792 research outputs found

    Effect Of Regulation On Banking: California 1879-1929

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    California had a virtually unregulated banking environment until the first comprehensive banking regulations were passed in 1905. These regulations, and subsequent changes in 1909, required reserves and paid-up capital. Several tests of commonly accepted measures of safety, such as bank reserves, paid-up capital, bank failures, and real estate loans that resulted in foreclosure, are compared for selected years before and after the regulations. Results do not clearly demonstrate that regulation enhanced the safety of individual banks, but do support the conclusion that regulation enhanced the safety of the banking system as a whole

    The Bolshevik Party Transformed: Stalin’s Rise to Power (1917–1927)

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    The article was submitted on 17.01.2017.In 1917, the Bolsheviks promised the liberation of the working masses from exploitation. And yet, within twenty years, they had delivered a regime that was substantially more exploitative and repressive than that of the Tsarist regime they had overthrown. This article argues that more than a quarter of a century after the opening of the archives, we still misapprehend how it happened. Historians tend to see the process as programmatic, or planned and intentional: that the Bolsheviks were authoritarian by nature, or that Stalin hijacked the Revolution and satisfied his lust for power by building a personal dictatorship. The article argues that we have failed to grasp the extent to which the positive programme of liberation continued to motivate the Bolshevik leadership throughout the interwar period. But they had underestimated the obstacles to creating a consensual, participatory political order. Considerable progress was made overcoming basic illiteracy, but it was another matter altogether to establish a functioning administrative apparatus, to fight and win the civil war, and to rebuild a shattered economy. The breakdown of liberal (“bourgeois”) democracies in Europe encouraged complacency about the superiority of the “transitional” proletarian dictatorship. The struggle for power after Lenin’s death turned local organisations against inner party democracy. It did not seem appropriate to revive it either in the midst of collectivisation and rapid industrialisation. The survival of the Revolution and catching up to the advanced capitalist countries took precedence. But if we treat extreme political violence and dictatorship as ends in themselves, we will fail adequately to grasp the fate of the Revolution.В 1917 г. большевики обещали освобождение трудящихся масс от эксплуатации. Но в течение 20 лет они установили режим гораздо более эксплуататорский и репрессивный по своей сути, чем побежденный ими царизм. Автор утверждает, что спустя более четверти века после открытия архивов мы все еще остаемся в неведении по поводу того, почему так случилось. Историки склонны рассматривать этот исход как запрограммированный либо преднамеренно спланированный, поскольку большевики были авторитарны по своей природе, или же Сталин «оседлал» революцию и установил личную диктатуру, удовлетворяя жажду власти. До сих пор нет ясности в понимании того, в какой степени положительная программа освобождения народа продолжала мотивировать большевистское руководство в межвоенный период. Большевики недооценили препятствия на пути создания общественного порядка, основанного на согласованном политическом участии. Существенный прогресс был достигнут на пути ликвидации неграмотности, но значительно труднее было создать функционирующий государственный аппарат, бороться и выиграть Гражданскую войну, а также восстановить разрушенную экономику. Падение либеральных («буржуазных») демократий в Европе укрепляло ощущение превосходства «переходной» пролетарской диктатуры. Борьба за власть после смерти Ленина направила местные партийные организации на борьбу с внутрипартийной демократией. Возрождать ее в условиях коллективизации и ускоренной индустриализации казалось неуместным. Гораздо более важным представлялось выживание революции и стремление догнать передовые капиталистические страны. Автор отмечает, что если относиться к проявлениям политического насилия и диктатуре как к конечной цели советской власти, невозможно должным образом понять судьбу революции

    Particle-kernel estimation of the filter density in state-space models

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    Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods, also known as particle filters, are simulation-based recursive algorithms for the approximation of the a posteriori probability measures generated by state-space dynamical models. At any given time tt, a SMC method produces a set of samples over the state space of the system of interest (often termed "particles") that is used to build a discrete and random approximation of the posterior probability distribution of the state variables, conditional on a sequence of available observations. One potential application of the methodology is the estimation of the densities associated to the sequence of a posteriori distributions. While practitioners have rather freely applied such density approximations in the past, the issue has received less attention from a theoretical perspective. In this paper, we address the problem of constructing kernel-based estimates of the posterior probability density function and its derivatives, and obtain asymptotic convergence results for the estimation errors. In particular, we find convergence rates for the approximation errors that hold uniformly on the state space and guarantee that the error vanishes almost surely as the number of particles in the filter grows. Based on this uniform convergence result, we first show how to build continuous measures that converge almost surely (with known rate) toward the posterior measure and then address a few applications. The latter include maximum a posteriori estimation of the system state using the approximate derivatives of the posterior density and the approximation of functionals of it, for example, Shannon's entropy. This manuscript is identical to the published paper, including a gap in the proof of Theorem 4.2. The Theorem itself is correct. We provide an {\em erratum} at the end of this document with a complete proof and a brief discussion.Comment: IMPORTANT: This manuscript is identical to the published paper, including a gap in the proof of Theorem 4.2. The Theorem itself is correct. We provide an erratum at the end of this document. Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/13-BEJ545 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Financial stability, monetary autonomy and fiscal interference: Bulgaria in search of its way, 1879-1913

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    The Bulgarian monetary system was established, immediately after independence. Having experienced it already under Ottoman rule, newly independent Bulgaria adopted the bimetallic standard. Without being a member of the Latin Monetary Union, it tried broadly to follow the principles of the convention, yet with some exceptions, the most important of which concerned the limit on silver coinage. The absence of such a clause in Bulgaria turned out to be crucial since the financial needs of the recently established state triggered excessive silver coinage which resulted in a persistent agio - a positive and variable difference between the legal and the commercial value of silver coins. The interference of fiscal authorities obstructed the Bulgarian National Bank's ability to manage money in circulation and to secure the monetary stability required by economic development). The attempts of the Bulgarian monetary authorities to eliminate the agio were unsuccessful until they acquired the right to issue silver-backed banknotes. Soon after that, in 1906, Bulgaria introduced a short-lived typical Gold standard.financial stability, monetary autonomy, fiscal interference, Bulgaria


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    Teaching Sundanese in the Priangan area began to develop since the 19th century and reached its peak during the early 20th century. The rapid development of teaching Sundanese is inseparable from two main factors, namely the rapid growth of schools built by the Dutch since the 19th century. where Sundanese is the language of instruction there or at least becomes one of the languages taught. The second factor is the rapid publication of prints in Sundanese, both in the form of books and newspapers. Similarly, the first factor that the roots of this publication comes from the 19th century. The purpose of this research is to find out how the teaching of Sundanese took place rapidly in Priangan during the early 20th century. The data sources in this research are Sundanese language textbook during 20th century, Sundanese school textbook, books catalogs published in the Dutch East Indies, and literature about the history of Java. The development of teaching Sundanese at the beginning of the 20th century developed very rapidly. First, Sundanese has become the language of instruction in lower education, such as schools established by the Dutch, especially at Handap Schools or commonly known as Sundanese schools. At the advanced level, Sundanese has been present as one of the subjects at MULO. Likewise, at the school, OSVIA civil service candidates also apply Sundanese as one of their subjects. In the realm of printed culture, reading books and newspapers dominate the teaching of Sundanese. In terms of publishing books, Balai Poestaka played a very big role and had a dominant role in popularizing the use of Sundanese. These books include Gandasari, Roesdi djeung Misnem, Panjoengsi Basa, etc. Meanwhile, in the case of newspapers, the organs belonging to the Pasoendan Association such as Sipatahoenan played an important role in popularizing the use of Basa Sunda. Pengajaran bahasa Sunda di kawasan Priangan mulai berkembang sejak abad ke-19 dan mencapai puncaknya selama kurun waktu awal abad- 20. Perkembangan pesat dari pengajaran bahasa Sunda ini tak lepas dua faktor utama yakni pesatnya pertumbuhan sekolah-sekolah yang dibangun Belanda sejak abad ke-19. Bahasa Sunda menjadi bahasa pengantar atau setidaknya menjadi salah satu bahasa yang diajarkan. Faktor kedua ialah pesatnya penerbitan cetak dalam bahasa Sunda baik berbentuk buku maupun surat kabar. Sama halnya dengan faktor yang pertama, akar dari penerbitan ini berasal dari abad ke-19. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui bagaimana pangajaran bahasa Sunda berlangsung secara pesat di Priangan selama kurun waktu awal abad ke-20. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah buku-buku pelajaran bahasa Sunda yang terbit pada awal abad ke-20, buku-buku pengajaran sekolah yang menggunakan Bahasa Sunda, buku katalog tentang buku-buku yang terbit di Hindia Belanda, dan literatur terkait dengan sejarah Jawa. Perkembangan pengajaran bahasa Sunda di awal abad ke-20 sangat berkembangan sangat pesat. Pertama, bahasa Sunda telah menjadi bahasa pengantar di pendidikan rendah seperti sekolah-sekolah yang didirikan Belanda terutama di Sekolah Handap atau biasa dikenal sebagai sekolah Sunda. Di jenjang lanjutan bahasa Sunda telah hadir sebagai salah satu mata pelajaran di MULO. Begitu juga di sekolah calon pamong praja OSVIA ikut menerapkan bahasa Sunda sebagai salah satu mata pelajaran mereka. Di ranah kebudayaan cetak buku-buku bacaan dan surat kabar mendominasi pengajaran bahasa sunda. Dalam hal penerbitan buku-buku Balai Poestaka sangat berperan besar dan memiliki peranan dominan dalam mempopuler penggunaan bahasa Sunda. Buku-buku itu seperti buku Gandasari, Roesdi djeung Misnem, Panjoengsi Basa, dan lain-lain. Sementara dalam hal surat kabar organ-organ milik Paguyuban Pasoendan seperti Sipatahoenan berperan penting dalam mempopulerkan penggunaan bahasa Sunda. 

    Album der Howenschen und Elisen-Schule 1879-1929

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    An Agricultural Time Series-Cross Section Data Set

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    The Agricultural Time Series-Cross Section (ATICS) dataset described in this Working Paper is based on the annual crop and livestock statistics collected by the United States Department of Agriculture. These statistics, scattered through a wide assortment of published and unpublished USDA bulletins and circulars, are extensive in their coverage of the agricultural sector, are highly disaggregated, and span a time period over one hundred years in length. Yet these rich sources have never been unified into a single compilation of data which is accessible, uniform, and machine readable. The ATICS dataset is an attempt to fill this gap.

    The history of Radcliffe college

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston University, 1947. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive