On the Origin of Siphonariid Polypropionates: Total Synthesis of Caloundrin B and Its Isomerization to Siphonarin B


Enantioselective synthesis of the enantiomer of caloundrin B was achieved by strategic aldol coupling of an enantiopure trioxaadamantane-containing ketone with a racemic pyrone-containing aldehyde via kinetic resolution. In the presence of imidazole, <i>ent</i>-caloundrin B is cleanly isomerized to <i>ent</i>-siphonarin B confirming the proposed structure and absolute configuration for caloundrin B and establishing that it is a plausible biosynthetic product from which siphonarin B and baconipyrones A and C can originate

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Last time updated on 16/03/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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