23 research outputs found
Деятельность национальных белорусских организаций в Киеве и Одессе в 1917―1918 годах
Статья посвящена исследованию общественно-политической и национально-культурной деятельности белорусских организаций в Киеве и в Одессе в период с 1917 по 1918 гг. Показаны поддержка и расположение, которые встречали в своей деятельности белорусские организации со стороны государственных органов Украины.The political and social as well as national and cultural activity of Belarusian organizations in Kiev and Odessa within the period of 1917–1918 has been studied. There is shown the support and sympathy provided by state bodis of Ukraine to Belarusian organizations
Belarusian intelligentia in propagandism activities of the german occupation authorities in 1941 -1944
Introduction. The article examines the phenomenon of the Belarusian intelligentsia in the conditions of the German occupation of the period 1941-1944. The author defines the types of interaction, motives, and political intentions of this social group in the conditions of war. Materials and methods. The territorial scope of the study is limited to the General District of Belarus, within which the head of the civil administration V. Kube pursued a policy of so-called "Belarusization", aimed, among other things, at attracting the local intellectual elite to interact with the occupation authorities. Representatives of the Belarusian intelligentsia, who chose the path of collaboration, were guided by various motives. Its politically active part sought to implement the Belarusian national project under the Nazi protectorate, the embodiment of which would be the acquisition of sovereignty.Results. Representatives of this group actively participated in the activities of the German occupation authorities at various levels. And representatives of the Belarusian cultural elite saw in cooperation with the German authorities the possibility of creative self-realization in the national language.Conclusion. In both cases, they were the main instrument of German propaganda in the district. Their ethnicity and fluency in the Belarusian language were an additional means of verifying the content of propaganda. For their part, representatives of the Belarusian intelligentsia, who purposefully and consciously interacted with the German authorities, saw them as a means to achieve their own goals, hoping that in the conditions of the Nazi regime, the implementation of a national-state project is possible
Оптимiзацiя вхiдного простору моделей машинного навчання для виявлення аномалiй в багатовимiрних геопросторових даних
Квалiфiкацiйна робота мiстить: 82 стор., 43 рисунки, 9 таблиць, 10 джерел.
Метою роботи є пошук методiв для виявлення та побудови iнформативних ознак, що дозволять оптимiзувати вхiдний простiр моделей машинного навчання в задачах сегментацiї (виявлення аномалiй) на основi супутникових даних. Об’єктом дослiдження є лiси та методи їх монiторингу на основi супутникових даних. Предметом дослiдження є методи виявлення та вибору значущих ознак для вирiшення задач монiторингу на основi супутникових знiмкiв. У результатi було показано, що вiдстань Бгаттачар’я пiдходить для виявлення значущих ознак. Запропоновано метод вибору набору ознак, якi були б найбiльш iнформативними та найбiльш незалежними мiж собою. Було запропоновано схеми вегетацiйних iндексiв, що були б нечутливi до змiни яскравостi. Пiдтверджено експериментально, що використання запропонованого методу та схем дозволяють побудувати модель, щоб добре розв’язує задачу виявлення хворого хвойного лiсу.Thesis contains 82 pages, 43 figures, 9 tables, 10 sources of literature.
The purpose of the work is to find methods for identifying and constructing informative features that will allow optimizing the input space of machine learning models in segmentation tasks (detection of anomalies) based on satellite data. The object of research is forests and methods of their monitoring based on satellite data. The subject of the study is methods of identifying and selecting significant features for solving monitoring tasks based on satellite images. As a result, it was shown that the Bhattacharyya distance is suitable for detecting significant features. A method of selecting a set of features that would be the most informative and most independent of each other is proposed. Vegetation index schemes were proposed, which would be insensitive to brightness changes. It has been experimentally confirmed that the use of the proposed method and schemes allow to build a model that well solves the problem of identifying a diseased coniferous forest