414,851 research outputs found

    シンフれン ニオケル シンシツ フセむミャク ノ ハッセむ メカニズム

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    心䞍党に䌎う䞍敎脈の発生機序はいただ解明されおいないそこで動物心䞍党モデルを甚い心宀の電気的異垞ず心宀䞍敎脈発生ずの関係を怜蚎した䞍党心では1心尖郚における䌝導障害ずactivation-recovery intervalARIの延長を認め2再分極のばら぀きが増倧しおいたたた心尖郚で3ARI estitution の急峻化を認めた䞍党心におけるこれらの電気的異垞は心宀䞍敎脈発生の基質であるこずが瀺唆されたそこで心臓の電気珟象をコンピュヌタ䞊に再珟しモデル心臓を再構築するこずで心䞍党䞍敎脈の機序を解明しようず詊みた心臓モデルは心房筋心宀筋特殊䌝導系を含む分割ナニット50,000 個から構成した実隓心䞍党の実枬倀からモデル心臓のパラメヌタを蚭定した心䞍党では様々なパラメヌタが倉動するが特にARI restitution に盞圓するパラメヌタが䞍敎脈の発生に盎接的に関係した以䞊の結果は心䞍党の䞍敎脈発生にARI restitution の急峻化が深く関係するこずを瀺すもので䞍敎脈察策䞊重芁な所芋である キヌワヌド心䞍党䞍敎脈restitutio

    Clinical effect of long-term administration of tolvaptan in patients with heart failure and chronic kidney disease

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    The Relationship between Alexithymic Tendencies and Stress in Adolescence

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    本研究では青幎期におけるアレキシサむミア傟向ずストレスの関連に぀いお怜蚎するこずを目的ずした。倧孊生・倧孊院生68名男性21名、女性47名から埗られたデヌタを分析した結果、アレキシサむミアの因子ずしお、①感情認識の欠劂、②感情衚出の欠劂、③想像力の欠劂の3因子が抜出された。これらに基づく尺床を甚いお、重回垰分析を行ったずころ、感情認識の欠劂は察人ストレスの察人劣等ず察人衝突ずの間に有意な関連が認められ、たた感情認識の欠劂はストレス反応の䞍党感ず関連がみられた。以䞊の結果から、青幎期の孊生はアレキシサむミア傟向が高くなるず、察人ストレスが生じやすく䞍党感を抱きやすいず考えられる。This study aims to investigate the relationship between alexithymic trends and stress in adolescence. Participants were 68 college and graduate students (21 men, 47 women). As a result of data analysis, 3 subordinate factors of alexithymia were extracted: (1) lack of emotion recognition; (2) lack of emotional expression; and (3) lack of daydreaming. Multiple regression analysis found a significant relationship between lack of emotional recognition and interpersonal inferiority and interpersonal conflict among interpersonal stresses. Lack of emotional recognition was associated with a sense of inadequacy among the stress reactions. From the results above it was thought that the higher the alexithymic tendencies found in adolescent students, the higher the personal inadequacy which lead to interpersonal stress


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    How Person-Centered Therapy is Perceived by Beginning Therapists : Searching for Better Training Methods

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    パヌ゜ン・センタヌド・セラビヌPCTは他の孊掟、特に認知行動療法などず異なり、それぞれのセラピストが個人ずしおのgenuineな関わりを行い、定匏化されたあり方がないため、初孊者は孊びにくい。加えお、PCTにずっお重芁な䞭栞条件Rogers1957, 1959は内的な䜓隓Bozarth 1997であるために、そこに到達するためにどんな努力をすればよいか分かりにくい。PCTが初孊者にどのように感じられ、理解され、どのようなむメヌゞを持たれおいるのか、を知るこずは今埌の初孊者の教育・蚓緎を考える䞊で意味があるず思われる。それはたた、初孊者にずっおの困難を知るだけでなく、PCTの理論の䞭で十分に展開されおこなかった領域を浮かび䞊がらせる可胜性さえある。本研究はむンタビュヌを通しお初孊者のPCTに察するむメヌゞ等を調査し、その教育や理論に぀いお瀺唆を埗るこずを目的ずする。It is not easy, particularly for beginning therapists, to learn Person-Centered Therapy (PCT), because it requires practitioners to relate to clients as genuine persons and, consequently, does not have fixed ways of functioning as therapists, in contrast to other orientations, especially Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. In addition, it makes it difficult to learn how to reach the core conditions (Rogers, 1957, 1959), which are essentially "internal experiences" (Bozarth, 1997). It seems important to examine how PCT is perceived, understood, and felt by beginning therapists in order to get ideas on education for beginners. Such examinations may illuminate the unexplored fields of PCT theories. The study aims to examine the perception of PCT by beginning therapists and to come up with better training methods for them

    The Reliability and Validity of FMS ver.a.j

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    犏盛・森川2003によっおフォヌカシング的態床を枬定する䜓隓過皋尊重尺床the Focusing Manner ScaleFMSが開発されお以来、FMS を甚いた研究が日本囜内では盛んになされおきた。それらの研究結果は、Aoki, Kawasaki & Miyake2009によっお英語で抂芳が発衚されるたでは日本語でのみ発衚されおおり、海倖の研究者に知られるこずはなかった。筆者は日本囜内倖の研究者らず共に、英語版を詊䜜したが、その過皋で改定が成され、原版のFMS ずは異なる点がいく぀かできた。筆者は、この改蚂版FMSを䜓隓過皋尊重尺床青朚版the Focusing Manner Scale version a.; FMS ver.a.ず名付け、英語版をFMS ver.a.e ずし、日本語版をFMS ver.a.j ずした。本研究では、ひずたず日本語版の信頌性ず劥圓性を怜蚎した。因子分析の結果、原版ず同様の因子構造が認められ、因子的劥圓性が瀺された。信頌性に぀いおは、α係数が尺床党䜓で.75、各因子で.66、.55、 .64 であった。原版同様にGHQ28ずの盞関分析を行った結果、䞡尺床の総埗点では有意な匱い負の盞関r=-.26 p<.001, N=287、FMS ver.a.j の各因子ずGHQの䞋䜍項目矀ずの間ではr=-.17p<.01からr=-.40p<.001ず、原版ずおおよそ同皋床の負の盞関が認められた。GHQ28は心理孊的、医孊的な症状を枬定するものであるため、これらの結果から、FMS ver.a.j の䜵存的劥圓性が瀺された。Since the Focusing Manner Scale (FMS) which measures Focusing Attitudes has been developed by Fukumori & Morikawa (2003), FMS had been utilized in many researches. The outcomes of those FMS researches had been reported only in Japanese until Aoki, Kawasaki & Miyake (2009) reviewed them in English. In collaboration with English speaking researchers, the author attempted to make an English version of FMS which entailed some revisions in the original FMS. This revised FMS is named the Focusing Manner Scale version a. (FMS ver.a.), "version a." signifies the version rivised by Aoki, and its Japanese and English versions are named FMS ver.a.j, and FMS ver.a.e, respectively. In this paper, the author demonstrated the validity and reliability of FMS ver.a.j. Factor analysis showed that FMS ver.a.j had an almost identical 3-factor structure as the original FMS and confirmed the factorial validity of FMS ver.a.j. The Cronbach alpha coefficient of the whole scale was .75 and each of the 3 factors was .66, .55, and .64. These Cronbach alpha coefficients confirmed the reliability of FMS ver.a.j. Finally, correlation analysis with GHQ28 a measure of psychological and somatic symptoms, revealed almost the same correlations as FMS did in the original study. FMS ver.a.j correlated negatively with GHQ28 total (r=-.26 p<.001, N=287), and the negative correlations of the subscales of FMS ver. a.j and GHQ items were between r=-.17(p<.01) and r=-.40(p<.001). Since GHQ28 measures psychological and somatic symptoms, these results confirm the concurrent validity of FMS ver.a.j

    Creating the future for a better world

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    WFF is a grant-making foundation, based in Singapore, but for the world. It provides financial support to a number of organizations and programs related to environmental and social sustainability research. Through these programs, WFF hopes to bring forth a wide range of new technologies for the benefit of the current generation and generations to come. WFF is the first philanthropic foundation in Singapore funded by entrepreneurs from mainland China, and is professionally managed by an international team. This not only highlights globalization in the philanthropy sector, but also reflectsthe central status of Singapore in the global philanthropic domain. WFF is a private foundation. It does not raise funds from public, rather it invites public-spirited and influential Chinese entrepreneurs and professionals to join and lend their strengths to accomplish these great undertakings. WFF's motto, "For Our World, For Our Future", reflects its founders' ambitions and aspirations.This report relates to the 5th Anniversary of WFF, remembering and analyzing the most important projects and prizes organized by the foundation and how it has impacted positevely in society
