750 research outputs found

    Theoretical Analysis and Experiment on Flow Allocation Characteristics of Dual Discharging Axial Piston Pump

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    通过改变缸体结构、柱塞数、端盖油路、配流盘形状等,设计了双排油内外环并联配流结构的轴向柱塞泵,实现了单柱塞泵两路高压供油。针对单环柱塞数减少,腔; 内压力冲击增大,脉动变大等问题,对配流结构进行重新设计。在排油腰形槽和吸油腰形槽过渡区取消卸荷槽,利用加大配错角,在排油完毕未接通吸油时,腔内封; 闭体积增大,未排尽的高压油液压力降低;在吸油腰形槽和排油腰形槽过渡区,排油卸荷槽利用阶梯变化通流面积代替原连续变化的通流面积,削弱了卸荷槽几何形; 状要求。重新设计后的双排油配流结构,以45mL轴向柱塞泵结构为参考,对配流结构进行了理论分析,建立了双排油轴向柱塞泵仿真模型。以单柱塞腔内压力; 冲击、输出流量进行分析研究,得外环压力冲击小,与传统配流结构相比较双排油输出口压力脉动变化率变小,并试制双排油轴向柱塞泵。对试制泵进行压力脉动测; 试、容积效率测试和噪声测试,结果表明,与45mL轴向柱塞泵进行对比,压力脉动降低了约30%,噪声也降低,容积效率不低于0.92。该双排油轴向柱; 塞泵可以代替双联泵,使系统结构简化,能耗降低。When providing two-way independent high-pressure high-flow oil sources,; hydraulic system generally adopts two separate piston pumps or coaxial; ones in series, causing complex structure and high cost. Therefore,; single piston pump was proposed to achieve two-way high-pressure oil; supply. Axial piston pump was designed with dual discharging inter-outer; ring parallel allocation structure by changing cylinder structure,; piston number, cap circuit and valve plate shape. Flow allocation; structure was redesigned due to decreased single ring piston number,; increased pressure shock and fluctuation in the chamber. Relief notch; was cancelled in transition region from oil-discharging to oil-absorbing; waist slots. After that, mismatch angle was increased to enlarge closed; volume in chamber and reduce the pressure of unexhausted high-pressure; oil in the interval between oil extraction and absorption. In transition; region from oil-absorbing to oil-discharging waist slots, stepped flow; area was used to replace original continuous flow area to weaken; geometry requirements of relief notch. The optimized dual discharging; flow allocation structure was conducted with theoretical analysis to; establish dual discharging axial piston pump simulation model based on; 45mL axial piston pump structure. There was small pressure shock in; outer race by analyzing pressure shock and output flow in single piston; chamber. Compared with traditional flow allocation structure, dual; discharging oil output had smaller pressure fluctuation rate. Based on; this, the designed dual discharging axial piston pump was piloted. The; pilot dual discharging oil pump was compared with the original 45mL; pump through pressure fluctuation, volumetric efficiency and noise; tests. Result showed that the former had lower pressure fluctuation; (decreased by 30%) and noise level, while its volumetric efficiency was; not smaller than 92%. In general, the dual discharging axial piston pump; can replace duplex pump to simplify system structure and reduce energy; consumption. This new pump can also be used in closed circuit and; differential cylinder hydraulic systems to make the system simpler and; cost-effective.山西省自然科学基金项目; 国家自然科学基金项

    Studies of the PPDF Chemical Reaction Rate Model for the Numerical Simulation of Nitrogen Oxides

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    本文在目前应用广泛的湍流燃烧模拟方法PPDF,即预设概率密度函数的基础上,以混合分数和温度为变量,同时引入时间尺度的考虑,提出了一个NOx计算模型——PPDF化学反应速率模型。在该模型的理论基础上,使用CHEMKIN软件的SENKIN模块,以详细的化学反应机理计算NO的生成速率,并将计算结果拟合建立成数据库。 使用该模型在STAR-CD中计算了三组湍流非预混射流火焰:H2、H2/CO/N2和CH4/H2/N2射流火焰,并与Sandia实验室公布的实验数据进行比较。探讨该模型中反应时间分别由积分尺度和Kolmogorov尺度定义的区别,发现两种尺度下该模型都取得了良好的计算结果。 同时,探讨...Based on the widely used turbulent combustion modeling method, PPDF, namely presumed probability density function, we proposed a NOx model --PPDF chemical reaction rate model. This model consider mixed fraction, temperature and time scales as variables. In the theoretical basis of this model, we use SENKIN, which is a modules of CHEMKIN to calculate the specific NO generation rate with the detaile...学位:工程硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:3312013115284

    The Research on Wind-induced Vibration Control of Large Span Roof Structures with Different Damping Systems and Optimization of MTMD Damping System

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    近年来,随着国内经济实力的增强和社会发展的需要,大跨空间结构在我国得到迅速发展,且跨度越来越大。由于大跨空间结构具有质量轻、阻尼小、柔性大、自振频率低等特点,因而对风荷载的作用很敏感。在风荷载的作用下,结构会产生较大的变形,严重降低结构的安全性和舒适性。为抑制结构的动力响应,学者们提出在结构适当位置处安装控制装置的概念。目前,高层建筑在风荷载作用下的振动控制研究已取得丰硕成果,并有大量的工程应用实例。然而,国内外学者对大跨空间结构的风振控制研究相对较少,因此有必要开展大跨空间结构的风振控制研究。 本文在以往研究的基础上,以大跨拱支网壳屋盖结构模型作为研究对象,利用ABAQUS有限元软件分别进...In recent years, with the development of domestic economy and the need of social development, large span spatial structure in our country has been rapidly developed, and the span is more and more larger. Since the large-span spatial structures have the characteristics of light weight, small damping, large flexibility, low natural frequencies, they are easily influenced by the wind load. Under the ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院_工程硕士(建筑与土木工程)学号:2532013115181


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    Aerodynamic admittance of along-wind loads on tall buildings

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    高层建筑顺风向的脉动风荷载通常是基于准定常假设,由来流风速的功率谱密度函数和相干函数求得,其中风荷载和风速功率谱密度对气动导纳函数影响较大。依据; 10个典型高层建筑模型的同步测压风洞试验数据,对高层建筑各层高度处顺风向荷载的功率谱密度函数和气动导纳函数的特性进行分析,提出了顺风向荷载气动导; 纳函数的表达式,并针对公式中的具体参数进行了拟合。采用该表达式对一栋实际高层建筑的顺风向风致动态响应进行计算,并与其模型的试验结果进行对比。结果; 表明:高层建筑顺风向荷载的气动导纳曲线沿高度变化不大,但与其截面形状关系较大,曲线整体呈指数分布,当折减频率小于0.1时,气动导纳数值均接近于1; .0。算例结果表明,采用所建议的气动导纳拟合式计算出的风致响应结果与风洞试验计算结果较为吻合,误差在10%以内。Along-wind fluctuating loads on tall buildings are usually obtained by; power spectra and coherence functions of inflow wind velocity based on; the quasi steady theory. In this process, the aerodynamic admittance of; along-wind loads plays an important role. Ten tall building models with; different section shapes were tested using simultaneous pressure; measuring technique in a wind tunnel. According to the test data, the; power spectra and aerodynamic admittances of along-wind loads on every; layer in the terrain category B and D were analyzed in detail and the; fitting formula of the aerodynamic admittances was proposed. Parameters; in this formula were given accordingly. The wind-induced responses of an; actual high-rise building were calculated by the formula given here and; random vibration method based on wind tunnel test data respectively. The; results show that the aerodynamic admittances of along-wind loads on; different height of the same tall building have little discrepancy and; vary with the section shapes. All of the aerodynamic admittances satisfy; the exponential law and approach 1.0 when the reduced frequency is less; than 0.1. The response using present aerodynamic admittance agrees well; with one from the wind tunnel experiment and the error is less than 10%.国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项

    Assessment of wind-induced fatigue crack initiation life at guyed mast earplate joints considering welding residual stresses

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    A new method for assessing the degree of the cumulative fatigue crack initiation damage of the welds of earplate joints of a guyed mast,which connect the mast with the cable,is proposed.Based on the multi-scale wind-induced stress analysis of the earplate joint,and considering the welding residual stresses at the earplate joints,the critical plane approach is used for the calculation of the cumulative strain fatigue damage due to combined actions of the welding residual stresses and wind load.The multi-axis fatigue accumulative damages of the welds of earplate joints in different wind orientations and at different wind average velocities are then evaluated on basis of Mason-coffin formula and Miner fatigue accumulative damage rule.The crack germination life is also calculated from the total damage


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