17,706 research outputs found

    Property Taxation in the People\u27s Republic of China

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    A property tax is a general tax imposed on all property owners based on the value of their properties. Property taxation is common throughout the world due to its numerous advantages. It is regarded as a steady source of local government revenue. The property taxation system in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is still developing and does not include important features that would make it efficient. For instance, residential property is excluded from the tax base. This has contributed to real estate speculation, income disparity, and revenue losses. A well-functioning local property tax system in the PRC would provide an efficient, equitable and sustainable way to finance local development and government spending. By helping to align expenditure responsibilities with revenue allocations at the local level, property taxation could reduce inequality in the provision of public goods and foster local government ability to provide them. Further, it will reduce the incentive for speculative behavior mitigating housing bubbles. To further develop property taxation in the PRC it is recommended to gradually strengthen and expand the existing pilots, supported by clear principles on the delegation of taxation responsibilities, the definition of a nationally standardized tax base, an affordable tax rate, and enhanced local government capacity

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    An Empirical study of Non-performing Corporate Loan Ratio of state-controlled Commercial Banks-- A Comparative Industry Analysis of B Branch's Corporate Loans

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    根据中国银行业监督管理委员会2016年初发布的数据,至2015年四季度末,我国商业银行不良率已连续10个季度上升、不良贷款余额已连续16个季度增加,商业银行信贷资产质量管理面临前所未有的压力。2016年随着供给侧结构性改革的推进,实体经济在去产能、去库存、去杠杆的过程中,商业银行信贷资产质量管控压力进一步增大。在这一背景下,对国有控股银行不良贷款影响因素的研究具有现实意义。 首先,通过国内外学者关于不良率影响因素理论研究、法人和零售贷款的比较分析,明确本文以法人贷款为研究对象,再从A市某国有控股银行B分行的实务出发,选取最具代表性的批发零售业、制造业和房地产业为法人贷款的比较行业。其次,构建...According to data released by the China Banking Regulatory Commission, by the end of the fourth quarter of 2015, the ratio of non-performing loans to total gross loans(“non-performing loan ratio”) and non-performing loan balance of China's commercial banks has been increasing for 10 and 16 consecutive quarters respectively. China’s commercial banks are facing unprecedented pressure of loan qualit...学位:金融硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融硕士学号:1562014115208

    Design and Implementation of Financial IC Card Application for Indemnificatory Housing in Smart City

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    住房是目前社会广大群众重点关心的问题之一,也是比较现实的、关系到广大群众最贴近实际的问题。随着经济的不断发展,房价的不断的变化,呈现调整趋势,住房保障中的人民群众住房需求和实际保障住房的供应不匹配,人们对该领域的需求也越来越旺盛。建立完善的住房保障体系,改善中低收入家庭的居住条件,是构建社会主义和谐社会、维护社会稳定的重要方面。将金融IC卡应用到保障性住房建设中,为住户提供一站式金融服务,可以极大促进和健全保障性住房的建设和管理,是构造保障性住房数字化管理平台、建设智慧城市不可或缺的方面。 本文阐述了保障性住房金融IC卡设计、数据传输标准、信息平台主要业务功能和流程管理及保障性住房管理信息系...Housing is one of the most concerned factors directly affecting people's life and work. As the house prices have been raising, the demands of residents for housing are increasingly urgent. A sound housing security system is the basic way for the government to solve housing problem of low and medium income families, which could play an important role in maintaining social stability. To provide a on...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323131

    Design and Implementation of Application System on Actual Population Basic Information Sharing in Yunnan Province

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    人口信息是人类社会宝贵的基础资源,属于社会信息中最核心、最重要的基础信息,是国家制定和实施决策的重要依据,是指导经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设的关键要素。人口信息具有信息量大、增长快速、变更频繁、存放分散等特点。人口信息的现代化管理,是有效整合提升政府服务和公共管理能力,建设服务型政府的内在要求,是全社会发展和文明进步的标志之一。 本文对云南省政府各部门人口管理现状及共享需求进行了深入分析,阐明了项目研发过程中存在的困难和问题,确定了研究思路。通过实有人口基础信息共享应用系统的建设,实现各政府部门之间的互联互通、数据共享和业务协同,提高全省人口信息资源的开发利用和共享水...Population information is the basic resource, which is valuable and most important. Help government to implement decisions, guide economic construction political construction, cultural construction and etc.With the characteristics of large amount of information, rapid growth, frequent changes, decentralized storage and so on.Themodernized management of population information is able to effectively...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323133

    Design and Implementation of Urban Housing Security Identification Management System

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    随着我国经济不断发展和商品房制度改革,我国城镇化水平不断提高,房地产市场得到快速发展,每年各类新增房屋规模和数量非常巨大。在这一背景下,不论是新增房屋还是存量房屋的城市房屋安全质量问题正成为城市居民和房地产行政管理主管部门日益关注的重要问题之一。 房屋安全鉴定工作是房地产行政主管部门管理工作的重要组成部分,使用传统人工作业的方式往往难以满足日常房屋安全鉴定各项工作。进入21世纪,随着计算机科学技术、信息化技术和互联网技术浪潮席卷而来,随着信息化、网络化技术日益进步和拓展,在机关事业单位和企业实际业务运营中,引进现代化的管理信息系统正成为各企事业政府机关单位的常态化工作模式,因此急需在传统房屋...Housing safety assessment is an important part of the real estate administrative departments in charge of management, the use of traditional manual work is often difficult to meet the daily housing safety appraisal work. In twenty-first Century, with the development of computer science and technology, information technology and Internet technology, with the development of information technology an...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323095

    嶺暉 (第112期)

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    Business Model of Real Estate in China:A case study based on Forte Group

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    房地产行业对于我国国民经济发展的重要程度不言而喻,不仅关系到我国经济、社会发展的方方面面,同时也与人们的生活水平息息相关。在近三十年的发展过程中,房地产行业经历了由发展初期到爆发式增长,而后逐渐回归理性的发展历程,也成为了改革开放以来市场环境变化的一个缩影。作为国民经济的重要组成部分,房地产行业受到来自于宏观经济、政策环境的显著影响,而作为市场经济的先行者,其同样需要经受市场环境的严峻考验。 改革开放及城镇化进程的逐步实施为房地产企业带来了前所未有的发展契机,爆发式的增长造就了一批行业龙头,财富快速积累。然而,在房地产企业爆发式增长的背后则是不断凸显的经济社会矛盾,随之而来的便是国家对于房地...It is no doubt to say that the real estate industry plays an increasingly significant role in the economy of China, and now has become prominent in our economic development, even closely bound up with people’s living standard. In recent 30 years, the real estate industry has experienced from the initial developing period to explosive growth period, and then gradually returned to rational growth. I...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201315637

    Design and Implementation of Intelligent Wireless Internet Access System

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    随着互联网的高速发展以及智能终端(手机,PDA,iPad)的越来越流行,某政府需要建立智慧城市。智慧城市是以互联网、物联网、电信网、广电网、无线宽带网等网络组合为基础,通过深入推进基础性建设和各类信息资源及其应用型信息系统的开发利用,以智慧技术、智慧产业、智慧人文、智慧服务、智慧管理、智慧生活等为重要内容的城市发展新模式。以自我办公政府大院为先行,进行智慧大院试点。如何利用WIFI网络,提供一些增值亮点,收集和挖掘有用的数据信息,为各管理部门提供决策数据,是迫切需要考虑的一个现实问题。 智慧无线上网系统,基于B/S模式的智慧上网功能的实现,采用的是PHP+MySQL模式的入口型平台。利用统一...With the Internet's rapid development and intelligent terminal (mobile phone, PDA, iPad) is becoming more and more popular, the government need to build smart cities. Smart city is combined with the Internet, networking, telecommunications network, radio and television network, wireless broadband network network based, through to further promote the foundation construction and all kinds of informa...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323170

    Design and Implementation of Residential Property Management Information System

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    随着社会的进步及互联网信息化的发展,信息化管理已成为现代小区物业管理公司的迫切需求。目前,很多企业都运用计算机信息化系统来进行生产管理,从而提高工作效率和服务满意度。因此,根据信息化技术的发展需求,物业管理信息化建设需做好理性规划和实施,避免脱离实际,造成资金浪费。 本文主要介绍了小区物业管理信息系统的设计与开发过程,从基础应用、需求分析、系统设计、架构实现等方面对系统采用的关键技术进行了详细的介绍。其中,需求分析主要详细介绍了物业管理这一领域的业务需求模型及业务流程;系统设计和架构实现采用基于.NET及MVC(Model-View-Controller)的软件设计模式,以三层分层结构为设计...With the progress of society and the development of internet informatization, information management has become the urgent need for the modern residential property management company. At present, many companies handle production management by using the computer information system to improve work efficiency and service satisfaction. Therefore, according to the development requirements of informatio...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323193