25,580 research outputs found

    The Fox News Effect: Media Bias and Voting

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    Does media bias affect voting? We address this question by looking at the entry of Fox News in cable markets and its impact on voting. Between October 1996 and November 2000, the conservative Fox News Channel was introduced in the cable programming of 20 percent of US towns. Fox News availability in 2000 appears to be largely idiosyncratic. Using a data set of voting data for 9,256 towns, we investigate if Republicans gained vote share in towns where Fox News entered the cable market by the year 2000. We find a significant effect of the introduction of Fox News on the vote share in Presidential elections between 1996 and 2000. Republicans gain 0.4 to 0.7 percentage points in the towns which broadcast Fox News. The results are robust to town-level controls, district and county fixed effects, and alternative specifications. We also find a significant effect of Fox News on Senate vote share and on voter turnout. Our estimates imply that Fox News convinced 3 to 8 percent of its viewers to vote Republican. We interpret the results in light of a simple model of voter learning about media bias and about politician quality. The Fox News effect could be a temporary learning effect for rational voters, or a permanent effect for voters subject to non-rational persuasion.

    WMUR / FOX News Tracking Poll 1/26/2000

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    Arizona Senator John McCain is widening his lead over Texas Governor George Bush in New Hampshire. McCain now leads Bush among registered Republicans. Election: NH Primary 200

    WMUR / FOX News Tracking Poll 1/24/2000

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    With 8days remaining until the February 1 New Hampshire Primary election, Vice President Al Gore is leading Bill Bradley among Democrats and John McCain and George W. Bush are deadlocked. Election: NH Primary 200

    WMUR / FOX News Tracking Poll 1/30/2000

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    In the waning days of the New Hampshire campaign, George W. Bush has narrowed John McCain—s lead. Al Gore maintains a solid lead over Bill Bradley. Election: NH Primary 200

    WMUR / FOX News Tracking Poll 1/27/2000

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    Independent voters will play a significant role in the New Hampshire primary, but their impact will be felt most within parties, rather than between parties. John McCain is benefitting most from the independent vote. Election: NH Primary 200

    WMUR / FOX News Tracking Poll 1/31/2000

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    Senator Bill Bradley—s more aggressive campaigning over the last several days appear to be paying political dividends. Bradley has narrowed Vice President Al Gore—s lead in the New Hampshire Democratic primary. Election: NH Primary 200

    Fox News pushes Democrats and Republicans to bemore conservative, especially around election time

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    Since it premiered in 1996, Fox News has become the most watched cable news network in America, pushing forward a partisan view which has been critical of President Obama and the Democratic Party. But does Fox News actually influence the way that we are governed? In new research which examines how House members vote, Kevin Arceneaux, Martin Johnson, RenĂ© LindstĂ€dt and Ryan Vander Wielen find that when Fox News is available in members’ constituencies, they are more likely to adopt more conservative policy positions – whether they are Republican or Democrat. They also find that this effect is most pronounced around election time, and is nearly nonexistent immediately after elections

    The Whalesong

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    Photojournalist visits Iraq, says media biased -- Big Brothers Big Sisters asks UAS for more help -- Campus calendar -- Transformations abound at Perseverance Theatre -- Hate, lack of support hurts American effort -- Hardly fair or balanced: Fox News fails to live up to its slogan -- Made in Alaska totem pole tells story of oil exploration -- Campus lif

    Fox News: Suzanne Scott

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    Sorry Fox News, there is no War on Christmas and Santa isn’t White

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    As the holiday season continues, so does commentary on the supposed ‘War on Christmas’. David Kyle Johnson looks at the recent history of Christmas controversies, including the claim made this month by Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly that Santa Claus “just is white.” He argues that the War on Christmas is a fiction, invented by Fox News, to promote a narrative of victimization common in conservative circles, and that, even though Santa isn’t necessarily white, Santa’s whiteness is protected for the comfort of white Christian conservatives
