3,245 research outputs found

    Modeling analysis and optimization of energy computation in 4G mobile communication

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    第四代移动通信技术(4G)可提供高速的数据传输能力,大大推动以智能手机为代表的移动终端应用。但由于4G协议的通信能效较低,给智能手机的续航能力带来挑战,并成为移动应用发展的阻碍。因此,通过提供准确的通信能耗分析,提出可行的能耗优化方案,对改善4G网络通信能耗效率具有重大意义。本论文设计了一种基于RRC状态机的能耗估测模型,能够有效地分析4G网络数据传输的能量使用状况。通过比较4G与3G和WIFI网络的传输能耗差异,分析能耗估测模型测量结果,设计了提高4G协议的通信能耗效率的方案。主要工作包括: (1)介绍4G协议中数据传输的能耗问题的相关研究工作,对现有的能耗优化策略进行分类,并讨论它们的优...The fourth-generation mobile communication technology (4G) provides high speed data transmission capabilities which promote the development of mobile devices such as smartphones. However, the low energy efficiency of 4G communication often results in a short battery life of smartphone which hinders the development of mobile applications. It is important to analyze the energy consumption of 4G comm...学位:工学硕士院系专业:航空航天学院_系统工程学号:2322014115333

    Analysis of traction elevator energy consumption and energy saving

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    伴随着城镇建设,高楼大厦不断涌现,电梯数量急剧增加,电梯能耗越来越受到公众的关注。目前,电梯能效测试方法与评定标准的研究还处于探索阶段。能耗的影响因素分析不深入,电梯能耗的算法不精准,能效测量及评价的方法和标准不统一。至今还未出台有关电梯能耗的检测方法和能效评定的国家标准。我国也出台了相关规定和政策,鼓励电梯节能技术的研究、开发、推广。因此建立一套合理、科学的电梯能耗检测方法和能效评定标准成为目前函待解决的问题之一。 本文结合曳引式电梯工作原理,研究了曳引形式、驱动方式、平衡系数、速度、加速度、行程、载荷等参数对曳引电梯能耗的影响及程度,对比分析了国内外曳引式电梯采用的各种能效评价指标、能耗...With the construction of urban high-rise buildings, high-rise buildings continue to emerge, the number of elevators increases dramatically, development and promotion. At present, the research of elevator energy efficiency testing method and evaluation standard is still in the exploratory stage. The analysis of the influencing factors of energy consumption is not in-depth, the algorithm of elevator...学位:工程硕士院系专业:航空航天学院_工程硕士(控制工程)学号:X200922302


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    为提升内蒙古西部农牧区被动式住宅室内热环境、降低采暖能耗,对具当地被动式住宅进行调研,选取了影响冬季采暖能耗的因素并进行了量化。采用能耗模拟分析软件De ST-h和正交实验的方法研究了住宅朝向、南向窗墙比、北向窗墙比、透明围护结构材质、保温层厚度、非透明围护结构材质、附加阳光间进深等7个主要因素。通过对18种组合方案的分析,以采暖能耗为评价指标得出优选组合方式。最后建立了内蒙古西部农牧区被动式住宅采暖能耗预测模型,为农牧区被动式住宅设计提供参考。研究结果能提升农牧区被动式住宅的节能设计水平。国家自然科学基金(51668051、51768053);;内蒙古自然科学基金(2016MS0516、2017MS(LH)0532);;西部绿色建筑国家重点实验培育基地开放研究基金(LSKF201803)资

    Design and Implementation of Oil and Gas Pipeline Energy Consumption Forecast System Based on SCADA System

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    随着我国油气管道事业的快速发展,原油、成品油、天然气管道局部已形成管网并形成集中调控,我国陆上长输油气管道总里程将近13万公里,笔者所在的工作单位北京油气调控中心承担着中国80%的油气管道的调控运行,但管道运行能耗处于较高水平,管道运行管理水平处于较低水平,国内油气管网优化运行技术较国外还存在较大差距,加之近期国际油价持续大跌,中石油等能源企业迫切需要降本增效和开源节流,通过技术手段节能降耗成为关注焦点。再者传统的个人经验式管理已无法满足日益增长的管理难度需要,为解决这一矛盾,需要引入国外油气管道调度运行的先进经验,利用相应的工具软件来固化管理经验,提高管理效率并达到节能降耗的目的。 寻求先...As the rapid development of oil and gas pipeline business in China, part of crude oil, refined oil, natural gas pipeline has been formed centralized controlled network. However, the energy consumption of pipeline operation is still at relatively high level, the operation and management of pipeline is still at lower level. There is still a large gap between domestic oil and gas pipeline optimiza...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323142

    The meaning of zero carbon buildings for construction innovation and environmental design

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    近年世界各地都積極發展「零碳/低碳」建築,以達到節能減排及提高環保意識之目的。因為建築物是溫室氣體和碳排放的主要來源,所以未來建築節能和減碳排放成為大勢所趨。本論文深入剖析零碳建築的定義和相關概念,並且闡述了零碳建築的設計策略及意義,同時從建築和工程設計的觀點上,探討如何促進零碳建築的技術,以及在香港的發展情況。In recent years many countries in the world are developing zero-carbon/low-carbon buildings in order to achieve carbon emission reduction and improve the awareness of environmental design. Since the building sector is the major contributor of greenhouse gas and carbon emissions, therefore energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction in buildings have become an important trend for the future. This research paper investigates critically the meaning of zero carbon buildings and its related concepts. It also explains the design strategy and implications of zero carbon buildings. From the viewpoints of architectural and engineering design, the method to promote the technologies of zero carbon building is discussed and the current situation in Hong Kong is described.postprin

    Design and Implementation of Energy Management System for Residential District

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    近些年来,为了实现对住宅小区内能源的智能化控制,住宅小区能源管理系统已经成为研究的热点问题。国内外的部分大型公司已经提出了它们的相关设计产品,并在部分地方进行试点。然而,在我国小区智能化进程中,由于受到大部分城区能源网络比较老化的限制,全面推广小区智能化遇到了诸如能源网络改造工程大、时间久、成本高等问题。本文是针对我国旧式小区能源网络而提出的一款住宅小区能源管理系统(HEMS),在不需要对现有的能源网络进行大幅度改造的前提下,实现住宅内能源使用的远程管控。 本课题主要是结合住宅小区能源管理的相关需求并实地进行调研,根据软件开发理论和项目管理理论进行了设计,本文基于Myeclipse平台,结合...In recent years, in order to realize the intelligent control of the residential district, the energy management system has become a hot issue. Some domestic and foreign Large Firm have proposed their related design products, and in some places to carry out pilot. However, in the process of community intelligence, due to the limitation of the aging of the energy network in most of the city, the com...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323217

    Embodied energy and carbon emissions transferred in international trade using a MRIO model

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    随着全球生产链的形成以及生产与消费活动的跨国界分隔,国际贸易的快速发展对各国的能源消耗和碳排放会产生重要影响。本文运用MRIO模型测算了1995; -2009年国际贸易中的隐含能源和碳排放。结果表明:①研究期间中国除燃气和新能源外均属于隐含能源净出口国,生产侧排放增加远超过消费侧排放增加,且; 前者增加的40%是为了满足国外需求,而消费侧排放增加仅16%来源于进口的增加;②研究期间主要发达经济体生产侧能耗和碳排放几乎没有变化,但消费侧能; 耗和碳排放却在逐渐增加,属于隐含能源和碳排放净进口国;新兴经济体的生产侧和消费侧能耗分别增加了81.7%和81.3%,且发达经济体消费引致的新兴; 经济体隐含能源和碳排放远大于后者消费引致的前者隐含能源和碳排放;③主要发达经济体的人均消费侧能耗和碳排放都远高于新兴经济体,而中国的人均消费侧能; 耗和碳排放水平都较低。With the formation of global production chains as well as cross- border; separated in production and consumption in the world, the rapid; development of international trade has an important impact on both; embodied energy and transfer emissions of trade. We estimated the; different energy consumption and emissions embodied in international; trade in 1995-2009 with the MRIO model. The results showed that:(1)China; belongs to a net exporter of embodied energy in international trade; except for new energy sources and gas during the study period; increase; of production-based emissions far exceeds the consumption-based; emissions in China, and 40% of the former is satisfied by the demands of; foreign countries, then only 16% of consumption- based emissions; increase is derived from the increase of imports;(2)The production-based; energy and carbon emissions of the major developed economies were almost; unchanged during the study period, but the consumption- based energy and; carbon emissions were gradually increasing, then they were net importers; of embodied energy and emissions in international trade; the; productionbased and consumption- based energy of emerging economies; increased by 81.7% and 81.3% respectively, and the embodied energy and; emissions of developed economies transferred into emerging economies is; much greater than the embodied energy and emissions of emerging; economies transferred into developed economies;(3)The per capita; consumption-based embodied energy and emissions in developed economies; are much higher than in emerging economies; while the per capita; embodied energy and emissions are in a low level in China.国家社科基金重大项目; 国家自科基金面上项目; 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资

    Campus Building Energy-Saving Design and Realization of Supervision Platform

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    我国城镇化、工业化发展中,国家机关、企事业单位的办公建筑和社会大型公共建筑的耗能高现象日益突出。大学是最前沿理念的发源地,是新技术的孵化之地,是育人之地,在大学开展节能监管平台意义重大。把能耗、水耗各项节能、产能指标搞清楚,在此基础上,让建筑按节能、产能标准和节约型方式进行建造,让节能平台建设与学校各学科的设置和科研发展更加高度结合。使数字化、智能化管理融进学校的建筑节能监控平台。从而,让校园建筑节能监控平台的建设为学校建筑环境能耗、水耗、光电、光热等产能的检测平台提供科学依据。 本文拟就对校园建筑节能监管平台的设计与实现进行探讨研究。其主要内容包括两部分: 首先,论述了建立以现代网络技术...In The Development of China's Urbanization, Industrialization, State Organs, Enterprises and Institutions of Office Buildings and Large Public Buildings Energy Consumption High Social Phenomenon is Increasingly Prominent, University Buildings and Massive Public Buildings is Becoming Worse and Worse. University is Asource Cultivating New Ideas and New Technologies. It is Meaningful to Develop an En...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323029

    Research on Energy Efficiency Optimization Algorithm for Copper Flash Smelting Process Based on Data-driven

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    铜闪速熔炼工序具有多变量、非线性、大时滞、强耦合、生产波动大的特点,传统的基于机理模型的优化控制系统很难适应多变的运行条件,预测结果偏差较大,影响最终的控制效果。随着计算机技术的发展,复杂工业过程中积累了大量生产数据,为我们从人工智能的角度进行建模与优化控制提供了数据基础。 本论文以某大型闪速炼铜企业的闪速熔炼生产过程为研究对象。为了实现铜闪速熔炼工序中的节能减耗,本文提出了一种满足三大工艺指标(冰铜品位,冰铜温度,渣中铁硅比)约束的能效优化模型:首先,我们用最小二乘支持向量机对历史数据进行训练得到三大指标预测模型;然后,我们给出优化数学模型并以三大工艺指标为约束,用改进的粒子群优化算法对能...The characteristics of the copper flash smelting process include: multiple variable, nonlinearity, strong coupling, long delay and large fluctuations. With the development of computer technology and industrial automation, the complex industrial process has produced a large number of production data, which contains rich information for the mining of their patterns. In order to improve energy effi...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:2432013115244

    Explorations in Makespan and Energy- Consumption-Oriented Multi-Objective Workflow Scheduling Algorithms

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    在传统的多处理器调度系统当中,应用程序所追求的主要目标是该应用程序 的完成时间尽可能的少。然而近些年来,应用程序在执行过程中所消耗的能量越 来越引起人们的广泛关注。因此,在现代多处理器调度系统当中,以应用程序的 完成时间和能量消耗为目标多目标工作流调度问题就成为调度领域的热点前沿 问题。动态电压缩放技术(DynamicVoltageScaling,DVS)作为人们研究调度算法 的有效技术之一,更是受到人们越来越多的关注。DVS技术支持动态调节处理器 的电压等级值,这就为在应用程序的完成时间和能量消耗之间取得较好的平衡提 供了技术支持。因此,在本课题中,我们所研究的主要问题:如何将...Energy consumption has recently become a major concern to multiprocessor systems, of which the primary performance goal has traditionally been reducing execution time of applications. In the context of scheduling, there have been increasing research interests on algorithms using Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS), which allows processors to operate at lower...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_计算机科学与技术学号:2302012115294