818 research outputs found

    Webster\u27s Fourth: A Review

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    1909, 1934, 1961 ... from this series, one might predict that the fourth edition of the Merriam-Webster Unabridged will appear in 1990. Alas, this is no Halley\u27s comet. According to the August 1985 issue of Games magazine, The Merriam-Webster editorial director flatly state there are no plans for such a work , and a noted lexicographer and editor doubts that there ever will be: uneconomical...an unabridged simply doesn\u27t sell enough copies . This article and the following one present two wistful (or, perhaps, wishful?) views of this unlikely work

    Alexander Stern Collection, 1895, 1934, 1961

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    Letter serving notice of his appointment as trustee of North Dakota Agricultural College, undated campaign letter for a Fargo City Commission race, a letter of transmittal, and obituary

    Biography as Pedagogy: A Review of Hemingway’s Boat: Everything He Loved and Lost, 1934-1961

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    Hemingway’s Boat: Everything He Loved and Lost, 1934-1961 (2011) by Paul Hendrickson is an excellent example of a dual-purpose book for qualitative researchers. It firsts provides an example of high-quality scholarship in the field of life history research. It also offers the reader specific insights into the practice of qualitative research and how that data is used to create a narrative of the participant’s life. Through the use of authorial participation, a grounded narrative framework, and a detailed description of his research process, Hendrickson’s book is a keen exemplar of the process and product of qualitative work

    A Blackboard in Her Kitchen: Women and Physics at the University of Toronto

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    Despite a widespread belief that they were a tiny minority in twentieth-century physics, women have been far more present in the field than we imagine. In this essay I explore three periods in the history of the University of Toronto physics department between 1890 and 1990. In the first expansionist period (1890-1933) women were much in evidence, earning nearly 20 percent of the university's doctoral degrees in physics; during the middle years of the century (1934-1961), some of these women taught in the physics department, but participation in the graduate program declined, with no women completing doctorates; between 1962 and 1990, when physics was again expanding rapidly, women gained some ground but still earned less than five percent of the doctorates. The essay explores the histories of nine of the women who earned PhDs in physics at Toronto during this third period, with a view to discovering the factors that helped or hindered their success in the field.Les femmes occupent dans l’univers de la physique du début du 20e siècle une place beaucoup plus importante qu’on a pu le croire. Cet article aborde trois périodes de l’histoire du département de physique de l’Université de Toronto entre 1890 et 1990. Dans la première période d’expansion du département (1890-1933), les femmes sont bien visibles et décrochent près de 20 % des diplômes de doctorat décernés en physique. Au milieu du siècle (1934-1961), certaines de ces femmes enseignent au département, mais la participation féminine au programme diminue et aucune femme ne complète de doctorat. De 1962 à 1990, alors que le domaine de la physique connaît une nouvelle croissance, les femmes reprennent du terrain mais ne décrochent malgré tout que moins de 5 % des diplômes de doctorat. L’article explore les histoires de neuf femmes ayant décroché un doctorat pendant cette dernière période, pour dégager les facteurs ayant pu favoriser ou limiter leur succès en physique

    美國詩歌的中文編譯, 1934-1961

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    本項研究旨在勾畫從1934年至1961年間美國詩歌的中文編譯。本項研究計劃的研究對象是這段時期在中國和香港出版的四個美國詩歌中譯選本:施蟄存編譯的「現代美國文學專號•現代美國詩抄」(1934);袁水拍編譯的《現代美國詩選》(1949)以及《新的歌一一現代美國詩選》(1953);馬朗編譯的 「英美現代詩特輯•美國部份」(1956);宋淇編譯的《美國詩選》(1961)。 施、袁、馬、宋等四位詩人既編且譯,由於身處不同的地緣和文化政治語境,對中文新詩的體認各不相同,意識形態各異,同時四個案例在文本、語境、贊助人、詩學、意識形態等層面各有不同卻有所關聯,因此本文運用安德雷•勒菲弗爾(André Lefevere)的改寫理論,並適當加以補充,分析四個改寫文本各自在編纂和翻譯上的改寫體現的詩學和意識形態,並且描述四個改寫文本投射出不同的美國詩歌的形象,又同時折射出改寫者各自理想的現代中文詩歌的形 象。現存相關的英美文學中譯史研究,由於過於側重資料整理及對政治語境的描述,而對相關譯者和譯本的沒有進行足夠的研讀與探究,也沒有分析美國詩歌中譯的選本,鮮有细讀譯本,更無顧及1949年後在香港發生的翻譯現象。本項研究填補這方面的研究空白,考察四個改寫文本產生的語境和過程,分析四位改寫者的詩學和意識形態,通過比較分析他們的編纂策略和翻譯實踐,勾畫四個改寫文本互相之間的關聯,提供跨越1949、涵蓋中港兩地的美國詩歌中文編譯

    Federal Credit Unions: Growth and Operations, 1934—1961

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    131 pagesThis study deals with federal credit unions on a national basis. It attempts to answer such questions as the following: what is a federal credit union? Where does the Federal Credit Union stand, as a financial institution, in our present day economy? Are there economies of scale in the larger credit unions’ operations? Should there be a tax upon the earnings of federal credit unions similar to the tax upon earnings of other financial institutions (such as commercial banks and savings and loan associations)? For what purpose do credit unions lend? This study also analyzes Federal Credit Union growth and operations. It attempts to point out the significant changes that have taken place in the Federal Credit Union since 1934. The method of presentation in this study is both historical and statistical. And the analysis of statistical data the emphasis is predominantly on developments in recent years

    El algodón y la hacienda San Nicolás 1934-1961

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    Analiza los factores que intervienen en este proceso a partir del estudio de un caso; el de la hacienda San Nicolás (valle de Supe, Lima) entre 1934 y 1961. El marco temporal obedece a la conversión de la hacienda al cultivo del algodón y al tiempo de auge antes de que esta entrara en crisis. Esta investigación busca establecer las condiciones y causas tanto del paso del azúcar al algodón como de la crisis de este último cultivo siguiendo la información probada de la hacienda (Archivo del Fondo Agrario), así como los testimonios de antiguos trabajadores entrevistados para este estudio. Esta investigación se enmarca en las nuevas tendencias que buscan revitalizar el conocimiento del mundo agrario en la historiografía peruana y latinoamericana.Tesi


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    Znanstveno istraživanje geneze, razvitka i propasti pojedinih civilizacija te pokušaji njihove klasifikacije i sistematizacije bili su u fokusu politologa, povjesničara i sociologa XX. stoljeća. Uz najpoznatije poput „Propast zapada“ (pisano 1918. ‒ 1922.) Oswalda Spenglera, „Studija povijesti“ (1934. ‒ 1961. u 12 svezaka) Arnolda J. Toynbeeja te „Sukob civilizacija“ (1997.) Samuela P. Huntingtona kao vrlo sustavno, metodički razrađeno i samim time značajno valja uvrstiti i knjigu „Raznolikost civilizacija“, utjecajnoga poljskoga autora Feliksa Konecznog, utemeljitelja discipline znanosti o civilizacijama. Knjigu je s poljskoga na hrvatski preveo Antonio Akmadža, a nakladnik je Udruga Repressija. Službeno je predstavljena u velikoj dvorani Matice hrvatske u travnju ove godine