor of benzene with ethylene is performed, the mechanisms of these reactions are studied in detail, activation energies and pre-exponential factors in the Arrhenius equation for target and side reactions are determined. The main method used in the work is the method of mathematical modeling. The model of the object was constructed taking into account the physicochemical regularities of the process

    Математическая статистика

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    В пособии излагаются основные результаты теории выборочного метода, методы получения оценок, задачи статистической проверки гипотез, некоторые положения теории статистических решающих правил и оптимальных выводов. Основные положения иллюстрируются рядом примеров и задач. Пособие предназначено для изучения математической статистики в университетах, пединститутах, а также в технических вузах с повышенной математической подготовкой. Может быть полезно инженерам, аспирантам и научным работникам различных специальностей. Подготовлено на кафедре функционального анализа и теории функций.Гриф.Используемые программы Adobe AcrobatТруды сотрудников Самар. ун-та (электрон.версия

    Наука планирует военные преступления: Участие Берлинского университета имени Гумбольдта в разработке Генерального плана «Ост» национал-социалистов

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    Национал-социалистическая Германия желала значительно расширить свою территорию и закрепить данную экспансию в долгосрочной перспективе. В целях организации гигантской и комплексной акции по переселению и заселению территорий Восточной Европы, завоеванных во время Второй мировой войны, руководство Рейха поручило ученым Берлинского университета разработку так называемого «Генерального плана Ост». Концепция, разработанная в ходе сотрудничества между учеными, руководством Рейха, СС и вермахтом содержит точное описание того, каким образом должно быть освоено новое «жизненное пространство», а именно, путем колонизации территорий славянского населения и принуждения людей к работе, с применением депортации и убийств. В данной книге освещены некоторые аспекты возникновения и последствий «Генерального плана Ост», а также обозначены проблемные моменты процесса осмысления данного военного преступления в Берлинском университета им. Гумбольдта после Второй мировой войны