419,983 research outputs found

    Fitting mixed Erlang densities under Roughness Penalty

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    在统计学中,如何较好地拟合一组给定数据的密度函数并给出密度曲线的参数形式一直备受关注。尤其是实际问题中经常遇见的删失数据和多峰数据的拟合,不但要求密度曲线具有高度的灵活性,而且不能出现过度拟合现象,这就大大增加了拟合难度。其中,对于混合模型的研究越来越受到人们的重视,是因为混合模型是一种介于参数方法与非参数方法间的半参数模型,这种半参数模型的优越在于它既避免了参数模型对数据结构的拟合偏离问题又具有分布函数可知等非参数模型无法具备的拟合性质。继Tijims[2]给出证明,在弱收敛的意义下,具有相同尺度参数的混合Erlang模型可以无限逼近任意分布后,利用混合Erlang模型解决金融、保险等行业的...In statistics, the problem of how to give the density function of given data well by mathematical expression has drawn too much attention. Especially when it comes to the censored data or multi-mode data, the density curve needs not only be of high flexibility but also can get rid of overfit, which greatly increase the difficulty of fitting.Among them, the development of mixed model has received p...学位:理学硕士院系专业:数学科学学院_概率论与数理统计学号:1902014115262

    Research on Reservoir Prediction Automatic Optimization Model Based on Seismic Data

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    地震数据中蕴含着丰富的有关地下的地质构造、底层岩性和流体物性等信息,是储层预测的数据基础。但随着我国油气勘探开发的水平越来越高和勘探领域的不断延伸,地震属性数量和种类膨胀式增长,储层预测难度增大。数据挖掘是一种有效进行储层预测手段。本文基于数据挖掘中的特征降维方法和聚类分析构造了储层预测模型。 基于数据挖掘的储层预测模型在实际使用中经常需要人工设置参数。如果使用者不了解数据挖掘技术,设置参数是一个困难的事。储层预测模型参数选择的好坏对其预测结果有很大影响。储层预测模型一般会有多个参数,有的参数变化范围比较大,模型参数取值组合很多,人工寻找模型最佳参数很耗费时间。本文提出一个储层预测模型参数自...The seismic data contains abundant information of stratigraphic lithology, fluid physical properties and geological structure. The information about reservoir property and lithology which is effectively extracted from seismic data has very strong practicability. However, with the development of oil-gas exploration development in our country and the constant extension of exploration fields. The nu...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_计算机科学与技术学号:2432014115239

    Applications of Erlang Mixtures in Insurance

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    等尺度参数的Erlang混合分布具有很多良好的性质,广泛应用于保险精算数据中。对于混合分布的参数估计,最常用的方法是期望最大化(ExpectationMaximization,简写EM)算法。Erlang混合分布的形状参数限制为正整数,这使得形状参数的估计比较困难。在本文中我们对标准的EM算法进行修改,提出广义期望最大化(GeneralizedExpectation-Maximization,GEM)算法。在EM算法的M步中对形状参数的估计不是使相应的Q函数达到最大,而是调整形状参数保证Q函数的函数值增加即可。最后为了避免出现过拟合的问题,本文用BIC(BayesianInformationC...The class of Erlang mixtures with a common scale parameter has many desirable properties and it is widely used in insurance. A common method to estimate the parameters of mixture models is the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. The constrain that the shape parameters of an Erlang mixture must be positive integers makes the problem of estimation for shape parameters very difficult. In this th...学位:理学博士院系专业:数学科学学院_概率论与数理统计学号:1902013015416


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    Bezier Curves and Surfaces with Shape Parameter and Developable Surface Fitting to Point Clouds

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    本文针对以下三个方面的问题,作了一定的研究,得到了有意义的结果。 针对经典的Bezier曲线曲面在控制顶点给定,曲线曲面形状就唯一固定,缺乏进一步调整曲线曲面形状的能力这一情况,本文给出了一种带形状参数的Bezier曲线曲面。这种带形状参数的Bezier曲线曲面保留了经典Bezier曲线曲面的优良性质,并可以通过形状参数的取值变化来进一步调整曲线曲面的形状。形状参数具有直观明确的几何意义。 在参考文献[1]中给出了一种带n个形状参数的贝齐尔曲线以及带3n(n+1)/2个形状参数的三角贝齐尔曲面。在[1]中只给出了一些基本性质,本文进行了更深入的研究,得到了一些更深刻的性质,并给出证明。 ...This paper is arranged in the following three parts. When the control points are given, the shape of classical Bezier curve or surface is uniquely decided. For remedying this cases, the generalized Bezier curve and surface with shape parameter are given, which not only hold the excellent properties of classical Bezier curve or surface, but also can changing the shape of the curve or surf...学位:理学硕士院系专业:数学科学学院信息与计算数学系_计算数学学号:1912008115273

    Study on the Optimization of Internal Control and Camera Distortion Parameters Method Based on Matlab

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    为了提高相机标定结果的准确度,文中就相机内参和畸变参数的优化方法进行了研究。在建立准确的相机成像及标定模型基础上,根据模型参数估计的具体推导步骤,利用最大似然估计法对得到的参数进行结果优化,然后通过修改镜头畸变模型重新计算参数得到最终结果。实验证明,应用文中提出的流程求解相机内参和畸变参数,简单快速、准确度高且实用性强。Study on the optimization method of camera internal and distortion parameters is conducted in order to improve the accuracy of the results for camera calibration. On the basis of camera imaging and calibration model,we optimize the parameters by the method of maximum likelihood following the specific steps,and get the final result by recalculating parameters through the lens distortion model. Experiment results show that application of the proposed process to solve the camera internal and distortion parameters,simple and fast,with high accuracy and strong practicability

    Estimation in Partially Linear Spatial Lag Panel Model with Fixed Effects

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    本文构建了一类部分线性固定效应空间滞后面板模型,在此模型中,综合考虑了固定效应、参数自变量和非参数自变量的影响。基于截面拟极大似然估计方法对模型的参数部分和非参数部分进行了估计,并在个体数n和时期数T都很大的情况下,推导估计量的大样本表现。研究结果表明,在大样本条件下,估计量具有一致性,参数估计量满足渐近正态分布并且收敛速度为(nT)~(1/2)。We proposed a class of partially linear spatial lag panel model with fixed effects. The influence of fixed effect,parameter and nonparametric independent variables are considered synthetically in the model.The parametric and nonparametric parts of the model are estimated on the basis of the profile quasi-maximum likelihood estimation,and asymptotic properties for the estimators are deduced under the condition that the number of individuals and the number of periods are large. The results show that,under large sample conditions,the estimators are consistent and the parameter estimator satisfies the asymptotic normal distribution and the convergence rate is (nT)~(1/2).国家社会科学基金重大项目“资本存量核算的理论、方法研究与相关数据库建设”(15ZDB135)的阶段成


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    基于IMC(内模控制)框架,本文研究了具有随机不确定性时延的FOPDT(一阶时延)对象的最优IAE性能问题及其PID优化设计方法。这是传统的确定性优化方法无法解决的问题。首先,在IMC(内模控制)框架下,借用麦克劳林展开式和一阶泰勒近似,获得了内模控制器及其参数与PID控制器参数之间的关系式。从概率角度出发,通过求解实现IAE性能均值最优化的内模控制器及其参数,并利用上述关系,得到了相应的最优PID控制器参数整定规则,减少了传统参数整定方法的保守性。随机时延参数FOPDT对象的仿真,验证了本文所提出方法的有效性,并且表明:对于随机时延的FOPDT对象,与传统最优IAE PID整定方法如Murrill等(1967)、Smith等(1997)以及Madhuranthakam等(2008)方法相比,本文所整定PID控制器具有更好的IAE性能。福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2012J01288

    Tail Risk Premium Analysis Based on Hawkes Process——Evidence from Taiwan Market

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    本文从尾部风险溢酬的角度出发,发现利用Hawkes在1971年提出的Hawkes过程来刻画资产收益率的随机过程能够更好地估计尾部风险溢酬。在总结现有方法及其有效性的基础上,本文进一步改进Xu在2014年提出的扩展的ICAPM模型,并将其运用到台湾市场来估计风险中性测度下和现实测度下的台湾市场的形状参数、跳跃强度参数和尾部风险溢酬,在估计尾部风险溢酬时,本文将尾部风险溢酬分为正跳的尾部风险溢酬和负跳的尾部风险溢酬。 在对估计出的形状参数、跳跃强度参数和尾部风险溢酬进行统计研究时,本文发现无论是在风险中性测度下还是现实测度下,正跳的形状参数在大多数时间均大于负跳的形状参数;风险中性测度下的跳跃强...From the perspective of tail risk premium, this paper finds that making use of Hawkes Process raised by Hawkes (1971) to describe the random process of return on assets can better estimate tail risk premium. On the basis of summing up the existing methods and its effectiveness, the expanding ICAPM model proposed by Xu (2014) is improved and applied to Taiwan market to estimate the shape parameters...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融工程学号:1562014115203

    Study on Algorithms of Radar Signal Identification and Parameters Estimation

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    在现代军事电子侦察与电子对抗作战中,通过对截获到的雷达信号进行调制方式识别与参数估计,以识别的结果和具体参数值为依据,按照某种规则和算法及查询信号特征数据库,判断出发射该信号的敌方雷达平台的用途或类型,为我方制定作战预案提供参考,做到先发制敌,取得战场的主动权。 近年来出现的很多雷达信号调制方式识别算法中,神经网络理论与脉内分析算法应用较为广泛,但它们各自都有自己的不足,单一的方法无法满足日益复杂调制方式信号的识别与参数估计需要。本文将神经网络理论与脉内分析相结合应用于雷达信号的调制方式识别和参数估计中,重点围绕如何利用神经网络的自学习能力提升针对参数畸变、干扰严重的脉冲串的信号调制方式识别...Fighting in modern military electronic reconnaissance and electronic countermeasure, through to the identification and parameter estimation of the intercepted radar signal source, and on the basis of the results and specific parameter values, according to certain rules and algorithm and querying the emitter characteristics database, we can determine the purpose or type of radar signal from which e...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:2312013115311