25 research outputs found

    Management de l'innovation technologique et des connaissances : synergie entre la théorie TRIZ et le Raisonnement à Partir de Cas. Application en génie des procédés et systÚmes industriels.

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    Les mĂ©thodologies traditionnelles de rĂ©solution de problĂšmes comme le brainstorming, la synectique, la mĂ©thode d'essais-erreurs, etc. trouvent leurs limites lorsqu'elles sont confrontĂ©es Ă  un problĂšme inventif ou problĂšme contenant une contradiction (conditions sous laquelle deux exigences ou besoins d'un systĂšme sont mutuellement exclusives, mais doivent ĂȘtre associĂ©s afin d'atteindre un mĂȘme objectif). Ce type de problĂšmes est gĂ©nĂ©ralement rĂ©solu en acceptant un important degrĂ© de compromis et avec une direction alĂ©atoire de recherche d'une solution, qui se traduit par une efficacitĂ© inferieure Ă  celle atteignable par d'autres mĂ©thodes. L'arrivĂ©e de la thĂ©orie de rĂ©solution des problĂšmes inventifs ou thĂ©orie TRIZ a Ă©liminĂ© ces inconvĂ©nients. Cette approche, basĂ©e sur l'Ă©volution historique des systĂšmes techniques, a produit une vision oĂč l'innovation est considĂ©rĂ©e comme une ressource maĂźtrisable pouvant ĂȘtre appliquĂ©e systĂ©matiquement. Paradoxalement, cette approche basĂ©e sur la connaissance et applicable Ă  n'importe quelle discipline ou domaine, ne possĂšde pas la capacitĂ© Ă  mĂ©moriser, ce qui s'avĂšre indispensable pour l'apprentissage. De ce fait, les connaissances qui ont servi et qui ont Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă©es lors de la rĂ©solution d'une contradiction, ne peuvent pas ĂȘtre rĂ©utilisĂ©es. Cet inconvĂ©nient est un facteur nĂ©gatif pour la performance de TRIZ lors de la rĂ©solution d'un problĂšme inventif. ParallĂšlement, une autre approche a dĂ©veloppĂ© la capacitĂ© Ă  identifier, stocker et rĂ©utiliser la connaissance : la gestion des connaissances. Cette capacitĂ© est mise en Ɠuvre dans le raisonnement Ă  partir de cas (RĂ PC). Cette approche, dont l'efficacitĂ© est basĂ©e sur l'aspect spĂ©cifique au domaine d'application, utilise les expĂ©riences acquises pendant la rĂ©solution des problĂšmes passĂ©s, afin d'aborder la rĂ©solution des problĂšmes nouveaux. Toutefois, le RĂ PC, de par sa nature, ne prend pas en considĂ©ration les solutions qui ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es dans d'autres domaines. Cela limite fortement la capacitĂ© du RĂ PC Ă  proposer une solution nouvelle ou innovante. De plus, la mĂ©moire du systĂšme ne peut pas apporter une solution pour une situation qui n'a pas Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e et rĂ©solue auparavant. Les limites et la complĂ©mentaritĂ© constatĂ©es dans les deux approches, ont servi de base pour la proposition d'un nouveau modĂšle. Ce modĂšle offre une approche qui combine la vision technologique de la thĂ©orie TRIZ et la capacitĂ© Ă  mĂ©moriser et rĂ©utiliser la connaissance dĂ©veloppĂ©e par le raisonnement Ă  partir de cas. La synergie entre ces deux approches permet d'un cĂŽtĂ©, de diriger les efforts crĂ©atifs lors de la rĂ©solution d'un problĂšme inventif et de l'autre, de rĂ©utiliser la connaissance dĂ©ployĂ©e lors de ce processus. La capacitĂ© de cette nouvelle approche est illustrĂ©e au travers d'Ă©tudes de cas issues du gĂ©nie des procĂ©dĂ©s et du gĂ©nie industriel. ABSTRACT : Traditional problems solving methodologies like brainstorming, synectics, trial and error, etc. find their limits when they are facing inventive problems or problems that could be described like contradictions. A contradiction exists when two different and mutually exclusive requirements, states or conditions in a system, have to be present and act together, with the aim to accomplish same objectives. Trade off is usually the most used way to solve this kind of problem, also characterized by a random search of solutions. These situations have a negative impact over performance, which could be improved by applying other methodologies and tools. The theory of inventive problem solving or TRIZ theory has the capacity to eliminate these negative aspects described above and to produce innovative solutions to contradictions. This approach, which is different from the traditional psychology based approaches, is knowledge based. The particular vision of TRIZ is based on the history of technological evolution. TRIZ considers innovation like a process which can be controlled and deployed systematically. Paradoxically, this knowledge based approach with transversal domain application, does not have the capacity to memorise, which is fundamental for learning. Consequently, knowledge that has been employed and created while solving inventive problems can not be reused. This drawback has a negative effect on problem solving performance while deploying TRIZ. Knowledge management has developed the capacity to identify, store and reuse knowledge. This is the core capacity of several knowledge management methodologies, among them is, the Case-Based Reasoning (CBR). The performance of this problem solving tool, lies essentially in its capacity to offer a pragmatic answer for specific domain problems. CBR systems solve a new problem by identifying its similarity to one or several previously solved problems stored in a memory and by adapting their known solutions. Since CBR application is domain specific, CBR cannot consider the solutions that have already been identified in others domains while solving new problems. This characteristic limits the CBR's capacity to propose innovative solutions to a problem. Besides, a shortcoming is revealed when a CBR system faces a problem that had not been solved in the past. If this situation occurs, the memory cannot find a similar problem and consequently, no solution is proposed. The limits and the complementarity observed between TRIZ and CBR are employed to propose a new model. This model presents an approach that combines the technological vision of TRIZ and the ability developed by CBR to memorize and to reuse knowledge. This synergy allows in the fist place, to steer the creative effort when facing inventive problems and in the second, to reuse knowledge that had been acquired in past problems. The capability of this new approach is illustrated by its application in process engineering and industrial engineering

    Perception et normes sociales : une alternative Ă  l'intellectualisme contemporain

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    In this thesis, following Alfred SchĂŒtz' uses of Husserl's theories of perception by adumbration and of the strata of ideation against Habermas attempt to replace them for a linguistic constitution of the Lebenswelt, we identify three presuppositions generally adopted by contemporary pragmatism and challenge them to argue that social norms are rooted in the prepredicative sphere of consciousness and, moreover, in existential group relations which social and functional qualities are immediately perceived, which means without any thematic representation of an object they could fill. Consequently, social norms are certainly not to follow an evolutional path progressively oriented toward conformity to the intrinsic structure of language by developing moral judgment through a discursive use of concepts. We name the presuppositions of contemporary pragmatism leading Habermas to such a view on social norms, propositional, representational and judicative. To be sure, we first show that similar presuppositions are to be find in Robert Brandom's pragmatic opposing Habermas on social norms. So they are pervading both side of the searlian / sellarsian opposition within the so-called intentional turn of the pragmatic turn of linguistic philosophy, forming today a large trend of contemporary pragmatism. These presuppositions are demonstrate to be theoretical bias impeding the conceptualization of some types of conducts which are learned and socially coordinate. Imitative conducts and mass phenomena are paradigmatic in Habermas' Theory of communicative action, which implications for the progressive rationality and morality of social norms is the object of the first part of this thesis. As the last type of conduct is the root of the institution of society in Durkheim's sociology, and the former is essential to role learning and the learning of language itself, both seem to participate to social norms in a way which command a more inclusive definition. Moreover, according to an overview of the constructionist trend, social theorists challenging social sciences' epistemic conscensus, and the founding status that French school of Moscovici claim for their psychosocial theory and method over sociology - in the second part of this thesis, we argue that such attitudes like reactance and others identified by psychosociological research must be integrated to social theory and theory of social norms. After an overview of SchĂŒtz' work, we maintain that these attitudes, like any of norm conformity or transgression, are agentive or pragmatic engagement primordially provoked by an immediate perception of the social quality of an existential relation to be hegemonic in a social group or "milieu". We call this axiological content of the relation a normative quality (qualitĂ© de norme). It draws from the direct apperception of a typical social relation through a cue that indicates the presence of an alter ego with whom to perform the relation in a manner that appeal a typical conduct in a functional relation toward alter in this particular situation. We call this cue of alter's presence a sociality cue (indice de socialitĂ©), and because of its participation in a functional relation in a way we slightly criticize SchĂŒtz, we call it more precisely a sociality factor (facteur de socialitĂ©). With SchĂŒtz' help, we manage to redefine social norms around the idea of a relevancy between a perceived situation and a typical conduct. And this scheme of relevance takes the peculiar structure of a sign relation. So social norms themselves are organized around apperceptive, appresentative, referential and contextual scheme, displaying independent thematic, interpretative and motivational functions within consciousness. And because the relation of the agent toward the expressive sphere of conducts and speech proceeds under different strata of consciousness, we can talk about an horizontal process of perceptive integration rooted in prepredicativeness and following a vertical path upward to ideation, abstractization, generalization, formalization, algebrification, and downward back to sensory-motor schemes, stabilizing in this way learned competences in a social "milieu" and, consequently, stabilizing cultural patterns around socials norms in a concrete way. Concrete here means in such a way that the sign structure of the situation itself engage the agent's experience toward a norm performance.\ud _____________________________________________________________________________

    La liberté, l'indétermination et la détermination : contribution à la résolution réflexive de leurs rapports antinomiques par l'examen psychologique de l'immatérialité transcendantale, du pouvoir spirituel et de la vérité intellectuelle

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    Dans la perspective psychologique, l'esprit rĂ©el en gĂ©nĂ©ral (humain en particulier) n'est inconditionnellement ni transcendant ni efficace ni rĂ©vĂ©lateur. D'abord, il est matĂ©riellement immanent (il ne peut s'affranchir de la matiĂšre), bien qu'il soit formellement transcendantal. Ensuite, il est pragmatiquement et historiquement inefficace (il ne crĂ©e pas mĂȘme l'humanitĂ©), bien qu'il soit conditionnellement causal. Enfin, il est thĂ©orĂ©tiquement schĂ©matique et algorithmique (il ne comprend pas l'essence intĂ©grale du monde), bien qu'il soit rĂ©aliste sous caution. Somme toute, l'organisme vivant en gĂ©nĂ©ral (humain en particulier) ne s'aperçoit luimĂȘme, Ă  travers la mentalitĂ© transcendantale, la rĂ©flexion pragmatique et la connaissance thĂ©orĂ©tique, ni pendant ni aprĂšs ni avant l'action (et l'omission) complĂšte, l'Ă©motion de libertĂ© et la sensation de rĂ©alitĂ©. L'immanence, la libertĂ© et la rĂ©alitĂ© bien comprises sont conjointement une condition nĂ©cessaire bien qu'insuffisante de la responsabilitĂ© axiologique comme mode d'ĂȘtre, laquelle se caractĂ©rise ultimement par la bontĂ©, ou la malice, des conduites, des Ă©mois et des constats, non par les mauvaises et bonnes, ou les empiriques et intellectuelles, raisons, consciences et intentions qui les accompagnent, suivent et prĂ©cĂšdent.GĂ©nĂ©ralement et rĂ©guliĂšrement admis en philosophie de l'esprit, l'immatĂ©rialitĂ© transcendantale, le pouvoir spirituel et la vĂ©ritĂ© intellectuelle (comme leurs Ă©quivalents scientifiques respectifs: la computation fonctionnelle, la causalitĂ© psychologique et le rĂ©alisme psychologique) gĂ©nĂšrent les rapports antinomiques de la libertĂ©, de l'indĂ©termination et de la dĂ©termination. L'antinomie de la libertĂ© et de la dĂ©termination rĂ©sume les difficultĂ©s auxquelles se heurte la triple affirmation de l'immatĂ©rialitĂ© transcendantale, du pouvoir spirituel et de la vĂ©ritĂ© intellectuelle. En effet, dans la mesure oĂč le pouvoir spirituel des rĂ©flexions pragmatiques est censĂ©e ĂȘtre le truchement de la libertĂ©, il fait de la dĂ©termination un problĂšme. Et, dans la mesure oĂč la vĂ©ritĂ© intellectuelle des connaissances thĂ©orĂ©tiques est censĂ© ĂȘtre le truchement de la dĂ©termination, elle fait de la libertĂ© un problĂšme. La recherche d'une solution Ă  ces antinomies est devenue une possibilitĂ© thĂ©matique pour la philosophie en opposant l'immatĂ©rialitĂ© transcendantale Ă  l'immanence psychologique (comme pour la science en opposant la computation fonctionnelle Ă  la mentalitĂ© consciente), ou encore en sauvant le pouvoir spirituel par une limitation du rĂ©alisme psychologique, ou en faisant l'inverse (sauver la vĂ©ritĂ© intellectuelle par une limitation de la causalitĂ© psychologique). Or, dans la perspective psychologique, l'esprit en gĂ©nĂ©ral (y compris l'idĂ©e, ou le concept) est matĂ©riellement immanent (l'esprit ne peut s'affranchir de la matiĂšre, bien qu'il soit formellement transcendantal), pragmatiquement et historiquement inefficace (l'esprit ne crĂ©e pas l'humanitĂ©, bien qu'il soit conditionnellement causal) et thĂ©orĂ©tiquement schĂ©matique ou algorithmique (l'esprit ne comprend pas l'essence intĂ©grale du monde, bien qu'il soit rĂ©aliste sous caution). Aussi bien, l'exercice rĂ©el, libre et complet de la motricitĂ© vivante, de son Ă©motivitĂ© et de sa sensitivitĂ© ne s'aperçoit, Ă  travers la mentalitĂ© transcendantale, la rĂ©flexion pragmatique et la connaissance thĂ©orĂ©tique, ni pendant ni aprĂšs ni avant l'action (et l'omission), l'Ă©motion et la sensation. L'immanence, la libertĂ© et la rĂ©alitĂ© bien comprises sont des «propriĂ©tĂ©s» de la motricitĂ© vivante et de la sensibilitĂ©, non celles de l'esprit (ou mentalitĂ©). Elles sont conjointement une condition nĂ©cessaire bien qu'insuffisante de la responsabilitĂ© axiologique. La valeur axiologique comme mode d'ĂȘtre se caractĂ©rise ultimement par la bontĂ©, ou la malice, des conduites, des Ă©mois et des constats, non par les mauvaises et bonnes, ou les empiriques et intellectuelles, raisons, consciences et intentions qui les accompagnent, suivent et prĂ©cĂšdent

    Des machines et des hommes. Masculinité hégémonique et modernité technologique dans le cinéma américain contemporain

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    Film historiography typically considers the years following 1968 as an important period of crisis for gendered identities in the United States, particularly in respect to traditional models of white masculinity. Open to the investigation of gender representations since the middle of the seventies, film studies have since been able to shed light on the relationship between dominant ideals of manhood in Hollywood cinema and the political, social and economic contexts in which they were produced and consumed. Thus, the hyper-masculinity, the provider instinct or the outrageous violence of certain heroes have been considered in the light of the upheavals which the codes of masculinity have endured, be it through the setbacks of the Vietnam war, the rapid rise of the feminist movement, the claims of the civil rights movement of the Afro-American minority or the emergence of the gay and lesbian movement. Without contesting this view, my work aims at putting the filmic representation of the American masculinity from the end of the sixties until today into a wider perspective. If the values, the practices, and the norms endorsed by male characters indeed derive from a set of anxieties and desires related to the destabilizations that have affected American society, it appears essential to locate them in the wake of the traditionally antagonistic relationship that the American male subject maintains with respect to modernity and technological determinism since the end of 19th century. And according to this view, the legitimacy deficit of the dominant models of masculinity results at least as much from the deterioration of the social, political and ideological paradigms of the post-war period, than from the feeling of fundamental decentring that the economy of technological change has nourished ever since the Gilded Age or yet the Revolution. My project thus makes the hypothesis that the crisis of gender relations which occurs in North America starting from the Second industrial revolution attenuates relatively during the two world wars to see, as of the end of 1960’s, its stakes reformulated under the impulse of the important and rapid techno-scientific developments taking place in the Western world, first, through the arrival of the personal computer and the birth-control pill, second, through the appearance of the Internet, the cellular phone and genetics. Situated at a threefold crossroad – the history of cinema, the history of masculinity and the history of reception of technologies – this research project centers its analysis on the Hollywood production of these two periods of technological innovation, underlining the privileged space which they constitute for the imaginary reorganization of the hegemonic masculinity, as ‘man’ is frequently redefined in a performative mode, allowing for adjustments to the changing circumstances and to naturalize the meanings which legitimate the normalized state of its relations to women and its subordinates

    Apprentissage et mobilisation de compétences managériales des joueurs de jeux de rÎle en ligne massivement multijoueurs (MMORPG)

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    Media relate instances where MMORPG players are being recruited to responsibility positions, thanks to their managerial skills, acquired through playing. Do MMORPG players really develop such skills though playing, and if so, under what conditions? To explore these research questions, we're basing our works on the Social Learning Theory as well as the Social Cognitive Theory, both resulting from of Albert Bandura's researches. Literature reviewing as well as an exploratory qualitative study (13 players and older MMORPG players) led us to propose a managerial skill learning structural model of the MMORPG player. Two analyses were realized.The first one, in an exploratory aim, allowing to refine measuring tools, saw 414 questionnaires being validated (on 707 collected). The second one, with a confirmatory aim, allowing to verify hypothesis, saw 2 628 questionnaires being validated (on 3 690 collected). Once we've drawn the MMORPG player's profile, we're showing that there are managerial skill learning phenomena perceived by the players that are developed then mastered in MMORPG, under specific conditions linked to the game's environment, as well as the internal state of the player. The proposed model is thus validated.Conclusions of this research offer possibilities for players as well as organizations in various domains, such as recruitment or training, by benefiting MMORPG's potential. Longitudinal studies would deserve to be done in order to explore the MMORPG's player learning evolution, and confirm our results.Les mĂ©dia relatent des cas de joueurs de MMORPG recrutĂ©s sur des postes Ă  responsabilitĂ©s au regard de leurs compĂ©tences managĂ©riales acquises en jouant. Les joueurs de MMORPG dĂ©veloppent-ils rĂ©ellement des compĂ©tences managĂ©riales en jouant, et si oui, dans quelles conditions ? Pour explorer ces questions de recherche, nous fondons nos travaux sur la ThĂ©orie de l'Apprentissage Social ainsi que sur la ThĂ©orie Sociale Cognitive, toutes deux issues des recherches d'Albert Bandura. La revue de la littĂ©rature ainsi qu'une Ă©tude qualitative exploratoire (13 joueurs et anciens joueurs de MMORPG) nous amĂšnent Ă  proposer un modĂšle structurel de l'apprentissage des compĂ©tences managĂ©riales des joueurs de MMORPG. Ce modĂšle est testĂ© grĂące Ă  une Ă©tude quantitative menĂ©e auprĂšs de 4.397 individus. Deux analyses ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es. Pour la premiĂšre, Ă  visĂ©e exploratoire, permettant d'Ă©purer les instruments de mesure, 414 questionnaires ont Ă©tĂ© validĂ©s (sur 707 reçus). Pour la seconde, Ă  visĂ©e confirmatoire, permettant de vĂ©rifier les hypothĂšses, 2.628 questionnaires ont Ă©tĂ© validĂ©s (sur 3.690 reçus). AprĂšs avoir dessinĂ© le profil des joueurs de MMORPG, nous montrons qu'il existe des phĂ©nomĂšnes d'apprentissage de compĂ©tences managĂ©riales perçues par les joueurs, dĂ©veloppĂ©es puis mobilisĂ©es dans les MMORPG, selon certaines conditions liĂ©es Ă  l'environnement du jeu ainsi qu'Ă  l'Ă©tat intĂ©rieur du joueur. Le modĂšle proposĂ© est ainsi validĂ©. Les conclusions de cette recherche offrent des perspectives pour les joueurs ainsi que les organisations dans divers domaines, tels que le recrutement ou la formation, en tirant profit du potentiel des MMORPG. Des Ă©tudes longitudinales mĂ©riteraient d'ĂȘtre menĂ©es pour explorer l'Ă©volution de l'apprentissage des joueurs de MMORPG et confirmer nos rĂ©sultats

    Alfred cortot, interprÚte de Frédéric Chopin

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    If Alfred Cortot performs and interprets Chopin’s, it is not only as a pianist but also as a theoretician. His exegesis, expounded in many writings, is the correlate of his instrumental performance. The purpose of our research is to show how both aspects of interpretation complement each other and generate a fruitful dialogue between concerte sound and abstracte thought. This implies to consider in which terms Cortot proposes and creates, as a biographer, a singular image of Chopin, but also the process through which he switches from a theoretical formalization to the embodiment of his thought in his performance.Our work is organized along three axes: a review of historiographical methods used by Cortot, a study of the hermeneutical process – especially in the student edition of Chopin’s work – and finally an analysis of some recordings of the Preludes op. 28.Si Alfred Cortot se dĂ©finit comme interprĂšte de FrĂ©dĂ©ric Chopin, c’est non seulement comme pianiste mais aussi comme thĂ©oricien. Le travail d’exĂ©gĂšse qu’il mĂšne, notamment au travers de nombreux Ă©crits, est le corrĂ©lat de toute exĂ©cution instrumentale. Notre recherche a ainsi pour objet de montrer comment ces deux acceptions du terme « interprĂ©tation » se complĂštent et suscitent un dialogue fructueux entre la concrĂ©tude d’un objet sonore et l’abstraction d’une pensĂ©e. Cela suppose de considĂ©rer non seulement la maniĂšre dont Cortot nous donne Ă  rĂ©flĂ©chir, en tant que biographe, sur une image particuliĂšre de Chopin et de sa musique, mais aussi le procĂ©dĂ© par lequel il passe d’une formalisation thĂ©orique Ă  une concrĂ©tisation de sa pensĂ©e dans et par l’interprĂ©tation. Notre travail s’organise selon trois axes : un examen des mĂ©thodes historiographiques employĂ©es par Cortot, une Ă©tude de sa dĂ©marche hermĂ©neutique – en particulier dans l’édition de travail des Ɠuvres de Chopin – et enfin une analyse de quelques enregistrements des PrĂ©ludes op. 28

    Parallaxes : lectures tangentes d'historiographie critique et d'épistémologie de la traduction

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    Il s'agit d'une thĂšse « par articles » dont quatre des cinq Ă©tudes prĂ©sentĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© publiĂ©es dans des revues scientifiques avec l'arbitrage professionnel d'un comitĂ© de lecture.Cette thĂšse par articles propose une sĂ©rie de lectures tangentes, embrassant les domaines respectifs de l’épistĂ©mologie, de l’historiographie critique et de la thĂ©orie crique de la traduction, axĂ©es sur une vue non dĂ©terministe de la traduction. AprĂšs avoir explorĂ© diverses avenues et considĂ©rĂ© divers angles de vue proposĂ©s par les thĂ©ories contemporaines de la traduction, je suis parvenu Ă  trois constats formant trois clauses catĂ©goriques de ma rĂ©flexion : 1) tout traitement des donnĂ©es dans le cadre de la rĂ©flexion traductologique repose sur un savoir a posteriori et doit n’admettre qu’une axiomatisation « faible » liĂ©e Ă  l’observation de tendances et de rĂ©gularitĂ©s n’obĂ©issant pas nĂ©cessairement Ă  une causalitĂ© ou Ă  une finalitĂ© stricte; 2) toute proposition Ă©laborĂ©e dans ce cadre doit conserver un caractĂšre non dĂ©terministe; 3) la traduction comme expĂ©rience et la rĂ©flexion qui s’en inspire obĂ©issent Ă  un protocole Ă©volutif. Mes conclusions se prĂ©sentent comme une dĂ©fense et illustration d’une « thĂ©orie gĂ©nĂ©rale de la dĂ©rive », un work in progress qui avalise les donnĂ©es dĂ©gagĂ©es plus en amont, qui sont supportĂ©es pas une conception Ă©volutive et non dĂ©terministe de la traduction. Cette modĂ©lisation souple et ouverte de la traduction comme activitĂ© cognitive Ă©volue en direction d’une intelligibilitĂ© holistique du champ rĂ©flexif de la traduction que que je dĂ©signe comme la mĂ©tatraduction. Je partirai d’un Ă©noncĂ© de principe qui, pour moi, a valeur d’axiome : il est dĂ©sormais interdit de rĂ©duire l’exercice de la traduction Ă  une portion congrue qui en ferait l’estafette entre une prĂ©sumĂ© « original » et son produit « dĂ©rivĂ© » : la traduction est un vecteur de transformation des valeurs et d’élargissement des horizons, non moins qu’une amorce discrĂšte mais effective des mutations de paradigme et des rĂ©volutions conceptuelles.This thesis proposes a series of tangential readings in the fields of epistemology, historiography and critical theory of translation.. So I come to three conclusions: 1) any processing of data in translation studies is based on an a posteriori knowledge and should be implemented with “soft” axiomatics dealing with trends and regularities withÂŹout any necessary binding to strong causal or final conditions; 2) any proposition formuÂŹlated in this framework should keep a non deterministic profile; 3) translation as experience and self-examination is governed by an evolutive protocol. My conclusions are evolving toward a “general theory of drifting”, a work in progress that synthesizes the data scrutinized and fleshed out in the former series of essays. I will start with a personal tenet that should earn for me the status of an axiom: we can no more reduce the experience of translation to an ancillary role oscillating back & forth between a so called “original” and an end product bound by the double bind between formal equivalence (source-oriented) and dynamic equivalence (target-oriented). As put forth by Walter Benjamin, translation evolves in a medium forming a continuum of metamorphoses, being as such a seminal vector of transformation of values and expanding the horizons as well as a discrete but effective trigger of paradigm shifts and conceptual revolutions.. What I call here “general theory of drifting” is nothing else than the principle according to which translation is not a “derivative by-product” of a so called original, but an agent and matrix of its drifting.

    L’emploi de la caricature dans le dĂ©veloppement des habiletĂ©s de la lecture critique des apprenants de français langue Ă©trangĂšre et leurs perceptions

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    La lecture joue un grand rĂŽle dans le processus d’enseignement-apprentissage. Elle constitue une base solide de la formation didactique de l’apprenant pour s’adapter Ă  la sociĂ©tĂ©. Il existe quatre niveaux de comprĂ©hension en lecture : littĂ©rale, infĂ©rentielle ou interprĂ©tative, critique et crĂ©ative. Les habiletĂ©s de ces quatre niveaux de comprĂ©hension sont organisĂ©es selon la hiĂ©rarchie de la taxonomie de Bloom. Notre recherche portait sur le niveau de la comprĂ©hension critique en lecture : la lecture critique. À la suite d’une recension de la littĂ©rature scientifique, nous avons constatĂ© que les recherches connues Ă  ce jour appuient l’importance de s’intĂ©resser Ă  la didactique de la lecture en classe de français. Cependant, les rĂ©sultats semblent peu concluants Ă  l’égard de la lecture critique, malgrĂ© son importance. La problĂ©matique de notre recherche consiste au fait que les apprenants du Français Langue ÉtrangĂšre (FLE) Ă©prouvent des difficultĂ©s en lecture critique. Ils tendent vers une comprĂ©hension globale du texte sans chercher ni comprendre le sens implicite. D’une part, diffĂ©rents auteurs ont montrĂ© que les raisons de ces difficultĂ©s ne sont pas dues seulement aux Ă©tudiants eux-mĂȘmes mais aussi aux mĂ©thodes d'enseignement non appropriĂ©es Ă  enseigner la lecture critique en FLE. Dans le domaine de l'enseignement des langues Ă©trangĂšres aux locuteurs d'autres langues, certains auteurs prĂ©conisent Ă©galement la didactique de la lecture critique oĂč les enseignants ne font pas juste enseigner aux Ă©tudiants les compĂ©tences linguistiques de base ou de former leurs habiletĂ©s de communication, mais aussi le besoin de dĂ©velopper la conscience critique chez les apprenants qui leur permettent de poser des questions plutĂŽt que d'accepter passivement l'information qu'ils trouvent. D’autre part, la recension a montrĂ© que l’enseignement basĂ© sur la caricature semble motivant et amĂšne les apprenants Ă  rĂ©flĂ©chir, mais que ce support didactique n’a pas Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© auprĂšs d’apprenants de français, surtout au niveau universitaire. Des Ă©tudes ont prouvĂ© l’efficacitĂ© de la caricature dans l’enseignement de l’histoire, les sciences et la littĂ©ratie visuelle et politique. Aucune Ă©tude, d’aprĂšs notre recension d’écrits, n’a portĂ© sur la caricature en didactique de FLE. D’ailleurs c’est un domaine peu investiguĂ©. Notre recherche exploratoire voulait intĂ©grer la caricature dans l'enseignement de la lecture critique en FLE. En dĂ©finitive, notre recherche visait Ă  rĂ©pondre Ă  la question gĂ©nĂ©rale suivante : Quelle est la contribution de la caricature comme support didactique au dĂ©veloppement des habiletĂ©s de la lecture critique chez les apprenants du FLE ? De cette question dĂ©coulent les questions spĂ©cifiques suivantes : 1- Quel est le rĂŽle de la caricature comme support didactique dans le dĂ©veloppement de la lecture critique chez les apprenants du FLE ? Et 2- quelles sont les perceptions des apprenants ciblĂ©s Ă  l’égard de la caricature ? Pour ce faire, notre recherche a impliquĂ© l’élaboration d’un dispositif didactique au cƓur duquel figurait la caricature. Afin de recueillir les donnĂ©es, nous avons choisi un Ă©chantillon volontaire parmi des Ă©tudiants adultes qui apprennent le FLE, Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de Sherbrooke. Notre expĂ©rimentation didactique consistait Ă  leur faire vivre des activitĂ©s de lecture critique de textes basĂ©s sur la caricature en trois sĂ©ances complĂ©mentaires. Les outils de collecte de donnĂ©es Ă©taient les suivants : des prĂ©tests qui prĂ©cĂ©daient chaque sĂ©ance du dispositif didactique pour diagnostiquer le niveau des Ă©tudiants en lecture critique, des posttests en lecture critique qui suivaient chacune des sĂ©ances, des entrevues pour identifier les perceptions et les productions des participants. Nous avons analysĂ© l'ensemble des donnĂ©es. Il s’agissait d’une analyse Ă©valuative des rĂ©ponses des participants dans les prĂ©/posttests; d’une analyse thĂ©matique du verbatim des entrevues afin d’identifier les perceptions des participants ; et d’une analyse du contenu des caricatures produites par les participants pour appuyer les rĂ©sultats obtenus. Les rĂ©sultats de l’analyse ont indiquĂ© que la caricature a contribuĂ© au dĂ©veloppement de la lecture critique chez les apprenants du FLE : grandement chez les dĂ©butants et les intermĂ©diaires et partiellement chez les avancĂ©s. En parallĂšle, la caricature Ă©tait positivement perçue par tous les participants. Ceux-ci ont avancĂ© que la caricature Ă©tait pour eux une expĂ©rience originale, motivante et transfĂ©rable. Ces rĂ©sultats combinĂ©s avec ceux des recherches antĂ©rieures dans le mĂȘme domaine laissent entrevoir que la caricature comme support didactique pourrait favoriser la comprĂ©hension en lecture en gĂ©nĂ©ral chez les apprenants adultes.  Abstract: Reading plays an important role in the teaching / learning process. It constitutes a solid basis for the didactic training of the learner to adapt to society. There are four levels of reading comprehension: literal, inferential or interpretive, critical and creative. The skills of these four levels of understanding are organized according to the hierarchy of Bloom's taxonomy. Our research focused on the level of critical reading comprehension: critical reading. Following a review of the scientific literature, we found that the research known to date supports the importance of taking an interest in reading literacy in French. However, the results seem inconclusive with regard to critical reading, despite its importance. The problem of our research is that the learners of the French Foreign Language (FFL) have difficulties in critical reading. They tend towards a global understanding of the text without going further in the implicit sense. On the one hand, different authors have shown that the reasons for these difficulties are not only due to the students themselves but also to the teaching methods not appropriate to teach critical reading in FFL. In the field of foreign language teaching to speakers of other languages, some authors also advocate the teaching of critical reading where teachers do not just teach students basic language skills or train their communication skills, but also the need to develop critical awareness in learners that allow them to ask questions rather than passively accepting the information they find. On the other hand, the review showed that teaching based on caricature seems motivating and leads learners to think, but that this didactic support was not used with learners of French, especially at the university level. Studies have proven the effectiveness of caricature in the teaching of history, science and visual and political literacy. No study, according to our review of writings, has focused on the caricature in didactics of FFL. Besides, it is a little investigated field. Our exploratory research wanted to integrate caricature into the teaching of critical reading in FFL. As a conclusion, our research aimed to answer the following general question: What is the contribution of caricature as a didactic medium to the development of the skills of critical reading in the learners of the FFL? From this issue arise the following specific questions: 1- What is the role of caricature as a didactic medium in the development of critical reading in the learners of the FFL? And what are the perceptions of targeted learners about caricature? To do this, our research involved the development of a didactic system at the heart of which caricature was included. In order to collect the data, we chose a sample of adult learners who were studying at the University of Sherbrooke. Our didactic experimentation consisted in making them live the activities of critical reading of texts based on caricature in three complementary stages. The data collection tools included pre-tests that preceded each stage of the didactic experimentation to diagnose the participant’s level in critical reading; post-tests that followed each stage; interviews to identify their perceptions, and drawings produced by them. We analyzed all the data. This was an evaluative analysis of the students' responses in pre / posttests; a thematic analysis of the interview verbatim in order to identify their perceptions; and an analysis of the content of the caricatures produced in support of the results obtained. The results of the analysis showed that caricature has greatly contributed to the development of critical reading in FFL among the beginners and intermediates and partially among the advanced students. At the same time, the caricature was positively perceived by all participants. These ones argued that caricature was an original, motivating and transferable experience. These results, combined with previous research in the same field, suggest that caricature as a didactic medium could promote reading comprehension in adult learners in general

    Exaiphnès chez Platon : un temps hors du temps : génèse et fortune d'un concept

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    The main purpose of the thesis is to identify and fill some gaps that are regularly found in the analysis of the Platonic concept of áŒÎŸÎ±ÎŻÏ†ÎœÎ·Ï‚. The word áŒÎŸÎ±ÎŻÏ†ÎœÎ·Ï‚, which appears 36 times in the Platonic dialogues, has primarily been examined and discussed in relation to what is said in Parmenides and, more rarely, in Symposium, Republic and Seventh Letter. However, as is known, the word is also found in Gorgias, Cratylus, Theaetetus, Statesman and Laws. Moreover, it is worth noting that a history of criticism about the concept of áŒÎŸÎ±ÎŻÏ†ÎœÎ·Ï‚ has never been provided, mainly due to the chronological and interpretive difficulties relating to Parmenides. This absence brought on a fragmentation and discontinuity in the study of the concept and it often prompted specialists to see in this notion a secondary or imprecise aspect of the Platonic theory. Regardless of the correctness of interpretations that have been proposed over the centuries, my work clearly shows that all these exegeses share two fundamental limits: the former is a necessarily partial analysis, almost exclusively based on what is written in Parmenides, the latter is the absence of a historical perspective . Cette thĂšse portant sur le concept dâ€™áŒÎŸÎ±ÎŻÏ†ÎœÎ·Ï‚ tel qu’on le trouve dans les textes de Platon se propose de combler les lacunes existantes relatives Ă  l’analyse de ce concept. En effet, le terme dâ€™áŒÎŸÎ±ÎŻÏ†ÎœÎ·Ï‚, dont on trouve trente-six occurrences dans les dialogues de Platon n’a Ă©tĂ© jusqu’à prĂ©sent principalement envisagĂ© et examinĂ© qu’à travers ce qui en est dit dans le ParmĂ©nide et, plus rarement, dans le Banquet, la RĂ©publique et la Lettre VII. Le terme, comme on le sait, se trouve pourtant aussi dans le Gorgias, le Cratyle, le ThĂ©Ă©tĂšte, le Politique et les Lois. En outre, en raison notamment des difficultĂ©s chronologiques et interprĂ©tatives liĂ©es au dialogue du ParmĂ©nide, aucune histoire critique du concept dâ€™áŒÎŸÎ±ÎŻÏ†ÎœÎ·Ï‚ n’a Ă©tĂ© entreprise. Cette absence d’histoire critique a pour effet une fragmentation et une discontinuitĂ© des Ă©tudes portant sur ce concept, effets qui ont souvent conduit les spĂ©cialistes Ă  ne voir dans cette notion qu’un aspect secondaire ou Ă  tout le moins imprĂ©cis de la thĂ©orie que dĂ©veloppe Platon Ă  son sujet. Aussi la thĂšse s’est-elle attachĂ©e Ă  entreprendre une Ă©tude prĂ©alable de l’histoire de ces interprĂ©tations. Quelle que soit la justesse et la valeur des interprĂ©tations qui se sont succĂ©dĂ©es au cours des siĂšcles, cette Ă©tude s’emploie Ă  montrer clairement que ces tendances exĂ©gĂ©tiques se heurtent Ă  deux limites fondamentales que la thĂšse s’applique Ă  lever : la premiĂšre est le caractĂšre nĂ©cessairement partiel d’une analyse menĂ©e presque exclusivement Ă  partir du ParmĂ©nide, la seconde est l’absence de mise en perspective historique