353 research outputs found

    Деревья-долгожители в озеленении старинных уральских сел

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    Деревья-долгожители старинных уральских сел (на примере Мраморского и Курганово Полевского района Свердловской области) представлены как центры композиций деревенского пейзажа в своеобразной сельской парковой зоне, являющейся основой рекреационных территорий промышленных городов Урала

    Postural violations in elderly people according to computer stabilometry

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    Postural violations (PV) compose the topical issue for elderly people. The research objective is to study features of postural control at elderly people by means of the computer stabilometry (CS). This technique can also serve as control of efficiency of the carried out therapy of PN. In literature there are only single researches devoted to the change of the main rack for persons over 60 years. Material and Methods: 138 patients aged from 61 to 102 years have been investigated and averaged 77,8+2,3 years. Three age groups of the persons under the study by 46 years have been determined: elderly, old men and long-livers. Results proved the expressed decrease in compensatory opportunities of maintenance of balance at people after 60 years, growth of postural instability according to the increase in age. Prior to therapy at all patients significant increase in the area and length of statokineziograms, speed of movement of the center of pressure has been revealed; average value of the «average position of the center of pressure» parameter in the frontal and sagittal planes considerably differed from normal indicators. After carrying out a standard course of treatment average values of the Deviation, Way and Speed parameters decreased in comparison with similar values before the treatment. Average value of the area parameter appeared to be the most sensitive to medical influences. Conclusion: The CS method allows to carry out rather objectively early diagnostics of PN at elderly people and to estimate their condition in dynamics

    История и современное состояние сети особо охраняемых природных территорий Белгородской области

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    Перечень категорий и видов особо охраняемых природных территорий Белгородской област

    Идентификация и значение факторов риска и антириска болезней системы кровообращения

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    Работа присвячена вивченню факторів ризику і антиризику хвороб системи кровообігу серед населення Україны. Ідентифіковані ключові детермінанти сердцево-судинної патології екологічного, соціально економічного, професійного, аліментарного характеру.Work devoted to the study of risk factors and diseases of the circulatory system anti risk population Ukraine. Identified key determinants of vascular pathology serdtsevo ecological, socio economic, professional, alimentary nature

    Complexity of serrated sutures of a human skull

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    Objective: to reveal the variability mechanism of complexity of serrated sutures of a human skull in the correlation with cranial form. Materials and methods. Researches of 253 arches of male and female skulls of patients at the age of 1 day-105 years without signs of cranial trauma or skeletal systemic diseases with absence of morphological signs of increase of intracranial pressure. Minimal (Min) and maximal (Max) values, average arithmetic (M), a mistake of average arithmetic (m) have been studied. For definition of reliability of average size difference parametrical and non-parametric statistical criteria were used: parametrical criterion (t-criterion of Student) applied for parameters submitting to the law of normal distribution (Lakin G. R, 1990). Distinctions of average arithmetic size were considered statistically authentic from 95% (p<0,05) a level of correct judgement (Plokhinskiy N.A., 1970). Results. On the surface of the arch lambdoid and coronal sutures in male skulls and lambdoid and sagittal sutures in female were found out to be of the greatest degree of complexity. Conclusion. The increase of complexity of sutures has been observed in children and adolescents; the directed asymmetry of sutures form is absen

    The publishing history of the novel "Fear" / "Fire"by V. Makanin: the birth and transformation of the text

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    В статье анализируется история возникновения романа В. Маканина "Испуг", который позже был отредактирован автором и издан под названием "Обстрел"