557,749 research outputs found

    Index du volume XIX-1988

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    Book Review: Race, Class & Conservatism. by Thomas D. Boston.

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    Book review: Race, Class & Conservatism. By Thomas D. Boston. Boston: Unwin Hyman. 1988. Pp. xix, 172. Reviewed by: William A. Donohue

    Book Review: Tempered Zeal: A Columbia Law Professor\u27s Year on the Streets with the New York City Police. by H. Richard Uviller.

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    Book review: Tempered Zeal: A Columbia Law Professor\u27s Year on the Streets with the New York City Police. By H. Richard Uviller. Chicago: Contemporary Books. 1988. Pp. xix, 234. Reviewed by: David Dolinko

    Revolución teatral en moldes viejos

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    La Pola. José Domínguez Roche. Arango Editores, Bogotá, 1988. 67 págs. Portada e ilustración de Francisco López Arango sobre una pintura anónima del siglo XIX, prólogo de Álvaro Garzón Marthá.Atala y Guatimoc. José Fernández Madrid. Arango Editores, Bogotá, 1988, 117 págs. Portada de Francisco López Arango, prólogo de Álvaro Garzón Marthá.Sulma. José Joaquin Ortiz Rojas. Arango Editores, Bogotá, 1988, 79 págs. Portada de Francisco López Arango, basada en un detalle de cerámica muisca: prólogo de Álvaro Garzón Marthá

    A nanoflare model for active region radiance: application of artificial neural networks

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    Context. Nanoflares are small impulsive bursts of energy that blend with and possibly make up much of the solar background emission. Determining their frequency and energy input is central to understanding the heating of the solar corona. One method is to extrapolate the energy frequency distribution of larger individually observed flares to lower energies. Only if the power law exponent is greater than 2, is it considered possible that nanoflares contribute significantly to the energy input. Aims. Time sequences of ultraviolet line radiances observed in the corona of an active region are modelled with the aim of determining the power law exponent of the nanoflare energy distribution. Methods. A simple nanoflare model based on three key parameters (the flare rate, the flare duration time, and the power law exponent of the flare energy frequency distribution) is used to simulate emission line radiances from the ions Fe XIX, Ca XIII, and Si iii, observed by SUMER in the corona of an active region as it rotates around the east limb of the Sun. Light curve pattern recognition by an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) scheme is used to determine the values. Results. The power law exponents, alpha 2.8, 2.8, and 2.6 for Fe XIX, Ca XIII, and Si iii respectively. Conclusions. The light curve simulations imply a power law exponent greater than the critical value of 2 for all ion species. This implies that if the energy of flare-like events is extrapolated to low energies, nanoflares could provide a significant contribution to the heating of active region coronae.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Los cálculos del producto nacional en los siglos XIX y XX y su utilización en la historia económica

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    Después de que se celebrara el Seminario de Historia Cuantitativa en 1988 donde presenté la ponencia que, con algunos cambios, figura en páginas anteriores, se han publicado dos trabajos de historia cuantitativa tan interesantes como cuestionables en algunos aspectos, al adolecer, me parece, de falta de espíritu crítico en la construcción, uso y presentación de series temporales de agregados económicos - en particular del producto nacional - para el siglo XIX y primera mitad del siglo XX. El primer trabajo es un imponente libro de estadísticas históricas, coordinado por Carreras (1992), donde 14 historiadores económicos presentan series largas sobre las principales actividades económicas agregadas desde principios del siglo XIX hasta los primeros años ochenta del siglo XX. El capítulo, redactado por el propio Carreras, sobre renta y riqueza - aparte de algunas consideraciones discutibles sobre esta última, en las que no voy a entrar ahora - reviste mucho interés, al exponer los cálculos de diversos autores para los siglos XIX Y XX Y presentar series continuas de la renta nacional para 1901-1983 en pesetas corrientes y constantes. En ese capitulo - al igual que en otros de esa recopilación, concrétamente los de población, industria, comercio exterior y precios - falta, sin embargo, algo fundamental, a saber, explicaciones detalladas de la mayor o menor fiabilidad de los agregados estimados. Al no hacerse tal cosa, el lector puede creer que está contemplando series continuas y uniformes, cuando no es así, ya que los cálculos son muy diferentes en contenido, métodos y fiabilidad, con lo que en definitiva se están comparando cosas distintas, con el riesgo evidente de viciar los análisis basados en tales series

    Photoionization and recombination of Fe XIX

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    Photoionization cross sections and recombination rate coefficients are presented for the L-shell ground state fine structure levels $2s^22p^4 \ ^3P_{2,0,1}ofFe XIX.Severalsetsofcalculationsincludingrelativisticeffectsarecarriedout:(i)BreitPauliRmatrix(BPRM),(ii)RelativisticDistortedWave(RDW),and(iii)asemirelativisticcalculation.NonrelativisticLScouplingcalculationsarealsodoneforcomparison.TheBPRMcalculationsemployaconfigurationinteractiontargetrepresentationforFe XXconsistingof12LSterms(23finestructurelevels),asintherecentlyreportedBPRMcalculationsbyDonnellyetal(MNRAS,307,595,1999).Thebackgroundcrosssectionsinallthreesetsofpresentcalculationsagreewithoneanother,butdifferconsiderablyfromthoseofDonnellyetal.OwingtomuchmoreextensiveresonancestructuresinthepresentBPRMcalculations,thesumofthecorrespondingrecombinationratecoefficientsforthe of Fe~XIX. Several sets of calculations including relativistic effects are carried out: (i) Breit-Pauli R-matrix (BPRM), (ii) Relativistic Distorted Wave (RDW), and (iii) a semi-relativistic calculation. Non-relativistic LS coupling calculations are also done for comparison. The BPRM calculations employ a configuration interaction target representation for Fe~XX consisting of 12 LS terms (23-fine structure levels), as in the recently reported BPRM calculations by Donnelly et al (MNRAS, 307, 595, 1999). The background cross sections in all three sets of present calculations agree with one another, but differ considerably from those of Donnelly et al. Owing to much more extensive resonance structures in the present BPRM calculations, the sum of the corresponding recombination rate coefficients for the ^3P_{2,0,1}$ levels are up to 50% higher than the LS rates at low temperarures but comparable for higher temperatures; in contrast to the results of Donnelly et al who obtained the LS rates to be higher than their BPRM results by about a factor of 2. Reasons for these discrepancies are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, MNRAS, In Pres

    Utopinis socializmas Lietuvoje

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    1988 m. lapkričio 22 d. filosofijos mokslų kandidato disertaciją pavadinimu „Utopinis socializmas Lietuvoje XIX a.“ Vilniaus universitete apgynė Politologijos katedros dėstytojas Kazimieras Gudonis. Moksliniam darbui vadovavo prof. B. Genzelis; oficialieji oponentai – J. Mureika ir A. Lozuraitis. Pirmasis disertacijos skyrius „Socialinės utopijos tipologizacija“ skirtas bendrajai metodologinei socialinės utopijos charakteristikai, teoriškai pagrindžiama nauja tipologija, kuri padeda išskirti utopinio socializmo ypatybes ir pagrindinius struktūros elementus. Antrajame skyriuje „Utopinis socializmas Lietuvoje XIX a. ir jo ištakos“ nagrinėjama lietuviškosios socialinės utopijos istorinė raida

    'Uteis a si e a sociedade': creolisation and states of belonging among urban women in nineteenth-century Salvador da Bahia.

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    Recent scholarship from across the Americas has emphasized two general principles for framing interpretations about creolisation in the New World. First, is to understand creolisation as an uneven process of adaptation and change as opposed to a linear route to absorption and acceptance of Christian-European cultural hegemony. Second is the view that Africa was 'rediscovered' or 'recovered' by Africans (and their descendants) in the New World, as they inscribed (and then reinscribed) their own world view on a new and alienating environment. Within these frameworks analysis has addressed a range of issues about the mechanisms of creolisation (demographic, cultural and structural) as well as the pace and extent of creolisation.