7 research outputs found

    Blue‐collar workers, career success and innovation in manufacturing

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    In the article the main marketing features of business portfolio evaluation process were shown. It was emphasized, that market correlation between business portfolio components is required to be mentioned during its balance estimation. In case it was figured out, those components (strategic business units (SBU) and supporting market activities) need to be in business directions organized. One of the effective ways of solving those business challenges is the algorithm of finding and forming balanced portfolio which was discribed in this article. To be successfully completed it should include the following input values: correlation matrix of SBU; the range within which the number of SBU in the portflio changes; the final number of optimal business portfolios.В статье предложен один из путей решения задачи поиска и формирования сбалансированного портфеля бизнесов предприятия. Он представляет собой алгоритм объединения составляющих первого уровня агрегации - стратегических единиц бизнеса и поддерживающих видов деятельности - в комплексные бизнес-направления (второй уровень агрегации). Алгоритм базируется на оценке баланса бизнес-направлений с помощью рыночной корреляции этих составляющих между собой. У статті запропоновано один із шляхів вирішення задачі пошуку та формування збалансованого портфеля бізнесів підприємства. Він являє собою алгоритм об’єднання складових першого рівня агрегації – стратегічних одиниць бізнесу та підтримуючих видів діяльності – у комплексні бізнес-напрями (другий рівень агрегації). Алгоритм базується на оцінці балансу бізнес-напрямів за допомогою ринкової кореляції цих складових між собою

    Workforce aging and decent work in the era of the digital economy – towards a holistic public policy approach

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    The aging of populations and the labour force, combined with the process of digitalisation, have a significant impact on labour markets, employment, and labour rights worldwide. Industries and jobs that rely on age-appreciating skills, which improve with age, are positively affected by both aging and digitalisation, since automation compensates for the lower physical abilities of older workers, thereby increasing their productivity. On the other hand, automation threatens physical and routine jobs that require low skills. In this paper, the authors used an empirical approach and inductive method to analyse the simultaneous influence of aging and digitalisation on workforce skills and demand for employees. In the future, governments’ efforts to stimulate employment and decent work should include providing high-quality education that prepares the workforce to gain and upgrade creative and social skills. These changes require policy and regulatory interventions to address the issues of skill shifts and the transition towards both digital and green economies, while simultaneously promoting and standing for decent work conditions. This presupposes that businesses introduce and adopt sustainable, dynamic, and inclusive workplace practices. The authors propose the age management mechanism as a human resource tool, as well as its legal counterpart, the age-responsible due diligence approach, for managing the necessary changes

    Propostas para colocar o fator humano no centro da produção

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    A era da digitalização impulsionada pela estratégia alemã, a Indústria 4.0, trouxe consigo a mudança de vários paradigmas, desde os problemas associados à sua implementação, aos novos modelos produtivos e à adaptação da força de trabalho a estas mudanças e alterações. Por outro lado, os problemas sociodemográficos estão cada vez mais presentes na atualidade, nomeadamente o envelhecimento da população e, consequentemente o prolongamento da vida ativa, tornando a força de trabalho existente nas empresas e indústrias mais envelhecida. Posto isto, uma vez que os sistemas produtivos são mais exigentes e a força de trabalho presente nas indústrias está cada vez mais envelhecida, neste trabalho são propostas medidas para colocar o fator humano no centro da produção, acompanhando, também, o desenvolvimento da Indústria 4.0. Mais especificamente, a adaptação e envolvimento dos operadores mais velhos nos novos sistemas produtivos digitais. Para isso, é descrito o ambiente das futuras indústrias, as smart factorires, e também é apresentada a comparação dos trabalhadores mais velhos com o conceito do Operador 4.0, de forma a que seja possível coexistir uma produtividade elevada com a força de trabalho existente nas unidades fabris.Digitalization era pushed by the German strategy, Industry 4.0, brought paradigms changes: implementation’s problems, the new productive models, and the workforce adaptation to these changes and alterations. On the other hand, the demographic problems are increasingly present today, including the aging population and, consequently, longer working life, that making the existing companies and industries’ workforce more aged. So, since the productive systems are progressively demanding and the present industries workforce is gradually aging, in this work are propose measures to place human factor at the center of production, also accompanying the Industry 4.0 development. More specifically, the elderly operator’s adaptation and involvement in new digital production systems. For this, the future industries’ environment is described, the smart factories, and is also made the comparison of older workers with the Operator 4.0 concept. Thus, it is possible coexist high productivity with the existing workforce in the factories

    Employee perceptions of transitioning towards Industry 4.0 in distinct global contexts

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    Thesis (PhD (Communication Management))--University of Pretoria, 2022.This study explores the implementation of Industry 4.0 in a large organisation, which operates manufacturing facilities in four distinct regional settings. To explore the implementation of Industry 4.0 from a communication management perspective, staff perceptions were investigated. The study follows a qualitative research approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted at the respective facilities and were subsequently analysed. Literature on stakeholders, sustainability and communication management formed the conceptual base from which items were developed for the interview guide. It was found that the introduction of Industry 4.0 is perceived by many as a source of uncertainty, particularly in Germany. The manner in which such technology is managed and communicated is vital to secure employee support. Cobots are strongly linked to US staffs’ perception of Industry 4.0. At other facilities the TicketManager technology is closely related to the perception of Industry 4.0. All interviewees relate the introduction of Industry 4.0 to the quadruple context environment.Business ManagementPhD (Communication Management)Unrestricte