4,961 research outputs found

    The cognitive roots of gender in Russian

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    Traditional accounts of gender as a grammatical category fail to grasp the essence of its meaning. A cognitive approach to the analysis of Russian nominal gender classification provides deeper insights into the relationship between grammar and man’s cognitive activity, making explanation of grammatical facts more comprehensible

    Virusne infekcije sporog toka malih preživara u Grčkoj

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    The slow viral infections are from the most important problems of sheep and goat production in Greece. Diseases as enzootic nasal tumor, Maedi-Visna, caprine arthritis-encephalitis, pulmonary adenomatosis and Scrapie can cause significant losses in sheep and goat flocks. They can be transmitted during grazing or with animal sales. Here are described the clinicopathological findings of the aforementioned diseases, as well as their diagnosis and control.Bирусне инфекције спорог тока су врло значајан проблем код оваца и коза у Грчкој. Обољења као што су Maedi-Visna, артритис и енцефалитис код коза (CAEV), аденоматоза и скрепи могу да узрокују значајне губитке у запатима оваца и коза. Могу да се пренесу у току испаше или продајом животиња. У овом раду je описан клиничко-патолошки налаз наведених болести, као и њихова дијагностика и контрола

    Анатомические особенности строения костей тазового пояса муфлона и козы домашней

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    муфлон, коза домашняя, тазовые кости, анатоми

    Анатомические особенности строения бедренной кости муфлона и козы домашней

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    муфлон, коза домашняя, бедренная кость, анатоми

    Сравнительная анатомия строения нижней челюсти козы и косули

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    коза, косуля, нижняя челюсть, анатоми

    Життєві сценарії в українських народних казках

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    У статті здійснюється транзакційний аналіз двох найбільш поширених життєвих сценаріїв, які фігурують в українських народних казках. Пропонується їх цілісна характеристика, вивчаються можливі деструктивні наслідки втілення. В статье производится транзакционный анализ двух наиболее распространенных жизненных сценариев, фигурирующих в украинских народных сказках. Предлагается их целостная характеристика, изучаются возможные деструктивные последствия осуществления

    “Коза”: проблема інтерпретації обрядової гри в етнографічній літературі

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    In the scientific researches of the recent years we often meet the description and the analysis of the “goat” image in the context of the Christmas Rites and Rituals. But a lot of empirical materials prove that this image appears in the spring calendar cycle as well. We are going to try to separate all the occasions under which “goat” appears in the folk rituals, rites and texts. According to traditional classification we have following occasions: folk games, New Year Rites, Christmas play. Through the detailed description of all these rites and their meaning and symbolism we are trying to point out the origins of this image in various folk forms and to point out that it is important to learn more about its appearance in spring calendar rituals and rites which was not studied deeply enough before. The comparative analyses of two calendar cycles (winter and spring) might help to found out more about “goat” image and its role in various folk traditions

    Up-dating the Cholodny method using PET films to sample microbial communities in soil

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the use of PET (polyethylene terephtalate) films as a modern development of Cholodny’s glass slides, to enable microscopy and molecular-based analysis of soil communities where spatial detail at the scale of microbial habitats is essential to understand microbial associations and interactions in this complex environment. Methods. Classical microbiological methods; attachment assay; surface tension measurements; molecular techniques: DNA extraction, PCR; confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM); micro- focus X-ray computed tomography (μCT). Results. We first show, using the model soil and rhizosphere bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 and P. putida KT2440, that bacteria are able to attach and detach from PET films, and that pre-conditioning with a filtered soil suspension improved the levels of attachment. Bacteria attached to the films were viable and could develop substantial biofilms. PET films buried in soil were rapidly colonised by microorganisms which could be investigated by CLSM and recovered onto agar plates. Secondly, we demonstrate that μCT can be used to non-destructively visualise soil aggregate contact points and pore spaces across the surface of PET films buried in soil. Conclusions. PET films are a successful development of Cholodny’s glass slides and can be used to sample soil communities in which bacterial adherence, growth, biofilm and community development can be investigated. The use of these films with μCT imaging in soil will enable a better understanding of soil micro-habitats and the spatially-explicit nature of microbial interactions in this complex environment