245,973 research outputs found

    Financial Institutions and Foreclosure Intervention: Innovative Partnerships and and Strategies to Better Serve Borrowers in Default

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    In an effort to provide an overview of best practices around foreclosure intervention efforts, interviews were conducted with lenders and loan servicers that have been actively engaged in efforts to support foreclosure intervention services and partnerships with independent, third-party counseling agencies. Most agree that in order to better serve homeowners experiencing mortgage delinquency, increased effort should be made not only to reach those borrowers but also at the same time to provide them with access to quality information and counseling services as well as appropriate workout solutions delivered consistently and thoughtfully.This is an industry that has rapidly grown and experienced substantial innovation in the last several years. Servicers and nonprofit service providers committed to reducing foreclosure rates understand the importance of building relationships with each other in order to serve their customer -- the homeowner -- and most strategies undertaken are the result of efforts that require partnership

    The Collective Consciousness of Information Technology Research: Ways of seeing Information Technology Research: Its Objects and Territories

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    The collective consciousness of effective groups of researchers is characterised by shared understandings of their research object or territory. In the relatively new field of information technology research, rapid expansion and fragmentation of the territory has led to different perceptions about what constitutes information technology research. This project explores a facet of the collective consciousness of disparate groups of researchers and lays a foundation for constructing shared research objects. Making IT researchers’ ways of seeing explicit may help us understand some of the complexities associated with inter and intra disciplinary collaboration amongst research groups, and the complexities associated with technology transfer to industry. This report analyses IT research, its objects and territories, as they are constituted by IT researchers associated with the sub-disciplines of information systems, computer science and information security. A phenomenographic approach is used to elicit data from a diverse range of IT researchers in semistructured interviews. This data is analysed to show (1) the variation in meaning associated with the idea of IT research and (2) the awareness structures through which participants experience variation in ways of seeing the object and territories of IT research. An Outcome Space represents the interrelation between different ways of seeing the territory. Eight ways of seeing IT research, its objects and territories, were found: The Technology Conception, The Information Conception, The Information and Technology Conception, The Communication Conception, The Ubiquitous Conception, The Sanctioned Conception, The Dialectic Conception and The Constructed Conception. These are described in detail and illustrated with participants’ quotes. Finally, some recommendations for further research are made

    New records of spiders from pond littorals in the Czech Republic

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    Tmeticus affinis (BLACKWALL, 1855), Tetragnatha shoshone LEVI, 1981, Clubiona juvenis SIMON, 1878, Marpissa Canestrinii NINNI, 1868, and Theridiosoma gemmosum (L. KOCH, 1877) are new records for the Czech Republic. New data about Enoplognatha caricis (FICKERT, 1876), Theridion hemerobium SIMON, 1914, Rugathodes instabilis (O. P. CAMBRIDGE, 1871), Tetragnatha striata L. KOCH, 1862, and Dolomedes plantarius (CLERCK, 1757) are given. The validity of the name Enoplognatha caricis (FICKERT, 1876) is supported

    Proceedings of an Embassy to the King of Ava, Pegu, &c. in 1757 by Robert Lester, edited by Michael W. Charney

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    Ensign’s Robert Lester’s account of his embassy to Ava in 1757 was originally published in Alexander Dalrymple’s Oriental Repertory. It provides one of the few first-hand accounts of Alaung-hpaya and thus remains a valuable source on the reign and the beginnings of the Kon-baung Dynasty. Dalrymple’s italicization has been removed and dates have been expanded to include the month and year in order to avoid confusion

    Untersuchungen zur Rolle ausgewählter netzbauender Spinnen (Araneae) im trophischen Beziehungsgefüge von Halbtrockenrasen [Kurzreferat]

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    Im Rahmen einer dreijährigen Freilandstudie wurden ausgewählte netzbauende Spinnenarten [Argiope bruennichi (SCOPOLl, 1772);Araneus quadratus CLERCK, 1757; Araneus diadematus CLERCK, 1757; Linyphia triangularis (CLERCK, 1757); Theridion impressum L. KOCH, 1881] der Trespen-Halbtrockenrasen im Naturschutzgebiet "Leutratal" bei Jena untersucht. Ziel der Arbeit war es, Kenntnisse zur Rolle dieser für Halbtrockenrasen typischen Prädatoren-Gilde im trophischen Beziehungsgefüge von Graslandökosystemen zu erbringen. Räumliche, zeitliche und trophische Einnischung der Netzspinnenarten wurden untersucht, um wesentliche Aspekte der Räuber-Beute-Beziehungen näher zu charakterisieren

    Movements, Moments, and the Eroding Antitrust Consensus

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    Timothy Wu, The Curse of Bigness: Antitrust in the New Gilded Age (Columbia Global Reports, 2018). $14.99. Timothy Wu’s book, The Curse of Bigness, offers a brief history on and critical perspective of antitrust law’s development over the last century, calling for a return to a Brandeisian approach to the law. In this review-essay, I use Wu’s text as a starting point to explore antitrust law’s current political moment. Tracing the dynamics at play in this debate and Wu’s role in it, I note areas underexplored in Wu’s text regarding the interplay of antitrust law with other forms of industrial regulation, highlighting in particular current difficulties in copyright law as one of the underlying tensions driving popular discontent with the major technology firms or “tech trusts.” I consider the continuing influence of Robert Bork’s The Antitrust Paradox, now more than forty years old, and how the current reform movement might execute a shift as lasting and substantial as the one Bork spearheaded with his book

    Readers\u27 Response: Questions from the Inferno

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    Ethical Bedrock Under a Changing Negotiation Landscape

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    Editors\u27 Note: Your dilemmas as a negotiator fall into two basic sets, “what’s possible?” and “what\u27s right?” The first is treated by many chapters in this book. Here, from his philosopher\u27s background, Gibson writes about the influence of morality on negotiations, and how we can think more clearly about what\u27s the right thing to do. This chapter should be read in conjunction with Carrie-Meadow’s chapter on The Morality of Compromise