6 research outputs found

    La realidad aumentada como agente motivador

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    En este Trabajo Fin de Master se desarrolla una propuesta, basada en la Realidad Aumentada y su utilización móvil, como recurso innovador para motivar y ayudar al desarrollo de la inteligencia espacial de los alumno

    Tecnologías convergentes para la enseñanza: Realidad Aumentada, BYOD, Flipped Classroom

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    Knowing that technology will emerge in the next years we are interested to deal with problems that arise in this way in our classrooms. The confluence of trends such as the Bring Your Own Devide (BYOD) and Augmented Reality (AR), will give place to change that is interesting to know and investigate, knowing in advance if this convergence may occur, and that value can have in our classrooms is the end of this paper. Thus is convenient to approach the challenges posed by this integration that legislation regulates access of electronic device to classrooms, either for your use in universities, as in high school, that and education formative stages, child education and primary. Which are the challenges in how much access to these devices by centers, teachers and students. Those materials are so more appropriate aspects referring to hardware devices such as in terms of the management and processing of contents by teachers and companies of the field of education. In the relative use of devices and content aspects, the improvement of the quality of education in the different educational levels in implanted them content of this type, and about the advantages, disadvantages and risks involved in their use in them.Conocer qué tecnologías surgirán en los próximos años interesa para de esta forma abordar los problemas que surgirán en las aulas educativas. La confluencia de tendencias como el Bring Your Own Devide (BYOD), Realidad Aumentada (RA) y Flipped Classroom (FC), darán lugar a cambios que es interesante investigar, saber de antemano si se puede producir esta convergencia y qué valor puede tener en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Para ello es conveniente abordar los retos que supone esta integración, qué legislación regula el acceso de dispositivos electrónicos en clase, ya sea para su utilización en educación superior, como en bachillerato, educación secundaria, primaria e infantil. Interesa conocer cuáles son los retos que plantea el acceso a estos dispositivos en los centros por parte de profesorado y alumnado. Así como qué materiales son para ello más adecuados en aspectos referidos a dispositivos de hardware y la elaboración de contenidos por parte de profesores y empresas del ámbito de la educación. En aspectos relativos al uso de dispositivos y contenidos, la mejora de la calidad educativa en los diferentes niveles en los que se incorporen contenidos de este tipo y las ventajas, desventajas y riesgos que supone su utilización en los mismos

    Mitigating security implications of bringing your own device in an enterprise environment

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Information Systems Security (MSc.ISS) at Strathmore UniversityThe rapid growth in the bring your own device (BYOD) phenomenon, has resulted in the introduction of personal mobile devices in the Enterprise environment. The benefit derived from embracing BYOD in organisations is enhanced mobility of employees and the reduced equipment cost to Enterprises. An effective BYOD management is required to protect company data as diverse mobile devices are finding their way into the enterprise. Available mobile device statistics revealed that 52% of these devices are either lost or stolen worldwide, this becomes a major security concern amid risk of exposure of sensitive and important corporate data. The highlighted risks to the enterprises requires a solution to safeguard, reduce and attempt to mitigate security breaches. This research seeks to answer the following how intrusion detection is leading to increase in cybercrime? Rational look at security challenges for BYOD and how secure is BYOD? The rapid application development (RAD) methodology was applied in this research to prototype a scanning and detection technique to prevent or mitigate threats from BYOD to the enterprise environment. The developed application is a scanner and firewall that will be able to scan, monitor and mitigate malicious attacks on BYOD and present results of scanned devices, ports and blocked devices with a 95% accuracy

    Cybersecurity Strategies for Universities With Bring Your Own Device Programs

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    The bring your own device (BYOD) phenomenon has proliferated, making its way into different business and educational sectors and enabling multiple vectors of attack and vulnerability to protected data. The purpose of this multiple-case study was to explore the strategies information technology (IT) security professionals working in a university setting use to secure an environment to support BYOD in a university system. The study population was comprised of IT security professionals from the University of California campuses currently managing a network environment for at least 2 years where BYOD has been implemented. Protection motivation theory was the study\u27s conceptual framework. The data collection process included interviews with 10 IT security professionals and the gathering of publicly-accessible documents retrieved from the Internet (n = 59). Data collected from the interviews and member checking were triangulated with the publicly-accessible documents to identify major themes. Thematic analysis with the aid of NVivo 12 Plus was used to identify 4 themes: the ubiquity of BYOD in higher education, accessibility strategies for mobile devices, the effectiveness of BYOD strategies that minimize risk, and IT security professionals\u27 tasks include identifying and implementing network security strategies. The study\u27s implications for positive social change include increasing the number of users informed about cybersecurity and comfortable with defending their networks against foreign and domestic threats to information security and privacy. These changes may mitigate and reduce the spread of malware and viruses and improve overall cybersecurity in BYOD-enabled organizations

    Cybersecurity Strategies for Universities With Bring Your Own Device Programs

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    The bring your own device (BYOD) phenomenon has proliferated, making its way into different business and educational sectors and enabling multiple vectors of attack and vulnerability to protected data. The purpose of this multiple-case study was to explore the strategies information technology (IT) security professionals working in a university setting use to secure an environment to support BYOD in a university system. The study population was comprised of IT security professionals from the University of California campuses currently managing a network environment for at least 2 years where BYOD has been implemented. Protection motivation theory was the study\u27s conceptual framework. The data collection process included interviews with 10 IT security professionals and the gathering of publicly-accessible documents retrieved from the Internet (n = 59). Data collected from the interviews and member checking were triangulated with the publicly-accessible documents to identify major themes. Thematic analysis with the aid of NVivo 12 Plus was used to identify 4 themes: the ubiquity of BYOD in higher education, accessibility strategies for mobile devices, the effectiveness of BYOD strategies that minimize risk, and IT security professionals\u27 tasks include identifying and implementing network security strategies. The study\u27s implications for positive social change include increasing the number of users informed about cybersecurity and comfortable with defending their networks against foreign and domestic threats to information security and privacy. These changes may mitigate and reduce the spread of malware and viruses and improve overall cybersecurity in BYOD-enabled organizations

    Determinants of consumerisation of information technology and its effect on employee performance

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    The ubiquitous nature of personally technological advanced devices and applications has engendered various predictions for the current employee at the workplace. With the introduction and adoption of mobile phones, tablets, laptops and even software, organisations are gradually allowing employees to utilise their personal mobile devices at the office to accomplish their tasks. This has led to the term Consumerisation of Information Technology (CIT) or IT consumerisation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the determinants of consumerisation of IT and its effect on job performance of staff at an institution of higher learning. This study used a theoretical framework - The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology – to find out if indeed consumerisation of IT has an effect on job performance. An online questionnaire was sent to the university’s staff email and a total of 230 responses were recorded. The study used a quantitative research approach. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software was used for data analysis to test the hypotheses. Tests such as the multiple linear regression, factor analysis, correlations, ANOVA and t-tests were used to test the hypotheses. The findings of the study showed that there is a relationship between the determinants of consumerisation of IT and their effect on job performance at the workplace. These determinants are performance expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions. Effort expectancy was the only factor that did not have an effect on consumerisation of IT. As such the study suggested that institutions and organisations to take note of the technological development of devices that can help employees improve their productivity. However, this should be treated with caution as there are also negative effects such as technostress and cyberloafing which may be associated with the advent of consumerisation of IT, therefore it should be a gradual process in order to see the benefits