3,886 research outputs found

    Computational Stylistics in Poetry, Prose, and Drama

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    The contributions in this edited volume approach poetry, narrative, and drama from the perspective of Computational Stylistics. They exemplify methods of computational textual analysis and explore the possibility of computational generation of literary texts. The volume presents a range of computational and Natural Language Processing applications to literary studies, such as motif detection, network analysis, machine learning, and deep learning

    Music Encoding Conference Proceedings 2021, 19–22 July, 2021 University of Alicante (Spain): Onsite & Online

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    Este documento incluye los artículos y pósters presentados en el Music Encoding Conference 2021 realizado en Alicante entre el 19 y el 22 de julio de 2022.Funded by project Multiscore, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Computational Stylistics in Poetry, Prose, and Drama

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    The contributions in this edited volume approach poetry, narrative, and drama from the perspective of Computational Stylistics. They exemplify methods of computational textual analysis and explore the possibility of computational generation of literary texts. The volume presents a range of computational and Natural Language Processing applications to literary studies, such as motif detection, network analysis, machine learning, and deep learning

    IR theory, historical materialism, and the false promise of international historical sociology

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    The three-decades old call for an inter-disciplinary rapprochement between IR Theory and Historical Sociology, starting in the context of the post-positivist debate in the 1980s, has generated a proliferating repertory of contending paradigms within the field of IR, including Neo-Weberian, Post-Structuralist, and Constructivist approaches. Within the Marxist literature, this project comprises an equally rich and diverse set of theoretical traditions, including World-Systems Theory, Neo-Gramscian IR/IPE, the Amsterdam School, Political Marxism, Neo-Leninism, and Postcolonial Theory. More recently, a “third wave” of approaches has been announced from within the field of IR, suggesting to move the dialogue from inter-disciplinarity towards an integrated super-discipline of International Historical Sociology (IHS). This proposition has been most persistently advanced by advocates of the theory of Uneven and Combined Development (UCD), claiming to constitute a universal, unitary and sociological theory of IR. This article charts the intellectual trajectory of this ongoing IR/HS dialogue. It moves from a critique of Neo-Weberianism to a critique of UCD against the background of the original promise of the turn in IR to Historical Sociology: the supersession of the prevailing rationalism, structuralism, and positivism in extant mainstream IR approaches through the mobilization of alternative and non-positivistic traditions in the social sciences. This critique will be performed by setting UCD in dialogue with Political Marxism. By anchoring both approaches at opposite ends on the spectrum of Marxist conceptions of social science – respectively the scientistic and the historicist - the argument is that UCD reneges on the promise of Historical Sociology for IR by re-aligning, first by default and now by design, with the meta-theoretical premises of Neo-Realism. This is most visibly expressed in the articulation of a deductive-nomological covering law, leading towards acute conceptual and ontological anachronisms, premised on the radical de-historicisation of the fields of ontology, conceptuality and disciplinarity. This includes the semantic neutering and hyper-abstract re-articulation of the very category, which in IR’s self-perception lends legitimacy to its claim of disciplinary distinctiveness: the international. The article concludes by suggesting that an understanding of Marxism as a historicist social science subverts all calls for the construction of grand theories and, a fortiori, a unitary super-discipline of IHS, premised on a set of universal, space-time indifferent, and abstract categories that hold across the spectrum of world history. In contrast, recovering the historicist credentials of Marxism demands a constant temporalisation and specification of the fields of ontology, agency, conceptuality and disciplinarity. The objective is to lay the foundations for a historicist social science of geopolitics

    A Cross-Linguistic Study of Metaphor Variation in Promotional Discourse of the Tourist Sector in Spanish, English and German: Implications for Translation

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    [ES] Esta tesis se centra en la variación interlingüística del uso metafórico del lenguaje en sitios web turísticos promocionales en inglés británico, alemán de Alemania y castellano peninsular. A pesar de la importancia económica del turismo y la gran demanda de traducciones en este sector, el número de estudios sobre el uso de las metáforas en la promoción turística todavía es reducido. El volumen de publicaciones sobre la traducción de las metáforas en este campo es aún menor. Por ello, el presente estudio pretende colmar estos vacíos mediante la descripción del uso metafórico del lenguaje en este género para cada lengua, la comparación de los resultados y la exploración de las implicaciones que puede tener la variación observada para la traducibilidad y el proceso de traducción de las metáforas lingüísticas. Con este motivo se compilaron tres corpus comparables de páginas web turísticas promocionales de los países Inglaterra, Alemania y España, así como tres corpus léxicos más pequeños de 20.000 palabras cada uno. En un proceso de dos fases, los corpus léxicos se sometieron primero a un análisis manual exhaustivo que facilitó la identificación de grupos de metáforas con una combinación de dominios fuente y meta problemáticos desde el punto de vista traductológico. Estos grupos se estudiaron en la segunda fase en los corpus grandes mediante la búsqueda de vocabulario de los dominios fuente. El estudio adopta un marco teórico propio de la Lingüística Cognitiva, basándose principalmente en la Teoría de la Metáfora Conceptual. Una de las principales contribuciones de esta tesis doctoral consiste en la adaptación del probado procedimiento para la identificación de metáforas MIP (Pragglejaz, 2007) para su uso en un estudio comparativo de tres idiomas morfológicamente distintos. Además, se elaboró una tipología de esquemas de proyección (mapping schemes) y una descripción de los dominios fuente y meta más adecuados para los estudios y la práctica de la traducción que los ya existentes. Finalmente fue desarrollado una metodología para la determinación de la traducibilidad literal de las metáforas lingüísticas. Los resultados indican que el uso de la metáfora en los sitios web turísticos promocionales en los tres idiomas muestra grandes similitudes respecto a la existencia de diferentes tipos de metáfora y su distribución. Sin embargo, se observan diferencias en sus frecuencias, su realización lingüística preferida y sus principales funciones discursivas. A menudo, la variación interlingüística detectada en el uso de la metáfora se puede relacionar con los estilos claramente distintos de los sitios web promocionales en los tres idiomas. Los datos recopilados en este estudio proporcionan a los traductores datos acerca de qué tipo de metáfora puede o incluso debería ser aumentado o disminuido en un texto para lograr que una traducción suene natural, y como las supresiones debidas a las diferencias morfológicas pueden ser compensadas de la mejor manera, dependiendo de la combinación de idiomas y el sentido de la traducción.[CA] Aquesta tesi se centra en la variació interlingüística de l'ús metafòric del llenguatge en llocs web turístics promocionals en anglés britànic, alemany d'Alemanya i castellà peninsular. Malgrat la importància econòmica del turisme i la gran demanda de traduccions en aquest sector, el nombre d'estudis sobre l'ús de les metàfores en la promoció turística encara és reduït. El volum de publicacions sobre la traducció de les metàfores en aquest camp és encara menor. Per això, el present estudi pretén satisfer aquests buits mitjançant la descripció de l'ús metafòric del llenguatge en aquest gènere per a cada llengua, la comparació dels resultats i l'exploració de les implicacions que pot tindre la variació observada per a la traduïbilitat i el procés de traducció de les metàfores lingüístiques. Amb aquest motiu es van compilar tres corpus comparables de pàgines web turístiques promocionals dels països d' Anglaterra, Alemanya i Espanya, així com tres corpus lèxics més xicotets de 20.000 paraules cadascun. En un procés de dues fases, els corpus lèxics es van sotmetre primer a una anàlisi manual exhaustiva que va facilitar la identificació de grups de metàfores amb una combinació de dominis font i meta problemàtics des del punt de vista traductològic. Aquests grups es van estudiar en la segona fase en els corpus grans mitjançant la cerca de vocabulari dels dominis font. L'estudi adopta un marc teòric propi de la Lingüística Cognitiva, basant-se principalment en la Teoria de la Metàfora Conceptual. Una de les principals contribucions d'aquesta tesi doctoral consisteix en l'adaptació del provat procediment per a la identificació de metàfores MIP (Pragglejaz, 2007) per al seu ús en un estudi comparatiu de tres idiomes morfològicament diferents. A més a més, es va elaborar una tipologia d'esquemes de projecció (mapping schemes) i una descripció dels dominis font i meta més adequats per als estudis i la pràctica de la traducció que els ja existents. Finalment, va ser desenvolupat una metodologia per a la determinació de la traduïbilitat literal de les metàfores lingüístiques. Els resultats indiquen que l'ús de la metàfora en els llocs web turístics promocionals en els tres idiomes mostra grans similituds respecte a l'existència de diferents tipus de metàfora i la seua distribució. No obstant això, s'observen diferències en les seues freqüències, la seua realització lingüística preferida i les seues principals funcions discursives. Sovint, la variació interlingüística detectada en l'ús de la metàfora es pot relacionar amb els estils clarament diferents dels llocs web promocionals en els tres idiomes. Les dades recopilades en aquest estudi proporcionen als traductors dades sobre quina mena de metàfora pot o fins i tot hauria de ser augmentat o disminuït en un text per a aconseguir que una traducció sone natural, i com les supressions degudes a les diferències morfològiques poden ser compensades de la millor manera, depenent de la combinació d'idiomes i el sentit de la traducció.[EN] This dissertation focusses on the cross-linguistic variation of metaphorical language use on promotional tourism websites in British English, German of Germany and European Spanish. Despite the economic impact of the tourism industry and the high demand for translations in this branch, only few studies have ventured into metaphor use in tourism promotion so far. Research into metaphor translation in this field is even scarcer. The present study aims to fill these voids by describing metaphorical language use of this register for each language, comparing the results with the other two languages, and by seeking possible implications of the observed variation for the translatability as well as the translation process of metaphor vehicles. For this purpose, three comparable corpora of regional promotional tourism websites from England, Germany and Spain were compiled, as well as three smaller, 20,000-word sample corpora. In a two-step process, the sample corpora first underwent a comprehensive manual metaphor analysis, which helped to identify metaphor groups with a source-target domain combination that is problematic from a translational point of view. These groups were further studied in the large corpora using source-domain vocabulary searches. The study was approached from a Cognitive Linguistics perspective, building mainly on Conceptual Metaphor Theory. One of the main contributions of this dissertation lies in the adaptation of the widely used metaphor identification procedure MIP (Pragglejaz, 2007) for the cross-linguistic comparison of the morphologically different research languages. Furthermore, a typology of mapping schemes and a description of the source and target domains were suggested which suit translation purposes better than existing ones. Finally, a methodology for the determination of the literal translatability of metaphor vehicles was developed. The findings suggest that the metaphor use on promotional tourism websites in the three languages is largely similar with regard to the existence of different metaphor types and their distribution. However, differences can be found in their frequencies, their preferred linguistic realisation and their main discursive functions. The observed cross-linguistic variation in metaphor use can often be related to the markedly distinct styles of the promotional websites in the three languages. The data gathered in this study provide translators with information about which type of metaphor can or even should be reduced or increased in number in order to achieve a natural sounding translation and how morphologically necessary suppressions can best be compensated for, depending on the language pair and translation direction.Stepins, KV. (2022). A Cross-Linguistic Study of Metaphor Variation in Promotional Discourse of the Tourist Sector in Spanish, English and German: Implications for Translation [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182290TESI

    MSDIP: A method for coding source domains in metaphor analysis

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    This article describes the Metaphorical Source Domain Identification Procedure (MSDIP), which can be used to code source domains in metaphor identification. In the first part of the article, we describe the complexity of source-domain coding in corpus analysis. We argue that, in many cases, discourse is underspecified and multiple source-domain candidates may be relevant for a specific metaphorical expression. For instance, if a word like “fight” or “target” is used metaphorically, it could refer to either the source domain of war or sports. To make these issues explicit for analysts, we developed MSDIP, which builds on and extends the Metaphor Identification Procedure Vrije Universiteit (MIPVU). In the second part of the article, we explain the coding steps of MSDIP and subsequently report on a reliability analysis, demonstrating the reproducibility of the procedure. We end with a number of detailed sample analyses, demonstrating the role of co-text and context in selecting the likeliest source-domain candidate through MSDIP. These analyses show that MSDIP is both reliable and flexible in dealing with the complexities of real-life discourse during source-domain coding

    The Practice and Benefit of Applying Digital Markup in Preserving Texts and Creating Digital Editions: A Poetical Analysis of a Blank-Verse Translation of Virgil\u27s Aeneid

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    Numerous examples of the digital scholarly edition exist online, and the genre is thriving in terms of interdisciplinary interest as well as support granted by funding agencies. Some editions are dedicated to the collection and representation of the life\u27s work of a single author, others to mass digitization and preservation of centuries\u27 worth of texts. Very few of these examples, however, approach the task of in-text interpretation through visualization. This project describes an approach to digital representation and investigates its potential benefit to scholars of various disciplines. It presents both a digital edition as well as a framework of justification surrounding said edition. In addition to composing this document as an XML file, I have digitized a 1794 English translation of Virgil\u27s Aeneid and used a customized digital markup schema based on the guidelines set forth by the Text Encoding Initiative to indicate a set of poetic figures—such as simile and alliteration—within that text for analysis. While neither a translation project nor strictly a poetical analysis, this project and its unique approach to interpretive representation could prove of interest to scholars in several disciplines, including classics, digital scholarship, information management, and literary theory. The practice serves both as a case-in-point as well as an example method to replicate with future texts and projects

    Digital Classical Philology

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    The buzzwords “Information Society” and “Age of Access” suggest that information is now universally accessible without any form of hindrance. Indeed, the German constitution calls for all citizens to have open access to information. Yet in reality, there are multifarious hurdles to information access – whether physical, economic, intellectual, linguistic, political, or technical. Thus, while new methods and practices for making information accessible arise on a daily basis, we are nevertheless confronted by limitations to information access in various domains. This new book series assembles academics and professionals in various fields in order to illuminate the various dimensions of information's inaccessability. While the series discusses principles and techniques for transcending the hurdles to information access, it also addresses necessary boundaries to accessability.This book describes the state of the art of digital philology with a focus on ancient Greek and Latin. It addresses problems such as accessibility of information about Greek and Latin sources, data entry, collection and analysis of Classical texts and describes the fundamental role of libraries in building digital catalogs and developing machine-readable citation systems

    Will Stability Last?

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    There is no consensus about the causes of the reduction in business cycle volatility seen in many major economies over the last decade. Using stylised models of the economies of the US, Euro area, UK and Japan, we argue that economic stability has been fostered by improved monetary policy and by associated changes in the behaviour of inflation, which has itself led to a reduction in the volatility of economic shocks. Assuming an absence of cataclysmic events, our projections suggest that most major economies should continue to enjoy an unusual degree of stability.growth volatility, inflation, stabilisation, business cycles, US, UK, Euro area, Japan

    Language as purposeful: functional varieties of texts

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    This volume, "Language as Purposeful: Functional Varieties of Texts", is the third of the first three e-books of a new series entitled, "Functional Grammar Studies for Non-Native Speakers of English", which is contained within the superordinate: "Quaderni del Centro di Studi Linguistico-Culturali (CeSLiC)", a research center in the Department of Modern Foreign Languages of the University of Bologna. The series proposes a metalinguistic description of English grammar in a functional, socio-semiotic perspective and is proving to be an effective teaching/learning resource for improving English literacy in the L2 pedagogic setting. The principal ‘consumers’ of the series are the students of the English Language Studies Program (ELSP) in Bologna’s Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, for whom it provides the basic course-book in each of their three years of the first-level degree course. This third volume applies the descriptive model taught in the first two years to the analysis of diverse text-types, and thus at the same time seeks to empower students through an increasing awareness of the typical functions of the English language in a variety of concrete situational and cultural contexts