9 research outputs found

    A Bibliometric Analysis of Moodle E-learning: Evidence from 2011 to 2021

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    Moodle e-learning is a suitable solution for learning in the technology era. The research purpose was to present a comprehensive literature review on Moodle e-learning in teaching and learning. The Articles were gained via Publish or Perish Software. The study analyzed 29 articles from 2011 to 2021 from the Scopus database. The Software of Mendeley was utilized to arrange the articles. The Software of Vosviewer is applied to review and identify the articles. The study showed the two clusters of group words that appear most often. The first cluster consisted of six items (application, e-learning, effective, elementary school, Moodle, and study) and the second cluster consisted of three items words (design, development, and Moodle). This cluster represents the research streams of Moodle e-learning

    Investigating The Challenges Of E-Learning In A Developing Institution Of Higher Learning: A Hypothetical Approach

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    The popularity of e-learning (EL) largely infiltrated into every sector of South African institutions of higher learning. This growing interest in EL is due to the advent of rapid internet technologies. For decades, South African institutions of higher learning have accepted EL as a vital learning tool for the enhancement of learning and teaching within the higher education sector. However, there are countless challenges that continue to hinder learning and teaching activities. This study seeks to determine the relationships between various challenges and EL capabilities through stated hypotheses. The study is a descriptive, qualitative design aided by a quantitative approach that were applied to collect data. In total 150 full and part-time ICT students including four permanent ICT lecturers participated in the study. By means of statistical methods of descriptive, inferential statistics aided by independent t-tests, three stated hypotheses were formulated and tested. The study therefore, recommends that higher institutions of learning should increase investments in various EL programs including relevant ICT infrastructure development and also in levels of connectivity. The study further recommends that EL contents should be designed taking into account the cultural characteristics of students

    Usability in mLearning

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    As higher education students access educational content using a variety of mobile devices, the question then arises: Does the content across different mobile devices vary in terms of usability? Does usability determine a user’s willingness to engage in mobile learning? Hence, it is necessary to investigate the usability of the learning applications and the mobile devices used to access these applications. This paper outlines results from a pilot study conducted at a large Australian University. The study highlights the importance of usability across different mobile devices whilst accessing educational content. This research lays the foundation for a future study that will broaden the investigation to extend from usability for mLearning to usability for mLearning

    M-LEARNING COMO FERRAMENTA NA INOVAÇÃO: uma contribuição para a aprendizagem nas organizações

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    A disponibilidade de dispositivos móveis e sem fio, celulares, laptops e tablets, permite diferentes formas de se comunicar e aprender por meios deles. O fato de serem portáteis, leves, e de permitirem acesso à internet a qualquer momento facilita o aprendizado “just in time” A natureza ubíqua da aprendizagem móvel faz com que o tipo de informação, tenha uma finalidade de grande importância para o usuário. Esse tipo de relação de aprendizagem é denominado de m-learning, que pode ser definido como sendo uma forma onde funcionários de uma organização usam equipamentos móveis fora de uma organização para aprendizagem, busca de informações, compartilhamento de informações. Dessa forma a pesquisa busca a compreensão desta ferramenta e tem como objetivo identificar como o m-learning pode auxiliar na competência das organizações, tendo em vista as características específicas de mediação pedagógica para essa modalidade de ensino aprendizagem

    "M-learning not an extension of e-learning:" based on a case study of moodle VLE

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    In this paper, the authors present work that was carried out to develop an m-learning extension to a Moodle based VLE at the University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC) and its initial evaluation. They believed this new development could bring a value added service to learners and describe how mobile browsing, mobile applications and Short Message Service (SMS) were used to access learning resources and activities to interact with other users who were facilitating or following on-line courses. However, in their investigation, the authors discovered that m-learning cannot be promoted as a value added service for the current e-Learning based framework. Learners do not receive a significant benefit compared to the cost they incur to interact with the learning service. Both pedagogy and technical infrastructure must be considered together, not as an extension of existing services but to provide a new learning service for m-learning.K. P. Hewagamage, W.M.A.S.B. Wickramasinghe, A. De S. Jayatilak

    Describing the Experience of Teaching Theological Education Courses Cross-Culturally Using E-learning Methods: A Phenomenological Study

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    The purpose of this transcendental phenomenological study will be to describe how selected Western theological educators have experienced the process of teaching theological education courses cross-culturally using e-learning methods. The essential phenomenon will be explored through the central research question: How do Western ministry educators experience cross-cultural theological education using e-learning formats? The theoretical framework guiding this study will be Knowles’ Adult Learning Theory, with Hofstede’s Dimensions of Culture informing the cross-cultural elements. Participants will be selected from a population of educators within Nicene Christianity with theological bachelor’s degrees and above from accredited Western educational institutions. The methods of data collection will include open-ended, semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and visual representations of the essential experience. Data transcripts will be coded using the constant-comparative method and verified for accuracy

    A cloud-based collaborative virtual learning environment for the higher education institutions in the Sultanate of Oman.

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    Advances in cloud computing have made it possible for collaborative environments to be developed for educational services. However, some HEIs are still using traditional VLE tools which receive minimal utilisation by users mostly for uploading and downloading course materials. This study focuses on challenges and concerns that limit or even prohibit the use of a cloud-based collaborative virtual learning environment (CBCVLE). More specifically, this study considers the influences of Omani culture upon utilisation of CBCVLEs. A mixed methods research approach is adopted which includes a preliminary study, a questionnaire-based survey, and a set of interviews. The issues are identified by reviewing the related literature and the surveys and grouping them under five headings: (1) ICT infrastructure and services, (2) operational environment, (3) user’s experience and expectations, (4) factors affecting the use and acceptance, and (5) cultural influences. The findings indicate lack of sufficient ICT infrastructure and services, as well as insufficient financial resources in some higher education institutions for establishing their own ICT infrastructures. Moreover, the findings highlight users’ experience as an important influence for utilisation of CBCVLEs. Regarding the operational environment, a wide range of concerns and challenges are identified by participants in the surveys. A number of issues are found to have an effect on the use of VLE tools and collaborative environments. Factors affecting the use and acceptance of a CBCVLE are also identified and classified as motivators or deterrents. Most importantly, cultural influences are found to be critical and vital for the use of CBCVLE. Family, religion, language, customs and traditions and gender can have a critical effect on users’ participation in collaborative projects. The study’s findings contribute to a better understanding and promotion of high utilisation and acceptance of CBCVLEs. A novel framework is proposed which incorporates key elements and their relationships associated with a cloud-based collaborative environment. The framework aims to mitigate issues and factors influencing low utilisation and the acceptance of CBCVLEs

    The student experience of a blended learning accounting course: a case study in Hong Kong

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    The research is an inquiry into students’ learning experiences within a blended learning Accounting course in a sub-degree programme at a university in Hong Kong. In this course, the students were required to attend face-to-face classes and to participate in learning activities in the online platform. A case study research approach was adopted that involved 2 classes of 2 teachers and 80 students. Qualitative data were generated through classroom observations, online participation observations, student learning logs and reflections, student focus group interviews, student individual interviews, individual teacher interviews and an individual interview with the course leader. Thematic data analysis was used and a Community of Inquiry (CoI) model was used as a theoretical framework. The analysis showed that the students engaged in learning by integrating traditional and online learning activities and many of these were located within the social, cognitive and teaching presences within the CoI model. However, the students were found to be involved actively in non-prescribed activities that included the use of social network applications. The active learning exploration driven by students’ intrinsic motivation and the consequent collaborative learning among students using social media tools were not reflected in the CoI model. Hence, a new element of autonomy is proposed as an addition to the framework, to reveal the link of autonomous learning to the learning community. By extending the CoI framework, the contribution of this research is to provide a holistic model for the successful design and implementation of blended learning in higher education institutions

    The student experience of a blended learning accounting course: a case study in Hong Kong

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    The research is an inquiry into students’ learning experiences within a blended learning Accounting course in a sub-degree programme at a university in Hong Kong. In this course, the students were required to attend face-to-face classes and to participate in learning activities in the online platform. A case study research approach was adopted that involved 2 classes of 2 teachers and 80 students. Qualitative data were generated through classroom observations, online participation observations, student learning logs and reflections, student focus group interviews, student individual interviews, individual teacher interviews and an individual interview with the course leader. Thematic data analysis was used and a Community of Inquiry (CoI) model was used as a theoretical framework. The analysis showed that the students engaged in learning by integrating traditional and online learning activities and many of these were located within the social, cognitive and teaching presences within the CoI model. However, the students were found to be involved actively in non-prescribed activities that included the use of social network applications. The active learning exploration driven by students’ intrinsic motivation and the consequent collaborative learning among students using social media tools were not reflected in the CoI model. Hence, a new element of autonomy is proposed as an addition to the framework, to reveal the link of autonomous learning to the learning community. By extending the CoI framework, the contribution of this research is to provide a holistic model for the successful design and implementation of blended learning in higher education institutions