51,446 research outputs found

    The Presidency, War, and Foreign Affairs: Practice Under the Framers

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    Varje år träder ca 50 000 människor ur Svenska kyrkan och avsäger sig därmed rätten att begravas i Svenska kyrkans ceremoniella ordning och lokaler. Man träder ut ur kyrkans ordning, och ut ur kyrkans rum, men man träder inte in i något annat. Mitt kandidatarbete är ett försök att visa på en annan ordning och andra rum. Every year some 50 000 people exits the Swedish Church and disclaims thus the right to be buried in the Swedish Church ceremonial order and premises. They leave behind the order of the Church, and exits the church room, but they do not enter anything else. My graduate work is an attempt to present an alternative order and alternative rooms

    An Account of the Loss of the Country Ship Forbes and Frazer Sinclair, Her Late Commander

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    This paper reports on the life of the English Country trader Captain Frazer Sinclair leading up to and following the loss of the Forbes in the Karimata Strait in 1806. It examines the adventure and tenuous times of trading around the Indonesian archipelago after the fall of the VOC and subsequent transfer to the British. Included are the details of Captain Sinclair\u27s trading history, multiple prizes as a privateer, and shipwrecks

    Maryland Insurance Co. v. Woods

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    Maryland Insurance Company v. Woods, 10 U.S. 29 (1810). In 1803, Britain utilized France’s interference in the Civil Swiss Strife as a pretext to continue its occupancy of Malta, effectively ending the short-lived Treaty of Amiens. As the most impressive Naval Power in the world, Britain proceeded to blockade French, Spanish, and Dutch ports. In 1805, Williams Woods purchased two insurance policies from The Maryland Insurance Company, a successful and lucrative Baltimore marine insurance institution. The two policies covered the ship, The William and Mary, and its cargo. The policy assured the journey from Baltimore to Laguira, with “liberty at one other neighboring port.” After the William and Mary was captured as a prize by the British Ship of War, Fortune, and condemned in a Jamaican admiralty court, William Woods brought suit in the Circuit Court for the District of Maryland. The ensuing case spanned eight years and appeared before the Supreme Court in 1810 and 1813. This Supreme Court maritime case addressed issues regarding insurance policies such as deviations from the delineated journey, underwriter liability, and deference to admiralty judgments perpetrated by other nations

    Southeasterly Town Lot Histories of Fairfield, Pennsylvania

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    Each lot history give the original lot number, original owner, the current address, the owner of the lot in 1860, a description of the lot or dwelling in 1860, a recital of ownership with as much detail as is known, a comprehensive lot history, any known residents in 1860 (may be different than lot owner), and any family notes on any residents mentioned in the lot history. The research is comprehensive, but not necessarily exhaustive. Thorough information for all lots was not always available to the researcher

    Hvarska karitativna bratovština Milosrđa u ranome novom vijeku

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    Na temelju analize neobjavljenih dokumenata pohranjenih u Biskupskom arhivu u Hvaru i Državnom arhivu u Zadru kao i relevantne literature, autorica obrađuje djelovanje hvarske karitativne bratovštine Milosrđa ili Dobrotvornosti (Scuola della Carità de’ Prossimi di Lesina) u razdoblju od njezina utemeljenja (1579.) do početka XIX. stoljeća. Iako je bratovština kontinuirano djelovala kroz XVI. i XVII. stoljeće, vjerojatno je sredinom XVIII. stoljeća nakratko prekinula s radom. Svoju je obnovu doživjela u vrijeme hvarsko-bračkoga biskupa Ivana Dominika Stratika, 1798/99. godine, a od toga vremena ustanovljen je i hospital Karitasa (Ospitale della Scuola di Carità) koji uz bratovštinu djeluje do 1812. godine. Poseban naglasak u radu stavljen je na vjersku, društvenu, ekonomsku i medicinsku ulogu ove bratovštine i hospitala u hvarskome društvu u razmatranom razdoblju, a također se raščlanjuje i društvena i spolna struktura bratovštine u pojedinim razdobljima njezine aktivnosti. Osim povijesnoga pregleda djelovanja ove bratovštine, u prilogu se donosi i prijepis bratovštinskoga statuta iz 1579. godine, zatim prijepis statuta iz 1799. godine, prijepis statuta hospitala iz 1801. godine, te popis članova bratovštine u pojedinim razdobljima njezina djelovanja

    The Slaves of Adams County

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    This compilation of named slaves surely does not represent anything near the total number who toiled in the county; without a doubt many are now irretrievable. Of those who can be isolated, a large number may be identified to some extent by age or sex or name of owner, or by a combination of those definers. This list, however, comprises only those slaves whose names are recorded. [excerpt

    Colonial Origins of Inequality in Hispanic America? Some reflections based on new empirical evidence

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    This paper attempts at contributing to the ongoing debate on the historical roots of the high economic inequality of contemporary Iberian America. Basically empirical, our approach departs from mainstream scholarship. We show new data on wages and heights in several viceroyalties that: 1) suggest relatively medium to high levels of material welfare among the commoners in Bourbon Hispanic America; 2) allow us to build indexes of economic inequality. An international comparison of those indexes casts some doubts on the widely accepted view that Viceroyal America’s economy was exclusively based on extremely unequal or extractive institutions, as it has been popularized by the influential works by Engerman and Sokoloff (1994, 2002, 2005), Acemoglu et al. (2002).economic inequality, Iberian America, Viceroyal America’s economy