Scientific Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for cobalamin (vitamin B12)
- Authors
- Abdulla
- Adams
- Adams
- Adams
- Adams
- Afssa (Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments)
- Allen
- Allen
- Allen
- Allen
- Allen
- Allen
- Amin
- Anderson
- Andres
- Andres
- Andres
- Andres
- Armstrong
- Babior
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Baker
- Baker
- Bates
- Bates
- Bauman
- Beedholm‐Ebsen
- Berlin
- Bessent
- Birn
- Bizzaro
- Bjorke Monsen
- Bjorke Monsen
- Bjorke Monsen
- Blacher
- Boddy
- Boddy
- Booth
- Bor
- Bor
- Bozian
- Brady
- Butte
- Carmel
- Carmel
- Carmel
- Carmel
- Carmel
- Carmel
- Carmel
- Carmel
- Carmel
- Chanarin
- Chery
- Clarke
- Combs
- Cooper
- Cui
- da Costa
- Dai
- Darby
- De Laet
- Deegan
- Devalia
- DH (Department of Health)
- Doets
- Doets
- Doscherholmen
- Doscherholmen
- Doscherholmen
- Doscherholmen
- Doscherholmen
- Dror
- Duggan
- Dullemeijer
- EFSA (European Food Safety Authority)
- EFSA (European Food Safety Authority)
- Nutrition and Allergies) EFSA NDA Panel (EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products
- Nutrition and Allergies) EFSA NDA Panel (EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products
- Nutrition and Allergies) EFSA NDA Panel (EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products
- Nutrition and Allergies) EFSA NDA Panel (EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products
- Nutrition and Allergies) EFSA NDA Panel (EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products
- Nutrition and Allergies) EFSA NDA Panel (EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products
- El Kholty
- Erdogan
- Ermens
- Fedosov
- Fernandes‐Costa
- Finkler
- Froese
- Fukuwatari
- Gherasim
- Gibson
- Glass
- Gonzalez‐Gross
- Grasbeck
- Grasbeck
- Grasbeck
- Green
- Green
- Greer
- Gregory
- Greibe
- Greibe
- Grober
- Hall
- Hardlei
- Hay
- Hay
- Hay
- He
- Healton
- Heil
- Heinrich
- Heinrich
- Hemmer
- Herbert
- Herbert
- Herbert
- Herbert
- Herbert
- Herzlich
- Heyssel
- Hogeveen
- Hom
- Hoppu
- Howden
- Hughes
- Hunt
- Hure
- Hvas
- Hvas
- Iglesia
- IOM (Institute of Medicine)
- Jadhav
- Jathar
- Jiang
- Johnson
- Karnaze
- Kato
- Kauwell
- Kerr
- Kittang
- Klee
- Koebnick
- Kolhouse
- Krajcovicova‐Kudlackova
- Kubasik
- Kwan
- Larsson
- Lee
- Lewerin
- Lildballe
- Lindenbaum
- Loikas
- Lorenzl
- Loría
- Louwman
- Ludwig
- Lydeking‐Olsen
- MacFarlane
- Margetts
- Matthews
- Matthews
- McCaddon
- Miller
- Miller
- Millet
- Milman
- Milman
- Moestrup
- Moestrup
- Mollin
- Molloy
- Monsen
- Muir
- Murphy
- Mørkbak
- Mørkbak
- Mørkbak
- Mørkbak
- Mørkbak
- Narayanan
- National Research Council
- Nexø
- Nexø
- Nexø
- O'Sullivan
- Pant
- Papandreou
- Paul
- Pawlak
- Pentieva
- Perez‐D'Gregorio
- Pfeiffer
- Quadros
- Quadros
- Quadros
- Quadros
- Quadros
- Raccuglia
- Ranerjee
- Refsum
- Refsum
- Reizenstein
- Reizenstein
- Reizenstein
- Reizenstein
- Russel
- Savage
- SCF (Scientific Committee for Food)
- Scott
- Seetharam
- Selhub
- Selhub
- Sette
- Shane
- Souci
- Specker
- Stabler
- Stabler
- Stahlberg
- Stewart
- Sullivan
- Swartzlander
- Tsuji
- Tsuji
- Tucker
- Ubbink
- Valente
- Van Rossum
- Vaz Pinto
- Vinas
- Vogiatzoglou
- Vogiatzoglou
- Wahlin
- Watanabe
- Winawer
- Zagalak
- Publication date
- Publisher
- 'Wiley'
- Doi