Real estate market analysis of Republic of Croatia and possible projections


Broj stanova za stalno stanovanje u Hrvatskoj u proteklih 60 godina se utrostručio, a prosječna površina stana po stanovniku povećana je tri puta što predstavlja značajan podatak u vidu tržišta nekretnina i što ono predstavlja stanovnicima Republike Hrvatske. Uzevši u obzir značaj i navike posjedovanja nekretnine koje stanovništvo ovih prostora vrlo rado voli njegovati, dolazi se do zaključka da je stambeno tržište u Hrvatskoj vrlo bitno polje za analizu. Ovaj rad analizira i prikazuje stambeno tržište Republike Hrvatske, kako u prošlosti, tako i danas. Naime, u radu je opisano stambeno tržište od osnutka države kao i utjecaj raznih poslovnih ciklusa na stambeno tržište, poglavito se oslanjajući i analizirajući svjetsku krizu 2008. godine te njezin utjecaj na stambeno tržište Republike Hrvatske. Nadalje, analizirani su regionalni elementi, odnosno razlozi koji utječu na cijenu kvadratnog metra stana. Prikazane su i statistike vezane uz građevinske dozvole kao i problematika istih. Naposljetku, prikazano je i analizirano stanje na tržištu te moguća kretanja cijena, kao i usporedba grada Zagreba s gradovima Europske Unije. Na kraju rada je donesen zaključak koji je ukazao na postojeće probleme i smjernice kako iste popraviti.The number of apartments in Croatia has tripled over the past 60 years and the average area of the apartment per inhabitant has increased three times, which represents a significant data in the form of a real estate market and what it represents to the inhabitants of the Republic of Croatia. Considering the importance of owning a property that the people of this region care greatly about, it comes to the conclusion that the housing market in Croatia is a very important field for analysis. This final work analyzes and displays the housing market of the Republic of Croatia, both in the past and in the present. Hence, this paper describes the housing market of the state as well as the impact of various business cycles on the housing market, mainly relying on and analyzing the global crisis of 2008 and its impact on the housing market of the Republic of Croatia. Furthermore, regional elements, which affect the price per square meter of the apartment, have been analyzed,. Also, statistics related to building permits and their issues were shown. Finally, the situation on the market and possible price movements, as well as the comparison of the city of Zagreb with the cities of the European Union, were presented and analyzed. At the end of the work, a conclusion was drawn which pointed to existing problems and guidelines to correct them

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Croatian Digital Thesis Repository

Last time updated on 07/05/2019

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