University of the Azores

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    6637 research outputs found

    25 de Abril, sempre!

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    A secção CÊ de ciência é coordenada pela Professora Universitária Ana Teresa Alves.Foi no dia 25 de Abril de 1974, uma quinta-feira, que um golpe militar, liderado pelo Movimento das Forças Armadas (MFA) colocou um ponto final a 48 anos de ditadura em Portugal, abrindo caminho, primeiro, para a Revolução Portuguesa (1974-1975) e, depois, para a democracia, institucionalizada pela Constituição de 1976. A operação “Fim de Regime” foi posta em marcha ao som de “E depois do Adeus” e “Grândola, vila morena”, as duas senhas escolhidas para que os militares que se encontravam em vários quartéis da cidade de Lisboa mobilizassem, tomando vários pontos estratégicos da capital portuguesa, desde o Terreiro do Paço até ao Largo do

    The drivers of plant turnover change across spatial scales in the Azores

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    Beta diversity patterns are essential for understanding how biological communities are structured. Geographical and environmental factors, as well as species dispersal ability, are important drivers of beta diversity, but their relative importance may vary across spatial scales. In this study, we evaluate whether beta diversity changes across geographical scales and analyse how different drivers affect turnover patterns of native seed plants in an oceanic archipelago, the Azores (Portugal). Using a 500 × 500 m resolution grid, we selected cells that are covered by one of the following habitats: native forest, naturalized vegetation and seminatural pastures. We calculated species turnover at three spatial scales: 1) between islands, 2) between cells within each island, and finally 3) between cells of each of the habitats of interest in each island. We then calculated the contribution of dispersal syndromes (endozoochory, epizoochory, hydrochory and anemochory) to turnover at each of the scales. Lastly, we assessed the relationship between geographical and climatic distances and habitat type with turnover. Turnover was higher at the smallest spatial scale, particularly in seminatural pastures, and decreased with increasing spatial scales, a pattern potentially associated with the historical fragmentation and current patchy distribution of native forest and seminatural habitats in the Azores. Dispersal syndromes and habitat type had a negligible effect on turnover at all scales. Geographical distance had a positive effect on turnover at all scales, increasing its importance with scale. The relationship between turnover and climatic distance was only significant at the intermediate and small scales in specific islands and habitats. Therefore, scale plays an important role at determining the effect of the drivers of turnover, in particular geographical and climatic distance. These results highlight the need to carefully select the scale of analysis when studying turnover patterns, as well as identifying the potential drivers associated with each spatial

    Satellite-based Machine Learning modelling of Ecosystem Services indicators: A review and meta-analysis

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    Satellite-based Machine Learning (ML) modelling has emerged as a powerful tool to understand and quantify spatial relationships between landscape dynamics, biophysical variables and natural stocks. Ecosystem Services indicators (ESi) provide qualitative and quantitative information aiding the assessment of ecosystems’ status. Through a systematic meta-analysis following the PRISMA guidelines, studies from one decade (2012–2022) were analyzed and synthesized. The results indicated that Random Forest emerged as the most frequently utilized ML algorithm, while Landsat missions stood out as the primary source of Satellite Earth Observation (SEO) data. Nonetheless, authors favoured Sentinel-2 due to its superior spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution. While 30% of the examined studies focused on modelling proxies of climate regulation services, assessments of natural stocks such as biomass, water, food production, and raw materials were also frequently applied. Meta-analysis illustrated the utilization of classification and regression tasks in estimating measurements of ecosystems' extent and conditions and findings underscored the connections between established methods and their replication. This study offers current perspectives on existing satellite-based approaches, contributing to the ongoing efforts to employ ML and artificial intelligence for unveiling the potential of SEO data and technologies in modelling

    Angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition and biological activities of green and black tea samples from Azorean Camellia sinensis

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    ABSTRACT: The inhibition of ACE can be targeted in order to control hypertension and much attention has recently been paid towards the search for natural products as alternatives to synthetic drugs due to their adverse side effects associated with them. Camellia sinensis tea has received considerable attention due to the beneficial effects on health, particularly as a result of its antioxidant properties. The objective of this study was to investigate the ACE inhibition of different types of Azorean C. sinensis tea samples and consequently its ability to reduce hypertension, relating it to antioxidant activity, catechin profiles, total phenolic content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC) in different seasons. The results clearly highlighted differences in ACE-inhibition, FRSA, FRAP, FIC activity, TPC and epicatechin content among samples and the best results were observed in green tea collected in the summer. For TFC, higher values were observed in black tea harvested during the summer. In conclusion, the differences are related to the effect of collecting seasons, with the higher values being found in the summer with respect to the spring

    Cientistas aos Quadradinhos (II)

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    A secção CÊ de ciência é coordenada pela Professora Universitária Ana Teresa Alves.E se nas vinhetas de uma história em banda desenhada se desenrolasse um conflito entre forças opostas assentes no desenvolvimento da ciência e da técnica? De um lado a ciência que suporta benignamente o desenvolvimento da sociedade e, do outro, o progresso científico que atropela sem escrúpulos os limites éticos. Numa das mais famosas séries de banda desenhada franco-belga, As Aventuras de Blake e Mortimer, esta tensão entre o bem e o mal está sempre presente. Criada pelo artista Edgar-Pierre Jacobs (1904-1987), belga de nascimento, a primeira história da série começou a ser publicada em 1946 na revista Tintim. Jacobs produziu oito aventuras, a últimas das quais ficou inacabada, traduzidas em quase 20 línguas e com milhões de livros vendidos. Para sempre considerada um dos marcos históricos da nona arte, ainda hoje a série é continuada por outros desenhadores e

    Santa Bárbara, um povo, uma igreja, de Hermano Teodoro: Desafios Tradutórios

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Tradução e Assessoria Linguística, 27 de fevereiro de 2024, Universidade dos Açores.Procura-se, nesta dissertação de mestrado, refletir acerca dos desafios de tradução que a obra Santa Bárbara, um povo, uma igreja, de Hermano Teodoro (2.ª edição, 2009) suscita, assim como destacar e refletir sobre as estratégias de tradução adotadas. O autor, na obra em questão, procura apresentar as vivências e os factos históricos do povo de Santa Bárbara, da Ribeira Grande, São Miguel, Açores, recorrendo a vários géneros discursivos e a diferentes funções da linguagem. A pertinência desta obra, além do valor cultural, também passa pela multiplicidade de textos referentes à freguesia de Santa Bárbara que a mesma congrega, tais como um livro de registos das obras da igreja, excertos de atas, leis, biografias, sonetos, hinos, cartas, ofícios, assentos, artigos de jornal, entre outros. A urdir o complexo tecido discursivo, impera o registo memorialístico. Neste contexto, propomo-nos esclarecer os desafios tradutórios que a obra apresenta e refletir sobre as melhores estratégias de tradução dos vários textos, consoante os casos com que nos deparamos. As propostas de tradução apresentadas terão em conta algumas teorias no âmbito dos Estudos de Tradução, uma vez que se pretende esclarecer os desafios e constrangimentos ao longo do trabalho e fundamentar as decisões práticas a partir da reflexão teórica. Como o texto de partida é um texto culturalmente periférico e discursivamente heterogéneo de modo a cobrir várias facetas da vida de uma comunidade, o enquadramento teórico privilegiará autores como Susan Bassnett, Lawrence Venuti e Itamar Even- Zohar, cujos estudos se debruçam sobre a relação entre a cultura e a tradução, e a Teoria dos Polissistemas, respetivamente, revelando-se centrais para o conhecimento quer do lugar ocupado pelas obras periféricas, quer do interesse em serem traduzidas.ABSTRACT: The aim of this master's thesis is to reflect on the translation challenges that the work Santa Bárbara, um povo, uma igreja, by Hermano Teodoro (2nd edition, 2009), poses, as well as to highlight and reflect on the translation strategies adopted. In the work in question, the author seeks to present the experiences and historical facts of the community of Santa Bárbara, from Ribeira Grande Municipality, on the island of São Miguel, using various discursive genres and different language functions. The relevance of this work, in addition to its cultural value, also lies in the multiplicity of texts brought together relating to the parish of Santa Bárbara, such as a book of records of the church's construction work, excerpts from minutes, laws, biographies, sonnets, anthems, personal letters, official letters, certificates, newspaper articles, among others. A diary also intertwines with this complex discursive context. Thus, one proposes to clarify the translation challenges presented by the book and reflect on the best translation strategies for the various texts, depending on the cases one comes across. The translation proposals will take into account some theories in the field of Translation Studies since the aim is to define the challenges/constraints throughout the work and to base practical decisions on theoretical reflection. As the source text is a culturally peripheral and discursively heterogeneous text that covers various facets of a community's life, the theoretical framework will focus on authors such as Susan Bassnett, Lawrence Venuti and Itamar Even-Zohar, whose studies focus on the relationship between culture and translation, and the Polysystem Theory, which are central to the understanding of the place occupied by peripheral works and their interest in being translated

    The right banker plant for the right application: Comparison of three candidates for aphid biocontrol, barley (Hordeum vulgareL.), corn (Zea maysL.), and finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn)

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    BACKGROUND In temperate regions, aphid biological control in greenhouses is mostly achieved by the regular release of biocontrol agents. Due to the rapid growth rate of the aphid population, biocontrol agents must be released frequently in order to be present before pest outbreaks and to act rapidly to prevent exceeding the economic threshold. Banker plants reduce these numerous releases by providing natural enemies with a high-quality environment to develop and reproduce. Optimally, banker plants should be easy to produce, resistant to environmental conditions, provide a large amount of suitable banker prey in order to produce a high number of biocontrol agents, and resist the herbivory pressure of the banker prey. The present study aimed to compare the value of three banker plant candidates of the Poaceae family under laboratory and greenhouse conditions: barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn), and corn (Zea mays L.). RESULTS Our results show that the three plants were suitable for different contexts. Finger millet yielded the biggest fresh plant biomass, supported the highest load of banker prey, and resisted aphid feeding longer than the other plant species. Corn was the cheapest to produce, and barley was the fastest to grow. CONCLUSIONS Overall, finger millet could be more fitted for long crop cycles, pests with rapid population growth rates, and voracious or fast-reproducing biocontrol agents. Meanwhile, barley and corn may be better suited for rapid crop cycles, pests with slow population growth rates, and biocontrol agents that are not too voracious or have low reproductive rates. © 2024 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical

    Comportamentos aditivos, dependências, escolaridade e mercado de trabalho: A perceção dos alunos das escolas do concelho da Ribeira Grande

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, 21 de março de 2024, Universidade dos Açores.Este trabalho analisou os comportamentos aditivos e as dependências (CAD) dos adolescentes, bem como a perceção dos mesmos relativamente ao impacto que tais comportamentos podem ter ao nível da escolaridade e do mercado de trabalho. Para esse efeito, realizou-se um inquérito a 250 alunos de três escolas do concelho da Ribeira Grande. Os resultados indicam, entre outros aspetos, que os adolescentes que valorizam mais o presente e não se preocupam com o futuro têm uma maior probabilidade de consumir frequentemente substâncias aditivas. Indicam, ainda, que os adolescentes que pretendem continuar a estudar após a conclusão da escolaridade obrigatória, ou seja, continuar a investir em educação, assim como os que se preocupam em ter um bom emprego no futuro, têm uma maior probabilidade de acharem que o consumo de substâncias psicoativas terá um efeito negativo sobre a aprendizagem e, consequentemente, sobre as notas obtidas. É, também, de salientar que o facto de os pais falarem sobre as consequências das substâncias psicoativas aumenta esta probabilidade. Finalmente, os resultados sugerem que o uso da internet não reduz o desempenho educativo e não prejudica a ambição de querer continuar a estudar após a conclusão da escolaridade obrigatória, exceto quando aquela se conjuga com a adição ao jogo eletrónico (neste caso diminui a probabilidade de querer continuar a estudar após a conclusão da escolaridade obrigatória).ABSTRACT: This work analyzed the addictive behaviors and dependencies of adolescents and their perception of the impact that such behaviors can have on education and the labor market. For this purpose, a survey was carried out among 250 students from three schools in the municipality of Ribeira Grande. The results indicate, among other aspects, that adolescents who value the present more and do not worry about the future are more likely to frequently consume addictive substances. They also indicate that adolescents who intend to continue studying after the completion of compulsory schooling, that is, to continue to invest in education, as well as those who worry about having a good job in the future, are more likely to think that the consumption of psychoactive substances will have a negative effect on learning and consequently on the grades obtained. It should also be noted that the fact that parents talk about the consequences of psychoactive substances increases this probability. Finally, the results suggest that the use of the internet does not reduce educational performance and does not impair the ambition to continue studying after the completion of compulsory schooling, except when it is combined with the addition to the electronic game (in this case it decreases the probability of wanting to continue studying after the completion of the compulsory schooling)

    A satisfação com o emprego, a motivação e o comprometimento organizacional dos trabalhadores das empresas de aluguer de automóveis (rent-a-car): Uma análise empírica para os Açores

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, 06 de fevereiro de 2024, Universidade dos Açores.Este trabalho analisa a satisfação com o emprego, a motivação e o comprometimento organizacional dos trabalhadores das empresas de aluguer de automóveis no Arquipélago dos Açores. Os resultados indicam que o nível de satisfação com o emprego por parte destes trabalhadores exerce um efeito positivo sobre a sua motivação com a funções desempenhadas assim como sobre o seu comprometimento com a organização. Do estudo ressalta também que os gestores têm ao seu dispor um conjunto de instrumentos, tais como, o salário, o horário de trabalho e o facto de terem uma boa relação com os subordinados que influenciam a satisfação com o emprego e, consequentemente, podem ser utilizados para aumentar a motivação e o comprometimento destes, o que, de acordo com alguma literatura melhora a sua produtividade e reduz o absentismo, entre outros aspetos.ABSTRACT: This work examines job satisfaction, motivation, and organizational commitment of the employees of car-rental companies in the Azores. The results indicate that the level of job satisfaction exerts a positive effect on the motivation of those workers with the tasks performed as well as on their commitment to the organization. The study also highlights that managers have at their disposal a set of instruments such as wages, working hours or the fact that they have a good relationship with subordinates that influence job satisfaction and, consequently, can be used to increase their motivation and commitment, which, according to some literature, improves productivity and reduces absenteeism

    Biodiversity loss impacts top-down regulation of insect herbivores across ecosystem boundaries

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    Biodiversity loss, as driven by anthropogenic global change, imperils biosphere intactness and integrity. Ecosystem services such as top-down regulation (or biological control; BC) are susceptible to loss of extinction-prone taxa at upper trophic levels and secondary ‘support’ species e.g., herbivores. Here, drawing upon curated open-access interaction data, we structurally analyze trophic networks centered on the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and assess their robustness to species loss. Tri-partite networks link 80 BC organisms (invertebrate or microbial), 512 lepidopteran hosts and 1194 plants (including 147 cultivated crops) in the Neotropics. These comprise threatened herbaceous or woody plants and conservation flagships such as saturniid moths. Treating all interaction partners functionally equivalent, random herbivore loss exerts a respective 26 % or 108 % higher impact on top-down regulation in crop and non-crop settings than that of BC organisms (at 50 % loss). Equally, random loss of BC organisms affects herbivore regulation to a greater extent (13.8 % at 50 % loss) than herbivore loss mediates their preservation (11.4 %). Yet, under moderate biodiversity loss, (non-pest) herbivores prove highly susceptible to loss of BC organisms. Our topological approach spotlights how agriculturally-subsidized BC agents benefit vegetation restoration, while non-pest herbivores uphold biological control in on- and off-farm settings alike. Our work underlines how the on-farm usage of endemic biological control organisms can advance conservation, restoration, and agricultural sustainability imperatives. We discuss how integrative approaches and close interdisciplinary cooperation can spawn desirable outcomes for science, policy and


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