557 research outputs found

    Study on the contamination and source of chromium in the sea worm jelly in Xiamen

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    目的了解厦门市市售土笋冻中铬的污染状况,探讨土笋冻中铬的污染来源及预防措施。方法 2012—2014年在厦门市各采样点随机抽取土笋冻样品81份,虫体样品9份,从宁德地区滩涂海域采集可口革囊星虫、淤泥、海水等环境样品6份,依照GB/T 5009.123—2003《食品中铬的测定》中推荐的石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定样品中铬的含量。结果 81份土笋冻样品中铬含量范围在0.024~17.6 mg/kg之间,平均值为2.17 mg/kg,中位数为1.33 mg/kg,超标率为42.0%(34/81)。添加明胶加工后导致土笋冻中铬含量从1.33 mg/kg升至5.35 mg/kg。从宁德地区滩涂海域采集的星虫、淤泥、海水样品中铬的含量范围分别为2.67~2.70、68.5~77.9和0.038~0.046 mg/kg。结论厦门市市售土笋冻样品中铬的污染情况较为严重,监管部门须加强对土笋冻的原料、加工、销售过程的监控,保证食品安全。Objective To investigate the chromium contamination of sea worm jelly in Xiamen market and to propose the preventive measures against chromium contamination of sea worm jelly based on analysis of the source.Methods A total of 81 samples of sea worm jelly and 9 samples of polypide were collected in Xiamen market from 2012-2014 and 6 samples of Phascolosoma esculenta,silt and seawater were collected from Ningde.The concentrations of Cr in the samples were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry according to GB/T 5009.123-2003.Results The chromium content of 81 samples were 0.024-17.6 mg/kg,the average content was 2.17 mg/kg,and the median was 1.33 mg/kg.The qualified rate was 58.0%.The concentration of Cr in sea worm jelly was changed from 1.33 to 5.35 mg/kg after adding gelatin.The contents of Cr in the Phascolosoma esculenta,silt and seawater from Ningde area were 2.67-2.70,68.5-77.9,0.038-0.046 mg/kg,respectively.Conclusion The chromium contamination in the sea worm jelly was severely in Xiamen.Supervision and monitoring on the raw materials,production,sales of the sea worm jelly should be strengthened to ensure food safety.福建省卫生计生系统食品污染物及有害因素监测方案(闽卫法监函[2014]128号

    Role of tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2 in the expressions of matrix metallopro- teinases in keratocytes in vitro

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    AIM:To elucidate the relation between tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2(TFPI-2)expression and the expression of matrix metalloproteinases(MMPs)in keratocytes. METHODS: Primary culture and subculture of rabbit keratocytes were established in vitro. Plasmid vector pBos-Cite-neo/TFPI-2 was transfected into keratocytes with Lipofectamine 2000. After being selected by G418, three groups of cells including TFPI-2 gene transfected cells K-TFPI-2, empty vector transfected cells K-V and non-transfected cells K-P were screened for TFPI-2 mRNA and protein by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and Western blot analysis, respectively. The activity of MMPs in the three groups of cells was detected by substrate zymography and compared by ANOVA. RESULTS: Expression of mRNA and protein of TFPI-2 was more in the cells of K-TFPI-2 than in the other cells of K-P and K-V with a significant difference(mRNA:0.79±0.02 vs 0.51±0.03 and 0.48±0.02, P=0.000 and P=0.000; Protein:24.5±0.8 vs 15.5±0.5 and 14.9±0.9,P=0.000 and P=0.000). Compared with the two groups of K-P and K-V, the cells of K-TFPI-2 had a significant decreased activity of MMP1(12.3±0.7 vs 16.7±1.2 and 15.9±0.7, P=0.001 and P=0.003)and MMP2(15.4±1.3 vs 18.2±1.1 and 17.8±1.1, P=0.027 and P=0.046). CONCLUSION: It is suggested that the expression of TFPI-2 may strongly inhibit the activity of MMPs in keratocytes in vitro, which provides an experimental basis for curing CNV with gene therapy


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    为认识我国淡水鱼类烂鳃病的病原以及柱形病在我国的发生情况,实验从发生烂鳃病的病鱼中分离细菌性病原,经过生理生化特性分析以及是否在含托普霉素的Shieh培养基中生长并形成黄色假根状菌落,是否产生降解明胶和硫酸软骨素的酶类等特性的鉴定,并结合16SrDNA序列分析,证实柱状黄杆菌(Flavobacterium columnare)是所分离的烂鳃病的病原。同时,研究也证实20世纪曾经命名为烂鳃(Gill-rot)病病原的鱼害黏球菌(Myxococcus piscicola Lu,Nie & Ko,1975)是

    The effects of axon guidance factor Slit3 on metastasis of human fibrosarcoma

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    我们通过在纤维肉瘤细胞HT1080过表达Slit3基因,分析Slit3对肿瘤细胞侵袭转移作用.Transwell侵袭实验中,Slit3过表达后抑制HT1080的迁移侵袭,在裸鼠皮下成瘤实验中,肿瘤体积明显变小、重量明显降低,Slit3过表达后抑制HT1080肿瘤细胞的侵袭转移。此外肿瘤切片HE染色后发现GFP组有病灶点,而slit3过表达则少见,这个结果说明,Slit3显著抑制HT1080细胞转移。slit3过表达后MMP2,MMP9的表达明显降低,而MMP3,MMP13表达量上调。使用MAPK及AKT的抑制剂处理HT1080细胞后与对照组(加DMSO)相比,发现P38抑制剂显著抑制MMP2,...Through the construction of Slit3 overexpression in HT1080 Fibrosarcoma cells, we analyzed the impacts of Slit3 on cell migration, the result of transwell experiment with matrigel shows that Slit3 significantly inhibits HT1080 migration in vitro. In vivo experiment with nude mice injecton of Slit3 overexpression in HT1080 cells shows the tumor volume decreased significantly, and the weight is decr...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_细胞生物学学号:2162012115241

    Malignancy-associated metabolic profiling of human glioma cell lines using 1H NMR spectroscopy

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    胶质瘤恶性转化的原因和机制不明,给临床诊疗带来极大困难。越来越多的研究表明肿瘤恶性转化与细胞代谢紊乱密切相关,但胶质瘤恶性转化相关的细胞代谢特点目前尚不清楚。因此,探寻不同恶性程度胶质瘤细胞的代谢轮廓,将有助于开发监测胶质瘤恶性进展的非入侵式生物标志物和靶向代谢通路的治疗策略。本研究收集5种不同病理级别瘤组织来源的人脑胶质瘤细胞系(CHG5/SHG44/U118/U87/U251),其中CHG5和SHG44为WHOII级来源;U118,U87和U251为WHOIV级来源。体外培养后,首先通过侵袭能力(MMP-9)、分化水平(GFAP)等指标评价5种胶质瘤细胞的恶性特性。同时采用基于NMR技术的...Ambiguity in malignant transformation of glioma has made prognostic diagnosis very challenging. Exploration of the underlying metabolic alterations in glioma cells of different malignant degree is therefore vital to develop metabolic biomarkers for prognosis monitoring. We conducted 1 H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based metabolic analysis on cell lines (CHG5,SHG44, U87, U118, U251) developed ...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院_化学生物学学号:201317000

    Gelatin-siloxane scaffolds for bone tissue engineering

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    有机-无机杂化材料具有良好的生物相容性、细胞相容性、骨传导性、骨诱导性以及合适的三维结构,因此可用于骨组织工程支架材料。本文首先采用溶胶-凝胶及冻干法法制备了载有释药微球的明胶-硅氧烷多孔材料;在此基础上,进一步探讨了分别以盐酸、甲酸为溶剂的情况下,溶胶-凝胶法得到明胶-硅氧烷复合材料的机制;另外,本文还使用电纺丝法制备得到了明胶-硅氧烷纳米纤维仿生支架材料。取得的主要成果有: 1.用沉淀法制备得到载硫酸庆大霉素的明胶-硅氧烷微球,并通过溶胶-凝胶、溶胀、冷冻干燥等方法,制备得到了具有良好抗菌性及细胞相容性的复合载药微球的明胶-硅氧烷多孔支架材料。 2.以明胶、GPSM与0.1MHCl作为...Tissue engineering, an emerging multidisciplinary field to revolutionize the ways we improve the health and quality of life for people, promises the regrowth of adult tissue structure through the application of engineered cells and synthetic material. The scaffold used in tissue engineering provides the necessary support for cells to proliferate and maintain their differentiated function, and its ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:材料学院生物材料系_☆生物医学工程学号:2402005130255

    Chinese on the Internet: Wikipedia and the Chinese Language

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    (Translation: Philip Flavin) Session statement 3: Diverse aspects of translation: Buddhism, Islam, and Wikipedi