Western blot detection of PrP27–30, the Proteinase K-resistant core of PrP, in lymphonodal tissue (at different time points after infection of hamsters the footpad with a 2% 263K-scrapie brain homogenate


<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Relevance of the regional lymph node in scrapie pathogenesis after peripheral infection of hamsters"</p><p>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1746-6148/3/22</p><p>BMC Veterinary Research 2007;3():22-22.</p><p>Published online 25 Sep 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2092421.</p><p></p> The amount of tissue subjected to testing is specified in brackets. , left lane: blot control, 263K-scrapie hamster brain homogenate containing 10g of brain tissue; right lane: 27kD marker; , 2 dpi, left lane: contralateral . (3.1 mg); right lane: ipsilateral . (3.3 mg); , 42 dpi, left lane: contralateral . (2.9 mg); right lane: ipsilateral .(4.8 mg); , 70 dpi, left lane: contralateral . (7.0 mg); right lane: ipsilateral . (7.4 mg); , 80 dpi, left lane: contralateral . (7.9 mg); right lane: ipsilateral . (4.7 mg); , 90 dpi, left lane: contralateral . (4.1 mg); right lane: ipsilateral . (4.3 mg); , 100 dpi, left lane: contralateral .(1.9 mg); right lane: ipsilateral .(3.9 mg)

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