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    This study aims to develop a scale of dynamic capabilities of targeted Taiwanese universities and understand how senior administrators perceive the strategic management practices of their affiliated universities in their quest for becoming WCUs. A three-stage data collection design, including a pilot study, personal interviews, and the main survey, was adopted in this study. Research participants were senior administrators in the 12 targeted Taiwanese universities. The collected data included qualitative and quantitative data; the former came from ten personal interviews, and the latter involved a pilot study (with a response rate of 53 percent) and the main survey (with a response rate of 49 percent). The findings of the quantitative data showed that universities had six dynamic capabilities for responding to external challenges. The more emphases on these six dynamic capabilities, the better performance a university has. The scale developed by this study was influenced by respondents’ backgrounds and institutional characteristics. In addition, the findings of the qualitative interviews showed that a university should pursue the goal of being a useful university, not a WCU; WCUs cannot escape the nature of a good university education—teaching and making social contributions; social responsibilities of universities, university- industry collaborations and university-government relationships can enhance the establishment of WCUs; the lack of a clear, specific positioning is a challenge for targeted Taiwanese universities; the Five-Year-50-Billion NT Dollars Budget Project has a labeling effect; universities should support the integration of resources; benchmarking and creating cross-discipline communities can help the pursuit of WCUs; professional leadership and organizational cohesion accelerate the pursuit of WCUs; global rankings as double-edged swords can either promote or impede the sustainability of university development; the Five-Year-50-Billion NT Dollars Budget Project deepens the gap between sciences and humanities; a primary challenge to university development is the lack of stable financial and human resources; internationalization is a necessary institutional mission but it is often impeded by financial issues; and the effectiveness of Flexible Merit Pay for faculty members is limited. This study also provides theoretical and practical implications for dynamic capabilities scale application, university strategic management, policy reform, and suggestions for further research


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    Management innovation is a research area which can contribute at the policy and strategic levels to innovate management models and principles. To initiate and implement a management innovation requires multiple capabilities. Entrepreneurship and leadership theories discuss various capabilities for innovation, however capabilities for management innovation are not defined, moreover capabilities discussed in these theories overlap. Understanding the capabilities can enable managers to implement a management innovation. The purpose of this article is to show capabilities to initiate and implement a management innovation using driving, developing and deploying framework, with empirical evidence from a large rail organisation in Australia


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    グローバル知識ネットワークのダイナミックス : トヨタ自動車と現代自動車の比較分析

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    学位の種別:課程博士University of Tokyo(東京大学

    [[alternative]]A study on the relationship between leader's dynamic capabilities and organizational dynamic capabilities

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    碩士[[abstract]]研究採質化研究,透過文獻歸納的方式,找出領導者動態能力與組織動態能力之關聯性及適配性。經由探討學者們對於動態能力研究相關文獻後,歸納出組織動態能力有三個主要要素,分別為「能力所有權」、「能力配置」及「能力提升」;再以五位企業領導者的案例,歸納出領導者動態能力三個主要要素,分別為「管理人力資本」、「管理社會資本」及「管理認知」,並且發展出九個命題。 研究結果發現,組織動態能力與領導者動態能力之關聯性如下: 一、能力提升與管理人力資本有正向關係 二、能力所有權與管理社會資本有正向關係 三、能力配置與管理認知有正向關係 從研究結果亦得知,組織動態能力的形成,與領導者動態能力有正向關係;亦即,企業中的領導者必需培養本身的動態能力,以提升組織的動態能力。且領導者動態能力皆以人為根本,無論是培養企業員工的能力,或是運用企業內、外部人員的能力或知識,結合領導者本身特有的管理認知,發揮企業以人為本的觀念,進而培養出領導者本身的動態能力,使組織能創造出本身的動態能力,因應外界不斷變化的環境,使組織更具競爭力。[[abstract]]The purpose of this research is to find out the relationships and fitness between the leaders’ dynamic capabilities and organizational dynamic capabilities. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach by inducing the related literatures. After reviewing the related literatures of dynamic capabilities, we induced three main elements of organizational dynamic capabilities: capability possession, capability deployment, and capability upgrading. Furthermore, we take actual examples of five outstanding enterprise leaders, and induced three main elements of leader’s dynamic capabilities: managerial human capital, managerial social capital, and managerial cognition. According to those elements, then we developed nine propositions. The research findings are as following: 1. Capability upgrading and managerial human capital has positive relationship. 2. Capability possession and managerial social capital has positive relationship. 3. Capability deployment and managerial cognition has positive relationship. By summary, we can deduce that organizational dynamiccapabilities and the leaders’dynamic capabilities have positive relationships; that is, the enterprise leaders have to cultivate their dynamic capabilities to enhance the organizational dynamic capabilities. And we find “human” would be the fundamentality of leaders’ dynamic capabilities. No matter cultivating employees’ abilities or exercising abilities and knowledge of external and internal personnel, if enterprises could combine unique managerial cognition of leaders to carry forward the “Human Base” conception, it can cultivate leaders’ dynamic capabilities and then forward to create organizations’ dynamic capabilities to obtain the competitive advantage.[[tableofcontents]]目 錄 目錄…………………………………………………………I 表次…………………………………………………………III 圖次…………………………………………………………IV 第一章 緒論…………………………………………………1 第一節 研究背景與動機………………………………………1 第二節 研究目的………………………………………………3 第三節 研究設計………………………………………………3 一、研究範圍與架構 ……………………………………3 二、研究方法 ……………………………………………4 第二章 組織動態能力相關研究……………………………6 第一節 動態能力的定義 ………………………………………6 第二節 動態能力的構面 ………………………………………10 一、 Teece 等學者之構面……………………………….10 二、 Leonard-Barton之構面 …………………………….17 三、 Bierly 與 Chakrabarti 之構面 ………………….18 四、 Eisenhardt 與 Martin 之構面 ………………….18 五、 Luo 之構面 …………………………………….20 第三節 動態能力構面之歸納 ………………………………24 第三章 領導者動態能力相關研究 ………………………28 第一節 管理人力資本 ………………………………………28 第二節 管理社會資本 ………………………………………34 第三節 管理認知 ……………………………………………38 第四章 領導者動態能力構面與組織動態能力構面 相關性探討 ………………………………………44 第一節 能力提昇與管理人力資本之關聯性…………………44 第二節 能力所有權與管理社會資本之關聯性………………45 第三節 能力配置與管理認知之關聯性………………………46 第四節 領導者動態能力與組織動態能力之關聯性…………47 第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………49 第一節 結論……………………………………………………49 第二節 管理意涵………………………………………………50 第三節 研究限制………………………………………………51 第四節 研究建議………………………………………………52 一、 學術上之建議………………………………………52 二、 實務上之建議............................................................53 參考文獻 ……………………………………………………54 表次 表2-1動態能力定義彙總表……………………………………………9 表2-2 動態能力與動態市場類型………………………………………20 表2-3 動態能力衡量構面…………………………………………….24 表2-4 動態能力相關研究彙整表 ……………………………………25 表2-5 動態能力主要構面歸納 ………………………………………27 表3-1 領導者動態能力主要構面歸納……………………………….42 圖次 圖1-1 研究範圍及架構………………………………………………4 圖2-1 動態能力路徑圖………………………………………………16 圖3-1 動態管理能力:基本特性……………………………………28[[note]]學號: 794450279, 學年度: 9

    [[alternative]]The Explorative Study of Dynamic Capabilities, Organizational Change Strategy and Organizational Change Performance

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    How firms develop dynamic capabilities: examples from Taiwanese IT industry

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    本研究的目的是探究動態能力的本質,並進一步了解動態能力的發展過程。為了解企業如何其發展動態能力,本研究採用個案分析,發現企業發展動態能力須經歷的四個階段,並提出一整合模型描述動態能力發展之過程:企業可經由學習機制發展其動態能力,包含知識獲取以及知識轉化兩個階段;若環境動態程度較高,將促進企業獲取知識,從而加快學習機制。此外,社會資本和管理能力的提升也會影響動態能力的發展。The purpose of this study is to understand the nature of dynamic capabilities, and to have a clearer picture of the process of developing dynamic capabilities. A case study methodology is conducted to illustrate the pattern of how firms develop dynamic capabilities. After collecting and analyzing the data, four propositions and an integrated model are proposed. It is found that firms develop dynamic capabilities through the two-stage learning mechanism, knowledge acquisition and knowledge conversion; high level of environmental dynamics perceived by firms would motivate firms to acquire knowledge, which accelerate learning mechanism. Moreover, social capital and managerial capability upgrading play roles of moderator during the development of dynamic capabilities. Four contributions are offered in this study. First, this research highlights the ambiguity on definition and clarifies it after an overall discussion. Second, this paper extends and integrates findings from past research, which help to enhance the understanding of the mechanism of developing dynamic capability. the third contribution of this study is the combination of learning mechanism and two moderators, social capital and managerial capability upgrading. Fourth, while cases from advanced countries have been widely discussed, this study focus on companies from newly industrialized countries, which enables this study to collect different managerial experience and extend more insights. There are several research limitations in conducting this study. Firstly, the use of qualitative research limits the research result in the specific industry chosen in this study; some propositions may be universal, but not all of them can be applied into each industry. Secondly, the timeline covered in this study is not long enough since the development of dynamic capabilities requires long time efforts


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