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    On the cone of effective 2-cycles on M0,7\overline{M}_{0,7}

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    Fulton's question about effective kk-cycles on M0,n\overline{M}_{0,n} for 1<k<n41<k<n-4 can be answered negatively by appropriately lifting to M0,n\overline{M}_{0,n} the Keel-Vermeire divisors on M0,k+1\overline{M}_{0,k+1}. In this paper we focus on the case of 22-cycles on M0,7\overline{M}_{0,7}, and we prove that the 22-dimensional boundary strata together with the lifts of the Keel-Vermeire divisors are not enough to generate the cone of effective 22-cycles. We do this by providing examples of effective 22-cycles on M0,7\overline{M}_{0,7} that cannot be written as an effective combination of the aforementioned 22-cycles. These examples are inspired by a blow up construction of Castravet and Tevelev.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures. Final version. Minor corrections. To appear in the European Journal of Mathematic

    Conferencia en la UPC sobre el polémico 0,7

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    Гибридная интегральная схема для обработки звукового сигнала

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    Разработана гибридная интегральная схема с номинальным напряжением питания 1,4 В, током потребления 0,7 мА и габаритными размерами 8x4x3 мм для обработки звукового сигнала в автономной аппаратуре.Розроблена гібридна інтегральна схема з номінальною напругою живлення 1,4 В, струмом споживання 0,7 мА і габаритними розмірами 8x4x3 мм забезпечує багатофункціональну обробку звуковою сигналу в аналоговій мікроелектронній апаратурі. Наведено її конструкторсько-технологічні та електричні параметри.Developed hybrid integrated circuit with rated supply voltage of 1,4 V, current consumption 0,7 mA and overall dimensions 8x4x3 mm provides soft processing of the audio signal in analog microelectronic equipment. Given its design, technological and electrical parameters

    Гибридная интегральная схема для обработки звукового сигнала

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    Разработана гибридная интегральная схема с номинальным напряжением питания 1,4 В, током потребления 0,7 мА и габаритными размерами 8x4x3 мм для обработки звукового сигнала в автономной аппаратуре.Розроблена гібридна інтегральна схема з номінальною напругою живлення 1,4 В, струмом споживання 0,7 мА і габаритними розмірами 8x4x3 мм забезпечує багатофункціональну обробку звуковою сигналу в аналоговій мікроелектронній апаратурі. Наведено її конструкторсько-технологічні та електричні параметри.Developed hybrid integrated circuit with rated supply voltage of 1,4 V, current consumption 0,7 mA and overall dimensions 8x4x3 mm provides soft processing of the audio signal in analog microelectronic equipment. Given its design, technological and electrical parameters


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    Stres oksidatif dapat menyebabkan infertilitas melalui berbagai mekanisme, yaitu melalui ketidakseimbangan antioksidan dan radikal bebas, sehingga meningkatkan kerusakan seluler yang disebabkan oleh Reactive oxygen species (ROS). Monosodium glutamat (MSG) adalah garam natrium glutamat, yang digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan makanan sebagai penguat cita rasa. Pemberian MSG tikus secara oral dapat menyebabkan peningkatan Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) sehingga terjadi stress oksidatif pada jaringan yang memiliki reseptor glutamat.  MSG berpengaruh  pada anatomi dan fungsi tuba yaitu jumlah sel epitel sekretorik dan ekspresi reseptor estrogen-α. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan pengaruh ekstrak teh hijau terhadap jumlah sel epitel sekretorik dan ekspresi RE-α tuba fallopi tikus wistar  yang dipapar MSG. Kebaruan penelitian ini adalah menberikan informasi dampak Monosodium Glutamat (MSG) pada manusia. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 30 hari dan terdiri dari kelompok perlakuan yaitu K(-), K(+) MSG 0,7 mg/gBB, P1 MSG 0,7 mg/BB+ekstrak teh hijau 0,7 mg/tks/hr, P2 MSG 0,7 mg/gBB+ekstrak teh hijau 1,4 mg/tks/hr, P3 MSG 0,7 mg/gBB+ekstrak teh hijau 2,8 mg/tks/hr. Hasil analisa statistik menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan bahwa pemberian ekstrak teh hijau dosis 0,7 mg dapat meningkatkan jumlah sel epitel sekretorik dan ekspresi RE-α tuba fallopi tikus wistar  yang dipapar MSG (p=0,000, R2=50%  dan, p=0,000, R2=70,2% ). Kesimpulan adalah membuktikan bahwa ekstrak teh hijau dapat meningkatan jumlah sel epitel sekretorik dan ekspresi RE-α tuba fallopi tikus wistar yang dipapar MSG. Kata kunci : Ekspresi RE-Α; Ekstrak Teh Hijau; Jumlah Sel Epitel Sekretorik; MSG.  AbstractOxidative stress can cause infertility through various mechanisms, namely through antioxidant imbalances and free radicals, thus increasing cellular damage caused by Reactive oxygen species (ROS). Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a sodium glutamate salt, commonly used as a food additive as a flavor enhancer to affect the nature of food. MSG giving oral mice can cause increased Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), resulting in oxidative stress in tissues that have glutamate receptors. MSG affects tubal anatomy and function, namely the number of secretory epithelial cells and the expression of estrogen-α receptors. The aim of this study was to prove the effect of green tea extract on the number of secretory epithelial cells and the expression of RE-α fallopian tubes of MSG exposed wistar rats. The novelty of this research is to provide information on the impact of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) on humans. This research was conducted for 30 days and consisted of treatment group that is K (-), K (+) MSG 0,7 mg/gWB, PI MSG 0,7 mg/gWB+green tea extract 0,7 mg/rat/day, PII MSG 0,7 mg/gWB+green tea extract 1.4 mg/rat/day , PIII MSG 0,7 mg/gWB+green tea extract 2,8 mg/rat/day. The results of statistical analysis showed a significant association that giving 0.7 mg/rat/day of green tea extract increased the number of secretory epithelial cells and the expression of RE-α fallopian tubes of MSG exposed wistar rats (p=0.000, R2=50% and, p=0.000, R2=70.2%). The conclusion of this study is to prove that green tea extract can increase the number of secretory epithelial cells and expression of RE-α fallopian tubes of MSG exposed wistar rats. Keywords: Green Tea Extract; MSG; Number Of Secretory Epithelial Cells; RE-Α Expression