235 research outputs found

    What’s Happening Around the World? A Survey and Framework on Event Detection Techniques on Twitter

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    © 2019, Springer Nature B.V. In the last few years, Twitter has become a popular platform for sharing opinions, experiences, news, and views in real-time. Twitter presents an interesting opportunity for detecting events happening around the world. The content (tweets) published on Twitter are short and pose diverse challenges for detecting and interpreting event-related information. This article provides insights into ongoing research and helps in understanding recent research trends and techniques used for event detection using Twitter data. We classify techniques and methodologies according to event types, orientation of content, event detection tasks, their evaluation, and common practices. We highlight the limitations of existing techniques and accordingly propose solutions to address the shortcomings. We propose a framework called EDoT based on the research trends, common practices, and techniques used for detecting events on Twitter. EDoT can serve as a guideline for developing event detection methods, especially for researchers who are new in this area. We also describe and compare data collection techniques, the effectiveness and shortcomings of various Twitter and non-Twitter-based features, and discuss various evaluation measures and benchmarking methodologies. Finally, we discuss the trends, limitations, and future directions for detecting events on Twitter

    A Web GIS-based Integration of 3D Digital Models with Linked Open Data for Cultural Heritage Exploration

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    This PhD project explores how geospatial semantic web concepts, 3D web-based visualisation, digital interactive map, and cloud computing concepts could be integrated to enhance digital cultural heritage exploration; to offer long-term archiving and dissemination of 3D digital cultural heritage models; to better interlink heterogeneous and sparse cultural heritage data. The research findings were disseminated via four peer-reviewed journal articles and a conference article presented at GISTAM 2020 conference (which received the ‘Best Student Paper Award’)

    Image-based recognition, 3D localization, and retro-reflectivity evaluation of high-quantity low-cost roadway assets for enhanced condition assessment

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    Systematic condition assessment of high-quantity low-cost roadway assets such as traffic signs, guardrails, and pavement markings requires frequent reporting on location and up-to-date status of these assets. Today, most Departments of Transportation (DOTs) in the US collect data using camera-mounted vehicles to filter, annotate, organize, and present the data necessary for these assessments. However, the cost and complexity of the collection, analysis, and reporting as-is conditions result in sparse and infrequent monitoring. Thus, some of the gains in efficiency are consumed by monitoring costs. This dissertation proposes to improve frequency, detail, and applicability of image-based condition assessment via automating detection, classification, and 3D localization of multiple types of high-quantity low-cost roadway assets using both images collected by the DOTs and online databases such Google Street View Images. To address the new requirements of US Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), a new method is also developed that simulates nighttime visibility of traffic signs from images taken during daytime and measures their retro-reflectivity condition. To initiate detection and classification of high-quantity low-cost roadway assets from street-level images, a number of algorithms are proposed that automatically segment and localize high-level asset categories in 3D. The first set of algorithms focus on the task of detecting and segmenting assets at high-level categories. More specifically, a method based on Semantic Texton Forest classifiers, segments each geo-registered 2D video frame at the pixel-level based on shape, texture, and color. A Structure from Motion (SfM) procedure reconstructs the road and its assets in 3D. Next, a voting scheme assigns the most observed asset category to each point in 3D. The experimental results from application of this method are promising, nevertheless because this method relies on using supervised ground-truth pixel labels for training purposes, scaling it to various types of assets is challenging. To address this issue, a non-parametric image parsing method is proposed that leverages lazy learning scheme for segmentation and recognition of roadway assets. The semi-supervised technique used in the proposed method does not need training and provides ground truth data in a more efficient manner. It is easily scalable to thousands of video frames captured during data collection. Once the high-level asset categories are detected, specific techniques needs to be exploited to detect and classify the assets at a higher level of granularity. To this end, performance of three computer vision algorithms are evaluated for classification of traffic signs in presence of cluttered backgrounds and static and dynamic occlusions. Without making any prior assumptions about the location of traffic signs in 2D, the best performing method uses histograms of oriented gradients and color together with multiple one-vs-all Support Vector Machines, and classifies these assets into warning, regulatory, stop, and yield sign categories. To minimize the reliance on visual data collected by the DOTs and improve frequency and applicability of condition assessment, a new end-to-end procedure is presented that applies the above algorithms and creates comprehensive inventory of traffic signs using Google Street View images. By processing images extracted using Google Street View API and discriminative classification scores from all images that see a sign, the most probable 3D location of each traffic sign is derived and is shown on the Google Earth using a dynamic heat map. A data card containing information about location, type, and condition of each detected traffic sign is also created. Finally, a computer vision-based algorithm is proposed that measures retro-reflectivity of traffic signs during daytime using a vehicle mounted device. The algorithm simulates nighttime visibility of traffic signs from images taken during daytime and measures their retro-reflectivity. The technique is faster, cheaper, and safer compared to the state-of-the-art as it neither requires nighttime operation nor requires manual sign inspection. It also satisfies measurement guidelines set forth by FHWA both in terms of granularity and accuracy. To validate the techniques, new detailed video datasets and their ground-truth were generated from 2.2-mile smart road research facility and two interstate highways in the US. The comprehensive dataset contains over 11,000 annotated U.S. traffic sign images and exhibits large variations in sign pose, scale, background, illumination, and occlusion conditions. The performance of all algorithms were examined using these datasets. For retro-reflectivity measurement of traffic signs, experiments were conducted at different times of day and for different distances. Results were compared with a method recommended by ASTM standards. The experimental results show promise in scalability of these methods to reduce the time and effort required for developing road inventories, especially for those assets such as guardrails and traffic lights that are not typically considered in 2D asset recognition methods and also multiple categories of traffic signs. The applicability of Google Street View Images for inventory management purposes and also the technique for retro-reflectivity measurement during daytime demonstrate strong potential in lowering inspection costs and improving safety in practical applications

    Interactive Feature Selection and Visualization for Large Observational Data

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    Data can create enormous values in both scientific and industrial fields, especially for access to new knowledge and inspiration of innovation. As the massive increases in computing power, data storage capacity, as well as capability of data generation and collection, the scientific research communities are confronting with a transformation of exploiting the advanced uses of the large-scale, complex, and high-resolution data sets in situation awareness and decision-making projects. To comprehensively analyze the big data problems requires the analyses aiming at various aspects which involves of effective selections of static and time-varying feature patterns that fulfills the interests of domain users. To fully utilize the benefits of the ever-growing size of data and computing power in real applications, we proposed a general feature analysis pipeline and an integrated system that is general, scalable, and reliable for interactive feature selection and visualization of large observational data for situation awareness. The great challenge tackled in this dissertation was about how to effectively identify and select meaningful features in a complex feature space. Our research efforts mainly included three aspects: 1. Enable domain users to better define their interests of analysis; 2. Accelerate the process of feature selection; 3. Comprehensively present the intermediate and final analysis results in a visualized way. For static feature selection, we developed a series of quantitative metrics that related the user interest with the spatio-temporal characteristics of features. For timevarying feature selection, we proposed the concept of generalized feature set and used a generalized time-varying feature to describe the selection interest. Additionally, we provided a scalable system framework that manages both data processing and interactive visualization, and effectively exploits the computation and analysis resources. The methods and the system design together actualized interactive feature selections from two representative large observational data sets with large spatial and temporal resolutions respectively. The final results supported the endeavors in applications of big data analysis regarding combining the statistical methods with high performance computing techniques to visualize real events interactively

    Analyzing Granger causality in climate data with time series classification methods

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    Attribution studies in climate science aim for scientifically ascertaining the influence of climatic variations on natural or anthropogenic factors. Many of those studies adopt the concept of Granger causality to infer statistical cause-effect relationships, while utilizing traditional autoregressive models. In this article, we investigate the potential of state-of-the-art time series classification techniques to enhance causal inference in climate science. We conduct a comparative experimental study of different types of algorithms on a large test suite that comprises a unique collection of datasets from the area of climate-vegetation dynamics. The results indicate that specialized time series classification methods are able to improve existing inference procedures. Substantial differences are observed among the methods that were tested

    Predictive analysis for cache generation in quadtree based geo visualizations

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    The Web Mercator projection is commonly used in geo data visualizations. This projection shows geospatial information based on some restrictions, but allows to scale the whole world with a precision of centimeters. One of the most important restrictions is the clustering of the information within cells inside map tiles, so that they can be cached. Depending on the data that is being visualized, that cache must behave in a different way to be responsive to user requests. Web mapping has become a very relevant market in the last few years, and it is expected to grow even more in the near future, with a great variety of applications such as self-driving cars or business analytics. The analysis of user reactions and interactions against a map filled with information will be key when building the mapping platforms of the future. This project aims to predict usage patterns in web map visualizations so that dynamically generated data can be precached to improve the usability of such maps. To that end, we use different statistical approaches, all of them trained with real data of map usage activity. Throughout this document, we describe a suitable way to curate the raw data acquired through thousands of log files and how to obtain statistical insights from it. Based on this data, we define a predictive model for tile caching, and we test it against real map usage data. We also cover the timing details of tile generation, comparing the efficiency of serving cached tiles against generating tile images on runtime. The economic impact of the developed solution is also explained in terms of how much it costs to store the tiles predicted by our caching algorithm in a content delivery network. Regarding the social context, we analyse which legal frameworks regulate the web mapping industry and how do them affect our caching solution.Ingeniería Telemátic

    Large-scale Content-based Visual Information Retrieval

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    Rather than restricting search to the use of metadata, content-based information retrieval methods attempt to index, search and browse digital objects by means of signatures or features describing their actual content. Such methods have been intensively studied in the multimedia community to allow managing the massive amount of raw multimedia documents created every day (e.g. video will account to 84% of U.S. internet traffic by 2018). Recent years have consequently witnessed a consistent growth of content-aware and multi-modal search engines deployed on massive multimedia data. Popular multimedia search applications such as Google images, Youtube, Shazam, Tineye or MusicID clearly demonstrated that the first generation of large-scale audio-visual search technologies is now mature enough to be deployed on real-world big data. All these successful applications did greatly benefit from 15 years of research on multimedia analysis and efficient content-based indexing techniques. Yet the maturity reached by the first generation of content-based search engines does not preclude an intensive research activity in the field. There is actually still a lot of hard problems to be solved before we can retrieve any information in images or sounds as easily as we do in text documents. Content-based search methods actually have to reach a finer understanding of the contents as well as a higher semantic level. This requires modeling the raw signals by more and more complex and numerous features, so that the algorithms for analyzing, indexing and searching such features have to evolve accordingly. This thesis describes several of my works related to large-scale content-based information retrieval. The different contributions are presented in a bottom-up fashion reflecting a typical three-tier software architecture of an end-to-end multimedia information retrieval system. The lowest layer is only concerned with managing, indexing and searching large sets of high-dimensional feature vectors, whatever their origin or role in the upper levels (visual or audio features, global or part-based descriptions, low or high semantic level, etc. ). The middle layer rather works at the document level and is in charge of analyzing, indexing and searching collections of documents. It typically extracts and embeds the low-level features, implements the querying mechanisms and post-processes the results returned by the lower layer. The upper layer works at the applicative level and is in charge of providing useful and interactive functionalities to the end-user. It typically implements the front-end of the search application, the crawler and the orchestration of the different indexing and search services
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