251 research outputs found


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    [[alternative]]An Application of Grey System on the Prediction of Financial Ratio Indexes in Taiwan Electronic Industry

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    [[abstract]]為因應企業供應鏈激烈的競爭環境,如何強化供應鏈協同合作關係,以降低供應鏈成本、提昇整體供應鏈效率,已成為供應鏈競爭致勝的關鍵課題。目前供應鏈「協同規劃、預測與補貨系統Collaborative Planning Forecasting Replenishment, CPFR® )」最新的發展為延伸整合物流運輸環節的「協同運輸管理(Collaborative Transportation Management, CTM)」。CTM係解決供應鏈中運輸程序的無效率性,影響層面涵蓋存貨、運輸效率與成本,也因其具有資訊共享的特性,更可降低不確定性,提昇物流效率。過去相關研究大多僅針對供應鏈或是物流績效進行衡量與評估,而CTM相關研究則大多針對其理論概念與架構進行分析,較少探討物流運送業導入協同運輸管理、加入供應鏈協同合作一環中,對其物流能力與競爭優勢之影響。本研究探討物流運送業導入CTM對其物流能力與競爭優勢之影響與關係,提出「CTM協同合作(CTM collaboration)」、「物流能力(logistics capabilities)」與「競爭優勢(competitive advantages)」三構面間相互影響關係架構,利用結構方程模式進行分析,並以交互作用分析探討協同合作與物流能力整合時對競爭優勢之交互影響。結果顯示物流運送業導入CTM對其物流能力、競爭優勢皆有正向影響關係,協同合作對競爭優勢較屬間接影響,並發現加強關係和資訊整合及提高顧客服務能力,對提昇競爭優勢影響較大。本研究建議物流運送業者除提昇本身物流能力外,亦可透過導入CTM來強化其競爭優勢。[[journaltype]]國外[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]電子版[[countrycodes]]HK


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    Perception and management development

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    Lau Wing Man.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 47-57).Abstract in English and Chinese.ABSTRACT --- p.1摘要 --- p.2ACKNOWLEDGEMENT --- p.3Chapter CHAPTER 1. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.6Management Development (MD) in Asia --- p.6Human Resources Management (HRM) and Organizational Performance --- p.7Management Development - A Key Component of HRM --- p.8The Concept of Management Development --- p.9Relationship between Management Development and Performance --- p.9The Importance of Aligning Human Resources Strategies with Business Strategies --- p.10The Role of Perception in Moderating the MD-Performance Linkage --- p.12Discrepancy in Perception between Human Resources Managers (HR) and Line Managers (LM) --- p.14Key MD Aspects: MD Ethos and MD Systems --- p.15The Hypothesized Model --- p.17Consistent vs Inconsistent Groups --- p.19Significance of the Present Study --- p.21Chapter CHAPTER 2. --- METHOD --- p.23Participants --- p.23Procedures --- p.23Measures --- p.24Data Analyses --- p.26Chapter CHAPTER 3. --- RESULTS --- p.29"Descriptive Statistics, T-test Statistics and Correlations between Key Variables" --- p.29Multisample Analysis of the Hypothesized Path Model --- p.32Chapter CHAPTER 4. --- DISCUSSION --- p.37Discussion on Key Findings --- p.37The Importance of Strategic Alignment --- p.37Discrepancy in Perception between HR and LM --- p.37"The Importance of Managers' Perception of MD Systems in Collectivistic, Tight Cultures" --- p.38Uniqueness of the HL Group --- p.41HL Group vs LH Group --- p.41HL Group vs HH Group --- p.42Theoretical and Practical Implications --- p.43Theoretical Implications --- p.43Practical Implications --- p.44Limitations and Further Studies --- p.45REFERENCES --- p.47APPENDIX A --- p.5

    The role of organizational citizenship behavior on resource exchanges and career growth opportunities.

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    Kwan Ho Kwong.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 171-195).Abstracts in English and Chinese; questionnaires in Chinese.TITLE PAGE --- p.IABSTRACT --- p.IIACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.VTABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.VIILISE OF TABLES AND FIGURES --- p.XCHAPTERSChapter 1. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1Chapter 2. --- LITERATURE REVIEW --- p.10Chapter 2.1 --- Extra-role Behavior --- p.10Chapter 2.2 --- Different Conceptualizations of Extra-role Behaviors --- p.12Chapter 2.3 --- Organizational Citizenship Behavior --- p.16Chapter 2.4 --- Social Exchange Theory and OCB --- p.35Chapter 2.5 --- Resource Theory --- p.40Chapter 2.6 --- Career Growth Opportunities --- p.53Chapter 2.7 --- Contingency Theory --- p.60Chapter 2.8 --- Peer Competition --- p.65Chapter 2.9 --- Task Interdependence --- p.67Chapter 3. --- CHAPTER THREE: CONCEPTUAL MODEL AND HYPOTHESES --- p.72Chapter 3.1 --- Conceptual Model --- p.72Chapter 3.2 --- OCB and Resources --- p.74Chapter 3.3 --- OCB and Services --- p.77Chapter 3.4 --- OCB and Love --- p.78Chapter 3.5 --- OCB and Status --- p.80Chapter 3.6 --- OCB and Information --- p.82Chapter 3.7 --- Interaction Effects with Peer Competition and Task Interdependence --- p.84Chapter 3.8 --- "Exchanged Resources (Services, Love, Status, Information) and Career Growth Opportunities" --- p.94Chapter 4. --- RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY --- p.101Chapter 4.1 --- Samples and Data Collection --- p.101Chapter 4.2 --- Measures --- p.104Chapter 5. --- RESULTS --- p.110Chapter 5.1 --- Descriptive Statistics --- p.110Chapter 5.2 --- Confirmatory Factor Analysis --- p.115Chapter 5.3 --- Regression Results --- p.125Chapter 6. --- DISCUSSION --- p.153Chapter 6.1 --- Effects of OCB on Resources --- p.153Chapter 6.2 --- Interaction Effects of Peer Competition and Task Interdependence on the Relationship between OCB and Resources --- p.157Chapter 6.3 --- Interaction Effects of Task Interdependence on the Relationship between Conscientiousness and Love Resource --- p.158Chapter 6.4 --- Effects of Resources --- p.160Chapter 6.5 --- Different Perceptions of Career Growth Opportunities --- p.160Chapter 6.6 --- Effects of OCB on Career Growth Opportunities --- p.161Chapter 6.7 --- Theoretical Contributions --- p.162Chapter 6.8 --- Practical Implications --- p.165Chapter 6.9 --- Limitations --- p.166Chapter 6.10 --- Conclusion --- p.169REFERENCES --- p.170APPENDIX A Questionnaire Rated by Self --- p.195APPENDIX B Questionnaire Rated by Supervisor --- p.20

    MCS package and entrepreneurial competency influence on business performance: the moderating role of business strategy

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    Purpose – This paper draws on resource-based theory (RBV) to examine the impact of the management control system (MCS) package on business performance through the mediating role of entrepreneurial competencies and the interaction role of business strategy in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Design/methodology/approach – A total of 372 questionnaires were used in this research for analysis purposes using partial least square–structural equation modelling. Cluster sampling was used and nine states out of 16 states were selected randomly, including Kelantan, Johor, Sarawak, Selangor, Kedah, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Perak and Sabah, because the nine states cover 84.4% of the total SMEs. Findings – The results revealed that only cultural and administrative control has no relationship with business performance. Moreover, in the MCS package, all elements have a significant and positive influence on entrepreneurial competencies. Furthermore, business strategy (cost leadership and differentiation strategy) significantly moderates, while entrepreneurial competencies mediate between, cultural, planning, cybernetic, rewards and compensation, administrative control and business performance. Originality/value – SMEs in Malaysia are contributing 36.6% to gross domestic product. Further, as this sector is important, less attention has been paid to this area of MCS package with business strategies to determine organisational performance. This study fills these gaps, and the recommendations and findings for further research are discussed in detail accordingly. Moreover, the findings of the current research provide guidelines for the management of SMEs. 研究目的 – 本文應用資源基礎理論,來探討管理控制系統套裝對經營績效的影響;研究的進行,乃透過探討企業家才能所扮演的中介角色以及在中小型企業裡,經營策略所扮演的交互作用角色。 研究的設計/方法/理念 – 研究共分析了372份調查問卷, 研究使用的方法為偏最小平方法PLS-SEM。使用集體抽樣法,從16個州屬中隨機抽取9個州,該9個州包括吉蘭丹州、柔佛州、砂拉越、雪蘭我、吉打、吉隆玻、檳城、霹靂和沙巴;這是因為該9個州已涵蓋整體中小型企業的84.4%。 研究結果 – 研究結果顯示,只有文化和行政管制是與業務績效沒有關聯的。而且,在管理控制系統套裝裡,所有元素對企業家才能均有顯著和正面的影響。再者,經營策略 (成本領先戰略和差導化戰略) 在文化、策劃、神經機械學、獎勵和補償、行政管制與經營績效之間起著顯著的緩和作用;而企業家才能則於當中起中介的作有。 研究的原創性/價值 – 在馬來西亞,中小型企業佔國內生產總值的36.6%。再者,這個部門至為重要,唯對管理控制系統套裝這範疇 (組織的業績如何取決於經營策略) 的關注則不足 。本研究彌補這研究的差距,因應為進一步研究仔細討論了建議和研究結果。另外,本研究的研究結果,為管理中小型企業提供了指引


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    [[abstract]]本研究旨在導入資源基礎理論觀點探討金融控股公司企業社會責任對創造共享價值之關係;本研究採用問卷調查,並以層級迴歸分析進行分析,實證結果指出企業社會責任會顯著正向影響創造共享價值;且導入資源基礎理論後,對企業社會責任與創造共享價值關係具有干擾效果;亦即從資源基礎理論觀點,金融控股公司若能增強內部資源,即可增強企業的核心能力,提升企業社會責任,進一步達成創造共享價值的目標。[[abstract]]The purpose of this study is to introduce the perspective of resource-based theory to explore the relationship between corporate social responsibility of financial holding companies and the creation of shared value. This study uses the questionnaire survey and the hierarchical regression analysis to analyze. The empirical results pointed out that corporate social responsibility will significantly and positively affect the creation of sharing value. After the introduction of resource-based theory, it will interfere with the relationship between corporate social responsibility and the creation of shared value. That is, from the perspective of resource-based theory, if a financial holding company can enhance internal resources, it can enhance the core capabilities of the enterprise to improve the corporate social responsibility. Then, the goal of creating shared value will be achieved

    The Government Influence of Corporate Mergers Decision

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    本研究使用資金成本(cost of capital)、信用供給(credit supply)和資源基礎理論(resource-based view)來探討政府政策與公司投資決策的關係。在資金成本(cost of capital)理論的解釋下,政府政策實施後,企業外部融資成本的下降使企業無謂的損失減少,增加企業投資的動機。同時本研究使用信用供給(credit supply)理論來解釋當政府政策增加金融市場的信用供給後,企業外部融資限制的降低促使其進行投資。結果顯示在資源基礎理論(resource-based view)之下,國家政策對公司投資決策產生顯著的影響,並不是透過改變公司的外部融資條件實現。Our research used the cost of capital credit supply and resource-based view to explain the changing in investment decisions after implement policy. The government policy effect will increase the willingness of investment. Meanwhile, we used the credit supply theory to explain the changing of external financing constraints in companies increases investment. Our results showed that based on the resource-based view, government policy significantly affects the investment decisions without having impact on external financing