1,887 research outputs found

    Identification and Biological Characteristics Analysis of a Wild Pleurotus pulmonarius

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    本研究以野外采集获得的1株野生侧耳属真菌为对象,对其进行rDNA-ITS序列扩增测序并分析后初步确定其为肺形侧耳(Pleurotus; pulmonarius),并与本实验室中现有的秀珍菇菌株序列进行随机扩增多态性DNA; (RAPD)、ISSR、相关序列扩增多态性(SRAP)的综合分析后进一步确定该野生菌株与其他菌株间具有一定的遗传距离,是一株新的秀珍菇菌株。以福; 建省认定的秀珍菇品种秀迪1号为对照菌株,对该菌株进行生物学特性进行研究,结果表明,其菌丝可在温度为5~45°C的范围内生长,最适生长温度为30°; C;菌丝可生长的pH范围为pH; 3~10,最适pH值为7。在含可溶性淀粉、酵母粉为碳氮源的培养基中,菌丝生长速度快,长势好。该野生菌株生长所需的最适碳、氮源及生长条件与对照菌株; 相似,这为其进一步的驯化栽培提供一定的理论基础。In this study, a wild pleurotus strain collected in the forest was; selected as the research object. We sequenced its rDNA-ITS sequence and; analyzed the result to preliminarily classified it as Pleurotus; pulmonarius. Also, the comparision of the random amplified polymorphic; DNA (RAPD), ISSR and sequence related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) with; the strain sequence of other available Pleurotus geesteranus in our; laboratory showed that this strain had certain genetic distance with; other tested strains, which indicated that it was a new Pleurotus; geesteranus strain. The Pleurotus pulmonarius No.l approved by Fujian; province was selected as control group, and its biological; characteristics was analyzed, the result of which showed that its; mycelium could grow at a temperature of 5~45℃, and the optimum growth; temperature was 30°C. The pH range of the mycelium growth was 3 to 10,; and the optimum pH value was 7. In the substrate containing soluble; starch and yeast powder as carbon and nitrogen source, the mycelium grew; fast and good. The most suitable carbon, nitrogen sources and growth; conditions of this wild strain were similar to the control strain, which; provided a theoretical basis for the further domestication and; cultivation of this strain.福州市农业科技项


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    Preliminary exploration of heavy metal accumulation in Agaricus bisporus

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    随着工业化和城镇化的快速发展,越来越多的重金属污染物通过各种途径被释放到土壤等环境中。其不仅直接毒害土壤生物和植物,破坏生态结构,还可以通过食物链迁移转化,危害人体健康。究竟如何修复重金属污染是当前重要的环境问题。 本课题以人工培养的双孢蘑菇(Agaricusbisporus)AS2796为主要研究对象。对其以及杏鲍菇、茶树菇和秀珍菇菌丝体做不同浓度的重金属Pb、Cd和As胁迫处理,研究四种大型真菌重金属富集能力。检测结果表明双孢蘑菇较其他3个菌株而言,对Pb和Cd的富集能力更强。在1mg/L条件下,双孢蘑菇对Pb和Cd的富集量达到最大,分别为3.179、18.065μg/L。随着重金属添加...Recent studies have found that with the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, more and more heavy metal pollutants are released into the soil and other environment throμgh various means. It not only contaminate the soil organisms and plants directly, damage the ecological structure, but also throμgh the food chain migration and transformation, harm to human health. How to repair...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_微生物学学号:2162013115251

    Genetic transformation of biological control fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens

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    淡紫拟青霉(Paecilomyceslilacinus(Thom.)Samson1974)作为根结线虫(Meloidogynespp.)、胞囊线虫(Heterideraspp.)等植物病原线虫的有效寄生菌,被认为是最有前途的植物病原线虫的生防真菌之一。至今,全球已有60多个国家开展了将淡紫拟青霉应用于防治植物病原线虫的研究和实践。但在淡紫拟青霉的遗传背景及其控害的作用机制等方面,目前仍了解甚少。丝状真菌遗传转化系统的建立,为人们从分子水平了解真菌的遗传背景和进一步的菌株改造提供一个强有力的工具。 本研究采用根癌农杆菌介导的遗传转化(ATMT)法建立了淡紫拟青霉(P.lilacinus)941...Paecilomyces lilacinus (Thom.) Samson 1974 is effective parasitic fungus of phytopathogenic nematodes such as Meloidogyne spp.and Heteridera spp., and so on. It is accepted that P. lilacinus is one of the most promising biological control fungus of phytopathogenic nematodes. Up to present, more than sixty contries have been proceeding the study and practice of using P. lilacinus to control phytopa...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院_动物学学号:2162006015329

    NBA1 Interacts with PHGDH and Promotes Breast Cancer Growth

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    NBA1是BRCA1复合体中重要的接头蛋白,对整个BRCA1复合体的构架以及复合体成员蛋白的稳定性十分重要,它参与DNA损伤复合体的组成并且介导DNA的损伤修复。为了探究NBA1新的功能,我们以NBA1为饵进行了蛋白相互作用的筛查,发现PHGDH与NBA1存在着相互作用。PHGDH作为糖酵解通路的旁支——丝氨酸合成通路的第一个分支酶,是下游一系列反应的重要限速因素。此外,在许多乳腺癌的发生发展过程中PHGDH都扮演了重要的角色。 本文的研究中我们通过一系列实验首次发现NBA与PHGDH存在相互作用并且葡萄糖饥饿刺激增强这种相互作用,而糖酵解中间代谢物3-磷酸甘油酸对这两个蛋白的相互作用有直接...NBA1 is an important adaptor protein in breast cancer type 1 susceptibility protein (BRCA1) complex. It is vital to the structure of BRCA1 complex, as well as the protein stability of the other members in this complex. Functionally, it is involved in the assembling of DNA damage repair complex and required for DNA damage repair. To study novel functions of NBA1, we performed protein interaction sc...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162014115256

    Construction and preliminary application of human naïve phage antibody library

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    治疗性抗体在临床的应用已从30年代的抗血清时代经由80年代后的单克隆抗体时代进入到今天的基因工程抗体时代。目前处于各期临床的生物新药中,基因工程抗体是最多的一类,显示出治疗性抗体具有广阔的临床应用前景,而人源抗体是治疗性抗体的发展趋势。人源性噬菌体抗体库技术解决了人源性单抗来源困难、人体杂交瘤系统低效及鼠单抗的动物源性难题,是分子生物学和免疫学领域中一个强有力的研究手段。本研究从20例未经免疫的健康人的外周血中分离出淋巴细胞,提取总RNA并纯化出mRNA,然后反转录成cDNA。在一组能识别所有功能性家族V基因引物的基础上,增加了酶切位点和部分Linker序列,并另外设计合成了5条恒定区特异下游...Therapeutic antibody has developed into the genetically engineering antibody era in clinical application today through antiserum era in thirties and monoclonal antibody era in eighties. In terminally clinical new medicine at present, the genetic engineering antibody is the most one, and demonstrates that therapeutic antibody has wide clinical application prospects and human source antibody is the...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_植物学学号:20012600


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    Studies on the effect of heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) on centromeric region gene silencing in fission yeast

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    基因沉默(Genesilencing)作为一项保守的进化机制普遍存在于生物界中,主要是因为它可以保护生物体抵抗病毒、外来核酸的入侵和维持自身遗传稳定性等功能。我们通常所说的基因沉默发生在两种水平上:一是转录水平的基因沉默(Transcriptionalgenesilencing,TGS),它是由于DNA甲基化、异染色质化及位置效应引起的;二是转录后基因沉默(Posttranscriptionalgenesilencing,PTGS),它是指在基因发生转录后通过对靶RNA特异性的降解从而让基因失活不能翻译成蛋白的过程。RNAi是一种基于转录与转录后水平的基因沉默机制,因此备受关注。裂殖酵母主要的...Gene silencing as an evolutionary conserved mechanism exists in the biological world, mainly because it can protect the organism against viruses, the invasion of foreign nucleic acid and maintain its genetic stability. Gene silencing we usually refers to occurs on two levels: first, transcriptional gene silencing (TGS), which is due to DNA methylation, formation of heterochromatin and position eff...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_细胞生物学学号:2162012115243

    Studies on the Thermotolerant Related Genes of Agaricus Bisporus

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    双孢蘑菇是高经济价值和生态意义的栽培食用菌。在许多因素中,温度是影响其栽培的主要因素。双孢蘑菇02菌株是一株耐热菌株,可在25℃~28℃下栽培;而8213菌株是一株普通菌株,只能在16℃~22℃下栽培。目前02菌株耐热的本质尚不清楚。本实验室通过构建的两个抑制性消减杂交文库I(02热胁迫vs.8213热胁迫)和II(02热胁迫vs.02非热胁迫)获得一批耐热相关基因的EST序列。本文对一些候选EST序列进行了以下研究:首先,通过cDNA末端快速扩增技术克隆EST序列1F6,1F146,First8,2F277和2F255两侧序列;以两侧序列设计引物,通过反转录PCR克隆1F6,First8,2...Agaricus bisporus (A. bisporus) is a kind of edible mushroom with high ecological and economical values. Among various factors, temperature is the critical factor restricted for its cultivation. A. bisporus 02 is a thermotolerance strain, which can be cultivated at 25℃~28℃, whereas A. bisporus 8213 is a normal strain, only adapt for growing at 16℃~22℃. As we know, the mechanism of thermotolerance ...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2172008015041

    A study on function of fission yeast phosphatase PP2A participating in spindle assembly checkpoint silencing

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    在细胞进行有丝分裂的过程中,染色体需要精确地被分离到两个子细胞内以维持基因组的稳定性。一旦动粒和微管发生错误连接或者动粒受到两端微管的拉力不均衡时,细胞就会激活SAC并阻止细胞进入后期,直至所有的染色体都被来自两极的微管正确连接,并发生双极定向之后,SAC才能失活,进而解除对细胞中后期转换的抑制,促使姐妹染色单体的分离和有丝分裂的退出。 已有研究表明,在裂殖酵母细胞中磷酸酶PP1(Dis2)通过与动粒蛋白Spc7相互作用在纺锤体组装检验点沉默中发挥作用。通过测量细胞中纺锤体微管的长度来统计细胞群体中被阻断在前中期的细胞的比例,以及利用荧光显微镜观察APC的底物CyclinB的降解情况,我们验...During mitosis, the spindle assembly checkpoint acts to maintain genome stability by delaying cell division until all chromosomes have been segregated into two poles. When kinetochores are not correctly attached to the spindle or tension between sister kinetochores is not established, cells will activate the spindle assembly checkpoint network, which in turn blocks cell cycle progression. Only aft...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_细胞生物学学号:2162014115250