5,331 research outputs found

    Матеріальне становище міського населення України в період НЕПу: історіографія проблеми

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    Стаття висвітлює проблеми періодизації вітчизняної історії дослідження матеріального становища громадян у період 1921–1929 рр. Автор аналізує наукові праці, присвячені питанням добробуту трудящих в 1920-х рр., створені у період з 1920-х по 2000-ні рр.The article deals with the problem of periodization of the Ukrainian history in connection with the financial situation of urban population during the period 1921–1929. The author analyzes the research done on the topic since the 1920s up till the 2000s


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    Good user interfaces are essential for any successful product. A process of the user interface creation is not available include in the algorithmic scheme. In this articles will formulate principles principles o f user-centered design, criteria o f ergonomics interfaces and efficient interface’s rules of project. These principles are based usability computer training courses

    An Annotated List of the Cerambycidae of Michigan (Coleoptera) Part I, Introduction and the Subfamilies Parandrinae, Prioninae, Spondylinae, Aseminae, and Cerambycinae

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    The Cerambycidae are generally acknowledged as one of the most popular families of Coleoptera, and it is not surprising that they have been collected widely in Michigan. Andrews (1916, 1921, 1929), Hatch (1924), Hubbard and Schwarz (1878), and Wickham (1895), included Cerambycidae in published lists of insects from various localities in the state. The present list, however, is the first to include records of collections made throughout Michigan. Some regions of the state have been rather thoroughly collected, particularly the southeastern counties. Collecting throughout Michigan has been sufficient to consider this list as essentially complete, although continued studies in the southwestern Lower Peninsula and the western Upper Peninsula will undoubtedly add a few species to the records

    Боротьба міліції з самогоноварінням в УСРР у роки непу (1921–1929 рр.)

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    Golovko, O.M. and Grechenko, V.A. (2015), “Fight of militia against hooch making in Ukrainian SSR during the period of a new economic policy (1921 –1929)” [“Borotba militsii z samohonovarinniam v USRR u roky nepu (1921 –1929 rr.)”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 1, pp. 20–29.Головко, О. М. Боротьба міліції з самогоноварінням в УСРР у роки непу (1921–1929 рр.) / О. М. Головко, В. А. Греченко // Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 1 (56). - С. 20-29.Розглянуто основні аспекти боротьби міліції з самогоноварінням і пияцтвом в Українській СРР в період нової економічної політики, проаналізовано причини цього явища, його рівень, форми та методи боротьби з ним та їх ефективність.The article analyzes interrelation between social and economic conditions and distilling of samogon (hooch, home-made vodka) in Ukrainian SSR in 1920s, perception of this phenomenon by the Soviet authorities, officials, militia. The illegal making and sale of alcoholic beverages, drunkenness had direct influence on a criminogenic situation in a republic. Large enough percent of hooligan actions, robberies were accomplished by persons that were in the state of alcoholic intoxication. Other negative consequence of distribution of distilling of samogon was that bread, potato, beets, sugar, was spent in his process, products that did not have to the population. In addition, through the illegal sale of the homedistilled vodka, handsome money sums did not get in the state budget. Administrative, judicial and organizational methods used by militia aimed to eliminate hooch making, as well as the results of such methods are also presented in the article.Рассмотрены основные аспекты борьбы милиции с самогоноварением и пьянством в Украинской СCР в период новой экономической политики, проанализированы причины этого явления, его уровень, формы и методы борьбы с ним и их эффективность

    Боротьба міліції з проституцією в УСРР у добу непу (1921–1929 рр.)

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    Grechenko, V.A. (2015), “Fight of militia against a prostitution in Ukrainian SSR during a new economic policy (1921–1929)” [“Borotba militsii z prostytutsiieiu v USRR u dobu nepu (1921–1929 rr.)”], Visnyk Kharkivskoho Natsionalnoho Universytetu Vnutrishnikh Sprav, No. 1, pp. 22-33.Греченко, В. А. Боротьба міліції з проституцією в УСРР у добу непу (1921–1929 рр.) // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2015. - № 1 (68). - С. 22-33.Розглянуто основні аспекти боротьби міліції з проституцією в період нової економічної політики в Україні, причини проституції, її рівень.With coming to power of bolshevists there is a prostitution, criminality and another negative social phenomena began to be examined as disgraceful heritage, vestige of capitalist line-up. This idea underlay activity of the soviet state on a fight against a prostitution. During active legislative activity norms were accepted about the criminal proceeding of persons, engaging women in the sphere of commercial sex and containing the dens of debauch. The legislative fixing of possibility of a force physical examination of persons probably having a venereal disease had influence on the decline of height of number of infected. Measures accepted in the Soviet state, on a fight against a prostitution were more effective, than those, that were used in preceding periods. However the self phenomenon continued to exist, «sale love» continued to be in demand, though substantially less, than before. Insufficient efficiency of the conducted events was partly conditioned by absence of the required capital investments, that explained by limit possibilities of country trying to overcome an economic crisis, and also walking of the state away from a market economy and passing to industrialization that entailed application of new measures in regard to the sphere of commercial sex.Рассмотрены основные аспекты борьбы милиции с проституцией в период новой экономической политики в Украине, причины проституции, ее уровень

    Боротьба міліції з хуліганством в УСРР у роки непу (1921–1929)

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    Grechenko, V.A. (2015), “Fight of militia against hooliganism in Ukrainian SSR in the years of new economic policy (1921–1929)”, [“Borotba militsii z khulihanstvom v USRR u roky nepu (1921–1929)”], Visnyk Kharkivskoho Natsionalnoho Universytetu Vnutrishnikh Sprav, No. 2, pp. 51-60.Греченко, В. А. Боротьба міліції з хуліганством в УСРР у роки непу (1921–1929) // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2015. - № 2 (69). - С.51-60.Розглянуто основні аспекти боротьби міліції з хуліганством у період нової економічної політики в Україні, причини цього явища, його рівень.A fight against hooliganism today is the same actual, as well as 100 years ago. One of important pages of it’s history is a period of new economic policy. Complex research on this subjects in Ukraine does not exist. Taking into account actuality and scale of this theme, its insufficient investigationalness, an author put an aim to himself to analyse reasons of hooliganism in time of new economic policy and basic forms and methods of fight of militia with this anomalous social phenomenon. Wars and revolution deformed the normal process of initial socialization of young people, that became one of reasons of increase of hooliganism in a peace-time. A large value for escalation hooliganism had the use of alcohol and drugs. In this time on the streets of cities the real war developed between militiamen and hooligans. The events of fight on hooliganism were divided into two categories: events of administrative character and events sent directly to the fight against the already accomplished hooligan acts. At the end of 1920th for a fight against hooliganism working detachments, evening and night roundups and even deportation and reference of hooligans, began to be used in the administrative order.Рассмотрены основные аспекты борьбы милиции с хулиганством в период новой экономической политики в Украине, причины этого явления, его уровень

    Соціальна стратиграфія українського селянства доби НЕПу: історіографія 60-90-х років XX ст.

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    Розкрито соціальну структуру селянських господарств України періоду нової економічної політики (1921-1929 рр.) за матеріалами, що знайшли своє відображення в роботах радянських та вітчизняних авторів 60-90-х років XX ст. Висвітлено різні підходи дослідників до визначення об’єктивних параметрів селянських господарств доби недостатньо розвинутого товарного виробництва.Раскрыта социальная структура крестьянских хозяйств Украины периода новой экономической политики (1921-1929 гг.) по материалам, которые нашли свое отражение в работах советских и отечественных авторов 60–90-х годов XX в. Освещены различные подходы исследователей к определению объективных параметров крестьянских хозяйств периода недостаточно развитого товарного производства.The article is devoted to disclosing of social structure the Ukrainian agriculture farmer’s type of the period of new economic politics (1921-1929) on materials, which was reflected in the work of Soviet domestic authors and 60–90’s of XX c. It was covered different approaches researchers to determine the objective parameters farms day underdeveloped commodity production

    Діяльність розвідувальної референтури УВО (1921–1929 рр.) (Activity of the UVO intelligence subdivision (1921–1929 рр.))

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    У статті з’ясовано, що структура розвідувальної референтури УВО складалася з трьох груп: військової, територіальної та закордонної. Військова мережа поділялася на корпусні «експозитури», дивізійні, полкові та батальйонні «розвідчі станиці». Територіальна – на обласні «експозитури», окружні та повітові «розвідувальні станиці». Закордонна – складалася з Розвідувальних бюро, які підпорядковувалися Центральному розвідчому бюро. (The article reviews a topical and poorly researched development stage of the special services of the Ukrainian liberation movement which is an activity of an intelligence subdivision of the Ukrainian Military Organization. Its origin and formation was based on the combat experience gained by the soldiers of the Ukrainian Galician Army. A former Sich Riflemen senior officer, Osyp Dumin, played an important role in its development. It was under his command that the intelligence subdivision acquired its full status. At the same time, Osyp Dumin’s role in the UVO development had also a different, negative influence. He had a pro-Soviet position and gathered his supporters. By relying on his followers, Osyp Dumin tried to eliminate Yevhen Konovalets from a position in the authority. Eventually, his manoeuvre caused a split in the UVO and formation of a WestUkrainian revolutionary organization that had its own intelligence network. In spite of its internal strifes, a network of the UVO intelligence subdivision had been constantly evolving. Gradually, it covered not only Galicia, Volyn and Polissya, but also spread its activities over the entire territory of the Second Polish Republic. The UVO intelligence network was divided into three groups, by the types of its structure and tasks, – military, territorial and foreign. All of them were headed by the Central intelligence bureau. According to data collected by the Polish Army units, the UVO military intelligence network was divided into field corps “ekspozytury” (units), divisional, regimental and battalion intelligence “stanytsi” (villages). The servicemen of the Ukrainian descent were considered to be the most reliable force The territorial network of the UVO intelligence subdivision was divided into regional “ekspozytury”, circuit and county intelligence “stanytsi”. The following positions were presumed to be structural parts of the regional “ekspozytury”: 1) a department chief, 2) a deputy (responsible for political intelligence), 3) “protokoliant” (a protocol agent who was engaged in a secret clerical work). The circuit and county intelligence “stanytsi” resembled the regional “ekspozytura” by its staff organization. The foreign departments of the UVO intelligence subdivision consisted of the Intelligence bureaus that were subordinated to the Central Intelligence bureau. The latter was composed of three sections: 1) organizational, 2) evidentsii (evidence) and statistics, 3) administrative. The most influential UVO cells were in Kaunas, Berlin, Königsberg, Danzig and Wrocław. Lithuania had a special position among the UVO allies, due to the fact, that the UVO established a close cooperation with the state. The UVO intelligence provided the Lithuanians with information on the Polish military plans, a state of their army armament, and various training. Lithuania returned favour with providing the UVO with funds donations, making the documents for the underground members and support in their literature publication. The UVO intelligence forces were strongly concentrated on the training of their employees. They organized short-term courses for the higher and lower underground staff. They performed an exchange between their chief positions for the underground members to gain new experiences. Despite Osyp Dumin’s actions aimed at the rupture and Yulian Golovinskyi hostile attitude towards development of the UVO intelligence subdivision, the UVO special services continued its existence. Subsequently, it became the basis for the OUN intelligence development

    География и динамика развития промыслов по переработке животрого сырья в селах Харьковщины в годы НЭП

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    У статті досліджується розвиток у селах Харківщини промислів з переробки тваринної сировини, які протягом 1921–1929 рр. залишалися основою селянської економіки.Background research related to the lack of researches in the given topic historiography. Territorial boundaries cover a large region — Kharkiv region, which until 1925 largely coincide with the boundaries of Kharkov province. And in 1925, it was divided into several provinces — Kharkov, Sumy, Kupiansk, Izyumskogo, Romney. The chronological boundaries article dated from 1921–1929’s, during which was implemented new economic polityka. Osnovnu attention paid to the article features geographically-sectoral design small-scale production of animal products in the region in 20 years of the twentieth century.. On the basis of the detected and studied complex of sources the author analyzes the source base peasant industries in Kharkiv in this period. Found total number of farmers who were engaged in crafts processing animal products. Also revealed the specific industry Kharkov peasantry during nepu. Isnuvav number of factors that pushed the peasant engage in crafts: surplus agricultural products and raw materials; meet a wide range of numerous industrial, domestic and cultural needs; urgent need to replenish the family budget; surplus labor; free time from agricultural work (especially in winter) and others. The development of rural industries processing animal products in the years 1921–1929 in the Kharkiv region characterized by strength and diversity. Village artisans representing an original way of small private commodity production. Basically crafts processing animal products involved in two socio-professional groups: lone artisan and peasant host of crafts. The social basis of industrial employment accounted malozemelni without sowing without Traction economy, which crafts were an important source of household income. The attention is focused on characteristic features of the state policy on «small business» peasants. Attention is paid to co-operation and effects of these industries on the further development rozvytok. Kooperatyvna form does not become dominant and dominant. In 1927–1928 33% were co-rural artisans, engaged in crafts processing animal products in Kharkiv.Основное внимание в статье посвящено освещению особенностей географически-отраслевого оформления мелкого производства из животного сырья региона в 1920-х гг. Установлено общее количество крестьян, которые занимались промыслами по обработке животного сырья. Также выявлена специфика промышленной деятельности харьковского крестьянства в течение нэпа. Акцентировано внимание на характерных чертах государственной политики касаемо «малого бизнеса» крестьян

    Олянич В.В. Приватне та кооперативне підприємництво селянських господарств в Україні (1921 – 1929 рр.): історичний аспект

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    Рецензія на монографію: Олянич В.В. Приватне та кооперативне підприємництво селянських господарств в Україні (1921 – 1929 рр.): історичний аспект.– Харків:, 2012. – 302 с