9 research outputs found

    “LeFCA”: Learning framework for children with autism

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    Teaching children with autism requires special set of tools and methods, due to decreased level of attention towards stimuli presented and lessened capability to learn in the ways typical children do, which is manifested within this population. It has been previously shown that computer-assisted intervention is not only an effective method for developing various skills, allowing both learning with teachers and practicing on their own time without the teacher's direct attention, but it nonetheless increases the motivation and results in faster acquisition of these skills. In this paper we present the first step in developing the LeFCA framework, that will be used for teaching children with autism basic skills and concepts. Within the pilot project, we produced four games for developing matching, pointing out (based on visual and auditory stimuli) and labeling skills, which are considered to be primary skills needed for learning. The results of our preliminary study showed that the created software in native language is completely clear and user friendly for kids with Autism and other special needs, and that is systematically and developmentally appropriately sequenced for learning. Additionally, we found that children were able to generalize learned skills, through a transfer to a new medium or environment without any needed training (i.e. computer). All four participants mastered all programs without any instructional tactic needed


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh kemajuan teknologi IT dibidang pendidikan dan kurangnya media berbasis IT yang dikhususkan sesuai dengan karakteristik anak autis. Dikarenakan anak autis merupakan anak yang memiliki karakteristik tersendiri sehingga media interaktif yang digunakan harus sesuai dengan karakteristik anak autis. Oleh karena itu tujuan pemelitian ini adalah merancang dan mengimplementasikan media interaktif pembelajaran, mengamati dan menganalisis respon anak autis terhadap media interaktif pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). Dalam merancang media tersebut mempertimbangkan berbagai aspek yaitu RPP, karakteristik multimedia untuk anak autis, prinsip membaca dan berhitung permulaan, soal evaluasi dan metode pembelajaran khusus untuk anak autis salah satunya PECS. Media yang dirancang merupakan media interaktif pembelajaran membaca dan berhitung sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut maka metode waterfall digunakan sebagai acuan dalam pembangunan media pembelajaran. Eksperimen dilakukan di SLB Prananda dengan subjek penelitian sebanyak 4 orang siswa berusia 11 sampai 13 tahun. Kemudian, hasil dari eksperimen diolah dan dianalisis berdasarkan metode kualitatif. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perolehan nilai, respon siswa, serta durasi rata-rata fokus siswa selama menggunakan media sangatlah baik. Media pembelajaran yang telah dibangun terbukti memberikan dampak positif untuk anak autis namun, ada hal penting yang harus dilakukan selama mengimplementasikan media yaitu adanya bimbingan serta arahan di semua tahapan pembelajaran.-- This study is based on advances in IT technology in the field of education and the lack of IT-based media that is specifically tailored to the characteristics of children with autism. Because children with autism is a child who has its own characteristics so that the interactive media used must be in accordance with the characteristics of children with autism. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to design and implement interactive learning media, to observe and analyze the response of autistic children to interactive learning media using Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) method. In designing the media consider various aspects of RPP, the characteristics of multimedia for children with autism, the principles of reading and early counting, the question of evaluation and specific learning methods for children with autism one of them PECS. Media designed is an interactive medium of reading and counting learning in accordance with the curriculum 2013. To achieve these goals then the waterfall method is used as a reference in the development of learning media. The experiment was conducted in SLB Prananda with the subject of research as many as 4 students aged 11 to 13 years. Then, the results of the experiment were processed and analyzed based on qualitative methods. The results show that the acquisition of grades, student responses, as well as the average duration of student focus during media use are excellent. Learning media that have been built proved to have a positive impact for children with autism, but there are important things to do during implementing the media that is the guidance and direction in all stages of learning

    Educational E-book For Children With and Without Developmental Disorders

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    In the last decade, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) prevalence rate has signifcantly increased, which consequently led to the expansion of research and expenditure in the feld,predominantly focusing on searching for the cause. In a typical classroom scenario, working with children with ASD very often requires 1:1 teacher to child ratio, which makes it very expensive and difcult to implement. Serious games have been utilised as a medium for teaching various developmental skills, such as social interaction, speech, motor skills development, emotion recognition, and other basic concepts. Designing serious games for ASD population difers from other games and even other serious games signifcantly. It requires a holistic approach with extensive knowledge and expertise from felds other than computer science, such as psychology, sociology and cognitive science. However, once harnessed correctly, such games can be used by children with ASD on their own time, with or without supervision and they can be educational. In addition, they can adjust the appropriate pace while at the same time providing feedback in form of reinforcement and correction. Applying the rules of science of learning and teaching, one can design games that are educational for all types of learners, including children with ASD. In this paper, two independent user studies have been conducted, demonstrating how serious gaming and e-learning principles can be harnessed in order to intervene, develop or strengthen pivotal developmental skills, like learning novel vocabulary, counting, identifying numbers and colours, and responding to inference questions. We have tested the educational e-book with children diagnosed with ASD and with typically developing children to assess skill acquisition in native language for children with ASD and in English, a foreign language, for typically developing children to demonstrate the educational aspect of the game for all types of learners. We showed that the same e-book in two languages can be used for teaching diferent types of learners through a fun and engaging medium

    Les technologies mobiles pour les personnes ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme : une étude exploratoire

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    Introduction. Les personnes ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA) éprouvent de nombreuses difficultés sur le plan occupationnel. Plusieurs études démontrent que les technologies informatiques peuvent apporter des solutions pour ces personnes et les technologies mobiles (TM) de type assistant numérique personnel, tablette et télé­phone intelligent offrent des opportunités sans précédent. Objectif. Cette étude explore l’intérêt de l’utilisation des TM pour améliorer le ren­de­ment occupationnel de personnes ayant un TSA. Méthode. Le devis choisi est une étude exploratoire, descriptive et mixte. Les données pro­vi­ennent de la Mesure canadienne du rendement occupationnel, d’entretiens et d’ob­ser­vations. Résultats. Vingt-six personnes ont pris part à l’étude, ont expérimenté des applications pour TM en fonction de leurs objectifs occupationnels et ont obtenu des gains sur le plan du rendement occupationnel et de la satisfaction face à ce rendement. Les données qualitatives montrent l’apport spécifique des TM pour les participants. Les gains les plus importants concernent les personnes ayant des troubles moteurs ou dyspraxiques pour lesquelles la tablette offre un accès facilité et de nombreuses possibilités sur le plan occupationnel. L’étude a permis d’identifier plusieurs applications performantes pour l’atteinte des objectifs des participants. Discussion. Plusieurs caractéristiques des TM sont avantageuses et globalement, elles respectent davantage les principes d’accessibilité universelle définis pour les outils que les ordinateurs. Elles permettent également de cibler les quatre sources de dé­ve­lop­pement du sentiment d’efficacité personnelle, particulièrement la possibilité de faire vivre des succès grâce au grand nombre d’applications disponibles et aux nombreuses pos­sibilités d’ajustements. Conclusion. Convenablement utilisées, les TM peuvent apporter des bénéfices aux per­sonnes ayant un TSA. Les ergothérapeutes peuvent contribuer au développement de solutions recourant à l’utilisation de TM ou d’autres technologies novatrices pour les personnes ayant des difficultés occupationnelles


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    This dissertation investigates the development and use of self-images in augmented reality systems for learning and learning-based activities. This work focuses on self- modeling, a particular form of learning, actively employed in various settings for therapy or teaching. In particular, this work aims to develop novel multimedia systems to support the display and rendering of augmented self-images. It aims to use interactivity (via games) as a means of obtaining imagery for use in creating augmented self-images. Two multimedia systems are developed, discussed and analyzed. The proposed systems are validated in terms of their technical innovation and their clinical efficacy in delivering behavioral interventions for young children on the autism spectrum

    Urban Studies

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    This work contains a selection of papers from the International Conference on Urban Studies (ICUS 2017) and is a bi-annual periodical publication containing articles on urban cultural studies based on the international conference organized by the Faculty of Humanities at the Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia. This publication contains studies on issues that become phenomena in urban life, including linguistics, literary, identity, gender, architecture, media, locality, globalization, the dynamics of urban society and culture, and urban history