131,706 research outputs found

    Aldehyde-containing urea-absorbing polysaccharides

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    A novel aldehyde containing polymer (ACP) is prepared by reaction of a polysaccharide with periodate to introduce aldehyde groups onto the C2 - C3 carbon atoms. By introduction of ether and ester groups onto the pendant primary hydroxyl solubility characteristics are modified. The ACP is utilized to absorb nitrogen bases such as urea in vitro or in vivo

    Stereospecificity of cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase and synthesis of stereospecifically labelled coniferyl alcohol

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    Using horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase, stereospecifically tritiated (R)- and (S)-(γ-3H)-coniferyl alcohol was synthesized. Using both of these substrates it was demonstrated that cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase from lignifying Forsythia tissue specifically removes the pro-R-hydrogen atom of coniferyl alcohol in the oxidation to the aldehyde. This also means that in the reverse reaction the A-hydrogen of NADPH is transferred to the Re-site of coniferyl aldehyde

    Polyvinyl alcohol cross-linked with two aldehydes

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    A film forming polyvinyl alcohol resin is admixed, in aqueous solution, with a dialdehyde crosslinking agent which is capable of crosslinking the polyvinyl alcohol resin and a water soluble acid aldehyde containing a reactive aldehyde group capable of reacting with hydroxyl groups in the polyvinyl alcohol resin and an ionizable acid hydrogen atom. The dialdehyde is present in an amount sufficient to react with from 1 to 20% by weight of the theoretical amount required to react with all of the hydroxyl groups of the polyvinyl alcohol. The amount of acid aldehyde is from 1 to 50% by weight, same basis, and is sufficient to reduce the pH of the aqueous admixture to 5 or less. The admixture is then formed into a desired physical shape, such as by casting a sheet or film, and the shaped material is then heated to simultaneously dry and crosslink the article

    Direct synthesis of polymeric schiff bases from two amines and two aldehydes Patent

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    Direct synthesis of polymeric schiff bases from two amines and two aldehyde

    Azine polymers and process for preparing the same Patent

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    Synthesis of azine polymers for heat shields by azine-aromatic aldehyde reactio

    Sheep liver cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenase : a fresh perspective : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemistry at Massey University, New Zealand

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    The pre-steady-state mechanism of aldehyde dehydrogenase has been further investigated using synthesised deuterated 4-trans-(N,N-dimethylamino) cinnamaldehyde as a substrate. Reporter groups of the active site of ALDH have indicated the presence of a divalent or trivalent metal electrophile, shown in chapter 3 as being either Fe (II) or Fe (III) . Studies of the spectral properties of NADH bound to aldehyde dehydrogenase have revealed the presence of at least two spectrally different enzyme-NADH species. The consequences of this information are important in interpretation of the kinetic data and understanding apparently contradictory experimental results from different research workers. The steady-state kinetics of ALDH have been further investigated. A sensitive substrate for use in enzyme immunoassays has been designed and synthesised. The preliminary kinetic behaviour observed using this substrate has been studied with three enzymes. Aldehyde dehydrogenase has been used as a model system for studying the effects of electromagnetic radiation on biological systems

    Preparation of an Epoxide Precursor for Palladium-Catalyzed Trimethylenemethane Cycloaddition

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    In order to produce a highly functionalized five-membered ring useful for further synthetic processes via palladium catalysis, a series of precursors need to be synthesized in order to form the epoxide used in cyclic formation. First, a trimethylsilane alcohol is synthesized from beta-methallyl alcohol. The alcohol will then be subjected to Swern oxidation conditions, forming a TMS aldehyde. The aldehyde prepared will then undergo epoxidation, forming the desired precursor for Palladium catalyzed cycloaddition. These reactions occur in good conversion, and a good amount of epoxide is being amassed for use in the palladium-catalyzed cycloaddition research

    Synthesis of an Epoxide for TMM Cycloadditions

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    In order to produce a highly functionalized five-membered ring useful for further synthetic processes via Palladium catalysis, a series of precursors need to be synthesized in order to form the epoxide used in cyclic formation. First, a trimethylsilane alcohol is synthesized from beta-Methallyl alcohol. The alcohol will then be subjected to Swern oxidation conditions, forming a TMS aldehyde. The aldehyde prepared will then undergo epoxidation, forming the desired precursor for Palladium catalyzed cycloaddition. The Swern oxidation has yet to occur in good conversion due to sensitivity, but when performed using a model compound the oxidation, and epoxidation both worked to form a model epoxide precursor

    Two modes of peri-interaction between an aldehyde group and a carboxylate anion in naphthalaldehydate salts

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    Crystal structures of the salts of 1,8-naphthalaldehydic acid (8-formyl-1-naphthoic acid) show one of two types of interaction between the functional groups. In the more commonly observed case, a carboxylate oxygen lies close to the aldehyde carbonyl carbon atom (O⋯C: 2.445–2.630 Å) and makes an n–pi* interaction. However, in two other cases the carboxylate group has rotated so that the aldehyde now directs its hydrogen atom at the face of the carboxylate group and forms a surprisingly short contact with the carbon atom (H⋯C: 2.29 and 2.42 Å). This interaction is likely to be electrostatic in nature