202 research outputs found


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    A geothermal well in Ganzi was chosen for the study. To provide a reference for the design and construc?tion of a geothermal plant, power generation techniques were selected and the thermodynamic process was calculat?ed based on cold and heat source dat

    Studies on Cleaner Production Technology and Performance of Dodecyl Diphenyl Ether Sodium Disulfonate

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    烷基二苯醚磺酸盐(ADPEDS)作为一种性能优异的多功能性表面活性剂,其具有一系列优良的性能,除用作特效高性能洗涤剂之外,在诸多工业领域具有重要而广泛的应用,如在三次采油工业中用作高性能驱油剂、在乳液聚合工业中用作高性能乳化剂和稳定剂、在印染工业中用作优良的均染剂及在其他工业领域中的应用等。该产品在国外已实现了工业化生产,其关键生产技术被国外公司所垄断。目前国内对该产品的研究主要处于实验室研究阶段,尚无工业化生产报道,产品需求主要依赖国外进口。因此,开展对该类表面活性剂的生产工艺研究具有重要的意义。 本论文首先对十二烷基二苯醚磺酸钠(DDES)清洁生产工艺进行了探索,通过优化其合成工艺,确定...ADPEDS has many excellent performance as a kind of excellent versatility surfactant. In addition to being used as a special high performance detergent, it can also be used in many industrial fields, such as tertiary recovery, emulsion polymerization industry, printing and dyeing industry. The production of ADPEDS has been industrialized abroad, and the key production technology is monopolized by f...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_工程硕士(化学工程)学号:2062013115145

    Study on High-efficiency and Low-cost Process Development of Ethoxyquin

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    乙氧基喹啉(EMQ)作为一类性能优良、价格低廉的酮胺类抗氧化剂,广泛应用于饲料抗氧化、橡胶防老化、水果保鲜等领域,是目前饲料行业首选的抗氧化剂。国内外报道的EMQ合成工艺存在诸多不足,如反应时间长、后处理工序繁杂、工艺成本高等。针对目前以对氨基苯乙醚和丙酮为原料生产EMQ工艺存在的不足,本论文提出以原料对氨基苯乙醚的转化率及单耗、产物EMQ的选择性及产物收率为优化目标,通过考察各种因素对反应结果的影响,选择较佳的EMQ合成工艺进行优化,确定最适宜的合成工艺条件,在提高产物收率的同时降低对氨基苯乙醚单耗,从而降低工艺成本,简化工艺流程,为开发工业化高效生产EMQ工艺奠定基础。 在以对氨基苯乙醚...As a preferred antioxidant in industries of feed, ethoxyquin (EMQ) is widely applied in many industries with excellent performance and low cost. Considering the defects in the synthetic process of EMQ as reported, for instance, long reaction time, complex post-treatment and high process cost, a simple, low-cost and optimal synthetic process of EMQ with p-phenetidine and acetone is proposed by inve...学位:工程硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_工程硕士(化学工程)学号:2062013115147

    Principles and Control Analysis of Variable Frequency and Double-stage Centrifugal Chiller

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    Research Progress on Hybrid Solar-Geothermal Power Generation

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    Developing and using combined new energy sources is an important direction of development for new energy in future. The first Hybrid Solar-Geothermal Power station has been built, and related research on this field has been carried out vigorously. Accord


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    Investigation on the Process Simulation and Performance Optimization of Two Classes of Novel Power Cycles

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    以超临界二氧化碳为工质的Allam循环是一种颠覆性的发电技术,有望突破现有火力发电循环趋于效率极限的技术瓶颈,并从本质上解决火力发电的排放问题。有机朗肯循环作为一种可利用低温热源进行发电的余热回收技术,被广泛应用于工业废热回收、太阳热能发电、地热发电、生物质能燃烧发电等领域。针对这两种极具潜力的发电技术,本文在gPROMS平台下开展系统的热力学分析、流程模拟和性能优化,围绕系统的核心设备和关键传热问题进行深入研究。 首先,对Allam循环建立详细的流程模型,对透平的入口温度、入口压力、循环压比、冷却器出口温度等系统关键设计和运行参数进行敏感性分析,并研究该循环与其他系统的耦合方式。 其次,...Allam cycle using supercritical CO2 as working fluid is a disruptive power generation technology which is expected to overcome the bottleneck of the existing thermal power cycle effectively and solve the problems of emissions from thermal power generation. Organic Rankine cycle is a low temperature waste heat recovery technology which can be widely used in the recovery of industrial waste heat, so...学位:工学硕士院系专业:能源学院_能效工程学号:3242014115225

    The fundamental optimum relation of a multi-heat-s

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    有限时间热力学理论是经典热力学的延伸和推广,它独特的研究内容和方法已经使它成为研究受有限时间约束的不可逆热力学过程的一种重要的理论工具。本文运用有限时间热力学理论和优化控制理论来研究运行在多温位热源间的不可逆吸收式制冷机的优化性能。首先应用四热源吸收式制冷循环模型,在考虑传热不可逆因素和摩擦、涡流等内不可逆因素的情况下,导出其单位面积制冷负载和制冷系数间的基本优化关系式。其次,从基本优化关系式出发,对单位面积制冷负载随制冷系数变化的曲线做详细的研究。分析了最大单位面积制冷负载及其所对应的制冷系数的特征,得到对制冷机的最佳运行工况选择有指导意义的有限时间热力学准则。还对热源温度、传热不可逆因素、...Theory of finite-time thermodynamics is an extension of classical thermodynamics. Because it has specific contents and distinct research methods, it has become an important theoretical tool that is often used in the research of irreversible thermodynamic process constrained in finite time. In this paper, theories of finite-time thermodynamics and optimal control are used to investigate the optimum...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_理论物理学号:19982400

    Effect of rutile content on photocatalytic water-splitting for hydrogen production over composite-crystal nano-TiO_2

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    合成了不同金红石相含量的纳米TiO2,并研究了其光催化分解水制氢的活性。结果表明,未沉积Pt时,纯锐钛矿TiO2活性最高,金红石相含量的增加导致TiO2活性下降并在下降过程中出现波动。沉积Pt后,TiO2产氢速率随金红石相含量的增加先增后减,在金红石相质量分数为9.7%时达到最高,为40.35 mmol/(gcat.h)。首次提出了金红石相含量对混晶纳米TiO2光催化分解水制氢活性的影响机理。A series of composite-crystal nano-TiO2 powder with various contents of rutile were synthesized by the sol-gel method,and were calcined at various temperatures.The effect of rutile content on photocatalytic water-splitting for hydrogen production over composite-crystal nano-TiO2 was studied in the presence of formaldehyde as sacrificial reagent.The results showed that TiO2 with pure anatase showed the best photocatalytic activity,and increase of rutile content caused a decrease of activity,during which a fluctuation was observed.As Pt was deposited on nano-TiO2 surface by the photo-reduction method,the rates of H2 evolution increased first and then decreased with the increase of rutile content.The maximum value,which reached 40.35 mmol/(gcat.h),was obtained with nano-TiO2 containing 9.7% rutile.A mechanism of the effect of rutile content on photocatalytic water-splitting for hydrogen production over composite-crystal nano-TiO2 was proposed

    Simulation of synthesis of phenol through the decomposition of cumene hydroperoxide by catalytic distillation

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    强酸性大孔树脂催化过氧化氢异丙苯(CHP)分解反应制苯酚是一个快速反应,需要用丙酮对进料CHP进行稀释,且反应过程要注意及时移出热量。依据该反应特点,设计催化精馏分解CHP制苯酚,应用Aspen Plus过程模拟软件进行了模拟计算。操作压力增大转化率下降而热负荷增大;回流比增大转化率开始增大,但一定程度后处于恒定;CHP进料位置越低转化率越低;而丙酮进料位置对转化率影响很小;停留时间增加,转化率开始增加而后维持一恒定值,但再沸器热负荷降低。计算结果对催化精馏分解CHP制苯酚工艺设计具有参考价值。The synthesis of phenol by the decomposition of cumene hydroperoxide(CHP) over a solid acid catalyst was studied.The rate of the reaction is very fast,so the CHP feed must be diluted with acetone to retard the reaction.A decomposition process of CHP by catalytic distillation was proposed based on the characteristics of the reaction,and Aspen Plus was used to simulate the process.It shows that phenol yield decreases and heat duty increases with the increase of operating pressure.The yield increases and reaches a constant value with the increase of reflux ratio.The lower the CHP feed stage is,the lower the yield will be;however,the acetone feed location plays a slight effect on the yield.The yield increases and then keeps constant with the increase of the resident time.The simulation results can be used as practical guidelines.厦门市科技计划资助项目(3502Z20055012