948,988 research outputs found


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    Pada tahun 1965, berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 1965, lima kecamatan di Kabupaten Surabaya (kini menjadi Gresik) dimasukkan kedalam wilayah Kota Madya Surabaya. Kebijaksanaan ini secara tidak langsung menimbulkan kepincangan karena semakin menjauhkan ibu kota kabupaten (Gresik) dengan wilayah yang diperintah. Beberapa upaya dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, selama Pelita I pembangunan sarana dan prasarana digalakkan untuk keperluan pemerintahan di Gresik beberapa diantaranya seperti dibangunnya gedung-gedung pemerintahan baik gedung kabupaten, kantor kecamatan, balai desa, maupun sarana prasarana non pemerintahan seperti sekolah, terminal, rumah sakit, jembatan, dan lain sebagainya.Penelitian ini membahas tentang (1) latar belakang perubahan status administrasi Gresik dari Kabupaten Surabaya menjadi Kabupaten Gresik tahun 1974; (2) proses peralihan dari Kabupaten Surabaya menjadi Kabupaten Gresik tahun 1974; (3) Perkembangan Kota Gresik setelah menjadi kabupaten mandiri pada tahun 1974. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mendeskripsikan latar belakang perubahan status administrasi Gresik dari Kabupaten Surabaya menjadi Kabupaten Gresik tahun 1974; (2) Menjelaskan proses peralihan dari Kabupaten Surabaya menjadi Kabupaten Gresik Tahun 1974; (3) Menganalisis pengaruh perubahan status administrasi Gresik dari Kabupaten Surabaya menjadi Kabupaten Gresik Tahun 1974. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah yang terdiri dari empat tahapan penelitian, yakni heuristik (pengumpulan sumber), kritik (verifikasi sumber), interpretasi (penafsiran), dan historiografi (penulisan). Tahap heuristik digunakan untuk memperoleh sumber-sumber penelitian baik berupa arsip, buku, surat kabar, jurnal, artikel ilmiah dan lain-lainnya yang dapat digunakan untuk mendukung penelitian ini. Tahap kritik berupa kritik sumber yang dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk melihat tingkat keaslian sumber dan tingkat kredibilitas agar terhindar dari kepalsuan. Tahap interpretasi berdasarkan sumber literasi yang didapat, diperoleh sebuah penafsiran bahwa Perubahan Status Administrasi Gresik dari Kabupaten Surabaya menjadi Kabupaten Gresik pada tahun 1974 di latar belakangi oleh berbagai faktor, baik faktor langsung maupun tidak langsung, setelah melewati proses yang panjang Gresik resmi menjadi kabupaten mandiri berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 38 Tahun 1974. Selanjutnya, tahapan historiografi digunakan untuk menuliskan kembali peristiwa sejarah secara kronologis dan relevan.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 1974, berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 38 Tahun 1974, nama Kabupaten Surabaya dirubah menjadi Kabupaten Gresik. Sejak disahkannya Kabupaten Gresik menjadi kabupaten baru pada tanggal 27 Februari 1975 secara resmi nama Kabupaten Surabaya terhapus. Beberapa pengaruh yang muncul berkaitan dengan terbentuknya Kabupaten Gresik tahun 1974 adalah semakin digalakkannya proyek pembangunan sarana prasarana di Kabupaten Gresik pada masa Bupati Soefelan yang merupakan bupati pertama Kabupaten Gresik, hal ini bertujuan agar dapat menunjang kemajuan Kabupaten Gresik pasca menjadi kabupaten mandiri, selain itu juga pengaruh positif juga terlihat pada sektor industri yang semakin banyak bermunculan di Kabupaten Gresik, tercatat ada sebanyak 10 pabrik yang dibangun pasca Gresik menjadi kabupaten dan terdiri dari Pabrik Milik Asing (PMA) dan Pabrik Milik Dalam Negeri (PMDN).Kata Kunci: perubahan status, administrasi Gresik, kabupate

    Trade policies, macroeconomic adjustment, and manufactured exports : the Latin American experience

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    The author examines the relationship between trade policies and macroeconomic adjustment in six Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico. For the period 1965-94, the six countries experienced 26 trade policy episodes: 11 tightening, and 15 loosening of trade policies. For the analysis, the author worked with four periods that coincided with diffreent prevailing exchange rate regimes: 1965-73, 1974-79, 1980-83 and 1984-04. Using a probit model, he examined the relationship between tightening and loosening trade policies and the current account balance, the exchange rate, and the growth in manufactured exports. His main conclusions: 1) experience in these six countries for 1965-94 confirmed the hypothesis that trade restrictions cannot solve current account problems; 2) for trade liberalization to work, there must be real devaluation either before or during liberalization. Reluctance to devalue, for one reason or another, may lead to trade restrictions. There is evidence that trade restrictions were used in lieu of devaluations during 1965-83. In 1984-94, however, the reluctance to devalue was overcome; 3) growth in manufactured exports helps maintain trade reform and release the economy from foreign exchange constraints. As expected, trade liberalization improved exports (liberalization reduces the bias against exports) while trade tightening hurt them; and 4) The impact of trade reform on the fiscal system cannot be predicted because tax revenues can go in either direction depending on initial conditions, the elasticity of supply in importable and exportable sectors, and the economy's growth rate.Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Trade Policy,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Rules of Origin,TF054105-DONOR FUNDED OPERATION ADMINISTRATION FEE INCOME AND EXPENSE ACCOUNT,Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Trade Policy,Economic Stabilization

    Articles de Jacques Ozouf dans l’« Observateur » : France Observateur et Nouvel Observateur 1958-1977

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    Tableaux établis et réalisés par Quentin Deluermoz Rythmes 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977* 1981 3 3 2 3 15 13 4 9 13 16 15 19 9 1 *jusque fin mai Rubriques Événement 62 Lettres arts spectacles 33 Notre couverture 15 Notre époque 5 Document de la semaine 8 Total 123 Les articles de Jacques Ozouf dans le Nouvel Observateur, 1965-1977 Présentation détaillée Année N° / mois Titre Taille Rubrique Illustration / Document Nature / (Événement politique de référenc..

    ユネスコ教育政策の歴史的展開とその特徴 : EFA概念を手がかりとして

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    目次はじめに第1 章EFA (1990) 第1 節EFAとはいかなる概念か? 第2 節問題設定―― ユネスコにとってのEFA第2 章Fundamental Education (1947-1958) 第1 節識字教育としてのFundamental Education(1947-1950) 第2 節Fundamental Education の変質と終了(1951-1958)第3 章初等教育(1951-1974) 第1 節初等教育への関心の高まり(1951-1965) 第2 節教育計画への埋没(1962-1974)第4 章成人教育(1947-1974) 第1 節国際理解教育としての成人教育(1947-1959) 第2 節識字教育としての成人教育(1960-1974) 第3 節生涯教育としての成人教育(1960-1974)第5 章ムボウ期の教育政策(1974-1987) 第1 節ムボウ期の政策方針とその帰結 第2 節生涯教育からEFAへ結

    Study of short-haul aircraft operating economics. Phase 2: An analysis of the impact of jet modernization on local service airline operating costs

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    The objectives of this phase of the study were (1) to assess the 10 year operating cost trends of the local service airlines operating in the 1965 through 1974 period, (2) to glean from these trends the technological and operational parameters which were impacted most significantly by the transition to newer pure jet, short haul transports, and effected by changing fuel prices and cost of living indices, and (3) to develop, construct, and evaluate an operating cost forecasting model which would incorporate those factors which best predicted airline total operating cost behavior over that 10-year period

    Contributions to the theory of groups

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    A 1. The influence on a finite group of its proper abnormal structure. J. London Math. Soc. 40 (1965). 348-61; MR30#4838. • B 2. Abnormal depth and hypereccentric length in finite soluble groups, Math. Z. 90 (1965). 29-40; MR32#141. • C 3. On a splitting theorem of Gaschiitz. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (20 15 (1966). 57-60; MR33#5708. • A 4. Finite groups with prescribed Sylow tower subgroups. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 16 (1966). 577-89; MR33#5734. • B 5. Remarks on system normalizers and Carter subgroups. Proc. Intemat. Conf. Theory of Groups (Canberra I965) (1967). 303-5. • B 6. Finite soluble groups with pronormal system normalizers. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 17 (1967). 447-69; MR35#2967. • C 7. A natural setting for the extensions of a group with trivial centre by an arbitrary group. Enseignement Math. 13 (1967). 167-73; MR3871179. • B 8. Nilpotent subgroups of finite soluble groups. Math. Z. 106 (1968). 97-112; MR40#5736. • B 9. Absolutely faithful group actions. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 66 (1969). 231-7; MR40#1465. • CIO. On the splitting of extensions by a group of prime order. Math. Z. 117 (1970). 239-48; MR43#356. • Cll. Splitting properties of group extensions. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 22 (1971). 1-23; MR43#7515. • C12. Extensions by a free abelian group of rank 2. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 71A (1971). 19-26. MR44#4097 • BI3. A subnormal embedding theorem for finite groups. J. London Math. Soc. (2) 5 (1972) 253-9; MR47#326. • C14. Universal finite group extensions and a non-splitting theorem. Israel J. Math. 15 (1973) 375-83. • A15. Sufficient conditions for the existence of ordered Sylow towers in finite groups. J. Algebra 28 (1974) 116-26. • Cl6. Automorphism groups of groups with trivial centre. Proc. London Math. Soc. • C17. Frattini normal subgroups of finite groups. unpublished. • A18. On finite insoluble groups with nilpotent maximal subgroups. unpublished

    Quantitative Analysis of Fragmented Landscape Patterns Resulting from Timber Harvesting Practices in Kyoto University Forests

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    This paper presents the use of a set of spatial statistics to quantify the forest landscape pattern caused by the patchwork of timber harvesting and the subsequent coniferous plantations made over a 60-year period (1921-1981) in the natural forests of Kyoto University Forests. Aerial photography and orthophotography were used to analyze spatial patterns of forest cover changes at patch level between 1974 and 1996. Base maps of forest pattern were digitized in raster format using four dominant forest cover types in the study area The total number of digitized patches for 1974 and 1996 were 435 and 453, respectively. Four groups of indices were employed to quantify landscape heterogeneity and pattern for each of the two years: (1) patch size; (2) patch abundance; (3) patch shape; and (4) patch spacing. Patch abundance and patch spacing measures provided considerable information on major patterns of forest landscape dynamics over time. Patch size and shape indices contributed information on specific characteristics of the individual patches and may be useful for applications designed to study specific interior and edge habitats or for the prescription of forest cutting patterns and/or cutting-unit size. The net loss of forest covers that occurred during 60-year period trends to be balanced primarily by regeneration of areas cut before 1943 and secondarily by plantation of areas cut before 1965

    Effects of temperature on the biology of the northern shrimp, Pandalus borealis, in the Gulf of Maine

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    Length-frequency data collected from inshore and offshore locations in the Gulf of Maine in 1966-1968 indicated that ovigerous female northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) first appeared offshore in August and September and migrated inshore in the fall and winter. Once eggs hatched, surviving females returned offshore. Juveniles and males migrated offshore during their first two years of life. Sex transition occurred in both inshore and oll'shore waters, but most males changed sex offshore during their third and fourth years. Most shrimp changed sex and matured as females for the first time in their fourth year. Smaller females and females exposed to colder bottom temperatures spawned first. The incidence of egg parasitism peaked in January and was higher for shrimp exposed to warmer bottom temperatures. Accelerated growth at higher temperatures appeared to result in earlier or more rapid sex transition. Males and non-ovigerous females were observed to make diurnal vertical migrations, but were not found in near- surface waters where the temperature exceeded 6°C. Ovigerous females fed more heavily on benthic molluscs in inshore waters in the winter, presumably because the egg masses they were carrying prevented them from migrating vertically at night. Northern shrimp were more abundant in the southwestern region of the Gulf of Maine where bottom temperatures remain low throughout the year. Bottom trawl catch rates were highest in Jeffreys Basin where bottom temperatures were lower than at any other sampling location. Catch rates throughout the study area were inversely related to bottom temperature and reached a maximum at 3°C. An increase of 40% in fecundity between 1973 and 1979 was associated with a decline of 2-3°C in April-July offshore bottom temperatures. Furthermore, a decrease in mean fecundity per 25 mm female between 1965 and 1970 was linearly related to reduced landings between 1969 and 1974. It is hypothesized that temperature-induced changes in fecundity and, possibly, in the extent of egg mortality due to parasitism, may provide a mechanism which could partially account for changes in the size of the Gulf of Maine northern shrimp population during the last thirty years. (PDF file contains 28 pages.

    Provincial International Status Revisited

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    The question as to whether the Canadian provinces possess international status caused much ink to flow in Canadian legal discourse from 1965 to 19681. Although the practical problems incident to an alleged provincial international personality remain with us in the mid 1970\u27s, the lawyers have maintained a low profile from 1968 to 1971. In 1971 Anne-Marie Jacomy-Millette\u27s doctoral dissertation was published as L\u27introduction et l\u27application des trait~s internationaux au Canada.2 In 1973 Ivan Bernier\u27s magisterial doctoral thesis was published under the title International Legal Aspects of Federalism.3 Although no new ground was broken, Professor Bernier stated the existing comparative and international law on federalism and international relations clearly and thoroughly. In 1974 the publication of Canadian Perspectives on International, Law and Organization4 kept the Canadian controversy going in that two articles dealt explicitly with the issue of provincial international status, while a number of other studies mentioned the problem in passing. In that Gerald L. Morris\u27 Canadian Federalism and International Law and Andr6 Dufour\u27s F6d6ralisme canadien et droit intemationale\u27\u275 presented respectively the federal and the Quebec viewpoints, it is perhaps time that the question of provincial international personality be reviewed from a reasonably objective standpoint

    Provincial International Status Revisited

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    The question as to whether the Canadian provinces possess international status caused much ink to flow in Canadian legal discourse from 1965 to 19681. Although the practical problems incident to an alleged provincial international personality remain with us in the mid 1970\u27s, the lawyers have maintained a low profile from 1968 to 1971. In 1971 Anne-Marie Jacomy-Millette\u27s doctoral dissertation was published as L\u27introduction et l\u27application des trait~s internationaux au Canada.2 In 1973 Ivan Bernier\u27s magisterial doctoral thesis was published under the title International Legal Aspects of Federalism.3 Although no new ground was broken, Professor Bernier stated the existing comparative and international law on federalism and international relations clearly and thoroughly. In 1974 the publication of Canadian Perspectives on International, Law and Organization4 kept the Canadian controversy going in that two articles dealt explicitly with the issue of provincial international status, while a number of other studies mentioned the problem in passing. In that Gerald L. Morris\u27 Canadian Federalism and International Law and Andr6 Dufour\u27s F6d6ralisme canadien et droit intemationale\u27\u275 presented respectively the federal and the Quebec viewpoints, it is perhaps time that the question of provincial international personality be reviewed from a reasonably objective standpoint