1,054 research outputs found

    Robotic disassembly of electronic components to support end‐of‐life recycling of electric vehicles

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    This thesis reports on the research undertaken to analyse the factors affecting End-of-Life (EoL) recycling of future Electric Vehicles (EVs). The principle objective of the research is to generate an understanding of challenges and opportunities for the development and implementation of an automated robotic disassembly approach to aid with EoL management of electrical and electronic components within EVs. The research contributions are considered in three main parts. The first part contains a review of advancement in the development of automotive technology, and in particular the alternative fuel vehicles. A review of existing industrial recycling technologies and processes has been conducted which highlighted a number of key challenges in the adoption of current recycling technologies for EVs. The review concludes that there is a need to develop novel recycling technologies and processes to deal with the increased part complexity and material mixture in such vehicles. In this context, the second part of the research details a framework for EoL management of EV components. This framework presents a comprehensive automated robotic disassembly approach in which three specific steps are defined, namely manual disassembly to develop an understanding of product design, initial automated disassembly to test process capability, and optimisation and validation to improve repeatability and efficiency of the robotic disassembly operations. The framework also includes the development of a multi-criteria decision-making tool that assesses the environmental, technological and economic benefits of such robotic disassembly approach. The applicability of the research concepts has been demonstrated via three case studies. The results have highlighted the applicability of the automated robotic disassembly approach in a variety of scenarios of different design complexity and recovery rate. The results indicate that the adoption of this robotic disassembly enhances the pre-concentration of Strategically Important Materials (SIMs) and leads to minimisation of environmental impacts and increased material recovery value

    Robotic disassembly for increased recovery of strategically important materials from electrical vehicles

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. The rapid growth of market share of Electrical Vehicles (EVs) and their increasing amount of electric and electronic components have introduced difficult challenges for future recycling of such vehicles. End of Life Vehicles (ELVs), together with Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), are renowned as an important source of secondary raw materials. In addition, a significant proportion of the hidden value at the End-of-Life (EoL) of the EVs is embedded in the light fractions containing complex material mixtures, i.e. the management of electronic components that has been rarely considered in the scientific literature. The purpose of this paper is to fill this gap through the use of an innovative disassembly approach to identify the profitability of recycling such electronic components. The novel approach, based on the utilisation of a robotic system, disassembles and extracts Strategically Important Materials (SIMs) from EV components, thereby improving the concentration of these materials prior to final recycling and refining processes. This paper presents the challenges in the robotic disassembly of Electrical and Electronic (E & E) components. A case study has also been included to demonstrate that an average 95% of the materials and their associated recovery value could be achieved

    Low effective surface recombination in In(Ga)As/GaAs quantum dot diodes

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    Size dependent current-voltage measurements were performed on InGaAs quantum dot active region mesa diodes and the surface recombination velocity was extracted from current density versus perimeter/area plots using a diffusion model. An effective surface recombination value of 5.5 x 10(4) cm/s was obtained that can be reduced by more than an order of magnitude by selective oxidation of Al(0.9)Ga(0.1)As cladding layers. The values are three times smaller than those obtained for a single quantum well. The effect of p-type doping in the active region was investigated and found to increase the effective surface recombination. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3611387


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    <p>To make comparisons among the different modes for each strain gauge, each strain was normalized with respect to the average among the fixation modes. The average and standard deviation of the seven specimens are plotted.</p

    An analog of glibenclamide selectively enhances autophagic degradation of misfolded α1-antitrypsin Z

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    The classical form of α1-antitrypsin deficiency (ATD) is characterized by intracellular accumulation of the misfolded variant α1-antitrypsin Z (ATZ) and severe liver disease in some of the affected individuals. In this study, we investigated the possibility of discovering novel therapeutic agents that would reduce ATZ accumulation by interrogating a C. elegans model of ATD with high-content genome-wide RNAi screening and computational systems pharmacology strategies. The RNAi screening was utilized to identify genes that modify the intracellular accumulation of ATZ and a novel computational pipeline was developed to make high confidence predictions on repurposable drugs. This approach identified glibenclamide (GLB), a sulfonylurea drug that has been used broadly in clinical medicine as an oral hypoglycemic agent. Here we show that GLB promotes autophagic degradation of misfolded ATZ in mammalian cell line models of ATD. Furthermore, an analog of GLB reduces hepatic ATZ accumulation and hepatic fibrosis in a mouse model in vivo without affecting blood glucose or insulin levels. These results provide support for a drug discovery strategy using simple organisms as human disease models combined with genetic and computational screening methods. They also show that GLB and/or at least one of its analogs can be immediately tested to arrest the progression of human ATD liver disease.</div

    تطوير المواد الدراسية في تعليم مهارة الكتاب في برنامج الخاض لتعليم اللغة العربية في جامعة مولانا مالك ابراهم الإسلامية الحكومية مالانج

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    ABSTRAK Perkembangan Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang sebagai salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Islam yang berkembang pesat membutuhkan terobosan- terobosan yang handal. Salah satu hal penting yang tidak bisa dipisahkan adalah peranan penting dari PKPBA (Program Khusus Pengembangan Bahasa Arab). PKPBA sebagai sebuah unit pengembangan bahasa, telah berperan penting dalam membantu meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa mahasiswa khususnya bahasa arab. Banyak dari mahasiswa yang pertama kali masuk PKPBA belum mengetahui bahasa Arab. Namun setelah belajar di PKPBA mereka mampu mengenal ilmu bahasa arab. Namun, tidak hanya berhenti pada mengetahui bahasa arab saja, program ini juga berupaya agar semua mahasiswa mampu untuk menguasai salah satu dari 4 ketrampilan bahasa yakni ketrampilan menulis. Tujuan dari peneliyian ini adalah untuk melengkapi proses pengembangan penyusunan materi ajar menulis dan mengetahui ke-efektifan materi yang dikembangkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan prosedur eksperimen dimana peneliti mendisain Pre-test dan Postest terhadap dua kelompok yakni kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa pembelajaran ketrampilan menulis dengan menggunakan buku ajar lebih efektif dari pada tanpa menggunakan buku ajar. Dengan indikasi bahwa t-test kelas eksperimen (J3) lebih efektif dengan indikasi bahwa t-test kelas kontrol adalah 3,4. dimana hasil ini lebih besar dari pada tingkat t-table 5% 2,059 dan tingkat 1% 2,787. Dari hasil ini menunjukan bahwa pengajaran menulis bahasa Arab efektif dengan menggunakan materi ajar yang telah disusun oleh peneliti. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) Penyusunan materi ajar untuk PKPBA dimulai dengan membatasi tujuan pengajaran, kemudian menentukan pembagian materi sesuai dengan jumlah hari yang digunakan untuk pembelajaran dalam satu minggu. (2) Pembelajaran menulis bahasa Arab dengan menggunakan Materi ajar ini dinyatakan efektif. Dari hasil yang disebutkan diatas, sudah semestinya materi pengajaran menulis bahasa Arab dapat dimanfaatkan dengan benar dalam proses pengajaran, selain itu penulis berharap agar penelitian ini menjadi referensi untuk penelitian lanjutan yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini sehingga dapat dikembangkan ke dalam desain materi ajar menulis untuk tingkat selanjutnya. ABSTRACT The expansion of State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim need some powerful breakthrough. One of the important things is the role of Intensive Arabic Program as unit for improving Arabic, have played an important for helping Arabic language improvement. Most of the students when the first time they enter to this Program, they haven’t yet Arabic knowledge. But after studying in this program for several months they could understand about Arabic. But is not enough in knowing the Arabic only, but this program also try to make all students are mastering one of these four skills, that is writing skill. This research aims at designing process of writing teaching material and finding out the effectiveness of writing teaching material using in Intensive Arabic Program of State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. This research uses the experimental method that the researcher design pre-test and post-test for both groups (Experiment and Control group). This research reach the degree of t-test 3,4 this biggest than t-table at the level of 5% (2,059) and at the level 1% (2,787). This indicates that the use of writing Teaching Material in Arabic for improving writing skill is effective. And the result of this research are obtained bellow: (1) Preparing this teaching material process started by determining the goals, finding out the learning material based on the days in a week which used for teaching (2) The use of writing Teaching Material in Arabic for improving writing skill is effective. Based on these results, teaching material must be used as good as possible in teaching process. Besides, the researcher hopes that the research becomes the reference for further researchers which have a relation with this chapter and could be developed to other teaching material for advance grade

    Electrophoresis of representative PCR products of HPV on 2.0% agarose gel.

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    <p>M: Marker (TaKaRa DL2000); Lane1-5: nested PCR products; Lane 6–11: type-specific PCR products; Lane 1, 6 and 9 are positive controls; Lane 5, 8 and 11 show negative controls. Lanes 2–4 show positive bands of 140 bp, Lane 7 and 10 show positive bands of 315 bp and 152 bp, respectively.</p

    Clinical and pathological features of paraffin-embedded samples of breast cancer (BC) and breast benign disease (BBD).

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    <p>Clinical and pathological features of paraffin-embedded samples of breast cancer (BC) and breast benign disease (BBD).</p

    Supplemental Material - Does rural tourism reduce relative poverty? Evidence from household surveys in western China

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    Supplemental Material for Does rural tourism reduce relative poverty? Evidence from household surveys in western China by Peiying Dang, Linjing Ren, Jie Li in Tourism Economics</p

    Model predictive control of two-step nitrification and its validation via short-cut nitrification tests

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    <p>Short-cut nitrification (SCN) is shown to be an attractive technology due to its savings in aeration and external carbon source addition cost. However, the shortage of excluding nitrite nitrogen as a model state in an Activated Sludge Model limits the model predictive control of biological nitrogen removal via SCN. In this paper, a two-step kinetic model was developed based on the introduction of pH and temperature as process controller, and it was implemented in an SBR reactor. The simulation results for optimizing operating conditions showed that with increasing of dissolved oxygen (DO) the rate of ammonia oxidation and nitrite accumulation firstly increased in order to achieve a SCN process. By further increasing DO, the SCN process can be transformed into a complete nitrification process. In addition, within a certain range, increasing sludge retention time and aeration time are beneficial to the accumulation of nitrite. The implementation results in the SBR reactor showed that the data predicted by the kinetic model are in agreement with the data obtained, which indicate that the two-step kinetic model is appropriate to simulate the ammonia removal and nitrite production kinetics.</p