16,727 research outputs found


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    Children are one of the most vulnerable categories in the Indian society. Recognising this vulnerability, our constitution has, introduced various provisions for promoting welfare of child. So, it becomes responsibility of every stakeholder of this democratic system to contribute to the protection of children. Media, being such a stakeholder, share the same responsibility. But of late, it has been seen that Indian media has ignored this responsibility and put more focus on selling sensational news. Children are often easy target and it is seen that Indian media is more focussed on issues related to child exploitation rather than covering actual child right matters. In this whole affair, children’s privacy, rights, and emotions get neglected. This article is an attempt to analyse from a socio-legal perspective, how children should be represented in Indian media, and how their rights can be protected. The study is limited to print and electronic media only

    Theses on german progressive education

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    Mit diesen Thesen mischt sich der Autor ein in den anlĂ€sslich der bekannt gewordenen sexuellen MissbrauchsfĂ€lle in der Odenwaldschule entfachten Streit um Gestalt, Geltung und Geschichte der ReformpĂ€dagogik in Deutschland. Im Unterschied zu anderen Autoren geht er davon aus, dass es sich bei der historischen ReformpĂ€dagogik primĂ€r nicht um ein Konstrukt pĂ€dagogischer Rhetorik, Theoriebildung oder Geschichtsschreibung handelt und auch nicht allein um die Erfindung einzelner Reformer oder um das Markenzeichen einzelner Reforminstitutionen, sondern um eine breite und vielgestaltige Bewegung in der pĂ€dagogischen Praxis. Diese Bewegung bezieht sich auf den umfassenden Prozess der Etablierung eines öffentlichen, staatlich organisierten, die gesamte Jugend einbeziehenden Schulwesens. Sie richtet sich auf die Probleme des schulischen, des verschulten und dem Lernenden entfremdeten Lernens und versucht sie in der Ausgestaltung des Unterrichts und der schulischen Lernwelt zu ĂŒberwinden. Schulreform bedeutet heute Schulentwicklung "von unten" an der Basis durch die Betroffenen im Gegenzug gegen die Schulentwicklung "von oben" in PlĂ€nen, Programmen und Vergleichsstudien durch Bildungspolitiker und Bildungsforscher. (DIPF/Orig.

    Unveiling Whiteness in Progressive Education: Learning from the Critical Narratives of Black Progressive Educators and Activists

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    Progressive education has the socially transformative potential to mitigate the racialized violence of neoliberal education reform, but is dominated by white norms and has failed for more than a century to articulate a coherent or purposeful political agenda explicitly committed to racial equity and justice. Informed by Critical Race Theory, Critical Pedagogy, and Critical Biculturalism, this qualitative study engaged Black progressive educators and activists in an effort not only to understand the contours and impacts of white hegemonic norms in progressive education spaces, but also to produce a framework of principles, policies, and/or practices that could disrupt them. Using Critical Narrative Inquiry as a research method, four Black progressive educators and activists participated in semi-structured interviews in two parts: first, to elicit stories that speak to emotions, environments, and past experiences of whiteness in progressive education spaces, and second, to invite participants to identify principles, policies, or practices that could move progressive education from a “white space” (Anderson, 2015) to “cultural democracy” (Darder, 2012). Analysis of participants’ stories yielded five predominant themes unveiling the complex dynamics of whiteness in progressive education spaces. Findings supplement the limited field of research on the racialized dynamics of progressive education by offering recommendations to Black and white progressive educators and activists, progressive school and organizational leaders, and progressive advocacy organizations and universities to disrupt the hegemony of white norms and advance racial equity and justice in progressive education

    Technology meets Student Centred Learning: "good practice" in university teaching

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    In tertiary institutions across Australia, good teaching increasingly means student centred and technological. In this paper, this is demonstrated by a case study of Queensland University of Technology, where recent policy on teaching, promoted by management and supported by teaching and learning services, suggests two things. The first that it is impossible for QUT academics to educate their students without using inclusive and dialogical methods of instruction. The second, that at QUT, effective use of technology is paramount to the success of such student centred learning. This relationship, given legitimacy through the QUT focus on flexible delivery, raises larger questions about the dominant assumptions regarding ‘good practice’ within the university setting. In this context, the dominant assumption is the superiority of progressive education and this in itself assumes further a humanistic notion of the self. This paper will suggest three things. First that such assumptions should be challenged within tertiary teaching theory and practice, as they have been within the wider domain of social and cultural theory. Second that the new valorised practices of progressive education actually depend upon old derogated practices, but that this reliance is either downplayed or disregarded. Third, that the resulting unified policy on good teaching, needs rethinking

    Progressive Education in Context, V & VI

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    Contains current articles that highlight aspects of the educational vision, mission, and values of the Bank Street School for Children.https://educate.bankstreet.edu/progressive/1016/thumbnail.jp

    Viewpoint: The Resurgence of progressive education

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    The Progressive Education Association was officially disbanded in 1955 and except for the briefest mention in newspapers of record there was little evidence that anyone cared

    Progressive Education in Context, I-IV

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    Contains current articles that highlight aspects of the educational vision, mission, and values of the Bank Street School for Children.https://educate.bankstreet.edu/progressive/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Progressive Education: Why it\u27s Hard to Beat, But Also Hard to Find

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    Looks at the varying ways educators characterize progressive education, why progressive education makes sense, and why it might be the exception rather than the rule in educational philosophies.https://educate.bankstreet.edu/progressive/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Interpretation of Prominent Terms in the Ideology of Progressive Education

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    Progressive education uses the terminology of education but apparently places particular connotations on certain terms which are noticeable prominent in the ideology of Progressive Education. The very ubiquity of these terms is proof of their importance in the philosophies of Progressive Education. Since certain terms are so prominent, their connotations may well be assembled for educational examination. It is well to observe definitely wherein these connotations vary from the general connotations attached to these same terms

    Progressive Education in Transition: An Intellectual History

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    Using a critical, intellectual perspective that is supported as a conceptual framework and provides a solid basis for historical study, this theoretical research focused on the historical evidence of sustained progressive forms of education. The developments within the field of curriculum studies during the late 1800s transitioned through changes in the 1950s and 1960s and the movement forward with the reconceptualization of the field in the early 1970s were discussed. This reconceptualization of the field in the early 1970s provided a renewed texture from which to move forward in critiquing and changing curriculum theory. By understanding curriculum rather than focusing on moving through educational designs and models, curriculum is lived and emerges. The progression in the work of scholars within the field carried the foundation upon which this research took place. By providing new and renewed questions through provocation, the field was added to by continuing to keep the discourse alive. Educational theory makes available an interwoven historical perspective in which to engage in the endeavor, which presented and provided a perspective of what transpired and continues within the field. This study included evidence of modern opportunities where there was further development of curriculum conceptualization. Implications of progressivism in the work of shaping evolving pedagogy and the voices of current, active scholars was also provided along with the critics of such discourse. 2 Throughout this study, the intention was to seek to discover if progressive education continued in the field of curriculum studies historically through alternatives within the field in both public and private schooling. By taking a look into the rearview mirror historically of where public education in America has been and then situating ourselves within the conversation by returning forward to the present, one can gain further understanding of the tasks facing the teaching profession, the vast educational system in America, and the responsibilities we all hold to the world and international community at large. Through this research, a further understanding of the work that continues to disturb the waters of the field of curriculum studies was queried
